
Story III / Part XXIV: Before The Red Dawn (XII) / Preparation (III)

"I said we must wait for Aniki, Rania nee-chan!"

Robert and Rania are running to the western side of the ruined village. They are luring "them" there to prevent "them" from entering the unguarded dungeon's entrance. It will be dangerous if they entered and attacked the workers there, the preparation for the raid battle will be chaotic and there might be a lot of victims. Moreover, if they entered the dungeon, Robert and Rania couldn't fight properly while protecting everyone. There is a high chance that Robert and Rania might trigger the boss raid battle if they are fighting inside the raid zone.

"Cih! We have been noticed by "them" and we are buying time until Haru-chan's group to arrive!"

"NEE-CHAN DODGE!" Robert and Rania dodged a huge fireball attack from "that flying thing."

"What the fuck you shitty bald?! Launching offensive spells with ridiculous power everywhere?!"

"It's useless nee-chan, they can't talk with us, but they do understand our words!"

Robert and Rania are standing back to back with each other. There are many of "them" surrounding Robert and Rania. Robert threw a dagger to one of "them" who have long arms but it blocked the dagger thrown by Robert.

"Tsk! We are surrounded now! What must we do?!"

"Send distress signal?!"

"You fool! What will happen if more of "them" noticed us?!"

Unfortunately, "they" are walking closer to Robert and Rania while showing off "their" sharp fangs and claws. Meanwhile, "that flying thing" casts a huge fireball on its hand. Rania quickly pulled her string from her hand.

Rania frowned, "Cih, we are done for."

Robert sighed, "Well, nee-chan, at least one of us can made it."

"Don't be ridiculous, if you die, I will die with you here. I'm not coward like those humans."

"Heh, I'm impressed nee-chan…though you MUST FLY!"

"Hey wa—!" Robert threw Rania to the sky and she saw three huge fireballs hit Robert.


"Acthevierriez Oirrelle Sivzridelium [Arte el Arachkia: Mreheinzer Yvridollevoirre]!" (Activate Original Skill [Art of Arachne: Massacre of Black Death]!"

Countless web entangled "them" and then thousands of black spiders appear from the web, they devoured three of "them" and leave a few injured, except "that flying thing". Rania landed on top of ruined house a bit far away from their location. She picked two of her longswords and ran to where "they" are…hoping Robert is still alive.

"Acthevierriez Arachkia Silkrei Reigna A++: [Lovrenmoirre Hauntel Grunderei]!" (Activate Arachne Skill Rank A++: [The Black Lightning Blades of Ethereal Dimension]!)

Rania tried to cut one of "them" who have a big body and horns, but she only succeeds to cut "its" left arm and she failed to behead "its" head. "It" grabbed her right arm and threw her to a ruined building. The building collapsed and buried her. She suddenly jumped highly from the ruin and struck "that flying thing" with her sword.

Unfortunately, "that flying thing" blocked it with a barrier, launched unknown spell that able to rapid-fire black mud bombs, and heal "the big one" whom Rania has injured. Thanks to Rania's sharp senses as Demi-Human, she was able to dodge all of them and killed one of "them" who had a tall body.

("I knew it, it wasn't ordinary mud, there was something wicked inside it…") She splashed the blood from one of "them" from her sword.


Rania quickly turned her head after she heard a screech sound from her back and she sees a shortsword pierced the flying thing's neck from behind as it moved down until "its" chest. She sees a Dark Elf struggling to cut through "that flying thing". Rania was too focused on him that she didn't notice one of "them" with a slim and tall body attacking her from behind.

"Activate [Paladin Shield Skill: Divine Shield Bash]!" A white knight bashed one of "them" causing it to fly and destroyed two buildings. Then, two men finished "it" off by beheading "it" and finished "it" with [Hellfire].

"Heh, it was unusual for you, leaving your back vulnerable, Spidey." Luna lowered her claymore.

"Oh my, who are you again?" Said Rania sarcastically.

"Rania-san I'm sorry I'm late!" Rania looked above, she saw a Holy Elf, which is none other than Haru, she smiled and run to Robert's location. Haru tried to stop her by it was too late.

"Neutralizing the threat has been accomplished perfectly. My Lord, what must I do next?"

"Julio, kill that "Minotaur-type creature" with an injured hand, I'll kill the "tall one"."

"Affirmative, commencing order! Paladins, target that one with injured arm!"

Meanwhile, the Dark Elf was still struggling to cut "that flying thing" down to its stomach. However, "that flying thing" rampaged and shook "its" body until Robert fell. He stood up and ran back to "it", kicked "it" down until "it" crashed onto ground.

"Acriv Bufferei Sivillaes: [Dreikenos, Aivaros, Crimerios, Theviros en Healivoros]!" (Activate Buff Skills: [Dragonic Wrath], [Almighty Divine's Will], [Crimson Rage], [Thunderstrike] and [Extreme Recovery]!)

Robert activated buffs that will raise ATK, DEF, All Debuff Resistance, Critical Rate, Hit Rate, [DEX] STAT, [AGI] STAT, and Movement Speed along with Extreme Self Recovery for HP, Mana and Stamina. After that, he runs to "that flying thing" with unbelievable speed.

"Orivierl Sivilla: [Dreisveriium Argeloreisher]!" (Original Skill: [Thousands Cuts of Time Reversal]!)

Robert strikes "that flying thing" countless time and reduces its HP greatly, when "it" fell onto ground, Robert finished "it" with a spell.

"Activasher Majikka [Airlavannarsia Igniviar]" (Activate Magic [Hellfire])

The creatures crawled in agony before turned into ash completely. On other hand, Robert lost his balance and collapsed, he tried to catch his breath but suddenly one of "them" appeared from the shadow and tried to ambush Robert from his back.

"I have been waiting for you, Acriv Klaus Sivilla: [Assivarinate]." (Activate Class Skill: [Assassinate])

Robert successfully beheaded it and he finished it with [Hellfire] Spell. But after that, he breathes quickly and he wiped out his sweat from his neck. His face also has turned a bit pale.

"Robert-kun! Are you alright?!" Ayumi came from frontline and grabbed Robert's shoulder.

"…Ayumi nee-chan…I'm…not…fine…". Robert took a breath deeply and after that, he collapsed.

Ayumi panicked and ran to him. She tried to wake him up but she fails. Shortly after that, Rania jumped down from roof and asked Ayumi about Robert's condition with panicked tone. Ayumi told Rania that Robert's life isn't danger but she suggested Rania they must bring Robert to Healer Squad's location south from here for further treatment.

Rania nodded and she quickly carried Robert on her back and run there while Ayumi defended her. She cleared the way by killing the small beasts that appeared from the ruins. On the crossroad, they turned right and reached Healer Squad's location. When they reached Healer Squad's location, Ayumi and Rania quickly asked Miral to tend Robert but at the same time, a horde of beast appeared from the ruins.

"I'll finish off the wolves from the left, Rania-san you must protect the right side! Miral-san, please tend Robert."

"Oh, The Maker! What happened to Robert-san?!" Miral surprised when she saw Robert. Rania quickly put him down near her and she opened his armor to check there is a wound or not.

"It seems he completely exhausts his Stamina and Mana but his life isn't in danger, do you have any [Stamina Recovery] and [Mana Recovery] Potion?! Otherwise, he will enter comatose period from this Stamina and Mana exhaustion!" Said Rania while blocking a wolf's claw attack.

While Rania is blocking few wolves' attack, Miral tried to find something from her inventory but then she shook her head strongly, "I'm sorry I don't have any, Rania-san! The Warriors and Paladins drank it all during the battle. WATCH OUT AYUMI-SAN, BEHIND YOU!"

As Miral shout, Ayumi quickly blocked [Bite] Skill from an oversized demonic wolf. Rania finished it off by tearing its body apart with her web. Shortly after that, Ayumi and Rania glimpsed two wolves are running to Miral. They act quickly and they ran to Miral to protect her from two wolves who almost bit her.

"Miral-chan, from where these wolves came from?!" Rania shouted from northern building.

"I don't know! When we entered this ruin, they suddenly appeared from the forest or ruined buildings!"

"Are there any other parties?" Rania dodged a wolf's attack.

"Yes, we came here with other parties. Right now, they are still fending off these beasts in different locations!" Then, Miral is murmuring something to Robert. Probably, she is trying to cast a healing spell.

"Ayumi-chan, are you familiar with this?"

"Of course I am. It's [Deavier Riederez] isn't it?"

[Deavier Riederez] is a Holy Elf language for [Death Raid] or in human language known as [MDR] [Monster Death Raid]. [MDR] is a raid created by group of monsters in certain places without commanded or baited by other people or monsters. Normally, [MDR] is a raid of starving monsters or beasts that have become victims of natural disasters or "Apocalypses" and they will be aiming for people's flesh from villages or small towns. [MDR] has a close sibling named [MPK] [Monster Player Killer]. [MPK] will happen if someone lured one or more monster to another adventurer or party and when they are died, they will loot the dead bodies and kill the weakened monsters for EXP.

"Well, these starved beasts maybe yearned for flesh. But this is not as deadly as what we face long time ago."

"Oh, you mean a bunch of Forest Giants and Trolls? Fufufu, I still remember Toval got smacked on his chest."

Ayumi and Rania keep fending off and killing the beasts while Miral is trying her best to cure Robert but she keeps failing due to her low mana.

"I must use this spell quickly! O Gaia who lives as a Mother for this world and Dark Dragon Gods, who protect this innocent child, please have a mercy on this child's life and bestow him a recovery that will allow him to survive from Archvala Azraellia's hands. Activate [Devinium Sevirium] ([Divine Recovery])!"

A dazzling light appears from the ground and heals Robert's body slowly. Thanks to the light, the beasts are blinded for a while. It made Rania and Ayumi able to kill all of them easily. The light also revealed the beasts who had been hiding in the shadow. Rania entangled them with her web and let her underlings devoured all of them.

"Wasn't that a…limited usable spell?" Rania asked her while sheathing her swords.

"Yes. I can use them five times each daesh…." Miral gently closed Robert's leather armor back.

"Oh, it's a high-ranking spell isn't it? No wonder you can use it five times only." Rania asked her and she nodded. After that, they saw Robert slowly gained consciousness.

Meanwhile, a group of seven people is fighting seriously near the dungeon's entrance. It seems, they are preventing "them" from entering the dungeon. The Dwarf smashed a creature with Minotaur-like body with his hammer then followed by two high-ranked skills from both a [Paladin] the [Paladin Sword Skill: Light Fury of God] and from a [Champion] the [Champion Hammer Skill: Holy Smite]. The [Paladin] successfully cut the "Minotaur-like creature's" left leg while the [Champion] smashed "its" head.

The Sylph Elf's arrows hit the "Minotaur-like creature's" eyes and mouth. But the Holy Elf doesn't do anything except standing frozen and spaced out until The Dwarf shouted at him to finish off the creature. He is startled and quickly finished off the creature by activating his [Mythellius Deu Drider Listher] ([Time Clash: Endless Reversal Cut]) and other squad members run to other side of the ruins to kill the last one of "them", leaving the Holy Elf behind.

The Holy Elf can't help but took a deep breath and closed his eyes until the [Paladin] approached him and asked him whether he has been thinking about his little brother or not. The Holy Elf just nodded and giggled because the [Paladin] can see through his mind but The Holy Elf left the [Paladin] and he runs to where his squad members are. He jumped in and assisted by activating his other [OS] [Original Skill].

"Acuvasseraa Orienelcos Svireillos: [MYTHELLIUS DEU DRIDER LISTHER] entde [NOVASETH ROBREIZEOIR VALTHARIES GORHEZER]!" (Activate Chain Original Skills: [Time Clash: Endless Reversal Cut] and [Dimension Rampage of Imaginary Vortex])

He cut "its" body in quick succession six times, leaving only "its" head intact. Unfortunately, the blood splashed everywhere and mainly covered the Dwarf's face also his body. When the Terra Elf and Tempest Elf are looking at The Dwarf's silly face that is even more sorry now, they can't hold back of their laughter and burst out.

The Dwarf, of course he is angry and tries to smack The Terra Elf and Tempest Elf's face with his maul but the [Paladin] and [Champion] suddenly running past them, and finished the creature who is still moving. Knowing that, The Terra Elf and Tempest Elf got angry and protested to them.



"YOU BASTARD!" Arnold grabbed Khazim's collar as well as him.

(Well, here they go again. I think this will become a long fight between them} When the Holy Elf thought that, the [Champion] approached and told him that other parties had wiped all of "them" out. Then, he invited the Holy Elf to follow him to backstreet alley and they walked together there with the [Paladin].

But what they found on there was a Sylph Elf who blushed hard, the Dark Elf who tried to calm her down and two girls from Holy Elf and Arachne Race who stare at the Dark Elf with disbelieve gazes and surprised expression. The Arachne, who noticed her party's leader arrival quickly ran to him and told him what she saw with the Holy Elf girl even though from a far, the Dark Elf begged her not to tell the party's leader, which is none other than the Dark Elf's older brother about his misconduct.

However, since an Arachne has a blabbermouth, playful and sadistic nature, she told everything to her party's leader and the Holy Elf learned everything about his little brother's misconduct action from The Arachne's words. Long short story, after the Sylph Elf cured the Dark Elf with her limited spells and stared at his face for long time, suddenly the Dark Elf awaken and kissed her in the lip. He said, "Thanks for curing me! I'll go!" as he ran to the beasts and slew all of them. He left the Sylph Elf frozen in place.

Upon hearing his little brother conducted a sexual harassment to one of his party members, the Holy Elf glared at him with angry expression and his fiancée suggested him to tell this matter to the Dark Elf's wives who live in faraway places as one of the punishments for him and the Holy Elf agreed with his fiancée's suggestion.

Feels satisfied, the Arachne is laughing over the Dark Elf's misery but since karma exist in this world, her party's leader also punished her but he asked the girls who became her "plaything" from night until morning to do it in his stead.

The girls, especially the Raijuu who often became her victim suddenly pumped up and called other girls to punish that pervert Arachne until they chased her around the ruins. They tied the Arachne and dragged her back to the party base.

Meanwhile, the boys who witnessed that terrifying scenery have secretly sworn in their heart that they will never mess up with the girls in the party again, but only the playboy Tempest Elf who don't think this. He instead enjoyed that scenery with lewd expression. After that, they returned to base and agreed to come back here the day after tomorrow for the raid battle.

Oh right, maybe few of you have understood with these unknown terms in the novel, but let me tell you...

Seckina / Se(i)ckina(est): Second / Seconds

Minerval / Miner(e)val(est): Minute / Minutes

Heverra / Hever(a)r(o)(est): Hour / Hours

Daesh / Daes(i)h(est): Day / Days

Wikliviash / Wiklivi(e)ash(est): Week / Weeks

Movanth / Movan(o)th(est): Month / Months

Eelvariash / Eelvari(o)ash(est): Year / Years

They are spelled different for singular and plural terms, this is International Elven Language that normally Haru uses.

This event started on Jetavien (January)

And the year started to count down.

For example, 2.487 A.E.V II ---> 2.481 A.E.V II

So, people who born on 2.487 A.E.V II is older than people who born on 2.481. A.E.V II, exception for people who born at A.E.V I or eras that older than it.

Lastly, Haru's father's age is over 300.000 e.l

e.l = Eelvariash Lienge / y.o = years old

Hope you can enjoy your reading...

Thank you very much for your support @Rasteli by sending us two power stones! Wish you all the best!


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