
Story III / Part XI: Galloping Through The Crimson Sky (VI) / The Night Before Storm


Robert is shaking my head lightly and he pressing his right ear onto my chest, trying to find my heart pulse. He almost gave me a CPR if I didn't wake up sooner. Meanwhile, Luna was staring wide eyed with blood flowing from her nose. Dang, what is wrong with her head?

I feel a painful sensation of my back and head shortly after I woke up, until I ignored Khazim's praise and Toval's worried statement, and Julio worsened it when he shook my body strongly while spouting nonsense about pretty knight's words like, "I'm sorry My Lord that I couldn't protect you!" or something like that. Thanks to Khazim who smacked his head and scolded him with harsh words, I can feel my body again. Although, the pain sensation still spreading and numbing over me body. Then, a woman came and she hugs my body tightly.

"Ouchie, ouchie…do not hug me so tightly Ayumi-san…!"

"Please don't do that again okay?! Otherwise, I…"

"Somehow, I think that I may have forgotten something important, what is it I wonder? Hmm…something white, tall, pretty, gentle, loyal, and lovely…? My head is spinning, but where I have seen that…Oh, I know!

"Nida?! Is Nida okay?! Where's my Nida?!"

Everyone went silent for a moment and stared at me in disbelieve. Meanwhile, the woman who hugged me now stared at me with a scowl in her face. Then, she slapped my cheek twice and left.

"Your fiancée is worried about you and the first thing that you asked from her was your HORSE? You sure have guts Haru-chan." Rania scold me while everyone is laughing.

"If you are concerned about Nida Aniki, he is playing tag with Albec right now. Look! They are over there… Wait, ALBEC DO NOT GO OVER THERE!" Robert started chasing Albec and Nida as both of them run towards the Dragon's dead body.

Leaving Robert chasing down the playful horses, the other party party's leaders and Guild Master came to check my condition. Mainly they praised my action before and checked my back. Kenzia found that my internal wounds are quite serious and she suggested me to rest for a moment of time for recovering. I know it kinda forceful and stupid, but I refused her suggestion and said that I don't want to rest because I'm worried there will be no one that will lead my party caravan. Guild Master shook his head strongly when he heard that. Then, two Cat Siths came to me while bringing a medical oil.

"You must rest, Haru-chan. Don't force yourself nya…"

She is Viorelle Viorellia, the leader of [Istheris Sunaria] Party. A straightforward, reckless, cheerful and somewhat stupid woman that you can't meet everywhere. She came to Northlandia to find a job and a [Grea Flower] that can cure her sick mother but I don't know what exactly happened until other adventurers told me that she was a lucky woman that can make a "miracle" anywhere and anytime without she even realized it. For example, she got the flower that she needed in front of the western gate, even though that flower supposed to bloom in [Derl Fountain], deep inside the [Mediterrania Mountains]. When she returned and tried a street lottery, she won the first and special prize. She became rich in no time and then she also accidentally became the 10.000th passenger of a carriage company when she bought a ticket from the ticket box next day. Besides she got a free ride to her homeland, she also got a carriage, with four horses. I didn't believe that story until Guild Master showed me two sketches of her when she won the first lottery prize and became the 10.000th passenger. Moreover, I also still haven't known how she created her party. Don't tell me it's another happy-go-lucky thing?!

"Oh yes, Viorelle-dono…ouch…thanks for your concern."

"Likewise, I also brought Nan-chan here."

"You need rest Ishizaki-dono. Let the Healers do their jobs."

The man who is standing near her is the leader of the [Holy Reign] Party, Victor Nanderioelle he is also Viorelle's older brother. Unlike his "unexplainable" little sister, Victor or now we called him as "Nan" is a dependable, calm and friendly Cat Sith with gentle face that often makes the girls fall for him. Nan once stationed in Vanaheim World, inside Yggdrasil Tree but he moved to Northlandia after his father asked him to find his little sister who somehow still hadn't come back from Northlandia. But after he went there to check her, he found his rich little sister riding a luxury carriage and she brings a bucket of [Grea Flower] with her. He moved to Northlandia after that incident, only to observe his little sister. Yeah, I know how you feel having a little sister that somewhat "unpredictable." Luckily, both of Arianna and Rebecca isn't like that.

"I will. Thank you for your care Nanderioelle-dono."

"Did you hear him, Alexandria-dono? Just—"

"Hey muscle head, could you please stop screaming on [Broadcast]?! It drives me crazy and makes me deaf, you stupid bastard." said Arnold angrily.

"Arnold, I did that to make sure anyone can hear the information I sent. I—"

"Haaahh? Arnold replied with a mocking tone. "You don't need to scream every single time. We can hear you just fine. Not everyone is deaf like you!"

"Picking a fight huh Arnold? Just remember, I'm your superior—"

"Haaaah? What's that? What bloody difference would it make? Are you want to use your position to—"

"Stop it Arnold, my head hurts." I stop Arnold before this is getting out of hand.

"Cheh…For leader sakes I'll let it go off the hook this time." Then Arnold walked to his horse.

"Arnold-san is really tired right now Guild Master, please forgive him." Ayumi bowed down her head.

"No problem Mikazaki-dono, part of it is my fault anyway. I should have not used my voice too loud."

(Glad you realized it then) Everyone thinks the same, but nobody dares to speak it aloud.

"Tadaa! The stretcher is done!" said Rania proud of her work. Then everyone carried me in the stretcher.

"Wait, wait…I can walk on my own! I can still ride on the horse!"

"Yeah, yeah…then what? Getting yourself killed? Who will lead us then?" said Luna to me sarcastically.

"What about the caravan?! Who will—"

"Robert-dono and Jack-dono will lead it My Lord. Please relax until the Healers finished tending your wound." Said Julio to reassure me while grabbing my left arm.

"What about the Dragon?! Where is Nida?!"

"Robert-san has taken care of it, Kaichou. Don't worry…!" said Luna while grabbing my right arm.

"ALLLRRRIIGGGHHHTTT GUYSSS…! RETURN TO YOUR CARRIAGES NOW!" Guild Master shouted loud and made Arnold snorted angrily.

"Let's go, Kaichou. I will cast these spells for you, to erase your pain."

I become sleepy and tired after Luna casted [Relaxation] and [Pain Killer] Magic to me. Then, Julio and Luna helped me to stand and other members carrying my body to the stretcher. They put me on the stretcher and brought me to the first carriage. A moment after that, the carriage started to move again. At the next leg of our journey, I'm being treated by the Healers. Miral, and her twin sisters, Mirel rubbed a cold oil that created from [Avekshia Leaf] to numb the skin sense. The oil also means to cleanse it from sweat and dirt. Then, they asked Luna to lift her spell. They continue by pouring a cream that smelled like a mint and something I don't know over my body. After that, they casted a healing spell that I don't know again and put me under a sunshine.

"…It's done. Just let the sunlight and his own body does the rest."

"Oh my, oh my! Did Miral-chan poured something silky and fragrant oil into Haru-chan's body to make his body look smoother and sparkling?! Oh, my how bold you are…Miral-chan…taking a dangerous move like that even though his fiancée right in front of your eyes…"

"E-e-e-ehhhh….?! I-I d-don't m-me-mean that way!" Miral flustered and blushed.

"Don't listen to her, nee-chan. That goddamn pervert spider only toying with you. Look at Luna, how calm she is." When they looked behind, Luna is staring at Haru and Julio whose sits next to him with sparkling eyes.

"What's wrong her head?" Miral asked with sarcastic tone.

The discussion continues by Rania teasing Miral until she blushed hard and collapsed. Looking at her stupid sister, Mirel sighed heavily and she continues treating Julio with same treatment like the one, she gave to Haru's. On other place, Luna had collapsed and blood was flowing out from her nose. Yavia and Zikiya whose sit behind her shook their head and sighed. Then, Yavia grabs Luna's head while Zikiya covers Luna's eyes with her left hand. A moment after that, they chanted an unknown spell and Luna started to react. At first, she just blabbered nonsense, but it escalated until she screamed and panicked.


Yavia and Luna seemed to quite enjoying that until they didn't realize Ayumi had been standing behind them and looking at them with angry face. She smacked both of their head and scolded them quietly since Haru is trying to sleep. Then, Yavia and Zikiya quietly backed away to the backseat with nervous smile and scared expression while dragging Luna with them.

The topic of discussion quickly changed about the dragon that Haru slew. It started when The Paladin Squad's Leader, Julio asked Rania if she ever met with a dragon like that. Rania nodded and she told Julio that she had met the dragon on the peninsula of Russian Empire and a small cove in Yamato Island. But those dragons were far different than the dragon that they met today. They can't talk or think, but spreading fire or launching beam. Meanwhile, the dragon that they met today somewhat could think or talk. They guessed this after they saw the dragon smirked to the [Easghervel] Party's caravan after it was burnt after received a [Dragon Breath]. The discussion paused a while when Robert joined the party broadcast.

"A Demonic Dragon could appear in this land because of the [Rain of Chaos]. I have a few theories for its appearance on [Outer World]. One, a high-ranked Demon has manifested itself in this world via demonic mana on a certain land. Two, a person made a contract with high-ranked Demon and they ordered the Demon to summon a Demonic Dragon. Three, the Dragon manifested itself by demonic mana in this place but I highly doubt this because it had flesh, which is unlikely for "manifested Dragon". Four, the Dragon left from Abyssia after the gate opened by someone or by itself, I meant naturally. Five, the Dragon you have defeated was a mutated or corrupted Dragon due to [Rain of Chaos]."

"Could it be a Demon Lord is behind the Demonic Dragon appearance?!" said Yuna with concern.

"Hey, do not talk about them! Otherwise they will hunt your neck." Arnold replied with intimidation tone.

"You are very knowledgeable in this matter Robert-dono."

"Well, I had many bad experiences with [Chaos Creatures] in the past…so, I have learned many things."

The appearance of Demonic Dragon itself was strange enough, but what makes it even stranger is why it hunts the Wyverns even though normally, it doesn't need food to live. Could it be that someone sent it to us? As I ponder, I felt sleepy. It's must be due to a spell. I can't help but close my eyes and leave everything to my party members there.

"Have a good dream Haru-san…"

"Oh, my Ayumi-chan…how lovely…"

"Rania-san, there is nothing wrong about it! Also, please don't be so noisy or disturb him! He's trying to rest!"

"Hmmm…well, it can't be helped then…hmmm…AH! LET'S PLAY WITH YOUR BODY THEN!"


Rania grabs Ayumi and tie her upside down. Then, she wraps a spider silk around her body, ties her in strange but lewd position and hangs her in the carriage ceiling. Meanwhile, the other girls walked back slowly while sweating nervously. Except Miral who stupidly still sits near Rania and Ayumi.

"A spider conducting a sexual harassment on engaged woman, what a terrible view…" Miral glances away. After she realized that she can't escape, she moves back to the driver seat slowly but steadily.

"Is this a blasphemy against God?" said Zikiya in praying position while walking back.

"Haaah?! Terrible view? Blasphemy against God? Who cares about that? Oh-ho-ho…"

"Gah! What are you doing you stupid spider?!" Mirel screamed while trying to untie her hand.

"Oh My Maker, please help me…Waah!" Zikiya quickly prayed but a web wrapped around her hand.

"Ufufufufufu…Let's play a game called "Spider and Trapped Prey" till morning!"

"KYAAAAAHHHH!" As Rania played with Ayumi, Luna and Yavia quietly tried to slip away but Rania noticed them and quickly grabbed their shoulder.

"…Where do you think you are going, Tree-worshipper and Madwoman?"

"Ahahaha…I want to go outside…" Said Luna

"I wish to see the grass." Said Yavia

Rania smirks, "…In the middle of the night?"

It was quite lively that night. I heard Rania other voices all night. I pretended to be asleep. I might get roped in if she knew I was awake. Meanwhile, Julio also followed my action by pretending to sleep and facing another way. With those…"sounds" we can't sleep and overlook this matter. We stay awake until almost midnight and until that time, Arnold shouted them to stop, with high-pitched angry voice. Erick and Eliza also came to see that problem, but they quickly ran away after they saw what happened in the first carriage.

On the next day, the boys on the carriage can only said that, "We didn't see anything" with little blushed faces everytime when I asked them what actually happened. They also keep glancing away and avoiding my question by changing the topic. I knew what happened a little, but I just wanted to know the details. It's not I'm pervert or somewhat, I just worried that Rania too pumped up and accidentally broke someone's bone when she teased Luna long time ago. Well, since the girls sleep soundly with tired and blushed face, it's safe to assume that was nothing happened last night. Sigh, I got tired suddenly when just thinking about that.

The girls woke up on afternoon as well as Julio. They cleaned their body with water and lifestyle magic first. Then, Miral and Mirel checked my condition and they poured same medicine again over my body. Julio also got a same treatment before they went to the third and sixth carriage. The other girls except Rania and Luna started to cook something in the party's imaginary space. Then, we had a breakfast together.

"How lucky, only Haru-chan got the bento (lunch box), breakfast and warm tea…where is mine?"

"Spider Rapist, eat your own food."

"What's your problem Tree-worshipper? Wait…why are you eating vegetables? Isn't that a cannibalism?"

A quarrel happened on the back but Luna asked whether I will go back to commanding duty or not while ignoring a quarrel on the back. I told her that I would return to commanding duty even though my back is still aching and numbing. Well, I just can't leave everything to Robert, Arnold, Eleza and Jack who are tired already.

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