
Story III / Part VI: Galloping Through The Crimson Sky (I)

On the next daesh, we depart from the rest area to the [First Danger Zone]. We have arrived on the wasteland. This place was a great forest and grassland. There were seven villages around the forest and the villagers usually worked as farmers and woodcutters. Now, after [Rain of Chaos] ravaged this land, this place has turned into barren land, with dead forest and the red blood soil. The sky is always cloudy, with crimson color and there is an "unpleasant cold" sensation when you arrived here.

"Leader, the Guild Master instructs us to be on our guard. We will arrive at [Second Danger Zone] a few moments after that valley. The Guild Staff with [Clairvoyance] and [Weather Prediction] skill said there is a high chance that there will be small monsters waiting there and the wind is quite strong. They also predict 87% chance of rain tonight"

"Roger that. Tell the Archers to be on standby, I'll handle the rest."

"This is Jack, Archers with horses, please switch with Knights. Julio, please take command of the Knights to protect the Archers. Forward scouts, move outside of the Knight formation and scout the nearby area. Don't wander too far and send [Distress Signal] if you encountered enemies." I heard Julio's voice in Jack's [Communicate] Skill. He probably is still communicating with Jack.

I activated my [Broadcast] Skill, "This is the Leader of [White Falcon] and this message is for everyone except Archers and Knights. Scouts, activate your [Hawk's Eye], [Far Sight], or any far-seeing skills or abilities that you have and don't wander too far from Archers and Knights' view range. Equip your targes and use [Body Strengthening]. Do not forget to activate your [Clean Vision], [Protection from Wind], and [Dry] Skill. The weather will not be in our favor after we passed that valley.

"Harold to Leader. Leader, what's that about the weather"?"

"There is a high chance of rain and strong wind. There's also a high chance that the enemies are waiting for us."

"Copy that. I will take command of my men after we passed that valley."

"Knights who drives carriages, use you're [Body Strengthening] and [Free Sight] after you wear your helmet. Do not forget about your shield."

"Mages prepare your spells. Enchanters will take command on your own carriages. Feel free to lead our team members from there. Healers, Sorcerers and Warlocks are on standby. Don't forget to enhance your group and the carriages. If possible, Wizards will enhance the carriages behind you during battle. Your main job is to enhance the Vanguards, Scouts or attacking the enemies. Any further instruction will be issued by sub-leaders."

"If we engage a battle, warriors will move form a perimeter around the carriages and help the Rogues and Mages who are inside the carriage."

"Scouts, may sit next to the drivers or let the warriors sit there you can also provide over watch from the carriage roof." After issuing the orders, we keep moving forward passing the first valley.

"Leader, we have passed the first valley. The sky is getting cloudy and the wind is starting to pick up."

I thanked Jack for the report and activated my [Broadcast] Skill again. "Everyone gets ready. Get into formation. Unsheathe your weapons, Lancers…point out your spears, and for Archers, start aiming."

"Aniki, the Guild Master said heavy rain has occurred on the front. Other adventurer parties ahead us have received a warning signal from their skill. They said groups of demonic beasts would flank them from two sides. I'll wait for your command." Robert's voice suddenly appeared in my head.

"Hey, Robert don't wander off of your own! Go back to your formation!"

"Sigh…I need EXP to level up…" Robert replied with flat tone.

"ROBERT!" I shout with angry voice.

"Yes, yes…as you wish…My Lord…" Then I heard Rania and Yuna-san laughing over the telepathy.

"You sure love him don't you, Leader?"

"Please stop it Thomas…it's so embarrassing…"


"Owh Shit. The Guild Master used [Broadcast] Skill to scream!" said Arnold while flinching his ears.

"Aniki there is a Giant Centipede and Scorpion attacking [North Wind of Liberation] Party formation!"

"Hey Robert how long do you want to hunt EXP?! Get your ass back here!" Thomas shouts at Robert.

"Leader, three small-size monsters spotted on our left, most likely packs of Direwolf and medium-size from the front. What do we do?" Jack reported and he waits for further instruction.

"This is the Leader of White Falcon to Guild Master. We are currently engaging three groups of Direwolf and medium-sized Scorpions."

"This is Guild Master. Our Magic Archers will help you if you send the signal."


I broadcasted my command to all party members, shortly after that the heavy rain started, followed by strong wind. It's truly hard to see clearly with rain this heavy, even the wind is hindering our galloping speed. But I was startled and almost fell from my horse when a medium-sized Black Scorpion suddenly appeared from underground on my left side. I grab my horse's rein and desperately trying to get up. I quickly picked my lance from inventory while my right hand grabbing the rein and I used lance's tip to pierce the ground and give it a bit of my mana to blow me up. Fortunately, my trick worked and I can get up to my horse again, but at the same time, a scorpion tail almost struck my face and I dodged it by lowering my body to front. At the same time, a magic arrow passed behind my neck and pierces through the scorpion's head. Then, a warrior came and finished it off by chopping the scorpion's head with her greatsword.

A drenched Dark Elf girl approaches me, "That was dangerous, Kaichou!"

"Yeah, Thanks for your assistance, Anna-chan!" I smiled at her.

"Leader, are you okay?! I'm sorry I was a bit late!" Maria shouts from top of the first carriage.

I raise my thumb, "Yes, I'm fine Maria! Don't mind me, keep focused!"

However, it's still not over yet. A small Direwolf is approaching Anna and me with high speed. The Direwolf tries to bite Anna horse's leg but she quickly maneuvered to left and I used that chance to stab the Direwolf's head with my lance. Toval who rides behind me quickly stored the Direwolf's dead body into his inventory. Then, I turned my head to right after I heard countless shooting sounds. On there, Elizabeth, Maria, and their squad members are firing off their magic arrows to right side. I also heard Eleza's roaring voice and explosion sounds, maybe she went berserk right now. I wonder what's happened on the other side…

Meanwhile, on another side, a Lioness Demi-Human crushed the medium-sized Scorpion's body and tore the smaller ones apart using her claws only. Then, she jumped high into the sky and landed on her "horse" that shaped like a reptilian. Then, a Dark Elf quickly charge through with his black horse from her back and pierced three smaller scorpions with his lance. He maneuvered to right as twenty magic arrows came and pierced through twenty small scorpions mercilessly. From atop of the first carriage, an Arachne is throwing a javelin with deadly accuracy and damage to the scorpions. She laughs very hard everytime the javelins pierced and killed the scorpions. On the same place, a Kitsune girl summoned a flame bird and ordered it to attack the medium-sized black scorpion, killing all of them in instant.

"Aniki!" I noticed a drenched man approaching me. That man is none other than Robert.

"How is it Robert?!"

"The scorpion is tough as hell. I managed to kill three with my lance. The Knights and Warriors are still battling against that. But it's really hard to fight properly when you are riding a horse."

"How's the Mages and Archers?!"

"They are a big help here. Glad they can work in sync."

"The [North Wind of Liberation] Party has quite a nasty time there…Oh no, I need to go back to the right flank. See ya Aniki."

"Be wary." After Robert left me, I noticed Jack almost fell from his horse.

"Whoa Jack! Be careful when you are aiming something!"

"Thanks for helping me Leader. Those wolves are nimble and quick, I need to use my homing arrow skills to hit them and it requires stable footing. It's hard to draw my bow when I ride a horse."

"How many wolves left?" I wiped the water from my face.

"Around 25, I need to activate my [Stable Riding] Skill to shoot them. The Enchanters probably need your help, it's best to tell Vetto to use [Lightning] Elemental attacks or Debuff spells. We need to slow down them or make them faint. That's the best course for now." Said Jack while wiping his bow.

I called Vetto and Mikazuchi, and asked their condition. They said they are fine, but the leader of Direwolf packs keep chasing the carriage and evading the mages' attack, so Mikazuchi requested for my help. Vetto also informed me that the leader of the Direwolf packs is the mutated species of Direwolf. It has red horn and eyes. It also can breathe fire until it forces the Wizards to cast a barrier on the second carriage.

I thanked Vetto with his information and called Rania, "This is me, Rania-san. Please send your underlings to everyone in the party. It will help the Mages spreading their spell effects to everyone here."

"Sorry Kaichou, my hands are full right now. I joined Robert-chan and the others to fight these Scorpions…kyuuuu! My blood is pumping right now!" I can feel Rania is in good mood right now.

"I'm sorry to ruin your mood but we need them right now otherwise these wolves will reach our carriages!"

"If you beg me to—"

"I don't have time for that Rania-san! Otherwise, those wolves will attack Jack and Arnold, please hurry!"

"Fine, fine…mattaku (Oh My…) you are a mood killer…Robert, cover me for a bit please!"

Then, bunch of mini-spiders with cute appearance appears from the sky. They are flying toward our carriages. One landed on me, Jack and Arnold. I know few species of Invertebrate Familia can summon their underlings that can channel their magic to the receiver. Their underlings also can share senses from the environment they reside to the user. This convenient ability is really important on exploration and expedition job, like the one we are doing right now. Moreover, this ability cost no mana or stamina from the user and has short cooldown time.


"HEY DO NOT SCREAM ON [BROADCAST] YOU BASTARD!" said Arnold with angry voice.

I am surprised and quickly check the situation, "Olga-san?! What happened?! Pl—"


"BAKAYARO (You Fool) DON'T KILL THE SUPPORT BEASTS!" I heard Mikazuchi-san scolded her, a sound of something being smacked and I also heard Rania's laughing voice from the [Broadcast].

"White Falcon Leader's to Enchanters, Academists and Bards, cast your magic buffs, the spiders will channel it to our party members. Please use all buffs you have right now. After that, the First Chanter will cast periodically and the Second Chanter will replace them. Do this until all enemies are defeated. Wizards will take turns between [Enchant] and [Attack] with the Chanters."

"Summoners, command your fire elemental to attack the scorpions and command your divine beasts to attack the wolves. Use your spell in moderation and do not use high-ranking spells for small fries like this. Alchemists and Pranksters throw Debuffs Potion; also prepare mana potions for the Mages and Archers. YOU HEAR ME ERICK, DO NOT GIVE POISON TO YOUR COMRADES."

"Aww…I won't, I won't…" Erick stopped making something suspicious.

"Sorcerers, keep up your attacks, Warlocks please use your spell ONLY WHEN YOU ARE BEING TOLD. YOU HEAR ME TIM? I SAW YOU CASTED FIVE HUGE FIREBALLS BUT NONE OF THEM HIT."

"…fuck he saw me." Tim voices can be heard in the broadcast follow by Robert's laugh.

"Mages, especially Wizards and Witches, use [Lightning] and [Earth] Elemental Magic to disable or weaken their movement. Witches may use [Witch Arts] freely. For the ones who are fighting the scorpions, please aim at their eyes and they will retreat from battlefield. You need to disable their claws, tail and movement first."


"…shit how the hell he can see me." Through the broadcast not only Robert laugh can be heard but also Thomas, Rania, Andrew and Toval's laugh.

"To battle! Warriors and Knights, who are still in your carriages, please protect the carriages!"

Then, the formation shifted as the Knights and Warriors engage the beasts in melee. The Mages have casted the required spell perfectly and The Archers have enchanted their arrows with [Higher Piercing Buff] and [Shell Impact]. The Summoners have summoned their beasts while the Wizards and Witches have weakened the enemy's movements. I also confronted the Leader of the Direwolf and attacked it with my divine-enchanted lance. The Knights are provoking or taunting it while riding their horse to reduce the aggro between party members. Somehow, it won't budge and keep chasing me instead.

I looked behind and surprised. I quickly stirred Nida's rein to left to avoid The Crimson Wolf's attack. Luckily, Rubert came and activated [Taunt] to lure the Crimson Wolf from me. Then, I ordered the Vanguards to kill the remaining Direwolves while The Arches will disable their movement. I also ordered The Wizards and Witches to prepare a large pitfall to trap the Crimson Direwolf and to wait for my signal. Meanwhile, Vetto is scouting the place to create a pitfall and it seems he found one far in front of us.

Rubert and I kept luring the Crimson Direwolf when The Wizards and Witches are preparing the spell. I looked behind and saw my comrades have eliminated the smaller wolves and collected the remains. I also saw that two of them injured and swapped with other members, Ron and Abel. They came to me and reported Hel and Ridell received a serious injury from the Direwolves but they said that I don't need to worry because they have stored Hel and Ridell's horse in our party's space inventory. The Healers also have tended them right now.

I am relieved when I heard that, but Vetto reminded me that we would reach [Third Danger Zone] any moments from now, so we need to commence the operation to eliminate that Crimson Direwolf. I asked Rubert to put [Taunt] Skill on me so I can lure the wolf to pitfall. I didn't forget to order Ron and Abel to put my horse and me in our party's spatial inventory if my horse collapsed or if I failed to lure the wolf.

Then, they nodded and Rubert put [Taunt] on me. I lured the wolf to the pitfall and jumped quickly when I reached the edge of pitfall. I quickly activated my teleportation spell when I'm falling and I safely landed on the other side of the pitfall. Meanwhile, The Crimson Wolf fell and The Mages finished it with their high-ranked spells. After the Scouts took the remains, we made a simple celebration by tossing our hand to each other and we continuing our riding.