
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Thành thị
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58 Chs


Alina POV:

Its been a long day so far, I need a break, been working for about five hours straight and need to get ready for the stage, it's Saturday and it's really busy tonight. Valencia said there's a closed door meeting right now in her back office, so nobody is to go there. I wonder who it is, security is tight around her office. I haven't seen Romeo yet, he did say he would be here tonight, I'm sure he's just busy.

I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me, I don't see anyone, I hope I'm wrong, if it's my father's men I need to move and get the fuck out of this city. Time to get ready for my set with Mari and one of the other girls, Hillary is off tonight so I don't have to deal with that bitch. I change into a blue set of lingerie, lace boy leg panties and a lace bra, I put on some five inch matching heels with a blue silk robe. I do my hair straight and apply a blue and black smoky eye with a nude gloss lip, and I'm ready, Marissa and the other girl Charlie are matching me, we are dancing in cages tonight and busting out and doing some pole moves. So it's going to be a gruelling three songs.

I'm on song three and I feel his presence, I don't know why but I do, it oozes dominance. I glance up and see his eyes on me with a smirk and I feel sexy, so I dance just for him, being even more seductive, keeping my eyes on him I see his mouth open and he closes his eyes as if he's trying to control himself. He opens his eyes shakes his head and motions for me to join him when I'm done and walks back to his private booth. I finish my set, and Valencia calls me, "Alina, I need you, Mari and Charlie working the VIP booths tonight. No lap dancing for you, just company." She says and I nod, I slip on my silk robe, and get his usual from the bar. "What's sshakin baby cakes?" Jake asks with a wink.

"I need the usual for Mr De Luca and the boys, and a bottle of champagne for the girls and water." He gives me my order and I make my way and I see Leo and Tino already enjoying the girls, Leo gives me a wink and I give him a smile. I place the champagne down and the scotch for the girls and boys, I'm sticking to water though. My heart is thumping, I can't wait to see Romeo. I walk back to the booth and he's sitting back with the hugest smile on his face when he sees me.

"Ciao bella," Romeo greets me.

"Ciao bello," I greet him back smiling and put the drinks down on the table, and he pulls me to his lap and gives me a toe curling kiss, running his hand over my thigh.

"I missed you Lina," Romeo says nuzzling my neck and planting small delicate kisses there and I move my head a bit more for easier access.

"I missed you too... It's been a long day, but this is the best part, seeing you." I say whispering in his ear. His hand moves higher and he squeezes my ass gently.

"You looked amazing up there, I just wish you had more clothes on, those men don't deserve to see you." Romeo says squeezing my ass harder and gently biting my neck.

"It's my job Romeo," I just about get out. Romeo stops and I look down at him.

"How would you like a better job? One where you don't have to dance in underwear or serve men?" He asks.

"Romeo, that would be amazing, but I couldn't ask that of you." I say not sure how to feel about this.

"Well I have a new casino and hotel opening and I need a general manager, I think you would be perfect for that, you would run it in my or Luc's absence, basically be the boss." Romeo says dead serious.

"I don't know anything about management." I say shrugging.

"You will be trained and paid a very good salary." Romeo says like it's no big deal.

"Well alright, anything would be better than doing this, thank you, but what about Mari?" I say giving him a kiss.

"You will need an assistant, so she could train with you, the opening is in six days, so you need to quit here and come to the hotel and casino tomorrow to start training." Romeo says as if he has it all figured out. I smile and give him the biggest hug.

"I will speak to Valencia before we leave." I say excited.

"What are you waiting for? Get Mari and let's get out of here, I think Leo would be pleased." He says gesturing to Leo and Mari kissing. I get up and call Mari over and tell her the plan, and she's ecstatic. We go change and go straight to Valencia with Romeo and Leo in tow.

"Valencia, Mari and I have been offered an amazing job opportunity that we couldn't possibly pass up by Mr De Luca. This will be our final night, and effective immediately we are off the clock. I want to thank you for taking a chance on us, and none of this would even be possible without you." I say blurting it out.

"Well, I will miss you two girls, you were my stars. You will always have a home here, don't be strangers now," Valencia says giving us hugs. "Romeo, look after my girls, you too Leo." They nod and smile. We walk out of the club and it's a good feeling, I will finally have a decent job.

Romeo stops and says. "How about we all have a late dinner, Tino can drive us and Leo can drive him and Mari, we can go to Romano's, they have a good steak and grill house, we can have a small celebration." We all nod and Mari and I jump up and down.

We make our way to Romano's and its amazing, the place is beyond Italian, but so cosy, Tino has even joined us in the little celebration. We have a few drinks and have a lot to eat, it's so nice being happy, for the first time in years I feel like I have found a home, a place to be happy. "Romeo thank you for everything," I say whispering to him and give him a kiss on his cheek, and bless him he's actually blushing.

"Aww boss are you blushing?" Leo teases.

"Fuck off Leo!" He says without caring who hears, Leo just laughs. It's late and we decide to leave, "Lina, would you like to come back to mine? " Romeo asks.

"Sure, I just need to stop and get some clothes," I answer and he nods. After packing some clothes, I realise Mari is staying here with Leo, and I can't help but smile. "Ready bello," I say to Romeo and he smiles. Tino drives us and I notice Romeo seems uneasy. "What's wrong? And don't lie to me," I say firmly.

"I should have heard back from Dario a while ago and I haven't heard from him yet, and I'm starting to get a bit worried. I'm going to call him." Romeo says and I nod on agreement.

"Dario, dove sei e perché non ti ho ancora sentito? È successo qualcosa?" Romeo asks in Italian.

(Dario, where are you and why have I not heard from you yet? Has anything happened?)

"Incontriamoci a casa, ho bisogno di un debriefing!" I hear Romeo answer Dario seeming quite agitated, he is trying to remain calm.

(Meet me back at the house, I need a debriefing!)

We arrive at the house and Romeo still seems worried, "bella, why don't you go upstairs and have a shower or a bath and relax, I will have Alicia my housekeeper bring you some wine and snacks. I just need to speak to Dario and hear what happened tonight, I shouldn't be long." I nod in agreement and don't say anything, just give him a hug and he breathes out heavily, I break away and head up.

Romeo POV:

I wait in my office for Dario to arrive, Tino is with me. I pour myself a scotch and light a cigarette, just then Dario walks in with Dominic. "Explain." Is all I say deathly calm.

"Romeo, Toscano and his men were prepared, they tried to ambush us, but we had some men. Things got a bit sketchy but we managed to capture his right hand Benito, we never made the deal and Toscano still owes us money. So we are keeping Benito and maybe even kill him, or torture him, till we get what we want." Dario says and he looks like hell, he was shot in the arm.

"Don't kill him yet, we need him to get that money, we all know Toscano will do anything to get Benito back. Go get yourself cleaned up and stay here tonight, despite what happened I have Alina here and I need her safe, Leo is keeping her friend safe. How dare that fucker cross me, I will end him if he does this stupid shit again. Dismissed, all of you." I sit back and finish my drink, I have so much going on before I know it its been almost two hours. I need to get some sleep, and see if Alina is alright.

I make my way upstairs and I open my bedroom door, I see my angel fast asleep with the TV remote in her hand, she's wearing a white satin night dress and she looks so beautiful and peaceful. I don't disturb her, but I do need a long shower, I strip down and stand under the hot water, so much has happened in the last two days, its crazy, I'm just glad Dario is alright. I turn off the shower and dry off, brush my teeth, I go to my closet and slip some black boxers on. My sleeping beauty is still clutching that remote and I remove it from her hand gently, and climb in behind her and pull the blanket up covering us both, I cuddle into her and put my arm around her and she stirs. "Romeo?"

"Yes it's me baby, go back to sleep it's late." I say softly, she turns and looks at me running her hand over my stubble and gives me a sweet kiss and I pull her into me and its the best feeling in the world, she's so soft with her beautiful tan skin, I feel her leg slide over my waist and rest there. God Romeo calma yourself! (calm) She runs her hand over my chest and gives it a kiss. Oh Fuck it.

"I think you need a stress reliever, Mr De Luca." Lina say seductively, and she gives me a kiss and moves her hand massaging my dick.

Alina POV:

Romeo is stressed and I'm going to make him feel better, I run my hand down to his crotch and massage his dick, I hear him grunt in appreciation, he's already rock hard. I move up and kiss him down his chest, feeling his amazing muscles as I go along, I make it to my goal and massage him through his boxers and I can hear his breathing accelerate. I remove his boxers and his massive length springs free, Romeo lifts himself on his elbows to see me, I take him in my hand and pump him a few times, he's huge I need both hands, his breath hitches and I hear a small moan as I lick his sensitive spot and take him in my mouth. "Fuck Lina," he curses. I continue pumping him playing with his balls, trying to get as much as I can of him in my mouth and bob my head up and down while I twirl my tongue. Romeo is moaning softly, "Lina, if you keep going I'm going to come," that only makes me go faster and faster, "Lina if you don't want me to come in your mouth, pull away now," he says through gritted teeth, he's enjoying it. I don't stop and I can feel him building and he releases in my mouth down my throat, stream after stream. "Fuck yes baby!" I hear Romeo and he's breathing as if he's run a marathon, I release him and I have swallowed, and Romeo manages to sit up and he pulls me and kisses me but I pull away.

"Let me brush my teeth first." He laughs and nods, I come back and he pulls me in for a kiss, a deep satisfied sweet and passionate kiss. He pulls his boxers up and spoons me and we both fall into a deep sleep, unspoken comfortable silence and sleep.