
Chapter 14: Seaside

POV Tony stark

It took us 35 minutes to catch up, and in that time, a whole convention was following behind the creature.

The sky's we're crowded when we arrived as the shadow of the helicarrier was far above, and newscopters hovered a ways off filming the shadow under the water or filming the heroes or military that followed.

On arrival the heroes around were all either on alert for a fight or talking strategy with what to expect We had Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Thor, and myself on the front line in the back were the rest of the Avengers on the Quinjet with Rodey or war machine was hovering next to them with wasp only reason i saw her was thanks to my new optics.

It had been a good 15 minutes later before we could finally identify the creature and it was a relief as the giant three-story tall spins lifted out of the water the dark black scales gleamed in the bright sunny day and the lizard's head lifted and its green eyes glanced up at us before continuing on its way.

POV Max Draco

I came up to the surface, and after taking a quick look around at my pursuers, I used [observe] on them and look over their states.

<Name- Anthony Stark>

<Title- Iron Man, The Merchant of Death, The Futurist>

<Lv- 29>


Str- 13 + 120 = [133]

Dex- 12+ 120 = [132]

Int- 180

Energy- 10,000




• Mark Vlll armor


Dex +120

- Arc reactor (passive)

- Energy regeneration (15 per second)

- Flight

- Repulser blasts

• Overcharge

- Able to reroute more energy to increase damage to all energy weapons and physical attacks.


-1,000 per

- Fire a blast of energy directly from the arc reactor.

•Red laser

(Six shots available)

- Fire twin red lasers from your wrists.

• Tiny missiles

-can fire a single or a barrage of tiny missiles.

•A.I. assistant

- Increases users' reaction time and perception of the environment

- Can operate suite without user

<Name- (Kal-El/Clark Kent)>

<Title- Superman, Last Son of Krypton, Man of Tomorrow>

<Lv- 25>


Str-??? - ??? = [400]

Dex-??? -??? = [400]


Energy- ??? -??? = [100,000]


• Heat vision

(50 energy per sec)

- Unleash the stored energy inside you in the form of lasers fired from your eyes damage depending on the energy used.

•Super breath [cold/blunt damage]

-25 energy per

• The breath can blow back hurricanes and end tornadoes

• Super senses (passive)

Hearing, Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight

• Solar battery

- Radiation powers and charges skills different sources do different things.

yellow sun - all states +???

Kryptonian - all states -100 per second

[more to be discovered]


• Mental blocks

- All states shall be reduced in power until removed

- All skills shall be reduced until removed

<Name- Diana prince>

<Hero- Wonder Woman>

<Age- 5,000>

<Lv- ???> 


str- 350

dex- 325



°one handed wepons Lv.5/5 master

°two handed wepons Lv.5/5 master

°polarm/spear Lv. 5/5 master

°throwing wepons Lv. 5/5 master

°archery Lv. 5/5 master

°hand to hand combat Lv. 5/5 master

°shield Lv. 5/5 master



°magic sword

-forged by hephaestus said to be shape enoght to cut the electron from a atom

°themysciran sheild

-forged on themyscira

• Bracers of submission

- Created from the remains of Zeus aegis shield, these bracers are virtually indestructible and able to deflect most attacks.

<Name- Thor odinson>

<Age - 8,000>

<Lv ???>


Str- 375 +100 = [475]

Dex- 350 +100 = [450]

Int- 180

Energy- 10,000


• One-handed weapons Lv.5/5 master

• Two-handed weapons Lv.5/5 master

• Throwing wepons Lv. 5/5 master

• Hand-to-hand combat Lv. 5/5 master

• Shield Lv. 5/5 master


°Mjolnir- "Who so ever holds this hammer if he be worthy shall possess the power of thor,"


• Belt of strength- a belt infused with some Odin force Grant's greater strength and stamina

- Str +100 Dex+100

"Well, aren't I glad I made a good impression," as I swim I see that were not that far from the sea rex battle sight and make my way to land with everyone following me.

I get to where the pups were, but it looks like S.H.I.E.L.D moved those bodies, but the alphas corpse I know is far too big to move anywhere far, so where would I hide a giant clams body? sniffing the air I catch the sent and follow it making my way through the semi rebuilt area of the city I follow the sent to a warehouse near the docks as I do so the heros get civilians out of the way and start to evacuate anyone near the coast.

the sent lead me to a warhorse so I just rip open the roof and there it was with dozens scientists all gawking at the giant reptile a low growl prompted most to leave some just stood far back and watched.

I used [Master hunter] in conjunction with a new skill I bought for zilla [Predator].


• Predator and prey (passive)- when hunting creatures instinctively know the environment and area of that creature and how best to hunt it.

- When met with a stronger creature, you best know how to hide and/or take it down.

• Master hunter (passive)- a hunter on land and in the water able to track down any target with very little.

After a few licks and sniffing the sand, I soon knew everything I needed to know and more some.

<Monster- Searex>

•Crustaceous Rex's hunts the giant mutated squid of the Atlantic ocean were it thrives it stays at the bottom of the ocean most of its life unless theres a shortage of food then it will come to the surface and feed.

• Their main habitats are the Caribbean Sea and the South Atlantic

• The weakest point of the sea rex is its low intelligence and inability to understand situational awareness.

'So my theory about the Bermuda triangle just got some conformation' as I pat myself on the back a mission pops up in front of me.

[Mission: Many mouths to feed]

- Defeat the gluttonous monster


• New evidence

• 1 free monster

• 1 free skill


• A horrible death

As I read the misson and wonder what kaiju I will face I see the shadow form off in the distance a d I let out roar of challenge but it pays no attention in fact it goes away from me and heads twords the main beach area I rush over to intercept.

POV Nick Fury

I watched the live feed from our warehouse as the creature or Zilla, as most called it was, in my honest opinion was analyzing the dead creature.

Maria Hill: "Sir our agents with the heroes have evacuated 87% of the civilian population and the local military and police have taken position and the coastguard are in position what are you order," she said and as Hill finished giving me the report I watched the creature look towards the sea then let out a roar getting everyone's attention but in my gut, I knew it wasn't meant to get our attention.

"I want eyes on the water," I said and a second later everyone on the bridge saw it a large shadow not as big as zilla but still and it was making a beeline for the beaches "I want our guns firing on that thing and tell ground that they have incoming," I said as I watched the shadow get ever closer to the coast.