
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

first time dilution (chapter 2)

Chapter 2

As a hooded figure walked through the bustling city, who of course was kai, he continued to ponder the concept of being the best fighter. He questioned the conventional wisdom of dedicating years to mastering a set of martial arts. Instead, he considered a different approach, one that involved utilising the unique power bestowed upon him by the time dilution button.

Passing by a rundown shop, the hooded figure observed its exterior from under the shadows of his hood. The shop's sign was faded and barely readable, and the windows were adorned with various trinkets and odds and ends. The hustle and bustle of the city continued around him as he stepped inside, a bell above the door ringing to announce his arrival.

The shop's interior was cluttered with an assortment of items, from old books and antique jewellery to peculiar artefacts that seemed out of place in the modern world. As the hooded figure perused the shelves, he considered his newfound abilities and the potential they held.

"So, the goal is to be the best fighter," he mused quietly to himself, the cold drink he had bought pressed against his face to soothe the lingering pain. "But what does it mean to be THE best fighter?"

His mind raced with questions and possibilities, contemplating the essence of true strength and skill. Lost in thought, he wandered through the streets of Gotham, his hood shielding his features from prying eyes.

As he reached an apartment complex, he encountered a group of older gentlemen chatting and smoking. Their banter reminded him of the camaraderie he had seen in the underground fighting ring, albeit in a less violent setting.

"Ay yo, watch this; Kai got his ass kicked again," one of the gentlemen laughed, seemingly unaware of the new soul residing in Kai's body.

Kai retorted, "man, i respect you, but you are like 80, i don't know how your woodworks " sparking laughter among the group. He exchanged words with an older man named Jackson, finding a moment of respite in the midst of the rough neighbourhood banter.

Entering his apartment, Kai couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation about the journey he was about to embark upon. He approached the window, gazing out at the city that held both danger and opportunity.

With the time dilution button in hand, he whispered a silent prayer, hoping for a favourable ratio of time dilation as he pressed it. As the floating screen appeared before him, he was pleasantly surprised to see the numbers: [1 second (normal outside time): 56 days].

As the world around him went quiet, a smile appeared on kai's face, "1 second in exchange for 56 days, nobody would say no" with that in mind, kain then approached the window, looking outside the window, all the cars stopped where they were, the whole world was an abandoned city, "and now the world belongs to me" he said as he smiled.

[20 days later ]

Twenty days had passed since Kai's dedication to intense training began. His small and malnourished physique had shown signs of improvement, a slight gain in muscle definition and stamina that spoke of his relentless efforts. Inside a dimly lit boxing gym in the heart of the city, Kai stood in a boxing ring, his gloves raised and his eyes locked onto a figure across from him. It was the same opponent that had once defeated him, but now, there was no life in those eyes, this was another feature of the time, which conjured up a shadow figure or an echo of the opponent he has face previously but they had to engage in fight for the echo to appear.

As the bell rang, the sound reverberated through the gym, signalling the start of the match. Kai's body moved with newfound grace and precision, his pro boxer training evident in every movement. The transformation in his technique over the past twenty days was remarkable, a result of relentless practice and unwavering dedication.

The opponent, a recreated version of the one that had defeated Kai before, moved with eerie familiarity. He embodied the skills and experience of his real-life counterpart, a testament to the challenges Kai was about to face. As they circled each other, Kai's focus was unwavering, his mind immersed in the dance of combat.

In a fluid motion, Kai initiated the first movement. His lead hand shot forward in a jab, extending straight towards his opponent's face. The speed and precision of the jab were a far cry from the novice fighter he had once been. His wrist rotated, and his arm snapped back just as quickly to the guard position.

Capitalising on the opening he had created with the jab, Kai pivoted his back hip and shoulder forward. His rear hand, driven by his newfound strength, shot straight towards his opponent's head. The cross was delivered with power, aided by the pivot on the ball of his back foot. The opponent's eyes widened in recognition, mirroring the realisation that this was a different Kai.

Kai's body seamlessly transitioned to a hook. With a pivot of his lead foot and a swift rotation of his hips, he swung his lead arm in a tight arc towards his opponent's side. The hook landed with precision, striking the opponent's body. The impact rippled through the air, evidence of the force behind Kai's technique.

Adapting to his opponent's movements, Kai dipped and weaved beneath an oncoming punch, his head moving in a figure-eight pattern. He executed a slip and immediately countered with a jab, a testament to his improved reflexes and timing. The opponent was forced to adjust to the new rhythm of Kai's attacks, a rhythm that spoke of hours spent in focused practice.