
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

"tis but a scratch" (chapter 18)

Chapter 18

In what seemed to be an abandoned building, the dim, flickering light revealed a couple of men wearing worn-out clothes. Cleaning equipment and other lab apparatus lay scattered about, as they toiled in eerie unison. The atmosphere was heavy with the scent of chemicals and dust. Suddenly, piercing screams shattered the silence as Kai burst into the room, carrying an unfortunate soul whom he unceremoniously hurled against a graffiti-covered wall.

The chaos that ensued was like a violent storm crashing into a calm sea. In the blink of an eye, Kai initiated the Cyclone Assault, a fusion of Muay Thai and boxing combined with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, as if summoning a whirlwind of destruction. His first target, a burly gang member wielding a lead pipe, stood no chance. Kai executed the Step and Jab-Cross flawlessly, his lithe form darting forward. A jab from his lead hand was followed by a devastating cross from his rear hand. The gangster's nose burst in a spray of blood as he crumpled to the ground.

Armed with various weapons, the Brown Vipers, a relatively small gang, tried to encircle Kai. But he moved with a grace that defied their expectations. A quick pivot on his lead foot initiated the Low Kick-Lead Hook Transition. His low kick struck a Viper's lead leg, making it buckle. Seizing the moment, Kai shifted his weight and unleashed a punishing lead hook to the thug's temple. He dropped like a marionette with severed strings.

The Hook-Uppercut Flow followed like a merciless dance. Using the momentum from his previous strike, Kai pivoted once more, setting up a hook that crashed into another Viper's ribs. Before the unfortunate gangster could react, an uppercut from Kai's rear hand connected with his jaw. His world turned into a blur of pain.

As the dust and sweat filled the air, Kai transitioned seamlessly to the Cross-Elbow Strike Finish. His rear hand descended like a sledgehammer, smashing a Viper's face. With the opponent dazed, Kai stepped forward, utilizing the momentum to launch an elbow strike that crumpled the gang member to the ground, clutching his bleeding nose.

The relentless onslaught continued. With the Jab-Clinch Sequencing, Kai initiated a jab with his lead hand, closing the distance with precision. His jab landed with surgical accuracy, leaving a Viper disoriented. Before the thug could recover, Kai closed in and initiated a clinch. From this advantageous position, he delivered a flurry of knee strikes to the gangster's midsection. The Viper's defenses crumbled.

In this cacophony of combat, the room became a battleground of shattered dreams and broken bones. Kai's expertise in Fusion Flow and the techniques of Muay Thai and boxing combined with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu allowed him to dominate his foes. He used the environment to his advantage, hurling foes into lab equipment, smashing them against walls, and using improvised weapons to disarm them.

The Brown Vipers, initially cocky, found themselves outmatched and overwhelmed. Their bravado turned to desperate pleas as they fell one by one. Kai's movements were fluid, precise, and brutal. Bones cracked, bodies crumpled, and the room filled with the acrid scent of fear.

Amidst the chaos, the Vipers' dialogue was reduced to desperate cries and panicked pleas for mercy. Kai's mastery of the Cyclone Assault and Fusion Flow painted a brutal masterpiece. By the time the last gang member hit the ground, the room was a tableau of pain and submission, a testament to the power of a warrior who had mastered the art of combat.

Looking around, kai sighted as he touched his chin,feeling the cut on his chin, he sighted before he walked away while thinking, "tis but a scratch" exiting the building as quickly as he can, unaware of orphan who was standing on top of the building he just existed, that is when a voice suddenly sounded behind her, "you almost look obsessed duagher" as orphan turned around.

That is when she saw an asian woman, with red turtleneck and a black leather jacket, who was leaning against a pole, while staring at orphan, who gave a big sight, "not obsessed, curious" orphan replied shortly, as the woman chuckled, "but he is not bad, taking on that many people with his bare hands," she said as she and her daughter watched kai walk away, "and to mix Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and boxing, and with that degree, he's got a potential" the woman said, "back away mom" orphan said, almost sounding obsessed, earning a chuckle from her mother, "you sure it's just curiosity daughter?".

[ some unknown time later ]

On a nondescript rooftop, the setting sun cast a warm, orange glow over the urban landscape. Kai, his eyes filled with contentment, savored a bowl of steaming noodles. His surroundings were a chaotic mix of rusting air vents, graffiti-strewn walls, and the distant hum of city life below.

He watched intently as the video on his phone portrayed a practitioner in a relaxed, slightly crouched stance, moving in a fluid circular pattern. Each step was taken with deliberate precision, hands and feet working in perfect harmony. The atmosphere on the rooftop felt serene, a stark contrast to the world Kai had been part of until recently.

"A martial art that mostly consists of movement, not bad, wait, did i say this sentence before?" he asked himself, before shrugging as he became fully absorbed in the video's rhythm.

And then, the tranquility shattered. The rooftop door swung open with a crash, making him spill his bowl of noodles, turning around where the sound came from, revealing a tall, imposing figure with jet-black hair and a striking red tattoo etched across his face. Following close behind were Orphan and Signal, both showing signs of injury, their presence ripping Kai from his peaceful moment.



A/N sorry about that, enjoy the chapter and happy holidays.

PS: i am fully committed to making Cassandra cain obsessed, Don't ask me why, and no i am not some degenerate (TOTALLY)