
DC: with D&D Artificer

Follow Asher's journey in the Arrow-verse with an Artificer system. Witness his surprising creations, skill unlocks (yes, even the helm), and other useful or not-so-useful sub-classes. follow as Asher unravels why he was given such fate changing gift and the reason behind it, and in the process find out why his own brain has been lying to him. 2/?? Warning: This story mostly focuses on Asher's material search and creations. If you seek compact action or romance, you may find it elsewhere because this isn't it. P.S.: If the timeline of events in the Arrow-verse doesn't match up, please disregard it. I am aware. as I said the timelines will be confusing and it will even more confusing as the fangic goes on but hopefully you can keep up. and of you do get lost in the way, pray that Asher picks you up in the spellJammer Note: 100 Power Stones unlock an extra chapter. (Disclaimer: I only own my original character. Everything else belongs to their respective owners, including the cover.)

Lythan_Page · Ti vi
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12 Chs

Home-sweet-home (EDITED) (chapter 1)

In a desolate homeless area, the u side of a beautiful city with a beautiful name, known as starling city, the frantic sounds of running and heavy panting echoes through the alleyways, were a young man's eyes with a chilling reflection of despair and neglect. The ground was littered with filth and trash, creating a sickening tapestry of discarded waste. The stench of decay permeated the air, a constant reminder of the dire circumstances that befell this forgotten corner of society. Homeless individuals, worn and weathered by their harsh reality, huddled together amidst the over-piled garbage, their eyes vacant and souls weary, so basically, they are in hell.

Amidst this dismal backdrop, a young man, barely fifteen years old, emerged, his appearance mirroring the squalor that surrounded him. His dirty black hair clung to his sweat-stained face, and patches of oil stained his pale, dirt-covered skin. His eyes, a dull shade of grey, darted frantically, desperately searching for an escape route from this wretched place.

As he ran, his nimble body, which was due to him being starved, leaped over a decrepit garbage dumpster, barely avoiding its jagged edges, 'climb asher, climb for fucks sake' he though repeatedly as Determination etched across his face, he climbed up a locked gate, seeking refuge from the pursuing chaos, " fuck yes" he said outloud as loud voices could be heard not far from behind him, which belonged to a group of teenagers that gave chase, their appearance slightly more put-together, but their attire revealed their true nature—gangsters, devoid of moral compass.

The gang's leader, if you could even call him that, had eyes that were filled with fury, as he angrily hurled his metal pipe to the ground, the clang of metal reverberating through the air. " that Fucking son of a bitch," he spat, his words dripping with venom. The others in the group unleashed a torrent of profanities at the fleeting asher, their anger evident. Frustrated by their inability to scale the gate without the aid of the dumpster, which due to the fact that, they were either too fat, too weak, or simple because they couldn't lift their own wait to climb, allowing asher to get away, they begrudgingly retreated, backtracking along the path they had come.

-scene change-

On the opposite side of the street, the determined young man could be seen scaling yet another towering wall. Clutched tightly in his hand was a small box, which he presumed held some good items, given the profanities coming from his enraged pursuers. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he chuckled to himself, relishing in the thought of their frustration. He glanced left and right, ensuring no one was in sight, before pushing aside a rusted dumpster, revealing a heavy metal lid beneath. With considerable effort, he moved the lid aside, exposing the dark and pungent depths of the sewer below.

Without hesitation, he jumped down into the murky abyss, the assault of the repugnant stench barely causing him to flinch no matter how He grown accustomed to its foul presence. Retrieving a flashlight from his pocket, he switched it on, only for it to flicker and die almost immediately. "Not again," he groaned, tapping the flashlight in frustration. After a few taps, it finally stabilised, providing a steady beam of light. "Good, I need to replace the batteries," he muttered to himself, making a mental note for future reference.

Using the flashlight as his guide, he navigated the labyrinthine tunnels of the sewer system. The sound of rushing water filled the air, echoing through the narrow passages. Rats scurried along the damp walls, catching the young man's attention. "Hey Romeo, how are you doing?" he greeted one of the rodents, who responded with a quick squeak. "Doing good myself, how are the kids?" he replied with a wry smile as the rat continued to clean itself, which made sense, given that rats are one of the most clean animals on the planet. continuing on his way, maintaining a vigilant watch on his surroundings.

After a considerable trek, he finally arrived at his destination—a hidden compartment in the sewer system, originally meant for maintenance purposes but now serving as his makeshift home. The room was surprisingly spacious, larger than an average room. Two metal gates barricaded the entrances, reinforced with sheet metal to deter any prying eyes. Opening the door to his hideout, he stepped inside, taking in the sight before him.

The hideout featured a worn-down, oversized blue couch as its centrepiece. Adjacent to it was a television resting on a table, its antenna raised but not broadcasting any signal. Five small nightstands stood in a row, each holding personal belongings. A cloth hanging from a metal rod adorned the wall, providing a touch of makeshift decoration. In one corner, a functioning generator hummed softly, providing a reliable source of power. On the opposite side of the hideout, a large table had been repurposed into a workshop, cluttered with an array of tools.

Adorning the ceiling were approximately fifty brightly coloured Christmas ornaments, hanging in a haphazard but oddly beautiful arrangement. With a flick of a switch, the young man illuminated the room with Christmas lights, casting a warm and vibrant glow that transformed the hideout's atmosphere. The space exuded a sense of refuge amidst the chaos, a haven crafted from the remnants of discarded lives.

Taking a moment to breathe in the ambiance of his hidden sanctuary, Asher couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. "Home sweet home," he whispered to himself, a sense of solace washing over him. With a smirk on his face, he decided to delve into the contents of the small box he had acquired. "Alright, let's see what they were hiding," he mused.

Carefully opening the box, Asher's eyes were immediately drawn to a small, glowing blue sphere, which seemed highly advanced given the material it was made from, "something from star labs perhaps?" he mused as he continued to examine it curiously for a moment, unable to identify its purpose. Without much thought, he tossed it onto a box that contained other miscellaneous items. "Let's see what else is in here," he continued, pulling out the next item—a lithium-ion battery. A grin spread across his face. "Hey, look at that, a lithium-ion battery. Just what I needed," he remarked, setting it aside.

His hand then retrieved the next object from the box, and his eyes widened in surprise as he held a pistol. "A pistol," he thought, turning it over in his hands. "I'm not surprised they carried one." With caution, he opened the magazine, discovering it was fully loaded with 9mm rounds. "9mm, yeah, i am definitely carrying this around" he muttered to himself, carefully placing the magazine back into the pistol.

Asher's exploration continued as he unearthed a stack of money. Realisation dawned upon him. "Oh, now I know why they were mad," he chuckled, starting to count the bills. "832 dollars. Holy..." he trailed off, kissing the money lovingly. "You are now mine," he declared, sliding the stack under the couch—the one spot he trusted implicitly.

His search through the box continued, revealing a broken radio of unknown origin. "This is the most random box I've ever seen, and I've seen shit," he quipped, pulling out the radio and emptying the bag. "Well, it's worth almost getting caught by Jonathan and his boys," Asher mused to himself, rising from his seat and walking toward his cluttered workbench, radio in hand.

Setting down the broken radio, Asher redirected his attention to a half-finished wooden frame, which appeared to be a homemade drone. He scratched his head, pondering his next steps. Delving into his pockets, he extracted a couple of small items. "A drone's electronics mainly consist of two parts," he thought aloud. "A transmitter and a receiver."

He looked at the drone frame, mentally listing the components. "The drone's control, the transmitter, requires a joystick, a processor, and a radio transmitter module," he explained to no one, as it became a habit of his due to the time he spent living alone. Arranging the items he had in his pockets. "And the receiver consists of a processor, a radio RX module," he continued, examining the frame itself, which already had some work completed. "Plus a motor driver and sensors," he added, noting their presence on the drone frame.

"Now all that's left to complete my own drone is the controller," Asher concluded, his mind filled with plans of building his very own aerial device, "hopefully this gives me a lot of exp" he thought in a hopeful tone as he sighted.


A/N So, what do you guys things about the chapter?, i removed the annoying voice, and corrected some errors, but that would not be the main changes in the story as you will see in the coming chapters, the story will take in starling city, or later known as star city, instead of port Oswego, and the system will be completely overhauled.