
DC: The Wolf God's Legend

The story of Mylo and his story of self discovery to preservation of his family.

PlatWolf · Khác
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 - Torture

Now. Arkham Asylum. Intensive Treatment Elevator Lobby. 3rd Sublevel.

A roar of gun fire emerged as the door opened and Mylo spotted several inmates running around like maniacs. The gunfire only lasted for a few seconds but it resulted in five inmates dropping to the ground with weapons in hand. Bleeding from their new injuries.

Cash frowned and glanced at Mylo. Grunting as he nodded forward, "Riddler is in one of the cells ahead." Realizing these guys are prone to shooting to kill.

Mylo nodded and started walking forward, every once in a while a crazy nutjob would pop out of a corner with a weapon. But Mylo would just shoot them, a blood splatter would paint the wall or floor. Cash thought he was tough with the way he was fighting, but this soldier was way too trigger happy. But it seemed more like he was more impatient than anything else.



One Year Ago. Project Cadmus.

"Mylo!" Scarlett came bounding into the room and closed the door behind her quickly. "I am so sorry. But I thought you might need to see this right away." Scarlett had an angry look on her face.

She quickly pushed him away from his computer and started typing on it. A moment later a detailed result of an investigation appeared on the computer.

When it appeared Mylo started reading through it and grinded his teeth in anger. "Where is this… Arthur Light now?" His voice was hoarse with anger.

"Um… after… stealing the hero, Doctor Light's, abilities he went on a raping spree. After your sister was… discarded he was last spotted heading towards Bludhaven." Scarlett answered, she had a feeling she already knew what would happen. Because as much as he and his parents had a disagreement, they and his siblings were still precious to him. His sister… he was particularly close to.

That, and she could almost see the shadow of death behind Mylo.



Now. Space. Justice League Watchtower.

Question walked quickly into the room as Dr. Fate was still studying the readings. "Fate, could those readings be given off by a Nth metal weapon?" Question asked as he walked towards him.

Dr. Fate tilted his head, "you mean like Hawkgirl's mace. I have studied it, it gives off a different signature. But it is similar."

Question taped his chin, "but similar enough that whatever magic comes from the same world the Nth metal is manufactured? Are you able to tell that?"

"Hmm… Are you questioning Fate's abilities? Of course I can do that!" Fate then waved his hands and started floating in the air.

Wonder Woman quickly walked in with Supergirl following her in with… a sandwich? Ignoring that. Wonder Woman looked at Question.

"What happened?" She asked.

Question raised his hands and shrugged, "I think… I gave him an idea. We might be on the precipice of solving this mystery."

Dr. Fate's chanting continued as several glowing golden circles popped up along with glowing golden runes.


Now. Arkham Asylum. The Riddler's Cell.

Mylo walked up to Riddler's cell, "oh and who do we have here Mister Cash. He doesn't seem like your run of the mill security guard." Riddler asked. While reading from a newspaper in his cell.

Cash chuckled, "don't know. But I do know he is here to talk to you. Security room, you ready? I am about to swipe my card." There were two red lights over Riddler's door then one of them turned green. Cash nodded and swiped his card at the keypad, the second light went green. "There you go."

Mylo nodded and as the cell door opened he stepped inside.

"Then my mystery guest, to what do I owe the pleasure. I know many things-" Before Riddler got a chance to speak anymore he was grabbed by the hair and one of his hands. His head was slammed into a desk that was inside and his hand was placed palm open and down on the table. The newspaper and several writing utensils scattered across the room.

"I don't have the time for niceties, where is the nuclear bomb you stole?" Mylo's actions caught Cash off guard. He went to stop him but when he heard his words he stopped and backed away and looked at the other two who were watching the hallway. They only glanced in his direction but it looked like they already knew. No wonder they were so gungho.

"Ah, a government stooge. You don't scare me, you can go back and tell Waller that I-" Riddler was interrupted again. But this time it was because of the sound of slicing as Mylo pulled out his knife and chopped off Riddler's pinky.

"AHHH!!!" Riddler started screaming, "goddamnit! What the hell!"

"I am not your usual stooge Riddler. I can torture you to death and get a bonus as a reward. Think about your next words carefully." Mylo coldly declared over Riddler's groans of pain. Spinning the knife in his hand before lowering it over Riddler's hand.

Riddler frowned, "you- you are one of Project Cadmus' Ghosts of Death! Waller sent-" Riddler stopped talking as he felt cold metal on his ring finger. "Sorry! I meant Red Claw! I sold the bomb to Red Claw! She and several others teamed up with Hush to get revenge on Batman. I don't know where they kept it. But she paid me through a holding company called- um what was it called- ah yes, Multigon International! That is all I know I swear! They picked it up from the warehouse I was storing it in!"

Mylo let go of Riddler and walked out of the cell. Riddler grabbed a nearby cloth and wrapped his bleeding hand. Then immediately backed into a corner of the cell away from Mylo.

"Phoenix this is Thanatos, Riddler sold the bomb to someone called Red Claw. He said he was paid through Multigon International. Find any properties or shipping containers they have. A bomb of that size will need room. Especially if it is rigged to a timer or a detonator." Mylo stated quickly as he double tapped his comlink.

"Understood, I am looking it up now. It looks like they have four properties in Gotham and several shipping containers. It looks like the properties are on my side of Gotham. But the shipping containers are at a dockyard on the opposite end, making you the closest one to them." Scarlett responded. "We will clear these buildings but I have a feeling you'll end up with the short straw as per usual."

"Okay." Mylo nodded at Cash, "close it." Cash swiped his card again and the cell closed. "Security room, we are coming back up. You can lock down Riddler's cell."

Mylo then walked towards the elevator. Striding over the bodies and through the pools over blood that littered the ground.


One Year Ago. Bludhaven. Old Abandoned Hotel.

Arthur Light stood before the window proudly. He was ecstatic about the turn of events. He would soon be able to take on groups like the Justice League or the Titans. But for that he knew he needed capable subordinates. But where should he look?

As he stood naked before the window the last thing he expected was for the door to come flying in the room following an explosion of wooden and other shrapnel. That made him duck onto the ground.

When he stood back up he saw a figure in black combat gear and a mask with a skull on it with a hood pulled up.

"Who are-" Arthur did not get a chance to complete his sentence as he quickly put up a light force field to block the several bullets shot his way. He immediately retaliated by firing a beam of light through the figure's eye. The figure fell to the ground, lifeless, as Arthur walked forward and shoved the body with his foot.

There was a muffled crying coming from the bed and Arthur looked at the naked woman he had tied up there earlier. She was dressed in Wonder Woman cosplay. For now… it would have to do for his fetish. But eventually he would prefer the real thing.

"Hey don't cry for this dumbass who didn't know what he was doing or who he was messing with." Arthur watched as the woman suddenly stopped struggling as she stared with wide-eyes. But before Arthur could turn around a knife went through his shoulder. Arthur screamed in pain and then he was suddenly crashing into the ground and being embedded in the ground as another bigger knife went through his shoulder. Arthur screamed an octave louder. But then his head was pulled back and then slammed into the ground. Shutting him up and disorienting him.

The figure stood up and looked at the woman on the bed. But when he moved towards her she backed away scared and bewildered. Then when he pulled out a knife and raised it she closed her eyes and shied away, fearing she was about to die.

Then the woman felt the ropes holding her arms go loose. Opening her eyes she saw that the ropes had been cut. The figure nodded to the door and she jumped up out of the bed and ran out. As for the figure he pulled one of the knife's out of Arthur's shoulders causing him to scream in pain as he was woken up from his disoriented state.

The figure picked Arthur up by the neck and threw him on the bed. "Who are you!?!" Arthur yelled in pain. Trying to focus through the pain to use his power.

"An angry brother." The figure coldly declared as he spun the knife in his hand. Then cut off a piece of Arthur that was below the waste. "Don't worry, you won't survive the night."

Arthur screamed in pain and looked down to see his 'tool' had been removed. "You cut it off! Why!?! Why!?!" Then for the next hour until police sirens started closing in on the building, Arthur's screams of pains could be heard all around the block. But as police pulled onto the street they saw an explosion and a fire erupted in the hotel from the room the screams were heard coming from.


Now. Gotham City.

"Penny-One, this is Batgirl. I am following the GCPD to assist with the Arkham breakout. Are Batman and Robin sure they have this covered without me?" Batgirl asked as she rode her Batcycle following the police cruiser in front of her.

"Yes, Batgirl. They seem to have it covered. They have already detained and turned over Firefly, KGBeast, and Copperhead. All that is left is Red Claw and Hush." Alfred answered, "But it does seem something unusual has happened. I am looking over the security footage for the asylum now."

"Do you have a rough guess of what happened?" Batgirl asked with a frown. What would be unusual in Gotham of all places?

"Possibly, with the way they are moving… I would say these guys are definitely military. Considering they are in military uniform probably still active duty and currently working. Oh dear… these gents mean business. I suggest you be on the side of caution Batgirl." Alfred suggested, "these gents may not be criminals but they clearly have no issue with killing and are not worried about repercussions."

"What? If they are still active duty does that mean they were sent from the government? I thought Br-Batman had an agreement with one of them." Batgirl asked. She only vaguely knew about the topic.

"I do not know. I will search up the information regarding these gents. It looks like a mix of soldiers from different fields and branches." Alfred observed. Then there was the typing noise, "I will get back to you in a moment."


Now. Arkham Asylum. Lobby.

As they walked into the lobby, Cash couldn't hold his curiosity any longer. "So Riddler called you a 'Ghost of Death'. What does that mean?"

"Classified. Deltas head up to your boss. Cash-" Mylo was interrupted when his comlink buzzed to life.

"Commander, this is Trax. A bunch of GCPD officers are on their way in through the front gate. What do you want me to do?" Trax asked.

"Assist the GCPD until I or another says otherwise. I am gonna take Cash and introduce myself. I need to grab a ride from them anyways to get to the city." Mylo responded.


Mylo nodded and looked at the two Delta soldiers. "You two, go join your comrades. Cash with me, I need to procure a vehicle from your buddies."

Cash sighed and followed Mylo out.


One Year Ago. Metropolis General Hospital.

Mylo peeked his head into the hospital room. He saw his sister with a sad look on her face. But there was also a trace of anger there as she watched the news.

"Hey Sis!" Mylo called out as he slowly walked into the room with his hands behind his back. His sister Flora smiled weakly when she saw him.

"Hey my little chemist. I haven't seen you in awhile. How are you?" Flora asked as Mylo walked forward and brought the bouquet of Petunias out from behind his back.

"Busy with work. I brought you these." He then pulled out a bag with burritos in it. "And these."

Flora chuckled, "still the rule breaker I see." Then as Mylo walked forward and hugged her, she broke out and started crying.

It was almost thirty minutes before she stopped. When she did, she put the flowers to the side and stole one of the burritos from the bag.

Mylo chuckled, "do you want some hot sauce with that." He pulled out several sauces with different colors.

"Which one is spicy?" Flora asked and only got a shrug in response. Flora sat up in her bed. "So… Mom and Dad called, they thought it was just a mugging. But it is clear you know what happened."

Mylo nodded, "yeah, Scarlett had a… system setup in case any of her or my family members ended up in a police report or hospital."

"Oh… you and Scarlett are you two finally?" Flora's insinuation was obvious.

Mylo shook his head, "Flora, Scarlett is more likely to go after you then she would me."

Flora blushed in embarrassment, "oh… I didn't know."

Mylo chuckled, "that's okay. How's the burrito? Enough rice and cheese?"

Flora nodded, "Yes… they told me that when that… man," She growled out the last word, "after he finished… and went to kill me he screwed up. But he still managed to damage the nerves in my right leg. I am going to be walking with a cane for the rest of my life."

Mylo frowned and then smiled catching Flora off guard, "I guess that means I just have to get you one badass cane. So what type of cane are you thinking about? Personally I would lean towards a knife cane. It would make for quick and easy personal self defense."

Flora started laughing loudly. Even tearing up as she did so, "I will leave it up to you then. Just make sure it is super bad ass."

Like that Mylo and Flora joked throughout the night.


Now. Arkham Asylum. Courtyard.

Mylo walked up to the GCPD cars as they parked in front of the courtyard. The officers were instantly arming themselves and pointing their weapons at Mylo. Mylo raised his hands in surrender and Cash walked up to the officers.

"Hold up Montoya, this is one of the good guys. He is with some military outfit that paradropped onto Arkham after the breakout already occurred." Cash yelled out quickly. "But he is gonna need a ride into the city."

Renee Montoya, who was in charge, was about to answer. When she was beaten to it.

"I can take him. But what is your mission objective?" Batgirl asked. Mylo frowned, 'oh great. A vigilante.'