A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)
A boy is squatting on top of a pole, and everyone looks at Dio.
The boy is a little shorter than me and wore an orange suit with a yellow "R" on the chest, a black cape that isn't very long, short black hair, and a green mask with white eyes.
"Have you met this guy before, Robin?"
Speedy asked.
"Not in person, but there are records of him in the Batcave's records. He's Wonder Woman's student."
Robin replied.
Robin then jumped from the pole, did a somersault in the air, and landed right in front of him with his hand extended.
"It's a pleasure to meet you,"
Robin said it with a smile.
"The pleasure is mine,"
Dio replied and shook his hand.
"He knew Wonder Woman and trained with her, man; that's so unfair."
Kid Flash exclaims, but his remark is ignored by everyone.
"Kid Flash, could you take these children to a safe place?"
Aqualad asked him.
"Right away,"
Kid Flash responded by moving at high speed to pick up the children, who have now forgotten their fear and are listening to their conversation with curiosity.
Kid Flash does not release lightning when he runs, like the speedsters in comics.
"There's a shelter two blocks from here."
Robin said.
Kid Flash nodded and rushed away with the children.
"Could someone tell me why these ships are attacking us?"
Dio asked Aqualad.
"We're not entirely sure. They appeared a few minutes ago without showing any signs of attack, only observation."
Aqualad replied.
"But after a few seconds, they started attacking us. We tried talking to them, but they didn't understand our words. Luckily, after we started fighting, they showed more interest in us than the rest of the city, reducing the number of casualties."
Aqualad explained.
Dio wanted to learn more about the situation and why they wanted to abduct humans, but their conversation was cut short when they saw four darts approaching them in formation.
"What did I miss?"
Kid Flash asked as he returned from his run.
"We need to end this quickly,"
Aqualad told them.
They fire their high-gravity sphere from a distance.
They all split up to dodge their attacks.
It didn't take long for them to pass by and make a U-turn at the end of the street, returning to their position.
Aqualad was the first to take action.
He ran to a fire hydrant, broke it, and gushed water from the ground.
He then pulled out his two weapons, and the water started to glow from his tattoos.
He controlled it and turned it into a huge water jet that hit one of the darts and sent it flying and crashing into a building before exploding.
Kid Flash then rushed toward them, and when he got close, he changed his position and ran up the walls of the building next to the street, reaching the height of the dart.
He jumped and landed on top of one of them.
Dio saw his hand easily enter the dart, and when he pulled it out, the dart simply started to fall.
He jumped out of the dart to escape the explosion.
Robin didn't fall behind either.
He pulled a Grappling Gun from his belt and fired at one of the darts.
It clutched it and pulled it up by the rope.
The weapon started to pull back the rope and bring it to his target.
He put something on the dart and then jumped, doing acrobatics in the air and falling perfectly on the ground.
The dart exploded when his feet hit the ground.
They were good, but not all of them. With the last target still in his hands, Speedy shot two arrows at it.
They exploded in the air, just inches from the target.
The blast sent out red foam that covered the whole dart.
The dart quickly fell as it was covered in foam. Speedy didn't think about where his opponent would land, which is what went wrong.
Seeing the dart coming in his direction, he grabbed another arrow and fired it.
He made another mistake.
He forgot to consider the material of the foam he had used before, so when the explosive arrow hit the flammable foam, the dart turned into a large fireball heading toward him.
Seeing Speedy's shocked face, Dio jumped over him and hit him with his shield to block the flaming remnants of the dart across the street.
Aqualad moved quickly and made a water bubble to protect Robin and Kid Flash.
Speedy was behind Dio, so he was shielded.
When Dio landed on the ground, he turned around and went in his direction with his hand extended.
When Dio stopped the fireball, he fell on his butt.
"I didn't need your help!"
Speedy said, smacking his hand away and then getting up on his own.
No one can say he didn't try.
Speedy was an idiot, and it's better to ignore him to avoid losing his patience.
"That was the last one,"
Robin said this to them and looked at a computer screen on his forearm.
"We still need to locate those who were abducted,"
Aqualad told them.
"Guys, they're aliens. Where else could they have put their hostages other than their mothership?"
Kid Flash said.
"We already know that. The problem is how to get there. As far as I know, no one here has a dart."
Speedy sounded in while still looking at him with anger.
He is right; they can't reach the mothership by magic or by using technology.
Zatanna could teleport them to the ship, but she would need something touched by a living being there to track it, and the dart was pilotless, so there was no item on it for that purpose.
As Dio thought about it, he considered the dart, and a plan came to mind.
"I have an idea,"
Dio said that and got everyone's attention.
"But I'll need a complete and functioning dart to make it work."
Dio continued.
Aqualad asked and didn't understand him.
"An enemy ship; I called them that because of their shape."
Dio explained it to him.
"A dart, yes, this plan might work."
Robin quickly understood his plan.
"Do you want to explain?"
Kid Flash asked and looked at his friend.
"He wants to use the darts' own teleporter to get inside the mothership."
Robin explained.
"That's nonsense. They clearly have measures to immobilize anyone being teleported."
Speedy seems quite pleased to dismiss Dio's plan.
"They surely have measures to immobilize us, but I have a certain degree of invulnerability. If I act quickly, there's a good chance this measure won't catch me."
Dop continued selling his plan.
"Atlantean skin is much stronger than human skin, and I can also use my magic to defend myself. I believe I can do this."
Aqualad also agreed and accepted the plan.
"With my speed, I can vibrate and become intangible for a second, which is enough time to escape."
Kid Flash agreed.
"You guys are crazy,"
Speedy said this to his friends.
"Maybe, but we're out of ideas, my friend."
Aqualad told him, who wasn't thrilled but agreed.
"Well, now that everyone agrees, we need to find a whole dart."
Robin said.
Dio couldn't find any darts on his own, and all the ones he did find were destroyed.
'Let's hope they haven't left them all in pieces too.'
"I froze one of them; it fell inside a store, and from what I saw, it was a bit damaged."
Fortunately, Aqualad didn't destroy one of them.
"Is the store still standing?"
Kid Flash asked Aqualad.
"A few blocks from here, to the north,"
Aqualad replied.
Kid Flash then ran to the north, and after a few seconds, he returned to tell everyone, "The dart is really there; it seems to be in good condition, except for its engine."
"Great, then let's get moving."
Robin said that and took a black device from his belt.
"One more thing: I found many injured people on the way. I won't be able to save them all alone."
Kid Flash said.
"I'll need some time to analyze and get the dart working."
Robin said.
"So while Robin tries to put the plan into action, let's help those in need."
Aqualad suggested.
Then, they move through the city and run toward the dart and mothership.
A/N: A lot happened in this chapter, and some Titans characters finally appeared. I've changed their versions a bit. First, Aqualad isn't the comic book version; he's from Young Justice. He only existed in the series, but I like this version much more than the comic book one, so he'll stay like this.
Kid Flash isn't the Young Justice version; he's Wally West from the comics. Those who've read it know the difference. I haven't decided which version of Dick Robin will be yet. I really like the character, so we'll take it slow with him.
If you want to support me, you can find up to 25 advance chapters at my patreon