
Chapter 178




The monster would not stop uttering that as he swung his wooden club, which resembled a wrecking ball.

It would cause ten to twenty trees to burst, break from the ground, and launch into the air with each blow.




Then the trees began to rain around Dio, and some thinner pieces even pierced the trunks.

A reminder of how dangerous it was to deal with this head-on.

A little army of dog-sized ants appeared and ran amazingly through the small forest.

The ants are no different from everything else in the Underworld in that they are big and designed to kill.

Their red bodies are almost like natural armor because a blow from his sword isn't enough to kill them.

Dio had to aim carefully between the joints and risk being caught by their jaws, which could easily destroy a trunk and cause a tree to fall immediately with their acidic venom.

Myrmekes are giant ants that love gold.

Dio remembered them from the mythological studies Diana gave him. He recalled that Zeus had something to do with their creation.

The army of ants is a lesser problem compared to the giant controlling them.

After running between the trees, Dio finally spotted a small lake ahead of them.

This was the only place he found after an hour of running non-stop at his top speed.

Dio was on top of a small hill, and the lake was five meters below him.

He leaped from the small pile of sand and pointed his hand downwards while chanting a spell.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Κωκυτός !"

(I Summon the Cold of Wailing from the River Cocytus!)

A black mist shot down like a rocket and hit the lake to freeze it.

Dio soon landed on it and gracefully slid across the ice until he was near the end.

Then he spun his body and plunged his sword into the ground to stop himself while facing the spot where he jumped.

"I hope it's deep enough."

Dio muttered aloud.


Soon, the trees where he jumped from the explosion, flew into the air while crashing into the lake and breaking small pieces of the ice.

The monsters that were chasing him can now be seen clearly since the trees are gone.

A ten-meter-tall figure with bronze-colored skin, a round belly, and strong arms. He was naked and only wore dirty animal skin to cover it.

He carried a five-meter-long, one-meter-wide club of wood just the right size for him.

He has sharp, dirty teeth and no hair on his face, but he has a big blue eye that covers the space between his nose and forehead.

A Cyclops.


That was all he shouted at him with his deep, loud voice, which sounded more like a roar.

It all began a few hours ago when he was peacefully wandering through the Fields of Asphodel.

He was enjoying the peace and calm until a Cyclops appeared out of nowhere and shouted those words at him while chasing him.

Dio was confident in winning a fight against him until he saw an army of giant ants following behind him.

At first, he thought their fight had provoked them, and since he was a bigger target they would focus on him.

But they joined forces against Dio, and he had no choice but to flee.


With another angry shout at him, the Cyclops leaped and crashed onto the ice below.

Dio hoped the lake's depth would be enough for a second, but the Cyclops was only waist-deep in water.

The Myrmekes were smarter than the Cyclops. They didn't jump from above. Instead, they came from the sides.

It would take a little while for them to attack Dio from behind with their high speed and mobility.


The ice cracked under the Cyclops's weight. He left his beloved weapon raised and ready for Dio because he was afraid of losing it.

The Cyclops don't have any significant weaknesses like other mythological monsters.

They're big, strong, and resilient, much like ogres from fantasy stories.

They are monsters that are known for being able to regenerate. They are also very resistant to fire and deal very well with cold.

The easiest way to bring him down is to hit his eye.

Dio pointed his hand with an open palm towards the Cyclops and invoked his power.



The ice around him turned as black as night.

Then, a skeleton emerged from the ground and attacked from the left and right while trying to grab him and pull him down.

They didn't last a second.

The cyclops swung his weapon from side to side too quickly for his size to destroy them and resumed walking.

"The hard way as always!"

Dio shouted at him as he pushed his body forward and started sliding gracefully on the ice in his direction.


Soon, Dio was within the Cyclops's reach, and he mercilessly raised his weapon and struck the ice with all his strength.


The ice and water sprayed upwards as he gracefully slid to his left, but he didn't last long.

The force of his blow cracked all the ice around him, and he had to jump towards him to avoid falling into the water.

Then the Cyclops turned his face and looked at him with a single eye on his left.

Suddenly, he raised his head toward him in the air.

Then Dio teleported and appeared quickly on his outstretched shoulder.

Before he could do anything, Dio raised his sword and forcefully plunged it into his shoulder.


The Cyclops roared in pain, but his free hand came at him again with more power.

Dio jumped off his body, leaving his sword stuck where it landed.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Κωκυτός !"

(I Summon the Cold of Wailing from the River Cocytus!)

The black mist exploded around his body before hitting the ground while refreezing the lake and giving him solid ground to land on before retreating with a backward leap.

"The evil stabbed me with a toothpick!"

The cyclops shouted while pulling the sword out of his shoulder with two fingers and then throwing it away.

Dio summoned his sword back to his hand while looking at the wound on the cyclops' shoulder, which was bleeding green.

At least, the metal of his weapon has the opposite effect on his regeneration.

Then, a small army of giant Myrmekes appeared at the beginning of the lake while walking slowly due to the ice.

They'll take a little while to reach him, but Dio wanted to injure his most troublesome enemy before that.


He hit the lake, and another ice blast happened while Dio jumped back to avoid it.

Before the ice broke completely, Dio leaped and landed on top of his weapon, then jumped again with the sword ready.

Dio was fast and precise, and he cut the monster's chest instead of piercing it.


The Cyclops roared in pain again, stepping back a few steps and breaking the ice behind him with his body.

Then Dio saw the rage shining in the monster's eye in the air, but the cyclops swung his club with just one hand to hit him in the air.

The feeling of being hit by his weapon with only one hand was the same as when he first started practicing his flying spell.

Dio crashed into the ground face-first at more than two hundred kilometers per hour.


Dio touched the ice like a plane making a landing without its wheels until it hit something that threw him upwards.


He touched the ground and felt the earth. He had just been thrown out of the ice lake.

Then Dio saw a pair of jaws resembling double pincers full of spikes above him with a green liquid dripping from them before getting up.

Before the Myrmekes could bite his neck, Dio grabbed one of its pincers and pulled it to his left to roll the ants on the ground.

Dio looked at his hand while feeling a strong throbbing pain.

The green liquid dripping from the ant's jaws was its acid, which was strong enough to erode his flesh and leave his hand raw.

Dio didn't have time to tend to this wound.

The Myrmekes were coming at him again and pierced its mouth, one of the few places its armor didn't protect it.

The giant ant didn't die even with its head pierced and its pincers closed, piercing his wrist and its acid seeping through it.

"Επικαλούμαι το κρύο της θλίψης του ποταμού Κωκυτός!"

(I Summon the Cold of Wailing from the River Cocytus!)

The black mist covered his wrist, hand, and sword, freezing the entire body of the ant from the inside out to kill it.

The pain from the acid was relieved with his hand covered in ice.


The ant's body shattered as he pulled out his sword.

Dio looked around and saw more Myrmekes coming from his sides and from the icy field before him.

The Cyclops on the other side of the frozen lake have also recovered and started to move with a cut across his body from his left arm to the right just above his chest.

Dio aimed for his neck, but it was hard to hit him precisely with a quick attack due to his size.

A sudden movement from him completely changes the aim because his body is too big.



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