
DC: The Joker (DROPPED)

A man reincarnates in the infamous verse, where gods, monsters, and cosmic entities that could end the world on a whim, with nothing but a simple league system Find out how he inevitably reach the top after just trying to have a peaceful life ===== I DO NOT own anything here. All right goes to their respective owners. ===== Patreon: BaphometFiction, where this story already got chapters in advanced.

Baph0met · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 3: Harley Quinn

Although the stories of Gotham City have various versions in different timelines, there are significant differences in stances and morality within them.

But Jekyll was very clear on one thing: Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, was unquestionably the core of Gotham City. His unexpected demise would trigger extremely dangerous upheaval.

Especially if it were discovered that one was somehow related to Batman's death, suicide would probably be the only release. The Batman fanbase in Gotham and all the superheroes of the Justice League would ensure one's misery.

So, in the instant when Bane was about to execute Batman, Jekyll immediately made a decision: no matter what, he had to prevent Batman's death from happening.

However, unarmed as he was, even if he attempted a surprise attack, trying to face a combatant like Bane without any weaponry was pure fantasy.

If only he had a weapon in his hands... As this thought flashed through his mind, Jekyll suddenly felt a chill in his palm. Looking down, he discovered a sharp serrated dagger appearing out of thin air in his hand.

Jekyll was startled but quickly realized this might be one of the abilities bestowed upon him by the system.

There was no time for further contemplation. Now that he had a weapon, the course of action was clear—Jekyll took a deep breath and immediately sprang into action!

Jekyll first used his deceive to leap to Bane's side. Bane, who was relishing tormenting Batman, had no inkling that an invisible person had appeared by his side. But when his peripheral vision caught a glint of the blade, it was already too late.


With a swift movement, Jekyll's hand plunged the dagger, severing another of Bane's venomous tubes.


The effect was significant. Bane, as known by both Jekyll and himself, appeared extremely weakened the moment his venom supply was cut off.

But Jekyll didn't become complacent. From what he knew in some comics, even without the venom, Bane was still a top-tier killer. So, he immediately reversed his grip on the dagger and forcefully thrust it into the back of Bane's neck.

Mercy needed to be backed by strength. Jekyll wouldn't be foolish enough, as a rookie who couldn't even kill a chicken, to talk about a no-kill policy with someone as evil as Bane. In a situation of insufficient strength, showing mercy to the enemy often turned out to be cruel to oneself.

The sharpness of the dagger surpassed Jekyll's imagination. He could distinctly feel the dagger smoothly piercing through Bane's skin, muscles, bones, and veins. As warm blood flowed onto his hand, a cold mechanical sound also echoed in his mind.

[Legendary Target Eliminated: Bane, Gained 200 Experience Points.]

[Personal Level Upgraded to Level 3, Gained New Skill Points.]

[Acquired Title: Bane Terminator]

[Title Effect: Equipping this title increases poison resistance. Upon ingesting poison, enters a state of excitement with increased physical capabilities. However, stopping poison intake leads to a substantial decrease in physical fitness based on poison strength and intake time (this side effect remains effective even after removing the title).]

Strengthening the body by ingesting poison sounds like a version of Bane's abilities. But Jekyll didn't have time to meticulously study this new power. After all, his current situation was incredibly awkward.

Jekyll first cautiously confirmed Batman's condition. The superhero was now lying motionless on the ground, seemingly unconscious, yet the slight rise and fall of his chest indicated that his life was temporarily intact.

Should he wake Batman up and use this favor to build a relationship with him?

However, Jekyll immediately ruled out this option. In Gotham, being a second-tier hero was much riskier than being a villain. The fanatical group of villains would not hesitate to kill Batman and wouldn't go easy on those around him.

Jekyll knew he didn't possess the charm that could sway both sides of good and evil in the DC universe. Trying to be Batman's friend would most likely result in severe injury or even madness.

Moreover, according to Jekyll's understanding, Batman was an adamant adherent of the no-kill policy, to an almost obsessive degree. Even if killing Bane was to save him, it might be challenging to gain Batman's approval for such an action.

After much deliberation, Jekyll decided that the safest course of action right now was one and only one—

Escape was the best plan.

Jekyll stepped over Bane's body on the ground and carefully traversed the corridor where Bane had come from. The good news was that he didn't encounter anyone else; the bad news was that as he neared the door, he already heard the approaching sirens from afar.

"Listen, everyone inside! We're the Gotham Police Department. Drop your weapons and surrender immediately—"

Police cars flashing dazzling red and blue lights encircled the factory's exit. A middle-aged man with glasses and a determined face held a megaphone, shouting instructions.

However, the only response was silence, which was expected. Inside the factory, there were unconscious and deceased individuals, and Jekyll had no intention of surrendering.

Jokingly, if caught now, he'd undoubtedly be imprisoned on charges of murdering Bane, which in Gotham's detention center was no different from landing in the hands of the hidden manipulators.

But conveniently, his new skill points could be put to use now.

Seeing no response, the middle-aged man set aside the megaphone and drew a pistol from his waist.

"Commissioner Gordon, let's charge in together," whispered a young detective beside him.

But Gordon shook his head, his expression solemn as he gazed in the direction of the door.

"You all stay here in formation. Don't let anyone escape. I'll go in and assess the situation—"

Shwoo! A silver streak tore through the night, piercing through the gap between the detectives and hitting the fuel tank of the last police car.


The police car exploded instantly, luckily as all the detectives had already disembarked, no casualties occurred. However, this drew all the detectives' attention towards the explosion.

"Everyone, stay alert! Quickly find out where the attack came from!"

The detectives were all on edge, aiming their guns around the burning police car. However, Gordon furrowed his brow, seemingly lost in thought as he glanced down at the ground.

"These footprints... no shoes? — Wait, were these footprints here before?"

Gordon's pupils constricted as he swiftly looked in the direction opposite to the factory.

"Who has a smoke grenade? Throw it in that direction! Quickly!"

In his stealth mode, Jekyll was alarmed. Just a moment ago, he had used his newly learned skill of the Two-Shiv Poison to remotely attack the car's fuel tank with a thrown knife, intending to divert attention and escape using his deceive skill.

However, Gordon, having faced many superhumans, immediately caught onto his actions.

Sss... In the smoke released by the smoke grenade, it was evident that a humanoid silhouette was fleeing in the direction away from them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jekyll urgently took cover behind a nearby wall. Under the hail of bullets, there was no way he could use his invisibility to flee.

This was it. He could only hope to persuade Gordon and seek his protection now.

Vroom! Vroom!

A thunderous engine roared from a distance. Accompanied by dazzling headlights, a large truck surged toward the officers as if aiming to crash into them directly.

And as it passed by Jekyll, the truck emitted a screeching brake sound, leaving a deep mark on the ground as it sharply turned direction.

Under the force of inertia, the truck's cargo compartment abruptly opened, and numerous packages wrapped in black cloth spilled onto the ground.

"It's Harley Quinn! Cease fire immediately, everyone!"

However, Gordon's words came too late. After a stray bullet hit one of the packages, it instantly exploded, scattering colorful fireworks in all directions.

Bang! Crack! Bang! Whoosh~

One after another, the other packages were detonated, countless dazzling fireworks scattering everywhere. All officers, including Gordon, were forced to seek temporary cover.

In front of Jekyll, the driver's door of the truck swung open, revealing an exceptionally fair and slender arm.

"Hurry up, my dear pudding!"

Inside the truck's cabin, Jekyll saw a girl with colorful pigtails, wearing a tight T-shirt and denim shorts that exposed her fair and slender thighs.

Amidst the brilliant and colorful light of the fireworks, her smile, adorned with bright red lipstick, was as stunning and enchanting as a fairy tale fairy.


Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon!

Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.