
DC: Superman's OP Younger Brother

Raymond Kent was an ordinary unemployed university graduate who died in a car accident and became the biological son of Martha and Jonathan Kent in DC. He, however, soon discovered that he was a metahuman with multiple god-like meta-abilities, he also seems to have no limit to the amount of meta-abilities he can awaken nor the infinite increase in the power of his meta-abilities. He is pretty much overpowered as it is, but, the question is —is his power enough? The Story will explore how Ray goes about his everyday life; trying not to accidentally destroy the world with his uncontrollable power, keeping a low profile, while also battling DC's top cosmic entities such as trigon, the endless, the fates, the primordials, the monitors, etc, behind the scenes.

Perfect_Genius · Ti vi
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Realm Of The Moirai

_Realm Of The Moirai_

In the realm of the moirai, there was a gigantic piece of land floating in the middle of outer space with a pure-white temple standing tall on top of it, radiating an air of holiness.


The space in front of the temple suddenly began to distort and warp before a mysterious figure suddenly appeared.

That mysterious figure was actually Ray, who had been teleported to the Realm Of The Moirai a few seconds after he crushed the white crystal.

Ray looked at the temple before him, it was made of what seemed to be made of white porcelain, emitting an unnaturally holy aura.

"So, this is the place where those three live, how peaceful," with a barely noticeable hint of envy in his voice, Ray stated.

He suddenly closed his eyes, spreading his Extrasensory Perception to inspect the surroundings and the temple.

"The flow of time in this space seems rather different from the one back on the earth," Ray acknowledged, opening his eyes again.

Walking towards the temple, Ray went to its giant doors and lightly pushed them using his right palm.


The giant doors slammed open and were sent flying into the depths of the temple, leaving Ray with a small frown on his face as he walked into the temple.

The inside of the temple was strangely a lot more spacious than it appeared from outside. It seemed as though the space within it were endless.

There were glamorous ancient artifacts displayed everywhere, lots of beautiful flowers and precious herbs, there were also gigantic statues of the sisters of fate erected along with a giant statue of another woman which greatly towered above the statues of the sisters of fate.

'That must be their mother —Ananke the primordial embodiment of all destiny in the universe, I've heard about her in my past life,' Ray thought, not feeling much emotion.

He then looked at the countless rainbow coloured threads running through everywhere like spiderwebs, moving, bending and tangling into knots.

'This should be the legendary threads of fate which represent the fate of everyone in the universe, I wonder which one's my parents,' Ray wondered, before abruptly lifting his head, sensing three presences in the vicinity.

"I'm sure you already know why I'm here, why don't you three just show yourselves already."

Ray said calmly, however, the sound of his powerful lungs echoed loudly through the walls of the temple, causing it to shake slightly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, the three sisters of fate appeared in front of Ray, looking the same way they did 7 years ago when they first met him.

"Raymond, you've finally decided to come, we've been expecting you."

The eldest sister said with a small smile on her face.

"Whoa! Lil' Ray, you've grown so big since the last time we met," the youngest sister said excitedly.

The corner of Ray's eyes twitched ever so slightly, hearing her call him 'Lil' Ray', only his mother could call him that. He frowned and said, "My name is Raymond, you could call me Ray, but not anything else."

"That's not very fair, Ray-Ray, you didn't even bother to know my name," the youngest sister retorted teasingly.

"Whats your name then?," Ray asked indifferently, ignoring the new nickname she came up with.

"I'm called Clotho, the youngest and the prettiest of the sisters, this is Lachesis my favourite sister —shes the middle child and the old lady is Atropsis," Clotho said, smiling happily, not paying attention to Atropsis who looked like she would kill her is she laid her hands on her.

"I see, interesting," Ray lied, his face not showing any sign of interest whatsoever.

"Enough of that Clotho. Raymond, I believe you came here for the Zarthium Ore, is that right?," sighing helplessly, Lachesis —the mature sister— asked.

"That is correct and I take it that it was the Zarthium Ore that you intended to give to me 7 years ago, no?" Ray questioned, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Yes, it was," Atropsis replied.

"You three can't see my fate, so how did you know I would need it?" Ray asked, one of his eyebrows rising.

"We could glimpse into the fate of your brother —the kryptonian who made for you what you call the meta-nullifying bracelet and we saw that the bracelet would not hold as your powers grew and that he would head out with you in search of the Zarthium Ore," Lechasis answered.

"A treasure belonging to our mother, Ananke," Clotho commented.

"Since you know all this, then can I have the Zarthium Ore now? I'm kinda in a hurry you know, the whole ending the universe dilemma," Ray said, stretching out his hand.

"I'm sorry Raymond, but we can not give it to you for nothing in return this time," Atropsis let out a smile, a sinister smile which resembled that of a greedy businesswoman.

"You do know that you three would also seize to exist along with the universe should my powers be left unchecked, right?," Ray asked, trying to get out of making a deal with them. There was just something about them that he didn't trust.

"Then its a good thing we have a way to go through the bleed and enter other universes, isn't it?," Clotho haughtily stated, her eyes filled with pride.

'What did I expect,' Ray thought, closing his eyes as he could already feel a headache coming. He could attack them and threaten them so that they could give him the Zarthium Ore, but he wasn't sure what other tricks they had up their sleeves. They possessed something as versatile as magic afterall.

"Sigh! What is it you guys want in exchange for the Zarthium Ore?," Ray asked, sighing deeply as he opened his eyes.

"We have something we really need, but are not powerful enough to get it, so we want you to help us get it...," Atropsis stopped, leaving Lechasis to continue.

"...And in the meantime, we'll give you another power source which can temporarily suppress your power, until you bring back what we need and then...," Lechasis stopped as well, leaving Clotho to continue.

"...We will give you mother's Zarthium Ore," Clotho said.

"What is it you need me to get for you exactly?," Ray asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"We need you to bring us the heart of the demon... Trigon," Atropsis replied.

"Trigon's heart?," Ray asked, not showing any sign of shock or any emotion for that matter.

He knew about Trigon from his past life, he was an interdimensional demon who possessed great power and was born from the union of the evil cast out of human souls and the mystical energy of azarath.

When he was born he killed everyone around him including his mother. When he was 1 year old, he conquered and ruled an entire planet and when he was 6 years old, he destroyed an entire planet. He was a Low Multiversal Tier entity and even Ray would have to use about 30% of his power if he wanted to kill him in one punch.

"Why do you need his heart, anyway?," Ray queried.

"We don't really need it, but mother...," Clotho began, but was interrupted.

"Clotho!," Atropsis exclaimed, giving her a glared to shut her up, causing her to quickly cover her mouth with her hands as her eyes widened in shock at the mistake she just made.

Ray narrowed his eyes. It seemed that Ananke was behind their need for Trigon's Heart, but he didn't know what she needed it for, nor did he care.

"I don't really care that much about your reasons, it was simply a casual question. I'll get you Trigon's heart if that's what it takes for you to give me the ore," Ray said, waving his hand nonchalantly as he assured them.

"Well, that's easier said than done Raymond, because Trigon is from another dimension which almost no one has access to," Atropsis informed him.

"However, we've found the key to his dimension," Lechasis said, suddenly extending her hand forward.


An holographic projection of a teenage girl about Ray's age, suddenly appeared, hovering above Lechasis' hand.

"This young girl is the key, her name is Rachel Roth and she's the daughter of Trigon."