
Chapter 154

Bat Cave.

Alfred Pennyworth watched what shouldn't be. Something that he couldn't even imagine even on a computer monitor in the Bat Cave. But he was not the only witness to this picture - next to him stood most of the Bat family and also looked at the action in front of them.

- Batman! - Nightwing was angry, and directly blazed with righteous anger, not looking at the serene "Night Knight". - Stop running away from the conversation! You can ignore Batgirl, the Huntress, and more. But not me! Someone who, but I know your dark side ...

- Shut up! Batman cut him off. "You shouldn't say that. You know perfectly well that words will not help here.

- But we could try!

- No!

- Batman. There was a touch of resentment in Nightwing's voice. "You don't trust me again, as you did on the day of our first mission… It's a shame. I've always tried to be like you! But you've always ignored my attempts to get close to you.

- It will not happen.

- Why? - Nightwing came closer to Batman - Because you have a "new assistant"? He is a boy who can't do anything yet.

- He will learn. - His mentor was about to turn around, but was suddenly hit in the jaw by his former protege.

- Freak! Don't you dare turn away from me! - hit. - I demand respect for myself. - Blow!

Batman began to respond to aggression in his direction. After five minutes of spectacular battle, Nightwing was able to barely defeat his opponent and knocked him to the floor, hanging over him.

- So, what is next? Heh-heh ... So are we going to run away from this conversation?

In response, Batman only hugged Nightwing tightly and merged into hot kisses with him. The guy tried to resist, but after a couple of minutes he was already hotly responding to the caresses of his ... beloved (?)

Suddenly the video on the screen was interrupted and a sign hung: "To continue watching, you need to register on our website. Registration is paid - $ 1. At the end of registration, you can watch the three-hour video to the end! Best regards, Site Administration! "

There was silence in Bet Cave. Oppressing everyone. And she was interrupted by a very loud laugh ... although it would be more accurate to say that Barbara Gordon, Helena Bartinelli and Sasha Borda were laughing like horses from this picture. Alfred was shocked, and so was Jason. But the expressions on the faces of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson that looked at this video were all the time so colorful and incredible that it was even impossible to describe them. Bruce, after recovering a little, began to read the comments, after which he again went to Nirvana.

- What kind of ***** on **** this ******! There was no such thing! This is ****** montage! Bruce, ****, you need to ******** these ****** and good ****** of them!

- O! And you say editing! Helena raised her index finger. - Look what thoughts are spinning in your head. Although, to be honest, I am surprised at this turn. - She waited a little before Dick finished cursing her, and continued - But still I wonder who edited this video? - she looked at Barbara, which just the same and found this video on the Internet.

- I looked through the entire history of the site. - Gordon began smiling brightly and glancing sideways at Batman, who was now "dumb". - He's only a couple of months old. But it has already gained popularity. And this video came out two days ago and became a hit. The administration has already earned more than ten lamas on it.

- Freaks! It was Grayson. - We need to remove this muck!

"So," the redhead continued after Grayson's line. - the administration did not grab this money for itself, but created a fund. Moreover, a real fund that has already allocated money to well-known firms for the construction of homes for orphans and families, relatives of those killed in the gang wars in Gotham City. Also, money was allocated for new playgrounds and even one hospital. And at the same time, their profit comes from this video.

- That is, if we delete this video now, the money will not accumulate for the benefit of the fund? Bruce asked in a neutral voice.

- Yes. Barbara nodded.

- It's clear…

"Hey Bruce, you don't mean to say we should leave it like this?"

But, seeing Bruce's face and his look at him, he fell silent and went upstairs irritably.

"It will be necessary to somehow speed up the relationship between Miss Bordeaux and Master Bruce." - a thought flashed through Alfred's head, looking at this screen.


Almost all of us came to a small entertainment event together.

I came, Pamela, Harley, the Croc sisters and even Rene. After all, she is still considered my "bodyguard". And besides, her apartment was flooded by the neighbors, and she will live with us for another month.

While we were going up in the elevator, I mentally stroked myself on the head. I very successfully pulled a joke with the Joker about Nightwing and Batman, and now I had another idea to take, to transfer the vector of actions of the most famous freak of Gotham into a more peaceful and innocent channel - the Internet. He liked it himself. And I avenged past grievances against Bruce, and did a useful deed for society. Knowing Batman and his philanthropy, I can say with one hundred percent certainty that he did not delete the vidos only because of the preferences for ordinary citizens who need money. Although my conscience torments me a little about Dick. He's a normal guy, but someone had to get hurt.

And after all, in addition to moral pleasure, I got a new level, free points, an increase in some skills and characteristics. For example, he increased the skills of the Troll by five levels, and the Adept Sheogorath and the recruiter by one level. And the rest of the little things.

True, thoughts smoothly flowed from a feeling of guilt before Nightwing to a desire to make one or more vidos with the help of the same Henge and clones, but not a yaoi variation.

And for example Batgirl and the Huntress, or Batgirl and Supergirl. I think Power Girl will appreciate it and laugh heartily. True, I think that the local krypton woman after that will use her lasers, destroy every computer in the world ...

"Good evening, ladies, and Mr. Dinklage.

The door seems to have been opened by the butler. He was rather unusual: sideburns, dark hair and no tailcoat, but in a vest, white shirt and trousers, but his eyes, or rather his eyes, were gray, like mine. The left one was hidden under a black bandage. A kind of pirate.

- Are you a pirate ?! Artemis asked admiringly.

"No, young miss. - He smiled out of the corner of his lips. "I'm just a humble butler for the Michaelson family. Please, come in, the guests are almost gathered.

A very nice person. I wonder where he lost his eye? However, it doesn't matter. Then I'll sort it out somehow or ask Hannah.

Inside were Hannah, her friend Kelen Wright, and half a dozen other servants. Among the guests, it is not surprising, was Katherine Kane, I thought that she might have taken a short break during her "intensive training". Also there were, to my surprise, Bruce Wayne, his bodyguard Sasha, Dick Grayson, his younger protege Jason Todd and Helena Bartinelli.

- Hi Isaac, Pamela, Harley, Rene! And you girls too. - Hannah waved her hand to me and after a couple of seconds was next to us, leaving Bartinelli alone with Wright. - It's good that you came. She nodded to the others.

- We could not refuse such an interesting offer. - Pamela answered for all.

- That's for sure. - the blonde nodded importantly. - Kelen knows how to organize all sorts of parties. I really wanted to cook everything myself. Well, I mean my specialties, but just ...

A stream of inexhaustible energy poured over Pam. I even felt a little sympathy for her because she would have to take the rap for everyone in dealing with her. I still managed to quietly step aside with Artemis and start sharpening cookies. Probably the child's body is asking.

By the way, when Hannah started talking about her cooking, Katherine, Bruce and Dick reflexively grimaced and their hands fleetingly lingered on their stomachs. This is a sign that we have carried ...

- And why am I not surprised that you are among those invited? Bruce asked me.

- And hello to you. I don't know, I probably have such an aura - the problem of attracting beautiful girls. Although I have one theory that the two points are interconnected.

- Haha, that's for sure. - Bruce smiled and took a sip from the glass.

Rene, meanwhile, had already managed to speak to Kane, and Harley to Helena. Jade, meanwhile, had already started a conversation with Jason. One Dick molested the waitresses. Yes, he did not have enough pair. It's not Artemis to give him.

- Are there any more guests expected or are we the last?

- I should have asked the hostess. Although, as far as I know, there should have been Falcone Jr., but he flew to Bora Bora in the company of wonderful blondes.

- Some are lucky.

- Who would say, Isaac, by the way, you live with Montoya, Eisley and Queenzel.

- Envy in silence!

- I tried, but, to be honest, I can't. - he smiled again.

- O! Look, again news about that video from the Internet! - pointed to the plasma screen, where there was a report from the local channel.

Based on this, I can whistle and once again be surprised at the human ingenuity and bad karma of Batman.

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