
Dc: start in Young Justice

A man gets reborn in Young Justice with 3 wishes, see how he soars through the multiverse while having fun and growing more powerful. The story will follow the show at first so the changes will be minimal and later everything will be different. the Mc is op from the beginning and there will be some Multiversal travel but i'm thinking about letting it be Dc only. the Mc is a chill laid back guy but very smart and careful. He only wants to have fun and be powerful enough so no one will cause him problems. He only wish for happy and peaceful life. He is not a Hero nor a Villain so he won't be going around saving everyone but he's not heartless or cold blooded killer either. This is a light hearted story where the Mc enjoy his life doing what he wants, there are some #sliceoflife, #romance, don't know about the #Harem but most probably. There will be fights, action, techs and magic, it won't be slow but not fast either. i obviously don't own anything beside the Mc. ______________________ Chapters will be 1-2 times a week it depends how long the chapter and quality is, which I'm trying to focus on but I'm new so be patient with me. I'm trying to write at least 2.5k a chapter but i want more so don't be suprised if you have a 5k words in one chapter. It's up to my creativity.

overFantasies · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chap 4: Mr Twister

Hello Author here, i just wanted you to know that English is not my mother language so i might do some mistakes here and there but any help is welcome and i will be thankful for any feedback you have even if a bit harsh but please keep the hate out. I am doing this for fun and i am enjoying it so far.





Honestly it's embarrassing watching them so closely getting thrown around like some potato bags but they will need this experience to learn and grow so, let's ignore them for a bit and focus on the elefant in the room, Mr. Twister.

I'm currently flying here invisible and close to them, actualy too close but doesn't matter as nothing is hitting me and no one can notice me. I understand why they will think it's Red Tornado in disguise, actually it's a really cool one if he ever thought about it but the differences are obvious, well obvious for me. Beside that fact I'm also observing his core, meta power more precisely but that how i feel them, feeling his power core and seeing another android inside whose piloting him via my X-Ray vision he's definitely different from Red, their power too feel different to me, Red has more raw power but this one has more control and some minor lightning generation aside from needing someoneto controle him honestly i don't know how i can use my power on him but i will know with time.

I am trying to piece some stuff together, knowing about mechanics and electronics and analyzing some is not the same, maybe i can do it with simple cars or devices but not this complex android, i need close on hand observation to understand. I want to know if i plug his power source a.k.a core out of his body will his meta power be in the core or the body? and if in the core will it still work or once out it's gone? Can i invent some with random powers put them in and copy/steal them than repeat?

Questions questions... better take his power before they destroy him.

Hoh.. his blue eyes changed a bit after taking it even his core flickered and it's color lost its shine a bit, so they are somehow related huh.

Hmm... better go back and think about it later.


"Is this why you didn't help us" asked Miss Martian.

"No, this is your battle, i don't believe it's my role to solve your problems nor is it yours to solve mine, beside Zane was near and he could interfere if needed." Right after Tornado said that all eyes turned to me with bit of fury in them if i may add.

"And you didn't think of helping us? Asked Robin little bit enraged.

"No, like Red here said it's your battle and you need to learn how to solve them yourself or why are you even here?" Hearing this everyone got their bearing together again visibly looking better thinking they're finally getting more trust and responsibility, hehe wait till i crush that hope.

"Which you handled quite pathetically in my opinion" and there it is not even Superboy can retort beside the frown on his eyebrows.

"To be honest the only one who can be said to have done an okay job was Miss Martian and that's because she is still inexperienced and it's her very first day on the field and despite that she's the one who had to protect you and came with a valid plan to succeed" at least they had the decency to be ashamed after all what happened. "And beside Superboy who is equally inexperienced and have some issues there, you three were disappointing to say the least." With a glare that could make Batman proud whatever complaints and anger Superboy had he just kept them to himself and Megan stopped her thought of defending the rest.

"You three may have only been under your protégés and never really worked in an actual team but you were trained better. Yet there was a high risk that you would have died today or at least be left heavily injured.

Take the time to talk to each others, know what each of you is capable of and cover their weaknesses, reflect on todays mission and see were you could have done better, as a team.

That will be all, if you need anything just call my name"

And i rest my case, little harsh but they will need that for the future. I in the meantime  want to see the reaction between Twister and Red's power together, yep i ofcourse copied his power while speaking took more time than stealing that of Twister it can be for various reasons such as Red's power is stronger or copying is harder than stealing and Twister was getting beating up while i was stealing his power so there was no visible resistance, need more tests.

"Like he can do better" i heard kid flash saying totally forgetting that i have super hearing.

"Well it will be a good opportunity indeed for a little spar against you all as a team, maybe some kind of bond or something, thanks for the idea kid i indeed need to move my muscles more, rest first and tommorow we can practice" with the best sadistic smile that can send shivers i told them, directly everyone sent the embarrassed Wally some glares but there was some excitement here and there especially Superboy. Hheeh maybe that would be a good thing.

"Like a heartless machine is not enough" said Robin which got him a direct answer from Red

"I have a heart, carbon steel powered i also have excellent hearing too, maybe this training session isn't a bad idea after all"

Now they are all looking at Robin who in turn looked sheepishly around.


In the last couple of days i spent my time reading and searching the internet for any and all knowledge and news i could get my hands on, i also spent some time with the kids and talked to them from time to time to know them better whenever they came, i got close to Superboy too well he is less hostile to me atleast so that's a progress. Megan is nice really innocent girl I spent more time with her as she and Superboy live here but the latter always brooding or something but she still shows interest in him, good for him i guess not even he is immune to her bubbly personality. She even showed me this show of hers, not to my liking full of drama and not that funny so i pushed Superboy at it. I'm a good wingman, thank me you little...

I also go out everyday for a sunbath and approach more and more closely but not too much so my suit don't disintegrate, i asked Megan for organic cloth like hers actually, she told me that they respond to mental thoughts so i suprised her by talking to her mentally she gave me one directly after that so we spent more time talking mentally and grew closer, i obviously told her to keep it between us at the moment in the guise that i and Superboy are a bit alike but he is not strong like me so to not get him angry or sad, her smile almost resembled Might Guy for knowing more about him i doubt she heard anything else beside Superboy, what an innocent girl, lucky bastard. I also explained to her that mentally communicating is not normal for humans and she should ask others and talk to the team about it before doing that but bad guys are okay but should be careful, maybe she forgot? But no lash scene at that happened, well not to my knowledge so maybe she will tell them tommorow!

Anyway about me i can feel my strength rising every day from the sun energy i am absorbing i don't know how strong i am comparable to Superman, i don't even know how truly strong he is as he never showed his true power, but from the clips and short fights i saw about him maybe i am 30-35% as strong as he is? Not sure but i am growing fast but it will still take time especially since i am doing nothing so yeah maybe i should do some hero stuff for experience atleast?

Ah did i mention, i decided on a name and already got my id and license and bank account whith money in it thanks to Batbank.

I decided to go with 'Zane Hunter' i like the name Zane, simple not long and kinda cool as for my last name, well i discovered i am not good with naming that much so i had no idea what to choose i settled with Hunter because it's ironic, you know i hunt powers and all that.

My physical strength aside i tried tornado's power, in space obviously, i can produce tornadoes from my feet like he does, doing it from one foot will need training not because it's harder to do but because the body balance and coordination, for example if i do it with one foot then i will lose my balance and fly to the other side so it doesn't make sense to do it in the first place but integrating it with some fighting style can do the trick but still not needed. The hands are easy, i can control it's power and size and i'm getting better every day, but it's not like wind or air manipulation i won't turn into an air bender sadly it just controls the air currents and not air itself which produce wind and tornadoes which should not work in space as there's no air in space but then it comes slightly out of me but disperce shortly after so i needed to get closer to the stratosphere and try again.

I actually managed to separate the lightning generation from Twister's power but it's not that strong as his because twister used those turbines on his back to power it up but maybe if i got hit by lightning or went to some lightning generator and kept playing there it will help me at adapting and producing more power, need testing.

I tried each power separately and like i said Red's was more powerful, while Twister's was smoother and when i combined both the quality and power got more fine tuned i am not sure it's on the omega level power, like if i unleashed it's power without control then yeah it probably can destroy a town easily if i push more power in it maybe a city not sure but a continent? Maybe if i give everything but it will take time to generate all that maybe one day with lot of training not that i will ever want to do it. By the way i can change it color it's not red anymore it just normal no color, i don't know how it comes red in the first place but apparently my shapeshifting has an effect on it don't ask how, it is how it is so i just left it colorless for now maybe i'll make it pitch black or something in the future. We'll see.


I am standing now wearing some normal clothes, in front of me are the 4 boys all in ready position while Megan flying invisible also ready. They all have focused expression on their faces while i am just standing hands in pockets smiling.

"Are you ready" i got silent nods in return "then start" and Superboy jumped first, fist clenching behind his back and yelling while Wally is running at me and Robin is sending his birdrang while the rest are observing closely for an opening, i just side stepped Superboy and lift my leg where Wally should be coming he tried to stop but it was too late and he tripped, i fastly without anyone noticing move my hand from it place catch Robin toys and send it back to him, Superboy tried to attak from behind but i dodged and kept dodging till Aqualad joined the fun befor Superboy get too much frustrated, Aqualad has better technique and is obviously trained in hand to hand combat but he's not fast enough, so i either dodge or block all while Megan tries to move me or hit me telekineticly without success and Robin keep sending stuff.

"If nothing works on me use your surroundings, if there is nothing there then improvise and make some Megan, you have a partner that keeps shooting and missing use that"

Megan understand and starts manipulating Robin birdrang "when your tools don't work with you Robin it may work with someone else, so help your teammate" he start assisting Megan more.

"You have more power but no techniques Superboy and vice versa for you Aqualad work together and use the best of both world while Wally can play the bait and keep me busy or obstruct my vision"

They made eye contact and nodded while jumping back, and Wally is running around me obstructing my vision like i said "just because you can hit it doesn't mean it can hurt, look for weak points Wally, think before and while running not after you stop running" and he starts targeting my legs all the while Megan and Robin are working together, suddenly Robin threw a smoke bomb at me making the surrounding blurry, of course i can still see but they don't have to know.

Then expldoding birdrangs hit me from all the sides i used my arm to cover my eyes still not needing it but to give them hope and then together Superboy and Aqualad came at me at the same time with a punch each and i noticed Wally coming from behind to trip me to help the punch give more power all while Megan trying to do something to help them succeed when they thought they finally will be able to hit i moved faster than the can see catched both their punches flipped them both in Wally's direction making them hit him then threw them, Superboy at Megan and Aqualad at Robin. And all of them lay on the ground exhausted.

"You did good this time much better than the last one, good team work, i see the telepathic connection is doing you good."

"Uughh we still can't touch you" said Wally getting up slowly while breathing fast, the rest were not better they also struggled to breath especially Superboy and Aqualad who were constantly on the attacking front.

"Damn it" shouted Superboy frustrated still not managing to hit me not even once.

"Now now Superboy you are getting better, you may not notice it but i did, you are not wasting moves as you used to, like i said you need experience and a fighting style not just punch around, which all will come with time and practice so no use in getting mad about it" he grumbled a bit but that just it, good he's getting better no more yelling.

"Well Wally like i said you need to work more on your stop and direction change and use your brain more and don't forget your surroundings." He just waved at me in understanding.

"Now Robin and Kaldur you two have the training but your enemy will have that too and may even be much better than you so i want you both to think outside the box how can you use your tools and gadgets more efficiently if it doesn't work the direct way find another" they both nodded.

"Megan i don't have much to say to you, you are mostly doing good like the rest training and time is all you need but i noticed that you stay at the back too much, while it's not bad to play support but don't underestimate yourself these guys see you as a girl with telekinetic ability but forget that you are a martian and have physical strength that can rival Kaldur if not close to Superboy, so i will advise you to train more in close combat and learn some techniques too." Everyone looked at Megan, eyes opened full they indeed forgot that martians have better physical power than human, and Megan is probably the strongest on the team if not physically then overall.

"We will train more and i will help till Canary start her training, maybe you and Superboy can help each other learn faster then."

Megan bloomed at the idea and looked at Superboy who also looked at her and smiled a bit then turned his head again, hah seems the drama shows are not bad for him heh.

"Ok who's ready for the next round!" "Aww comon man we've been getting our asses beating for hours now, we get it you are the best just please let us go!" begged Wally while the other nodded equally tired even Superboy seems sick of it.

"Ok ok fine go take a bath and rest then go out and play or do something i will see you again sometime" and Wally didn't waste a second to run and soon after everyone followed. "Bye Zane" "goodbye Megan"

"Thank you for the training " "you are always welcome Kaldur".

We really did bound on this training day who knew you get to know people better when you hit them for hours! Should do that more.

_ ____________________ _

Hello dear readers, i am your new Author here i have to thank you i believe we got on a good start, maybe? It's only positive reviews till now not much judgement there yet i'm glad.

It actually all started with me thinking if i have 3 wishes i will ask for this and that then more ideas kept coming and coming till i found myself writing a full chapter, i thought that was it but then i could not sleep and found myself writing and writing and now here are we.

Well i want you to know i am still new to the whole thing, it's my first book if you have noticed and i really want to continue, i have a a lot of ideas and stuff that can be added and i want to do this right and with quality above all. English is not my mother language but i'm trying my hardest on being careful with the grammatics and to have and use variety of words so take it easy on me, i might not be able to paint the perfect picture i'm imagining in my head or describe a good fight how i imagine it but i will try my best.

How did you find the training scene by the way?

Wish me luck and keep looking out for me and hopefully one day this fanfic will be something big.

P.S: anyone know a good place where i can find good pictures? i tried multiple Ai design pages but i didn't get the result i wanted. And i can't seem to upload a cover foto!!!