
Dc: start in Young Justice

A man gets reborn in Young Justice with 3 wishes, see how he soars through the multiverse while having fun and growing more powerful. The story will follow the show at first so the changes will be minimal and later everything will be different. the Mc is op from the beginning and there will be some Multiversal travel but i'm thinking about letting it be Dc only. the Mc is a chill laid back guy but very smart and careful. He only wants to have fun and be powerful enough so no one will cause him problems. He only wish for happy and peaceful life. He is not a Hero nor a Villain so he won't be going around saving everyone but he's not heartless or cold blooded killer either. This is a light hearted story where the Mc enjoy his life doing what he wants, there are some #sliceoflife, #romance, don't know about the #Harem but most probably. There will be fights, action, techs and magic, it won't be slow but not fast either. i obviously don't own anything beside the Mc. ______________________ Chapters will be 1-2 times a week it depends how long the chapter and quality is, which I'm trying to focus on but I'm new so be patient with me. I'm trying to write at least 2.5k a chapter but i want more so don't be suprised if you have a 5k words in one chapter. It's up to my creativity.

overFantasies · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chap 18: new Guardians

It's been a couple of days since I came back from the flaxans dimension and the first thing Holly did is reprimanding me about going alone to a possible dangerous place. It's somehow nice to see her worried eyes about me, I didn't think she had so much feelings for me but it makes sense after all, all her friends died and I am the only emotional or/and physical pillar she has left even though it haven't been long since we met.

What should i do about her i wonder! Meh, future me problem i really don't envy that guy.

For now there is only one thing i can do for her and that is fuck her senseless.

I met with Cecil too, he thanked me for helping the kids and I told him there won't be more problem from them anymore he tried to fetch more info about what I did to them or the like but I just changed the subject, I noticed multiple times the conflict in his eyes, he knows I have nothing to do with the guardians death but he wishes I have, because he already suspects Nolan but he is afraid of admitting it so he want to shift blame but can't. He has all the evidence and he can't do anything about it.

Couple of days after everything stabilized the Guardians funeral was held, I have to say Nolan deserves an Oscar for his act. If I didn't know I would have believed him.

I met Cecil after the secret funeral again and he told me he wants to intruduce someone to me and wants to talk to me about something and guess what it is!

"Zane, thank you for coming you probably already know but let me introduce you to Robot he is the leader of Teen Team. Robot this is Zane the one who saved your butts"

"Nice to meet you Zane, and I'm glad that I can thank you for your assistance for the third time already" Robot says extending his hand for a handshake to which I return.

Cecil: "It seems you already met then."

Zane: "More like a coincidence really it so happen that everytime I decide to go out they have to be fighting someone and I just helped from the dark when I thought there will be grave injury or something, sorry for not staying to chat with you by the way."

Cecil: "Well that makes things easier, Zane you told me you were training a young hero team back in your world so how would you like to help the new Guardians we are going to recruit alongside Robot?"

Zane:" Haha, that's sure brings a deja vu. You know Robot I also worked with an android back then but he was full machine with conscience you on the other hand from what I observed are controlling this body manually right?"


Cecil didn't react much to it as he already knew but he still doesn't know where his body is as for Robot well he didn't show anything but his silence gave away for his surprise and a couple of seconds later he reacted "How?"

Zane:"Well like I said I worked with an android and saw a lot of stuff and know when someone is programmed to act or controlled or whatever anyway I think it's a good idea to spend time and see the difference in this world so I will be happy to work with you in the future Robot."

And that's how my first meetings with Robot went and how I became yet again some brats nanny. Joyy!!


[ Pentagon ]

I am standing here watching the new Guardians tryouts, to be honest there are more potential than I thought it makes me wonder why will they not be chosen, for example I would have chosen the electric girl instead of Samson to be honest, little training and effort and she will be a powerhouse instead someone like Rex got chosen.

Well it doesn't matter anyway I don't intend to interfere they can do whatever they want I am here for the fun and the powers obviously. But speaking about Rex.

*glass shatter* *crack*

Here he goes flying through the glass after being punched by Monster girl, no one like the guy huh.

Time to make some dramatic first impression or whatever.


[3rd person P.O.V]

Everyone is watching how Monster girl is beating the shit of Rex and quite honestly a lot if not all are enjoying the show only Invincible seems to want to do something to stop it all but before he decides to move, someone beats him to it. Before he or anyone else can notice there is someone floating there infront of Monster girl and holding her hand.

"You did enough don't you think?" Asked the masked floating man in a suit.

"Get lost punk" said Monster girl tying to shove him aside but noticed she can't make him move or more precisely she can't move her hand at all no matter how hard she tries and after a couple of seconds she calms down after noticing the pressure on her is getting heavier for some reason and looked back at the man holding her hand and see his eyes and no matter how beautiful they are her instinct as a monster that she didn't know she had finally warned her that he is very dangerous and she better behave, and that she does as she transform back and apologizes and goes back with the limping Rex.

"It's him" exclaim Invincible.

"What is he doing here Robot?" asks Eve

"That is Zane, he will be responsible for training the new Guardians and assisting from the inside" both Eve and Invincible eyes open wide, they still remember how this man singlehandedly without moving made the aliens retreat in fear and then followed them inside and that was the last time they saw him till now, honestly both of them are thinking about changing their mind and joining the team just because of him.

Minutes laters everything goes normal and everyone is full attention but this time because Zane is there standing beside Robot.

"First let me introduce you to Zane, he will act as Trainer and assistant of the team from the inside in various ways, you will know more about him with time but what you should know is. He is the one who stopped the alien invasion."

At first everyone was observing or interested in him because of the strength he showed but now everyone is in awe. It's not a secret what happened on that day and every media and news agency is trying to find anything about him to no avail the man after all stopped the second invasion of alien without technically doing anything and then disappeared.

"Thank you all for coming today, we will make an announcement shortly but before leaving maybe you'll like to hear another opinion, what do you think about the new guardians of the globe Zane" asked Robot after having their attention only to lose it again because everyone wants to hear what Zane has to say.

"Well I don't know how to say it without sounding like an asshole but I will say it anyway, they sucks." Said Zane after retracting his mask back to his suit giving everyone a look to his face, that left some ladies mouth open or some just licked their lips.

"!" And here are the angry unsatisfied looks and gazes after they finally reacted to what he said.

"Now before anyone lash on me because I spoke the truth, that is my opinion on you and I am being upfront with it yeah the truth hurt but it is what it is. Don't take it to heart I am not underestimating you or your effort but you are just not on that level, yet."

"Ah yeah asshole and who do you think you are to tell us what we can and not" spoke Rex to Zane's expectation and everyone seems to share his opinion also as he expected.

"Well in case you didnt hear it the first time I am Zane and I will be here training and making sure you all live up to your name."

Said Zane giving each one of them a look and then came infront of Rex much close to his comfort and since Zane is taller than him it looked like he's looking down on him or talking to a child or something and said:

" And you Rex are the most unsuitable one to be in this team. You are childish, not mature enough and an idiot. You are basically the clown of the team, they may have tolerated you and then got used to it back then but this is no joke anymore. You question everything and rant and complain about everything like a little child, you are probably the weakest person here but you hold yourself higher than that with no ability to back it up as shown earlier, the team didn't form yet but there's already a friction in it because of you beside the fight you started with monster girl so will you shut up your mouth, go back to your place or need I continue" like the pussy he is he shrunk his neck down and backed off.

Zane still don't see the need to have him in the team.

"Damn" Everyone heard Dupli-Kate mutter and couple of them nodded absent-mindedly at that.

[Back to Zane P.O.V]

"This is Guardians of the Globe that mean you will have more responsibilities, more risks and bigger role to play it's no street fights anymore and all of you are barely street level heroes."

"You have amazing abilities and are decently trained but what will you do when you can't approach your enemy nor fight those who are stronger than you Shrink Ray? You might pack a punch but can you punch a rock or steel without hurting yourself?" I say giving her a look.

"What about you Dupli-kate you may be the 2nd-3rd most versatile fighter of the team and I don't doubt that you alone might take half of them down but how many clones does it have to cost you and how many of them should die, for you to realize that one day it's won't be your clone but you? And I believe they are not JUST clones of you right?" I can see her eyes open wide and she wants to say something but doesn't, I don't know what she realized but there is a glint there in her eyes I don't think i want to know about.

"Black Samson, with all due respect, I read your files and saw videos abou you, you were an original member of the team and currently the most experienced but still you are at most peak human why are you here? You understand the risk more than anyone so why are you putting yourself in danger?"

"Aw come on now you're truly being an asshole" joined in Monster girl

Looking at her with a no nonsense glare she backed down. "From what you said Monster girl your power bring more harm than good and I noticed the change in your cells and read your file, will you stop when you're 8-10 years old or when you are unable to walk anymore?" She looked down biting her lips and clenched her fist.

"Another thing I noticed is, you guys don't know how to control yourself and hold back" I said gesturing to the broken glass " you litterally cause more damage than villains and whenever you go out there is always blood, gore and someone ATLEAST injured."

*sigh* "Look I am not telling you that to put you all down I want you to understand how important is what you are doing, and how dangerous it will be on your life, I want your heads in this no fooling around anymore, fortunately for you I can't do anything about this selection and the world needs you, so congratulations and welcome to the big leagues. Don't die on me" said Zane with a glare.

"Thank you for all who participated, my words were not for them alone but for everyone, train harder, know why are you doing what you are doing and most importantly take care of yourself and I hope one day we'll see each other again" with that I finished my cringy speech and soon everyone went their way and only me Robot, Eve and Invincible are here.

"Atom Eve, I suppose you won't be staying right?" Robot looked at me and titled his head not understanding, while Invincible "wait what?" was confused meanwhile Eve opened her eyes wide and then remembered what I told Rex before.

She felt happy that he was scolded and humiliated that only now she understood that he also meant her which made her schocked a bit as how he knew Rex was the reason she was mad and reluctant to join the team.

"Yeah how did you know?"

I smirked a little and said. "Well it's not hard to see the friction there, I can litterally feel the annoyance going out of you"

"It's that obvious huh!" said Eve with a sigh.

"Not really these two still don't get it, I am just more observant or probably just smarer" I said with a smirk.

"Hehe*giggle* maybe you're right"

"I don't suppose I can change your mind if he's out can I?"

Eve looked at me for a moment but shook her head later and said" No I'm sorry it's not just about that I need some space, time alone to think I really can't stay I'm sorry"

"There's nothing to apologize for I can understand, just so you know you are always welcome and if you ever need help you know where to get it"

Eve smiled and said "Thanks I will, see you around bye" Mark stood dumbfoundedly still not understanding till he snapped out of it and flew after her but he heard my voice in his ears saying " you too Invincible"

"I find myself not understanding the situation" said Robot after he turned to me.

"Well my logical friend when you deal with some stuff and women especially teenagers you have to leave logic out and think about it from another perspective that's something you just learn with experience and time not with simple observation or a study. Anyway don't worry too much about it, that why you have me here to assist you, I'll be gone now see you later. "

Robot stood dazed for couple of seconds with a noticed glint or more like blink in his robotic eyes then went his way. It seems he has to fasten his plan on getting a suitable body.


"Did anyone else think that was hot" said Kate still remembering how Zane trashed the floor with Rex getting a nod from the girls.

"He's an asshole" shouted Rex.

"Why don't you tell him in the face" smiled Monster girl mischievously making Rex subconsciously take a step back and just grumble and look away.

"He was right" said Samson shocking everyone thinking that he will feel insulted after what Zane told him, Samson noticing their looks went on to clarify." He was telling the truth, his words were harsh yes but this is the hard truth, he never meant any disrespect nor he was looking down on me he was genuinely concerned I could feel it, he knows what he's talking about and didn't just say it to sound rude, he had another meaning behind it also.

He actually told us our weaknesses and want us to figure it out ourselves first." hearing what Samson said everyone took a step back thinking what Zane has told them and realized that his words held a deeper meaning and bit concern like what Samson said.

"Ok I admit now that was hot, let's work it people" said monster girl making everyone smile and laugh a bit.


[Zane's place]

"Are you sure you don't want to join the team, I mean sure they are kids but Samson is there too, he was your colleague right" i say to Holly who's sitting beside me leaning on me.

"Yeah I think I will go solo for now, they... it's just not the same." Holly said after hesitating for a bit. "But I was surprised you actually want to do this I thought you don't like the hero stuff." She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it's true, but I'm getting bored and with you getting out more often I have nothing to do so why not do what I was doing before I came to this world." I explained to her, but that's not really why I did that, well I was surprised Cecil asked that but it helps nonetheless to keep an eye on the events after all I don't know where to find all the people I was looking for especially the villains but I know the team will, that is why I am sticking for now.

"Oh~ are you gonna miss me now?" Said Holly smiling to tease me after giving me a kiss.

I just looked at her and let the second stretch before smiling teasingly and said: "Who knows" we continued to banter a little more which ended with her on my lap lips on lips and you know the rest.




Yeah don't want to write sex scenes every one or two chapter so deal with it.

Sorry for taking so long to post again that was not my intention, it was a long month it being Ramadan for those who don't know and some personal problems here and there.

I hope i can post more in the coming days but i will try my best to uphold the 1 chapter per week at least and i will try to post another chapter within this week.

I hope you continue to support and comment and maybe do something about the reviews i mean like the comments mostly are positive and i don't really mind that much but like i don't think i deserve this kind of feedback so help me with those stars of yours people maybe i'll get more motivated.

Anyway by the time the chapter is posted it will already be Wednesday so i wish you all EID Mubarak.

Give me good reviews and stars, it's really getting depressing. Keep the comments coming i like to read your opinions and ideas.

overFantasiescreators' thoughts