
DC One For All

A normal desk worker who is fan of the series FRIENDS gets killed. He then transmigrates into the body of a teenager. He has the power of One For All. I hope everybody give this fanfiction a try. I update every Monday. Four Chapters a week.

luminous1_vanqu10 · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, Sebastian stirred from his slumber, groggily reaching for the clock to check the time.

His eyes widened in surprise as he realized it was well past 10:30 am, much later than he intended to wake up. With a determined sigh, he resolved to make the most of the day ahead and embarked on his mission to clean his neglected apartment.

"Well I live here so let's start with this" Sebastian said.

Surveying the cluttered space, Sebastian set to work, starting with the simplest task of collecting waste items strewn about the room. Armed with a plastic bag, he methodically gathered discarded wrappers, empty containers, and other debris, clearing the space of the accumulated mess.

"Man how did this guy live here, with all this crap." Sebastian said out loud.

With the clutter removed, Sebastian turned his attention to the floors and walls, determined to rid them of grime and stains. Though lacking in fancy cleaning supplies, he made do with what he had, mixing soap and water to create a makeshift cleaning solution.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, yeah that kinda works at this moment" Sebastian said with a laugh.

Armed with a scrub brush and a rag, he set about scrubbing away the layers of dirt and dust, his efforts gradually restoring a sense of cleanliness to the once-neglected surfaces.

As the hours passed and the sun climbed higher in the sky, Sebastian took a well-deserved break from his cleaning endeavours, venturing out of the apartment in search of sustenance.

Opting for a quick and convenient meal, he indulged in a satisfying slice of pizza before returning to his cleaning project with renewed energy.

With renewed determination, Sebastian resumed his cleaning mission, tackling each corner of the apartment with diligence and care.

As the day wore on and evening approached, Sebastian finally stood back to survey his handiwork.

"Now that's what I call a living space." He took a deep breath.

"Ahh, and clean and fresh air" Sebastian said out loud.

The apartment, once shrouded in disarray, now gleamed with newfound cleanliness, a testament to his hard work and dedication.

With his cleaning project complete, Sebastian decided to reward himself for his efforts with a special treat. Opting for indulgence, he treated himself to not one, but two beef burritos and a refreshing cola, savoring each bite as a well-deserved reward for his hard work.

"Ahhh that was good nothing beats a chilled Cola.

Hmm I gotta buy a new mobile or telephone. I can't live without it." Sebastian thought.

With his hunger satiated and his spirits lifted, Sebastian settled onto his less-than-ideal mattress, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.

Just like that he drifted over to the dream world.

The next morning, Sebastian's alarm clock rang promptly at 7 am, signaling the start of a new day. With a stretch and a yawn, he rose from his bed and prepared himself for the tasks ahead.

As he completed his morning exercise he couldn't let go of the idea that he had some sort of power.

He had done some really hard work out which would be impossible in his last life.

"I did 10 push ups and 10 pull ups, and I don't feel tired at all. I will figure it out today." Sebastian said.

'This might be my ticket for survival in this world.' Sebastian thought.

Opting for one of his better outfits, Sebastian dressed quickly, wanting to make a good impression as he ventured out for some much-needed shopping.

As he made his way towards the mall, Sebastian passed by a television in a storefront window, where a news reporter's voice caught his attention. The reporter spoke solemnly about the eighth anniversary of the tragic deaths of Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne.

Sebastian paused, absorbing the information and realizing that Bruce Wayne, who would be around his age, had not yet become Batman.

'Looks like I came here after the canon event happened,hmm' The thought lingered in his mind as he continued on his way, adding a layer of intrigue to his day.

Upon arriving at the mall, Sebastian set out with the goal to purchase the best affordable clothes that he could purchase.

He perused the aisles of clothing stores, carefully selecting items that fit his style and budget. Mindful of his financial limitations, he prioritized practicality, opting for basic clothing essentials that would serve him well in his day-to-day life.

'haa , look at me. while others like me train their skills and become powerful I'm here shoping for good looking clothes. What a life' Sebastian thought while laughing.

In addition to clothing, Sebastian also picked up other necessities, such as toiletries and household items.

Despite the temptation of expensive gadgets and accessories, Sebastian decided to forgo purchasing a mobile phone, recognizing that it was currently beyond his financial reach.

"Damn I did not know phones were this expensive" Sebastian said while walking.

As he navigated the bustling mall, Sebastian found himself lost in the hustle and bustle of shoppers and salespeople.

With his shopping list complete and bags in hand, Sebastian made his way back home, feeling satisfied with his purchases and the productive start to his day. As he walked, thoughts of Bruce Wayne and the anniversary of his parents' deaths lingered in his mind, adding a somber note to his otherwise mundane errands.

'maybe I should meet the guy, he's a kid or a teenager now and not a scary freak. So he might not break my nose or create a contingency plan.

I will decide that after some observations'.

Arriving back at his apartment, Sebastian unpacked his purchases and took stock of his new belongings.

Sebastian then left his apartment and went to the abandoned warehouse that he had stumbled upon.

In the dimly lit interior, he found himself surrounded by shadows and echoes, his heart pounding.

'This palce is kinda creepy' he thought to himself.

As he stood amidst the silence of the warehouse, Sebastian's mind raced with questions and uncertainties.

'how should I activate it, punching, running or flying, aaahhh...'

Without knowledge of his latent abilities, he had no idea how to tap into the hidden potential that lay within him. In a moment of impulsive curiosity, he closed his eyes and focused, hoping to summon some semblance of power.

'I will just try calling it out' he decided.

With a surge of willpower, Sebastian attempted to reach out and connect with the unknown energy coursing through his veins.

Suddenly a surge or raw power flooded him, catching him off guard.

Caught off guard by the sudden surge of energy, Sebastian lost control, his body convulsing with the overwhelming force coursing through him.

"Ahhhh....FUCKKKK...Ahhhhh...'' Sebastian shouted.

In his panic, he struggled to contain the power, but his efforts were in vain as the energy spiraled out of control, wreaking havoc on his unsuspecting form.

He began to shake and fall down losing control.

In his moment of desperation, Sebastian's body buckled under the strain, the raw power causing him to writhe in agony as it surged unchecked through his veins. With each passing moment, the pain intensified, searing through his body like a raging inferno.

'Oh..Mann..this was supposed to be a good thing...it's killing me...' Sebastian thought.

As the intensity of the power grew unbearable, Sebastian cried out in anguish, his voice lost amidst the chaos of his internal struggle.

"FUCK I'm not gonna lose..." He clenched his fist.

Yet, even as he writhed in agony, a glimmer of hope flickered within him as he realized that his body possessed a remarkable ability to heal itself.

'yeah the healing elements are kicking inn.'

Through sheer force of will, Sebastian managed to suppress the chaotic energy that threatened to consume him, the searing pain gradually subsiding as his body's regenerative capabilities kicked into overdrive.

"Ahh for a moment I thought it was time to say goodbye, and yet Life finds it way back." He said out loud trying to laugh but failing miserably.

Though battered and bruised, he emerged from the ordeal relatively unscathed, his body bearing witness to the untapped potential that lay dormant within him.

"Well my clothes are ruined.Money we'll spend"

As Sebastian lay panting on the cold warehouse floor, he knew that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary.

As he lay on the floor 'Ahh crap it hurts, if it's like this every time I use my power I will be dead inside. Mannn O mannn I don't understand my body has turned red, why is that.

It's almost like Izuku from my hero academia...'

Realisation hit him.

In the rush of the moment Sebastian sat up.

"O My Go...khaa..." Blood came out of Sebastian's mouth as he fell back.

'Ahh fuck... Too soon...' he panted for a while.

'so in a literal sense I have ONE FOR ALL damn that's awesome.... That means I have other powers to unlock, what are the other powers'.

Sebastian thought about his new found powers as he lay on the ground covered in his own blood.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter...😁