
Chapter 4: 'Discount' Omni-man

Superman intended to visit the mystery hero earlier than this. Sure, he visited when the boy was unconscious and Clark's suspicion of him being non-human was confirmed. But after he woke up, Clark didn't have the time to visit. He was a busy man after all and Luthor happened to ramp up the ante. He couldn't find time, not until two days after he woke up. Which made him feel guilty, he felt like he had a responsibility to look after the boy. He doesn't want to shove all the work onto Bruce, who already had a plethora of kids. Clark needed to help as well since he found the boy and brought him to the cave.

But none of that mattered. He was here now, in the Batcave, visiting the boy. Albeit a little late, but here.

"His name is Mark Grayson," Clark raised an eyebrow at the name, Bruce sighed deeply. "No, he isn't related to Dick. He's from another universe," somehow, that made more sense than the former.

Clark crossed his arms, "makes sense," it doesn't explain everything, however, Clark was used to different dimensions and the like. It wasn't too outlandish. If anything, it explained why the boy suddenly appeared in the sky in a weird costume.

"He calls himself a Viltrimite," Bruce looks at him, silently asking if he recognized the name. He couldn't find it in himself to be offended. It's not like he knows every alien species! But he'll cut Bruce some slack since he looked exhausted.

Clark shrugged, "never heard of that race. You could ask Green Lantern, he's a bit more knowledgeable on aliens and space."

"Already did, he says such a race doesn't exist… Although he said it in a less kind way," Bruce grumbled. Clark could imagine the amount of sass from Hal.

Clark smirked, "best buds?"

"Hardly," Bruce grunted, before moving on. "His healing is accelerated as well, recovered in the span of two weeks. No lingering issues, except body aches, which are expected. I suspect he has some mental issues, but I can't be sure," Clark hummed, nodding his head. Pacing around the room.

"Mental issues you said?" Clark inquired and he forced himself to stop pacing back and forth. He didn't know why he felt so restless.

Bruce sighed, "he's a little jumpy. Apathetic as well, showing a few signs of early depression."

"Really?" Clark pressed, suddenly worried for the boy. He already was, but this was making it worse.

"He sleeps too much and Dick is hovering over him," Bruce shook his head. "You know how Dick is. If he's hovering then something must be wrong."

"But you don't know what."

Bruce gave a frustrated grunt, "no," he spat out. Clark decided he should move on from this topic.

"So a Viltrumite," Clark said beginning to pace again.

"Correct. Tim got some information out of him. Claims he has flight, superspeed, and super strength. Along with tougher skin," Bruce muttered and the whole time they talked, he didn't once look away from the computer screen. Clark didn't care about that, a more pressing question entered his mind. If not a little stupid.

"Do you think… Do you think in his universe, the Viltrumite is our universe's Kryptonian?" Clark asked. It was a stretch, a huge one. But that power set was very similar to his own and he looked like a normal human. Like Kryptonians do. With the exception of heat vision, super senses, and more. Clark wanted to believe it.

"A possibility," Bruce said. "Don't get your hopes up. I have yet to test any weakness in kryptonite. His blood doesn't seem affected, but it might be different for his body," Clark nodded. He doesn't want Mark to be Kyyptonian… scratch that, he does. The thought that another universe had more Kryptonians including whoever were his parents, was mind-blowing. If not exciting.

"Does he have parents?" Clark asked growing even more curious about Mark.

"Yes. His dad's a Viltrumite, mom's a human. Similar to…" Bruce's voice trailed to the back of his mind upon hearing the elevator click down and three steady heartbeats within it. The elevator dinged and Bruce stopped talking. He recognized Damian and Dick, of course, Dick giving him a smile and a wave while Damian… was Damian. Only sparing him one glance before walking inside. Mark, or who he believed to be Mark, stopped smiling at the sight of him. A strange look entered his eyes, they narrowed. Looking him up and down, as if assessing him.


"What's up supes!" Dick exclaimed grinning. He pulled his gaze away from Mark, returning the grin.

"Hey Dick, Damian," he nodded to Damian, his lips quivering with a smile. Clark took that as a win. He turned back to Mark, who tensed a little. "I see you've got a friend there," using his superspeed, Clark was in front of Mark in an instant. Hand out, ready to shake. He wanted to make a good impression after all. "Hi! It's Mark, right? I'm Clark. Or Superma…" Clark's award-winning smile instantly fell once Mark full-bodied flinched away from his hand. Fists brought up as if he expected a fight from him. He pulled his hand away, not expecting such a strange reaction. Hell, no normal person reacted like that to Superman.

"Mark?" Dick asked, hand hovering over his shoulder.

Mark ignored Dick in favor of staring him down. "Are you a Viltrumite?" He all but snapped the trembling in his voice betraying his attempt at being tough. As did his shaking hands. Clark blinked, unsure of what he should say. If not dumbfounded by Mark. "I asked, are you a Viltrumite? Answer me!" Mark raised his voice, shoulders tense, ready to throw a punch at any minute.

Clark snapped out of his shock, quickly raising his hands in surrender. "No! No, I'm Kryptonian. Different kind of alien," Mark blinked, fists lowering, but with how tense he still was, Mark clearly didn't believe him. Clark could hear his accelerated heart rate as well, rapid in his chest. What had he done to make him on edge? Was it the greeting? It might've been too much.

"Perhaps you do have some fight," Damian said smirking a little. "Although your adverse reaction to Kent was wholly unnecessary."

"Seriously, are you ok Mark? It's just Supes, " Dick said sparing the kid a worried look. Clark took note that Dick made no move to touch him. Touching was a no-go, then.

"Fine. I'm fine," Mark said through clenched teeth, still looking at him. Distrust in his eyes, distrust Clark had no idea how he gained. "Why are you here?" The words were said with a sharp tongue, enough for Clark to wince a little.

He glanced at Bruce, whose eyes were narrowed. Just as confused as the rest of them. "Mark," He said causing Mark to look at the Bat. "You can trust Superman."

"Then he won't mind explaining to me his backstory," Mark said back, Clark raised a brow. His backstory? Mark winced a little giving him a nervous look. "Right?"

"Sure, no big deal. I've said it a thousand times," Clark gave a nervous chuckle before briefly explaining Krypton. His planet exploding, being sent to Earth for safety. Then being adopted, growing up, gaining powers, and then deciding to use them for good. To protect and save people. How he wanted to be the protector of Earth, it was his duty. He expected curiosity, awe, or something positive. Anything other than the emotion scrawled across Mark's face.

Fear. Wide eyes, shifting away from him as if Clark would bite.

Then anger. Clark felt like he was missing something, because why would his backstory cause such a reaction?

"Liar," he spat, and Clark flinched a little.

"Excuse me?" Had he heard him wrong?

"You're lying. You didn't… you didn't come here to protect Earth. You…" Mark heaved a heavy breath and Clark could hear his heart accelerate further. Was he panicking? "You probably came here to take it over. What else would you do with powers like yours? How can I believe you only use them to help people? That you believe you aren't- aren't-" Mark seemed to choke on his own words. Clark's heart twisted as Mark continued questioning his character.

"Superior to them. View them as insignificant, worthless, pets!" He spat the words like venom, and for some reason, Clark couldn't believe they were coming from Mark. The boy didn't seem like the type to believe or think such things, to be so negative either. Who told him this? Who made him believe aliens were- specifically aliens like him- hostile tyrants? "Your cape has to be a facade!" Clark's face crumpled.

He had the same views as Luthor who thought he was an invasive alien waiting to take over Earth. Despite himself, it infuriated him. Clark clenched his fists and returned Mark's glare. He wanted to know Mark better and help him, but instead, he was met with the scrutiny he doesn't deserve. It hurt.

"Mark, enough," Bruce said, in an attempt to cool the room down. But Clark wasn't having it, and neither was Mark. He opened his mouth to speak, probably to spout more racist ideology, but Clark spoke first. Wasn't he half-alien? Shouldn't he know better?

"You truly believe I want to take over the world?" He said keeping his voice even as he stepped towards Mark. "Believe this Mark. There is no hidden meaning or intention behind what I do. I am a hero because I care for the people of this planet. Nothing more. Nothing. Less," he said, hissing the last words. Though any more he wanted to say died on his tongue upon looking at Mark.

What he found were raised arms and hands. Mark, head turned, hands raised expecting a hit from him. As soon as he saw him angry, Mark believed he would… hit him. Clark. Hit him? Suddenly all the anger left him in a flash and Clark stepped away. Mark's fast heartbeat and short breaths made itself known to his ears. Seconds away from panicking.

Clark shouldn't have lost his cool. He's just a kid, a kid who clearly went through something, and he had snapped at him. He's the adult here! He stepped further away from Mark.

"I don't know what your universe is like Mark," Dick was speaking, Mark lowered his hands, still staring at him. Even as Dick spoke to him. Clark looked away feeling ashamed of himself. "But here? Superman- no, Clark, is a genuinely good person. He isn't here for invasion or anything of that sort. You have nothing to be afraid of," Mark took a few deep breaths and nodded. His eyes flickering away from him.

He doesn't look Clark in the eye, and neither does he.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Maybe it's best I leave," Mark breathed and turned around. Clark's heart twisted, he didn't want Mark to leave yet. Not until they talked- or until he apologized! But the boy was quick to walk away.

"Wait-" he started, but the elevator doors were already closed. He knew Mark had no super hearing to hear him. Guilt crawled up his throat, he shouldn't have raised his voice. Let alone get angry at a hurting kid. God this was complicated.

"That was… interesting."

"Tim?" Clark exclaimed, looking up at a familiar voice, a little surprised to see him. No wonder there was another heartbeat, it was close, but he didn't think it was that close.

"You didn't notice him?" Damian muttered raising a brow. Well, he was a little focused on Mark more than anything. Plus, he's… literally in the rafters. Crouched and stared down at them.

"Seriously Timbo? Why are you up there?" Dick chided. Tim grappled down to the ground and landed in front of them with ease.

"Well, the cameras in here have been malfunctioning, so I've been fixing them," he said, camera in his hand fiddling with it as he spoke. "But that doesn't matter. What matters is Mark. What's his deal with Superman? Did you kill his dog or something?"

"No! All I did was bring him here," Clark exclaimed.

"Perhaps his planet is being invaded by powerful aliens," Dick suggested. "Might explain his alien racism."

"The correct word is xenophobia," Damian muttered.

"Shut up, demon," Tim said.

"I think I like alien racism more," Dick muttered tapping his chin.

"Viltrumites," Bruce muttered interrupting their conversation. The boys went silent. "We all saw how hostile he was thinking you were a Viltrumite."

"That doesn't make any sense. He's a Viltrumite. Wouldn't someone be happy seeing their own kind?" Clark said, he sure as hell would. But maybe it wasn't the same for Mark. Perhaps they weren't the same after all.

"We'll get nowhere with speculation. We're missing pieces, the only way we'll know is by asking," Bruce said giving a rather heavy sigh. Clark knew how much Bruce hated asking for answers, he always said it aroused suspicion and made investigating harder to do. But all the evidence was in another universe, with one piece laying outside it.

"I can spy on him, Father," Damian offered, all too eager at the prospect.

"Don't…" Bruce looked away from them. "There are already cameras in his guest room."

"Bruce!" Clark exclaimed. "That's an invasion of privacy."

"I neglected to take them out, it doesn't matter," Bruce said, shoulders taught. Clark crossed his arms, neglected huh? Somehow he doubted that. "You should leave Clark. Until… perhaps until Mark returns home," his heart fell at those words.

"I…" he wanted to argue, but sadly, Bruce was right. Mark didn't trust him, he feared him to some extent. It was best he didn't interact, not for now. Even if Clark wanted to know Mark better, for some reason, he felt a connection to him. However, it was not meant to be. "I understand," Clark muttered turning around to leave.

"I'm sorry Clark," Dick said, voice sincere. "I'll talk to him, ok?"

He smiled, "Thank you," in a burst of speed, he left the Batcave. More conflicted and confused than he was before.