

average anime enthusiast gets mysteriously translmigrated into.. DC world... yeah he totally screwed, he has system of course...ptoooh why am I even doing this? start reading and also enjoy it I am also reading it after I edit it (don't wanna spoil it due to shitty translation) so enjoy it peeps hopefully I can change to the better and make it bearable...seriously just read and send me those stones...or else ..... . shooo shooo to the first chapter

Slime_Monarch_Sui · Khác
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6 Chs

Where am I?

Nacino City, United States. Ren Tai, a Chinese student who is reading senior school, is looking at the news on TV and can't believe it. [At two o'clock last night, Gotham's Dark Knight Batman once again cracked down on a human trafficking case, although the Gotham police repeatedly said that the human trafficking case conflicted with Oswald Chesterfield, who is running for mayor. Copart had no connection, but Robin found the electronic account list in Copart's house. As for the follow-up, this city's reporter will continue to make further progress. ]

what happened! This is the only idea in Ren Tai's mind. Last second, I was still in the cinema watching the latest theatre version of Heisei's nineteenth knight build. The shape of the base rabbit and the dragon is cool, but just closed my eyes, and my own special appeared in the classroom and the classroom What the hell is on the TV! Batman, Robin, It's a Bird, It's a plane, oh it's just our solar-powered alien superhero?.

Yes, Ren Tai is not a fool. When he saw that he suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment, as well as the news broadcast on this TV, Ren Tai knew that he had passed through. What a special trip into the body of a high school student, and the world he is in is still more sinister than the DC universe next door Marvel! ! [I need a cigarette can I even get one yet] Ren Tai, who asked inwardly, stood up and walked to the door of the classroom.

"Hey, Ren Tai, now ready for class, where are you going!" Just as Ren Tai hurried to the classroom, Kara Danfoss sitting behind Ren Tai asked.

"shit!" Without looking back, Ren Tai ran to the toilet and sat in it.

The bell rang, and Ren Tai was still sitting on the toilet, sorting out his memory. Although I don't understand why I have inexplicably traversed, Ren Tai knew that he would not be able to go back. Since he could not go back, then figure out where he is now in. With so much effort, the memories belonging to this body flowed out like a tide.

The name of his body is the same as his original. They are all named Ren Tai. Their parents are all of the Chinese descent. They have their property in Nacino City. They can be regarded as having a car and a house, and their parents are alive. As for the midtown high school that the original owner of this body attended, it is also considered a higher education institution, private. After all, in the United States, the difference between private school education and public schools is still very different.

And his body is not as bullied, as unlucky Protagonists before they grew up. With a height of 188 and a strong build, he is still the main force of the school basketball team and has a part-time photography hobby. Although he is not that popular, at least there is no bad relationship at school, nor he is being isolated.

"Huh, it's not bad, at least you don't have to worry about eating a meal and starving, but I need to know where the fuck the cheat is now!" Rubbing his eyes, Ren Tai whispered.

Just kidding, since there is no golden finger through it, the world I am in is a more dangerous DC world than the Marvel world. Compared with the popular Marvel in the movie industry, DC is not the best in movies, especially In the messy and weird United Film that was destroyed by editing, Ren Tai was scolding his mother at that time. After showing so many trailers, why would you show me this shit?

But the loss on the films does not mean that DC is weaker than Marvel. On the contrary, in terms of animated movies, games, and memorabilia DC still gives Marvel a run for its money. Compared with the excessively large events in the Marvel world, DC can be called a small fight. From the creation of the seven giants of creation to each hero they join, they are a group of gods, and an opponent is also a group of gods.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the metropolis where the Super League is located. The opponents that are dealt with throughout the year are a group of cosmic level villains, and they move from the end of the world to the other end of the world. Compared to the invasion of the Chitarians in Marvel's movie, he could only say they are weaker. Even in the city of Nacino, where he is now, Ren Tai seems to remember that this is also an accident-prone place. In the face of this dangerous environment, if there is no golden finger as they put it , Ren Tai might as well go to the gun shop to buy a gun. When he swallowed a gun to commit suicide hassless.

[Knight system, open. ]Just as Ren Tai was about to hit the door with his head, the reminder sounded in his mind made him so stunned. Sure enough, there must still be a golden finger for him. Immediately, at this sound, Ren Tai rolled his eyes and fainted. Around the flickering light, Ren Tai fainted and found himself in a dark space.

The surrounding chaotic light forms a series of Kamen Rider images that he has seen in front of Ren Tai, "Kong Wo, Yaji Tuo, G3, Dragon Ride, Night Ride, Ring Ghost, Boom Ghost, 555, Caesar... Lying Slots, how do you even have a big gold cousin, what's going on with the question mark image behind!" Ren Tai counted the images that appeared in front of him, all the main rides and deputy rides of the Heisei series, even the twentieth bomb rider, fake The face knight z-io has appeared here, and the result is like this, and there are question mark images, Ren Tai can't help but be surprised.

[Welcome the host to the knight system space. ]An indistinct electronic sound of men and women sounded in the space, and Ren Tai also asked his question at this time. "System, you have included all the knights of the Heisei series, why are there images of question marks."

"As the host said, although the knight system includes all the knights of the Heisei series, this is not static, you can develop new forms, but all this requires you to develop and redeem points yourself."

"Points?" Ren Tai grabbed the point. "System, make it clear, how to get points, here is DC! When you go out, you can meet unfriendly neighborhood annihilate you level people!"

"Of course, Kamen Rider itself is a warrior who guards human beings in secret. I won't let you go unprepared. Why do you even want to watch cartoons?" The system's humanized voice makes Ren Tai speechless, he is not just watching, its research an he was iinexplicably traversed, but the problem is that I don't have anything now, even if I want to earn points, I can't beat myself with a few pennies. "Of course, the host does not have to worry about his current physical condition. Since you are allowed to earn points, you can eventually gain everything. Since the host is entering the system space for the first time, according to the convention, There will be ten lucky draw opportunities for newcomers."

The system also understands Ren Tai's concern and directly points out.

"Ten times? Are they all knights?!" Ren Tai was stunned instantly. If he was drawn ten times, even if he didn't get the main ride of the Heisei series, he could get somethign great easily.

"Oh, do you think it is possible?" The system directly ridiculed, and Ren Tai was dumbfounded. "As I said before, the knight system includes all the Heisei knights. In the same way, all of the Heisei knight's items are included in the opponents. There are also some miscellaneous rewards. If the host is lucky, the ten draws are good. Things naturally have a capital."

said that the image of the knight just disappeared, and the boss's head picture of each knight in Heisei appeared, not only that, but also some equipment. For example, the sound blade of the ringing ghost, the 555 Ride watch, the memory of W, the coin of OOO, the most buggy golden fruit in armor and the eye soul in ghost. The Ren Tai I watched was dazzling, especially the Kaiwu Gaiden, the golden fruit, which can be said to be the most powerful item in the Heisei series.

After eating this, what kind of morphing device is needed, that is just a thing to limit his play. Thinking of spinning the wheel 10 times out of the box and the chance of getting something out of the purple and orange grades. Ren Tai felt the need to ask "What are you waiting for, you hurry up and start , I want to live longer in this universe", but reigned it in due to E̶̢̧̖̪̱͕͇̗̠͖̳͚̼̊̃͛́͜ͅd̶͙̩̜͔͍̥̫̲͉̗̈́̓͆i̶̠̱̘̩̱̳̭͇͚͍̠͓̅͆͗͆̔͒̌̚t̴͎̑̾̔̈̐͒͒̈́̌͆̾̚͝o̶̧̢̢̨̢̹͕̼̜̦̗͇͕̦̦̞͈͖̔̄̅́̿͛͂̿̃̇͐͒͒̿̌̕̚ͅř̵̛͇̜̯̜̥̬̀̇̋̓̽̿͒́̓̄̀̔͗̇̔̆̀̅͜ͅs" prying eyes.

"As you wish, host."

finished, all the images disappeared, there was a wheel of fortune in front of Ren Tai, and he began to turn it around crazily looking at these images, greed that surpasses goblins looking forward to it.