
DC: I am Dr Doom

Alternative Title: "Shattered Overhaul: A Dark Journey of Power and Emotions" In this gritty fanfiction tale, the protagonist, born into the DC universe, possesses formidable Overhaul powers, a gift that offers both tremendous opportunities and overwhelming moral dilemmas. The story is characterized by its dark and emotional themes, exploring the complexity of the main character's morality. The MC, who exists in the morally ambiguous gray area, grapples with their abilities, which enable them to dismantle and reconstruct matter at will. At times, they use these powers to protect the vulnerable, standing up for those who cannot defend themselves, earning them a semblance of heroism. However, in moments of darkness, the MC's actions take a disturbing turn as they resort to violence, even against children, or commit unthinkable acts like R word. Throughout the narrative, the MC's internal struggle with their powers and the ethical choices they face takes center stage. Their actions and decisions lead to a turbulent emotional journey, where they teeter on the edge of heroism and villainy, making this fanfiction a harrowing exploration of the human psyche when confronted with overwhelming power and morality. There is a slight touch of the Gamer in story - honestly there are too few of those. This is my own spin on it, darkly done, of course. WARNING! You are reading a work written by the devil. M - Rated, possessing crude language and scenes, character death, murder, torture, and other possible acts of depravity. Not for the faint of heart, easily offended, or pussies. *** And if any of authors here and I forgot to ask you permission then you contact me here I will took it down as per your demand. and as they say even though everyone knows Disclaimer: I don't onw DC neither any other character that might appears in the story besides my oc. *** Thanks, you can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon. patreon.com/GodofGreed

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Truyện tranh
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48 Chs

CH : 18 Gotham and it's Knight

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Five hundred feet from the scene of the last ambush, another few drones popped up out of the scrubs to fire at me. With a twist, the rubber bullets flew past my right side, smacking into the ground where my shoulder was previously located. With a pivot on my left hand, I kicked out, forcing the drones to crash into each other and turn them off. Since these were in far better condition than the others that I faced, I summoned them to me with a telekinetic pull. Scavenging the ammo from the downed drones, I took off flying low to the ground towards the end of the trail.

As I neared the end, my first instinct was to leap back. Right as I jumped back into the tree line, the location I was at was riddled with holes. The sneaky, damn computer was learning fast and keeping up with me. A grin plastered on my face as tree branches on my left and right sides broke as I directed one to go before me. The branches on the left that I used got shot to pieces, so I directed the ones on the right to go out as another distraction.

Before these were riddled with the rubber rounds, I launched myself out of the trees towards the buzzer that stood twenty feet away before me. The buzzer in question was surrounded by a hornet's nest of drones waiting for me and I knew that my damn system set a trap. Ohh, she was going to get a name after this. I waited and waited, my forehead dripped sweat, and I felt the dried dirt on my fingertips. My breath steamed in the morning air as I faced off against my drones.

The drones moved at the edges of my senses, their movements changed and swayed, keeping me from tracking them. Feeling them was off the table, so I went for sound and sight, digging my left heel into the ground. I sprang forward before the drones began to fire. Dodging right and then dodging left into a roll, I sprang forward with my arm outstretched, blocking all the ammo fired at me matrix style.

When the rounds stopped, that was when the drones began to pellet along my telekinetic wall. Gritting my teeth, I pushed forward and was greeted with a wall of sonics again. With a screech, I was blasted back with my foot-digging a small trench in the ground. With a roar and a swipe of my hands, the sonic drones died as they fell before me, having been crushed to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked forwards and pressed the buzzer ending my morning run slash training. Taking the towel from the drone that carried it, I made my way into the greenhouse where I had them taking care of the plants and other things for me. With a summons, my chair came to me as I sat down and rolled over to one of my command terminals.

[ Sir, it would seem that your healing factor has improved again.]

"I noticed that nice little play by the sonic drones by the way," I replied to my computer systems.

[That is part of my directive, sir, to adapt and improve upon your training. Do I need to inform you that Bruce Wayne will not only study you but also label you a criminal and place you within the system? Hence, your future will be a moot point.]

"Nope, I understand clearly what ole Brucey is all about," I replied as I popped the P in the nope. There was nothing stopping Bruce once he got something into his head and I had to get myself prepared for the day we clashed. Even if I try to be stealthy and fly under the radar, I had to keep certain vigilances because of how Bruce had such a wide range of masteries on detections.

[Well, let me inform you that your device has cleared diagnostics.]

When informed of that, I was instantly elated and turned around towards the football-sized glowing blue device. Naturally, I crafted an arc reactor—not the compact, flashy chest piece Tony Stark favored, but something far more practical and robust. This was a reactor standing a full foot tall, a self-sustaining powerhouse capable of providing energy to my entire home while simultaneously charging a host of other devices. It was a marvel of efficiency, but I knew it was only a stopgap.

This creation was merely the precursor to my true vision: a biological power plant. A revolutionary system that wouldn't just generate limitless, clean energy but would also eliminate waste by consuming it as fuel. This would be the ultimate solution—a perfect blend of sustainability and innovation that would redefine the concept of energy production. For now, though, the reactor stood as a testament to my ingenuity, bridging the gap between present functionality and the future's boundless potential.

There was no way I was going to sell this design. With so many advanced alien technologies that constantly fall on earth. I believe the planet will be just fine without this introduced.

Palladium was two thousand dollars a gram. But with this reactor, I'm now officially off the grid and that much more removed from the power system and Batman's radar.

"Send a drone up to scan for a power source," I called out, since part of my using the greenhouse was that I had it lined and protected from leaks to the outside. That and I had also used my telekinesis to create a pathway into the basement of the house.

[Sir, there is a two percent power leak. It would be my observation that it would be best to move the arc reactor into the basement. This would remove the energy signature from detection.]

"Noted, place the orders with Cobble Potts. It's time to build a fabricator." I said as I got up from my chair. Picking up the arc reactor, I made my way to the hidden door that leads under and into the house.

Within fifteen minutes the arc reactor was set up, and the house was removed from the grid. With the arc reactor hooked up, I was all too glad to swap over the electric water heater and steam heater that I installed in the house. The previous heater stove ran on wood because the electrical grid was faulty; but now the house was part of the twenty-first century.

With my current worries out of the way, I turned the water heater to the eighty percent mark from maximum and went to put away the tools I used during my run. With only ten minutes of my time, I flew around, gathering the destroyed drones and other tools used during training. With the cleanup completed, I went into the garage and finished the motorcycle I had designed and was currently building as my main ride.

There was no way I was going to continue to ride that old truck around when the arc reactor was now a proven and useful power source. This motorcycle was thirty thousand dollars of pure goodness and I refused to accept anything else. With the larger reactor working; it took me less than fifteen minutes to install a miniature model the size of the one Stark used in his chest. The arc reactor replaced the fuel tank seated above the high output, brushless electric motor I developed. The motor was the size of a V-twin but had a third its weight and put out a regulated power curve of 400 horsepower.

Looking at the monitor on the wall near the bike, all the systems checked off as green. The current power source was able to run the bike for the next thousand years. I couldn't help but whistle at the readout. With a smile on my face, I left to go get my shower and then breakfast.


Breakfast was interrupted when I received a call from Lex Luthor of all people. Somehow the bald creep had gotten my number even though it was not listed. There should have been no way for him to get the number since Gotham University didn't have it on file. That I was certain of: which means the only way Lex could have gotten my number was from the provider that I was piggybacking off of as proxy.

The call was far too intense for my taste, and I was certain that if I didn't show. Lex would then track me down and show up before me as an enemy. The itch to lobotomize the man was strong, but I knew he had round the clock defences and I was curious about which Lex I would be dealing with.

The meeting with Lex would be later in the week. I would ride my bike over to the meet and see what he wanted to offer me. It was a courtesy that Doom would extend. Even If I wasn't going to work for the man. His intellect alone had earned Doom's respect. That was placed on my schedule before I hopped on my motorcycle to ride into town.


I would like to say the motorcycle roared as I took down the paved road from the house, but the wind in my ears was louder than the whir of the electric motor. My leather jacket flapped in the wind as the bike quietly flowed beneath me. This was almost as exciting as flying! There was a subtle pop around my frame as I left the perimeter of the force field set around my home. With the shift to the outside of the space of my home force field, I was greeted with the gloomy skies above Gotham as I made my way into the city.

Weaving in and out of traffic; it was easily apparent that something had happened, but I had no clue what it was. Pulling up to a stop at a red light, I decided it was time to turn on the H.U.D. in my helmet. With a few quick presses, my computer system was online and connected with the hidden cameras in the helmet.

"Give me the latest news."

[There has been a breakout in Arkham Asylum that occurred this morning before dawn.]


"Let me guess; this is right around the time that Batman put away his cape?"

[The escape would coincide with the time we logged for Batman's operation time.]

"Okay, thanks, but keep me updated with the latest news that revolves around the capes and their bad guys."

That was the wrong thing to tell a computer that was still learning outside of an actual A.I. kernel. Within moments my H.U.D. became cluttered with news and snippets of fights taking place all across the world.

With a sigh and a swipe, I cleared the H.U.D. and then made my instructions clearer.

Now that I had the latest LOCAL news, I still wasn't sure why the traffic was so slow. Everyone should realize, whoever broke out would be laying low and not trying to end up on Batman's radar if they could help it.

Ignoring everything around me, I soon arrived at my destination, Gotham University. It didn't take me long to get an invite to attend the school once my patents hit the market. Additionally, I 'discovered' Gamma Radiation. That discovery alone had all of the big schools and radiation researchers wanting me to work with them.

They were all turned down though, the only reason I was so flashy academically was that I needed a college invite. There was no chance in hell I was going to wait for the four-month period for the next scheduled admissions test. The one thing a lot of people miss is that you can start your own company, but even then you would gain no recognition without a degree. Pulling into the school, there was a parking space located fairly in the middle, so that was where I parked my bike. Not thirty seconds later, a car pulled into space beside my own.

From the dark blue and the wheels that reflected on my helmet as I had my back turned to the parking space. It was the one and only Brady Bunch; the two were fast becoming an annoyance. Taping a quick-release button on the side of my helm, it folded down into a safe tablet-sized pad, which I placed in my backpack.

"Ohh, that's interesting! A collapsible helmet! I wasn't aware that something like that was on the market." Someone said, and when I turned around, it was Barbra Gordon. "Tell me more about that bike, how fast is it?"

I gave them no reply, I was already seeing the frown going across Dick's face, and there was no way I was going to tell the girl with perfect recall memory about any of my tech. With a nod, I walked away towards an Inorganic Chemistry class. With the fast track, I was currently on school work being completed at a never before seen, unprecedented pace. The world knows me as a genius, and I won't slow down for anyone.

Within another month, a Bachelors would be mine and my first Masters in six months. Then I would pour myself into my first PhD, and I will officially become Dr. Doom.

"No need to be so rude." A voice huffed with a slight growl.

Turning around, I gave Dick a baleful glare. "Excuse me? This Prince does not need your petty insecurities forced upon him and in my face. I'm painfully well aware of your insecurities when someone of higher caliber speaks with your adored. Therefore, there is no need for me to speak to her and gain the ire of such an insecure whelp. This is why I stay away but you are also both playing a game in bothering this Prince. Cease now and let this Prince be before I am inclined to retaliate in kind."

I had to keep them off balance until I had things set up correctly. With that, I walked away. Fuck them and their bullish investigations.


"Well, that could've gone a lot better," Barbra said as she watched their eccentric classmate walk away.

"You heard Bruce, he is on that list," Replied Dick while squinting his eyes as they followed their classmate. "What do you think he means when he calls himself 'Prince'?"

"I don't think he meant to let that part slip. Remember what Bruce said; there is no Latveria on the map or that we know of." Barbra replied as she walked next to her teammate.

"So, you're saying he is royalty or something?" Dick asked as he shifted Barbra's backpack on his shoulder.

"I've already sent a message to Bruce,"

Replied Barbra as she placed her cell phone back into her pocket.


The class was over, and it was time to get lost for the day. Not too long ago, I had come across information on the Super-Villain bar here in Gotham. The Tin Roof bar was like the bar with no name out of the coast city, but it was time to make myself known.

Helmet on, traffic was clear, it was time for some speed. My motorcycle came alive beneath me before my two stalkers returned. Not even sparing a glance, I was out of the parking lot cutting off a delivery truck as I zoomed along. There was a science convention next week right after my meeting with Luthor, and I was looking forward to it.


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