
The Waiting Room

"...Have you even seen an albino before?" Sora finally spoke.

"No, but I bet I'm right!" Cisco answered with a confident grin.

The jolly man sat beside Caitlin and picked up a controller. It didn't take long before they were playing together. There was a moment of silence as Sora grabbed another open magazine. It went right back over his face.

"Well I told you my name…What's yours?" Cisco broke the silence.

"...................." There was no response from the young Lockhart.

Hopefully the meeting wouldn't go on for too long. Sora may not have a problem with these people, but that didn't mean he had to talk to them. He just wanted to hurry up and go home.

A sigh of disappointment resounded from Cisco. Caitlin giggled before nudging the jolly man's shoulder. She leaned into his ear.

"His name is Sora!" She whispered excitedly.

"Damn. What a cool name. Does he think he's the main character?" He whispered back.

"I mean look at him. Who else would look like that if they weren't the main protagonist? Hahaha!"

"This guy is brooding. Is he a fan of Batman?"

As the conversation continued, the whispers grew loud enough to be normal speech. The sleepy man could only roll his eyes and zone out. This way he could reach a different type of dreamland.

"Haha! Don't annoy him anymore. He's the chosen one, remember?" Caitlin continued.

"Like Neo…Oh my god! Like Neo from The Matrix!"

"Sora, are you even sleeping?"

"No way. He's pretending."

Unfortunately, they were wrong. Sora's breaths were even. He'd reach the realm of semiconsciousness. Not truly asleep but not dreaming either.

"What the…he might actually be asleep!" Cisco revealed.

"Is he really able to sleep on the spot?"

At that moment, something arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs with incredible speed. So incredible that Sora woke up. The young Lockhart immediately rose to his feet. The magazine fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Both Caitlin and Cisco gave a curious look.

A beep signified the pause screen of the videogame. Sora's slight frown quickly disappeared. It was replaced with his normal lazy expression. His light sense told him everything.

"...Why are you both staring at me? I can't even get a bottle of water? Is that so strange?" Sora mocked them.

As he grabbed a nearby bottle of water, the presence had reverted to a normal speed. Cisco and Caitlin glanced at each other before shrugging. The pause screen disappeared and the game continued.

It wasn't even five minutes later that the door opened. Another man with brown hair walked into the room. He seemed to have a lot on his mind.

"Caitlin! Cisco! I need some help. The suit has a bunch of tears and the back-" The figure stopped his words upon seeing the facial expressions of his friends. They were pleading for him to shut up.

Only then did he realize that someone else was in the room. The man gulped as he realized how quickly he almost exposed himself. His eyebrows rose upon noticing Sora's features. Just like every other person who saw the Lockhart for the first time.

"Oh? Your suit is torn? What kind of suit?" Sora asked with a knowing smile.

"Um…you know, like a suit and tie. The sleeves were a bit too small. You know how that goes…a few rips just like that."

The two shook hands. After introducing themselves, the conversation continued. This young man tried his absolute best to cover up his blunder from earlier.

"Well Barry, I know someone that specializes in suits. He's a great tailor. You can bring it here and I'll have him look it over." Sora commented.

"No no no no no no, it's fine! Hahaha. I have plenty of suits. It's really fine. I'd hate to waste your time."

"You wouldn't waste my time. Maybe the tailor's but not mine."

"It's fine, it's fine! I've already forgotten about it. Not even that bad really."

"...Really? Well, alright then." Sora relented with a smile.

The sleepy man was just messing with Barry. After heaving a quiet sigh of relief, the undercover speedster quickly made his exit. Two glares immediately dug into the back of Sora's head.

"Hmmm? Why so hostile?" He asked with a slight smile.

"So now you want to talk? Why didn't you want to talk with us before?" Cisco asked.

"...Whatever do you mean? I don't recall." The lazy billionaire responded.

"Don't play dumb with us. Do you hate us or something?" Caitlin spoke up.

She was also pissed at him. It was like Sora's personality had done a complete 180. The young Lockhart couldn't help but scratch the back of his head. These guys…

"Hate? Such a strong word. You guys are just annoying. Very annoying in fact." He revealed without shame.

"Tuh…me? Annoying? No way." Cisco quipped.

"I'm the last thing from annoying! You're just mad I turned you away during the previous encounter. Why are you still holding that against me?" Caitlin asked. She was pleading for his attention.

"...Who are you again?"


The angry woman grabbed a controller and threw it at him. Sora leaned down to pick up his water bottle, casually avoiding the gadget. It crashed into the wall and broke. Cisco was sweating at this point. Why was she so mad? He would never understand women.

At that moment, the office doors opened. Alice and Harrison came out of the room. The crippled man seemed extremely pleased. Most likely since he got his funding. His high tech wheelchair zoomed him over to the cabinet which held the water bottles.

"I need sleep."

That was the first thing Alice said upon reaching Sora. Her hand grabbed his collar, pulling him along. Only then did Caitlin and Cisco realize that the young Lockhart was leaving.

"Seeya next time, Sora." Cisco called out.

"Yeah. Bye, 𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘢." There was venom in the way Caitlin said his name.

Like a robot, Alice's head snapped in Caitlin's direction. Her dead eyes resembled a bottomless abyss. It was as if she was looking at a dead person. Caitlin immediately felt her legs go weak.

"Alice." Sora spoke calmly.

His voice brought the beautiful doll back to life. Her steps continued, pulling him through the front door. The sleepy man could only give an apologetic smile before disappearing.


SwayStarcreators' thoughts