(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.
It was safe to say that the beach trip was a success. All of the important women in Sora's life had met and spent time together. They'd eaten and drank together. Played together. Spoke ideals and more.
It wouldn't be wrong to say that these beauties would most likely be visiting the manor whenever they felt like it, compared to before. There was no longer that invisible barrier that wasn't crossed due to their instinctual fear of making Sora uncomfortable.
They now had 24/7 access to the sleepy man as long as they decided to go. Harley was the one who took advantage of this the most. She would visit so often that she practically lived in the estate. A room had been set aside for her. This energetic blonde got along with Alice in a way others couldn't. Neither of them operated on logic, after all.
As the days went on, Sora had also gone to check on Superman. The kryptonian was stuck in a pod full of liquid sun energy deep within the Bat Cave. One of Clark's 'relatives' guarded the cultivation pod at almost all times…kind of. She mostly played on her phone. If looks could kill, she would be the queen of death glares.
Still…the young Lockhart liked what he saw.
Mount Olympus
In the throne room, multiple royal figures could be seen conversing. This single room was filled to the brim with divine energy. A beautiful radiance flooded the surroundings just because of their presence. There was a muscular man with flowing white hair and a long beard reclining on the golden throne.
"Brother. We must go to war! The mortals no longer look up to us. They mock us. They killed my son!" Poseidon complained. Zeus leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
"Hmmm. Athena. What say you?" He asked.
A beautiful woman with long purple hair that hung past her bottom took the spotlight. All of the major and lesser gods focused on her. Athena crossed her arms and her lovely sky blue eyes sparkled like gems.
"War is not the answer. We should find another way. In times of peace, it is inevitable that mortals will forget us. This is natural. There needs to be a good reason for war." She explained.
Her tone of voice was strict. Poseidon's face turned red with anger. He immediately pointed at the goddess.
"The death of my son IS a good reason!" He retorted. Athena snorted.
"You have many sons. Find another to do your bidding. Or make another one. You're addicted to opening women's legs anyways."
"What did you say?! I am a GOD! Allowing someone to stain my legacy is a sin. Are you siding with the mortals, woman?"
"I'm not taking either side. How else would I get the full picture? A god like you should've known this. Are you really a god?"
"You bi-"
"Enough." Zeus interrupted with a wave of his hand.
The bickering pair grew silent. At this moment, a figure in pitch black armor stepped out of the crowd of gods. He took Athena's hand and kissed it before approaching the throne, much to the annoyance of the goddess herself.
"Father. I agree with Poseidon. It's time that the humans remember who their true gods are. Due to our non interference, they've forgotten us and turned to new, weaker gods. We must rule them like old times." Ares spoke.
Athena glared at this god of war. He kissed her hand as a way to show respect, then immediately opposed her. This bastard.
Zeus tapped his armrest in thought. The gods continued to bicker amongst themselves. As this went on, the godking turned to his wife on the smaller throne beside him.
She wore jewelry all over her curvy frame which emphasized her deep green eyes and pale skin. Her lips had a perfect amount of green lipstick that accented her luscious brown hair. The only thing off was the emotionless look on her face. It was full of indifference as if nothing mattered.
"What say you, Hera?"
"......................" After a long and oppressive silence, she finally looked at her husband.
"Whatever your will is, I shall follow." She spoke reverently. Her head bowed slightly. Zeus could only sigh at her emotionless tone.
The two had been at an impasse for a long time. Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Imagine how invalidated her life feels when her husband was a selfish womanizer. Womanizer was a polite way to put it.
He would always find ways to go behind her back and cheat. He would be willing to sink his claws into anything as long as it had a pretty face. It didn't matter the gender or age. A pretty child, a pretty horse. It didn't matter. Hera's life was a living hell.
"Zeus, may I be excused? These talks are so boring!" A beautiful voice called out.
It was a beauty with unique curly blonde hair that spoke. She wore an all white outfit that emphasized her divine breasts and bottom. This goddess was barefoot as well, and the way she spoke and acted made her seem like a klutz. This divine beauty was an airhead.
"Ah, my beautiful Aphrodite. You truly brighten my day whenever I see you. Of course you may. Run along, dear." Zeus spoke in a doting voice.
"Yay! Love you, daddy!" Aphrodite exclaimed before running toward the door. It seems she took his words literally.
Her assets jiggled with each step. Zeus' gaze bored into her curves as she moved. Right before she got to the exit, she tripped. It was an incredible face plant. Her lovely buttocks were raised high in the air and her breasts squished against the ground.
It was the perfect angle for Zeus. Directly in front of his line of sight. The material of her clothing grew tight on her skin due to the position. Her ass shook from side to side for a second as she tried to get up. The godking was gripping his armrest and swallowing loudly. Hera's emotionless gaze bored into the clumsy girl.
As if someone had slapped her bottom with a flaming hand, Aphrodite jumped to her feet with a shiver and ran out of the room. It was unknown if the goddess of love, lust, and beauty did these things on purpose to entice the king of the gods. All of the other gods cleared their throats as they turned away from the spectacle.
It was well known that Zeus wanted to sink his claws into his 'daughter' as well. To make things even worse, it was only a matter of time before he got his wish. Nobody could oppose the godking in the open.
"Eh-erm…" A god with messy blonde hair and blue eyes made a bit of noise. Zeus focused on him.
"Speak, Hermes."
"What if we do the carrot and stick approach?"
"Hmmm." The king of the gods rubbed his white beard. "That's a good idea. We can avoid war altogether with this. Let's leave the mortals in peril. Once they're in dire straits, we'll intervene. This way they'll remember."
Athena sighed in disappointment. Another quiet sigh resounded next to her. It was Apollo. He didn't say anything, but it seemed he was on her side. Both Ares and Poseidon were quite excited. Zeus immediately gave out his orders.
"Hermes. Go to Hades and have him release a few dozen beasts from Tartarus."
"As you wish." The messenger god was gone in a flash.
"Disperse." Zeus ordered the crowd. All of the gods bowed before leaving the throne room.
Only husband and wife remained. The silence grew deafening. It was unknown how long it persisted. Before the godking could start up a conversation, Hera rose from her throne and left the room. Not a word was said. Zeus could only sigh and think of other things.
Upon leaving the room, Hera traveled toward the divine ocean on the edge of Olympus. There was a lovely home surrounded by flowers. A sigh escaped her lips as she entered the building. She walked through a few halls before reaching her destination. The balcony.
The one and only Aphrodite sat on a chair overlooking the glimmering ocean. Her entire being was focused on the mirror in her hands. She giggled cutely while staring at it.
"What are you up to this time?"
"Kyaaah!" Aphrodite jumped at the voice.
Her mirror fell to the ground. Hera caught a glimpse of the image within. It was a young man with white hair and golden eyes. His skin was the perfect shade of brown and tan put together. Like a delicious piece of chocolate candy. The angelic figure was currently relaxing on a large tree branch, surrounded by a garden of flowers. He yawned sleepily while looking at the clouds.
Aphrodite quickly snatched the mirror and hid it behind her back. Both women stared at each other without saying a word. Hera eventually sat down and gestured to the other chair.
"M-Mother, what brings you here? Did I anger you? Is it from earlier?"
"So you know why I would be angry then. You understand what you did is wrong?"
"You know why I did it."
"Why did you do it? You're much smarter than you act. I'm the only one you can't fool, Aphrodite."
The goddess of love and lust puffed her cheeks out with a frown. Still, this pitiful expression didn't phase Hera one bit. She eyed the girl emotionlessly and waited for an answer. The clumsy girl's pout soon turned into a lazy shrug.
"Come on, Mother. It's obvious. We both know how that guy is. If I didn't act interested, he would just enter my home and rape me. Since I tease him every now and then…he just enjoys the sexual tension while knowing that he could theoretically have me at any time."
"That's a dangerous game." Hera responded with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm good at these games. It's quite literally what I do. This game is the only reason he hasn't yet barged into my home." Aphrodite revealed.
"Do you hate it? His gaze, I mean."
"Mnnn…No. It's just annoying! But I know you hate it, Mother."
There was another moment of silence as they both watched the ocean that shined like crystals. Eventually, Hera's expressionless face changed. A smile adorned her lips.
"So…who was that in the mirror?" She asked. Aphrodite immediately clutched the fragile glass tightly.
"Aww come on. You can't show your mother?"
Hera sat beside the blonde beauty and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Only then was her daughter pulled into a casual embrace. It seems that the two were closer than most of the gods believed.
"I don't like showing." The clumsy girl responded.
She didn't like revealing who she was attracted to. It never ended well for that person. History had taught her over and over that she must keep it to herself. Of course, she was a goddess so she didn't care THAT much. A god could lose interest with only a blink.
"Sneaky girl, just show me. I won't tell."
Aphrodite finally released her tight hold and revealed the mirror. Hera finally got a good look at the sleepy man. She didn't say anything, only observing quietly.
"I came across this man while looking through the lower realms. He's so beautiful! I want him!" The blonde beauty exclaimed while gazing lovingly at the real time image. Hera raised an eyebrow.
"How long have you been watching him?"
"Hmmm…about two years now." She revealed. The mother could only sigh.
"And what about the last man you were watching?"
"That was before I noticed the divine energy inside this man!" Aphrodite leaned into Hera's ear. "He makes Apollo look like chicken shit!" She whispered.
"Oh? Really? Is he that strong?"
"He's too strong. It's almost unfair. I can't understand why he resides in the lower realm. He should be up here with me instead!"
Her giggles resounded as she praised the man in the mirror. She was like an infatuated house wife that wanted to cook and clean for him. Hera was surprised. Harmless praises from Aphrodite actually held a lot of weight. Normal people wouldn't enter the goddess' sight.
"His divinity is better than Apollo's…so he must be a sun god of a different pantheon, right?" Hera asked. Aphrodite shook her head.
"I don't think so. He's already slain an elder god."
The girl stopped there. She almost told her mother that he was responsible for killing Poseidon's son. Good thing she closed her mouth. Hera cupped her chin in thought.
'An elder god was slain by him? Hmmm.' She pondered.
Her eyes began to shine in a menacing light. A plethora of ideas entered her mind. Olympus could possibly be uprooted if the plan that she was currently forming succeeded. It would be chaotic…but she would be free.
"Hehe…" She chuckled madly at the thought.
Aphrodite frowned at her cackling mother and huffed in annoyance. She then focused on the mirror once more. Her giggles returned and her body swooned back and forth. If she plays her cards right, she'll have him in her bed!