
DC: Atlantean Alchemist

How I lived my second life: ???: You will not know the world you are going into now decide. Me: I wish to be lucky. You might think this is dumb, but I have no idea where I'm going, I could ask to have an overpowered ability only for it to be stolen by a jealous relative. Worse, an enemy of mine could get tensei'ed into the past and prevent me from awakening said ability. Being lucky at the very least increases my chance of survival in an unknown world. The being snaps his or her fingers and I found myself in the body of a baby. I did not have the time to stabilize my bearings as I saw something heading toward me. My first and last thought in this life were the same. Me: "Is that a knife?!" I woke up in front of that being again. ???: HOW? You barely lived five seconds before getting murdered! How I lived my third life: READ THE FAN-FICTION! Weekly updates: 1 Chapter per week on Friday EST. Another story I did during my two months haitus. The clasic isekai. I don't own anything (Cover pic, Dc characters, ect...) other then the MC.

Isekai_enjoyer · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

Chapter 30: All according to pla-... FUCK!!!

[Third Person's Point of View]

Over 1,200 years B.C., lived a princess of Colchis who according to her own words, her subjects objected to her killing her weak husband. Driven out of the kingdom, she found refuge on a small island, Aeaea, and began to accumulate considerable magical power but it was limited to the island.

She used the Sirens to lure seafarers to the island, but it was not enough to sate her lust for power. The goddess Hecate would answer her prayers, desiring Circe to be the instrument of Hecate's own revenge against the Greek gods... in a way though some might consider failsafe a better term of phrase.

She made Circe a proposition: immortality, eternal beauty, and incredible magical power in exchange for her soul meaning that Hecate's soul would go to Circe. Circe agreed almost immediately, and after the exchange, Hecate's body was destroyed.

But before she died, the goddess made a prophecy.

"Upon the death of witch and the birth of witch, Hecate, by name and choice, shall repossess her soul."

Circe did not pay much attention to the prophecy at first, elated by her incredible powers. She razed the kingdom of Colchis in a single day then developed and perfected the power to turn people into animals.

The terror of her name and power quickly spread throughout the ancient world. Circe, driven by Hecate's hatred, fanned the flames of gender alienation among the believers of the Greek Pantheon. Men and women had always distrusted one another to an extent, she merely fanned such flames, sowing suspicion and betrayal wherever she went.

These actions caused her to come to blows with the Amazons who the Greek Pantheon backed. After suffering many setbacks at the hands of the Amazon, Circe started to personally hate the Amazons, especially their Queen, Hippolyta.

Due to the divine protection placed on Themyscira, she could not directly attack them to get her revenge which annoyed her and fueled her hatred towards the Amazons. This hatred caused her to antagonize Wonder Woman for the simple fact that she was Queen Hippolyta's daughter on top of being an Amazon.

She schemed many plans to end her life but all ended in her failure and Wonder Woman surviving through them. However, after multiple attempts, she managed to learn something about Wonder Woman that Wonder Woman herself did not know.

Diana of Themyscira is the daughter of Zeus and if there was anyone who was an expert at killing Zeus' children, it was none other than his wife Hera. Circe made sure to inform Hera of Zeus lates-... hmm... most recen-... hmm... one of Zeus' infidelity that she had yet to learn.

This was done not without careful consideration, Circe hated the Greek Pantheon and she figured that it would be killing two birds with one stone if she caused Hera to have a hand in the death of Diana.

It would ruin the cohesion of the Greek Pantheon even more by adding tension between them. Just like she had expected Hera to be on board with killing Diana, what Circe did not expect was that the latter was willing to help her destroy the Amazons just to punish Hippolyta for her betrayal.

Hera gave Circe information about the ward that was protecting Themyscira while they were planning on how to kill Diana. Their plan involved sending a beast of the Underworld, Hera told Circe which beast would be best suited for the job and how to get it but Hera was not dumb enough to do it herself.

She was not going to leave a single fingerprint in this ordeal, in case it failed, which is why Circe needed the help of another sorcerer to acquire the monster that recided in Tartarus. This is where Felix Faust came into the picture.

Felix Faust is an ancient sorcerer who derives his powers from the deals he makes with demons. He had done so many deals and committed so many atrocities to acquire more power that his soul is rotten to the very core making him unable to trick any more demons into making more deals.

He agreed to help Circe because Wonder Woman had thwarted his plans a couple of times though that did not mean that he was helping out of the non-existent kindness in his heart. He was going to help Circe for the price of a hundred virgin girls which he planned to use for a ritual.

Circe accepted though she was not going to fulfill the end of her deal, Felix Faust had acquired a collection of magical items over the centuries that he lived, some of which were rare and powerful enough to evoke greed in her.

Once Diana was dead, Circe planned to backstab Faust and take his possessions. Ironically enough, Faust was thinking the same thing. He was not planning on fulfilling his side of the deal either. The ritual he was planning on performing required the sacrifice of a hundred virgin girls along with a Demi-God thus he needed Diana alive for the ritual.

Faust figured adding a powerful centuries-old sorceress into the offerings would only increase the power he would acquire through the ritual. Both knew at some level that the other would double-cross them since neither had made a deal through magic and both did not mind since they thought themselves smarter than the other.

And so they set their trap by arranging a series of failed robberies where Wonder Woman would fight a conjured mythical creature, and defeat it before retrieving the stolen item. They repeated this scenario a couple of times with different beasts to lure Wonder Woman into a false sense of security.

When the time came, they set the robbery in broad daylight, where citizens would be there to observe and be protected by Wonder Woman, causing her to have an increasing burden. Of course, they did not forget about her sidekick as they called him but the monster they had picked would be strong enough to take care of both of them.



A monster with a mismatched array of different animal parts roars as it rampages through Washington D.C. while civilians are in a state of panic. The creature seems to be female and has twelve tentacles for her legs.

Around her waist are six dog heads with a triple row of teeth and each curious cat tail that accompanies each one of them. this monster is none other than the fable Scylla from the Greek Mythology.

The creature headed toward an antique museum which caused the civilians in its path to run away. Its numerous dog heads wiggled around causing the part of buildings they hit to collapse, endangering the civilians that were under the falling debris.

Frozen in fear, they could not move their legs to run or jump away from the incoming danger. The civilians, under the falling debris, guarded their faces with their arms as they tried to avoid their imminent deaths.

Just as they were about to be crushed, the debris stopped falling. They levitated for a second before a voice was heard. 

"Noisilloc nopu edolpxe sirbed esoht ekam!"

Each respective assembly of debris was then launched into each of the six dog heads. 






Upon collision, each debris exploded causing the dog heads to writhe in pain in turn causing Scylla to release a roar out of pain. Before Scylla could assert the situation around her, two figures moved fast as they cut the six dog heads.

"Noisilloc nopu edolpxe sdaeh god esoht ekam!"


Someone muttered before the six decapitated heads were then launched toward Scylla's face and severely injured the creature. It became dazed as blood started dripping from the wounds on her face. 

Before it could regain its bearings, someone landed on its bloodied face and clapped their hands. A high-pitched tone could be heard from the clap and if one paid attention to that individual, a tiny piece of electricity could be seen between that person's hand and Scylla's face when they made contact with one another.

To the onlookers, electricity started flowing through the monster's body before the temperature started to go down. The keen observer noticed that the monster's skin was started to be covered with ice and before long everyone saw the Scylla dead in its tracks, completely frozen.

As the situation calmed down, the civilians now had a moment to identify who had saved them. Upon realizing who saved them, many started shouting their names while others muttered something else that very few could hear.




"It's Wonder Woman! Damn, she is fine."


"Hey Jackson, do you think if I become a supervillain, will I get a chance to be tied by her lasso of truth?"

"Come on John, we talked about this. Don't forget your boys, you can't go solo on this. We ride together and we get tied by Wonder Woman's thigh together."


"So he is Wonder Woman's sidekick, huh? I'd give my left hand to trade place with him."

"Your left, why not your right?"

"I'd still need that to fap to her."

"... You know what, from now on, let's shake hands with our left hands."


"Kanojo wa sono Orochi o kainara shita nodesuga, kanojo wa watashi no zubon no Orochi o kai narasu koto ga dekirudeshou ka?"

[AN: Japanese translation of this;

she tamed that Orochi, I wonder if she could tame the Orochi in my pants?]

Now for those that may be confused at what had happened, Triton had used his alchemy to freeze the blood inside of the Scylla's body. This however did not kill it but merely incapacitated it as was Triton's plan. He used the Scylla's incapacitation to send it back to where it came from with magic.

The incantation required a couple of minutes thus Wonder Woman stood to watch and asked the police who had arrived to keep the civilians away from the giant frozen monster. Being the warrior that she is, Wonder Woman did not let her guard down as Triton was sending the creature back to where it came from.

As Triton was performing the incantation, a magical aura began to appear around his body, and before long, a dozen small bubble-sized blobs started to be generated from that magical aura that surrounded Triton.










Each of the dozen small bubble-sized blobs spoke as they were generated before looking at each other and speaking, this time, in perfect unison.

"Mini-Us ready for action, time to show everyone what we are made of!"

This caused everyone but Triton to look at them. Wonder Woman, who was the closest to them excluding Triton, noticed that each one of them although made of magical aura the same face as Triton.

Before Wonder Woman could ask, they flew toward the civilians and looked around before heading towards the civilians that were near an ambulance. Their sudden appearance caused the shock and panic from the injured civilians as well as the paramedics but that ended when they realized that whatever injury was touched by those small bubble-sized blobs, became healed in an instant.

This caused celebration among the injured people while leaving the paramedics still confused for a moment. That feeling was shared by not just them but also the onlookers including those responsible for the monster's rampage.

Circe was the most confused out of all of them since this was not part of the plan. The monster they had they had chosen was not Scylla but Faust, during Scylla's rampage, said that it would make a better bait than a robbery.

In truth, Scylla's attack was going according to plan just not the plan Circe knew. Faust figured that Scylla would be enough to weaken Wonder Woman so he planned to use the monster that they had actually planned to fight Wonder Woman against Circe.

While Circe would be busy battling the monster, Faust planned to capture Wonder Woman and then capture Circe once she was tired enough. He had set up a silent magic barrier to activate at his call. He was going to activate it as soon as the heroes let their guards down after defeating Scylla.

This new plan of his would have cost him the hundred virgin girls that Circe was going to deliver once he upheld his side of the deal but that was a small matter to him. He could get them once he was done or at least that was what Faust thought.

Circe on the other hand also was not going to act according to the plan. She knew of a magic spell that would charm the monster they intended to summon. Her true plan was to kill Faust as soon as he summoned the monster on Earth.

Their backstabbing plans were however put to a short halt as they noticed the dozen small bubble-sized blobs coming out of the magical aura that surrounded Triton. Being thousands of years old or having sold your soul for power and knowledge meant that you knew a thing or two about pretty much everything that came close to your field of expertise.

Both magical experts observed what each of those dozen small bubble-sized blobs did as their confusion and denial turned into certainty. They did not even notice that Scylla had already been sent away.

In the crowd of Civilians, a small boy was standing next to a news anchor who had just arrived. For some unexplained reason, he suddenly got a desire to know what those dozen small bubble-sized blobs were.

He wanted to ask the question but due to his shyness, he asked the question too late, and the small bubble-sized blob that had just passed by did not hear his question. That would have been the case if a certain speedster, in the near future, did not travel back in time to prevent something.

[AN: Will be explained in the next two chapters max.]

This caused what a yellow spandex sociopath with the biggest hate boner in the multiverse would call a time boom, allowing the kid to ask his question on time and for the news anchor to record this on camera.

"Excuse me Mr. Blob but what are you exactly?"

The small bubble-sized blob turned to face the kid and spoke.

"I'm a Mini-Me."

At that response, the kid suddenly got a new desire, to have another question answered.

"And what are you doing?"

The small bubble-sized blob answered in a confident tone.

"We are showing off to our boss so that he knows that we are one of the best abilities that he has!"

The kid again received another desire along with another question to ask.


At that question, the small bubble-sized blob tilted its entire being before answering.

"Why? Well, that's because, with boss abilities, he can get anything he wants from Anti-Life Equation to-"


The small bubble-sized blob's sentence was interrupted by an explosion but strangely enough, the child that asked those questions no longer had the desire to have them answered. If one would have looked at him during the moment the explosion got everyone's attention, they would have noticed that his eyes turned gold for a second.

As for what caused the explosion, it was none other than Faust and Circe attacking each other. They had ascertained that the dozens of small bubble-sized blobs were Life Spirits which caused their focus to change from killing/capturing Wonder Woman to capturing Triton for themselves.

Their greed overcame their sense of reason, both wanted Triton for a similar but different reason, power. The only difference between their greed was how they would use Triton to acquire the power they sought.

Being controlled by greed, they figured that capturing Triton would be easy since they still viewed him as Wonder Woman's sidekick. He could not be a bigger threat than Wonder Woman and him being the prize furthered encouraged them to continue on with that thought process.

Now each of them knew how Wonder Woman fought to, at the very minimum, a certain degree which meant that they knew how she would act. This also meant that the one they needed to worry the most about getting in their way to capture Triton was the one they had planned to backstab.

"Swap and knockout."

Triton said as he observed the two villains fighting each other while controlling the gravity around the debris caused by their fight to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

"Swap and knockout."

Wonder Woman repeated as she drew her sword while distancing herself from Triton. She then flew at her top speed towards him and swung her sword while Triton brought his hands together. Just as she was about to land a hit on Triton, he clapped his hands.


"He is min- Huh?"

As Triton clapped his hands, Wonder Woman disappeared and was replaced by a confused Faust. Before Faust could realize what had just happened, Triton used his superior speed, to grab Faust by the head with both hands.


Faust yelled in pain as electricity, emanating from Triton's hands, coursed through him. Triton had recognized Faust from the list of villains known to the Justice League as well as his crimes along with what made him so dangerous, according to the Justice League.

Triton knew that Faust had a vast amount of knowledge concerning the supernatural world and that he did not shy away from using innocent lives as sacrifices for power or more knowledge. According to Zatara as well as Wonder Woman, he also hoarded a lot of mystical items.

'According to their conversation, they wanted to capture me. Congrats Faust, you just became fair game.'

Triton said as the electricity stopped flowing through Faust's body and the latter passed out looking healthier and younger than before. What Triton had just done was an equivalent exchange. Faust had lost the ability to permanently use his magic at the cost of a healthier body.

He also lost all his knowledge about the mystic arts and his various hideouts where dozens of precious magical items were hidden. Some might wonder what he gained from that loss and the answer is... nothing. Faust lost that knowledge and Triton gained it.

Some may call this unfair but it is important to note that it is called equivalent exchange not fair exchange. As soon as Faust fell down, Triton looked toward Wonder Woman and Circe who were fighting.

He was about to jump in when he saw that Circe had fled via teleportation. Wonder Woman had a couple of bruises and cuts which all disappeared as soon as a small bubble-sized blob version of Triton made contact with her injuries.

Seeing the villains being taken down or fleeing caused the crowd that was still there to cheer for Wonder Woman and Triton. Wonder Woman noticed that as the cheer piled up, the magical aura around Triton increased in size.

The situation was shortly resolved after this, Wonder Woman and Triton then left. As they flew away into the sky, Diana asked what those dozens of small bubble-sized blob versions of Acnologia were. Acnologia did not even need to answer, the dozens of small bubble-sized blobs answered for him.

"We are Mini-Acnologia!"

This earned a chuckle from Diana. At the end of the day, Acnologia submitted his report stating that he had sealed away Faust's ability to use his magic in exchange for a healthier body. He had also advised Diana that Faust might gain minor meta-human strength and speed when he woke up.

Diana was confused but decided to trust Acnologia's words and relayed them to the police that were guarding Faust. They put a meta-ability dampening collar on his neck as he was taken to prison.

In Acnologia's report, Batman noticed that the chances of Faust using magic were low but not zero. This was due to the fact that although Acnologia held his abilities in the highest regard, he did not fail to mention that a possibility such as a loophole could be used for Faust to use Magic if it was not his.

Acnologia also stated that Faust had lost all his knowledge about the mystic arts so even if he were to acquire magic he would not be as knowledgable as before unless he made another deal that gave him such knowledge to begin with.

Batman filled the power negation under the newly discovered abilities of Acnologia and he would have had a hunch that Acnologia took Faust's knowledge if he had not been focusing on the now dubbed by the internet as "Mini-Triton" and what could be the limit of their applications.

Acnologia spent almost two weeks sorting out the knowledge that he had gained from Faust and made a mental list of what he would need to perform a warding spell that would remove the priying eyes that he was constantly under.

When the time was right, he went to each and every single one of Faust's Hideout and ransacked them all. He deliberately picked the first hideout to ransack because it had inside it a pouch that could store an infinite amount of items.

Faust thought it was useless because he preferred to place his eggs in different baskets. Acnologia on the other hand had his shadow eat the magic pouch and gained a [Shadow Inventory]. This allowed him to carry everything that Faust owned except the unwanted cursed object which he used his Alchemy to destroy them like Scar in FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Acnologia was in a good mood when he returned to the cave but that mood changed when he received some tragic news. Kent Nelson had died and worst of all the Team encountered Klarion.

He learned more when Kara told him what happened. Apparently, Wally became the Host of Nabu during their fight with Klarion after Kent Nelson's death. This meant that the future that Acnologia foresaw happened and he missed his chance at capturing Klarion.

This would delay his plans, matter of fact, he would need to change them. As for Kent Nelson's death, he was not saddened by it since he knew that Kent long since wanted to be reunited with his dead wife.


Not everything goes according to plan not even for the MC cause again I want to capture that sense of real-life chaos and uncertainty of the future someone foresees.

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts