
DC: Astrape, the Golden Gale

Have you ever opened your eyes and seen the unexpected? For this story I need you to do something for me, I need you to believe in the impossible. I died, or at least I thought I did, but I was able to open my eyes again right after and what I saw was amazing and impossible.

HangerBaby · Ti vi
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8 Chs

The Lightning Strikes

The Lightning Struck

Standing awkwardly in the midst of the Central City Police Department's forensic lab was Jonathan Jacobs. His dark brown hair was ruffled, and his blue eyes betrayed a hint of unease. Beside him, his "friend" Barry Allen, just a tad shorter, appeared genuinely excited as he animatedly shared stories from his recent visit to Star Labs.

Jonathan felt something eerie, a shiver trickling down his spine as a strange sensation engulfed him. He struggled to gather his thoughts when he noticed what seemed like a colossal column of light rising in the distance. Realization struck him, he took a step back and turned to Barry, who was busy fiddling with a chain to close the skylight.

As if struck by a bolt of inspiration, he reached out to help Barry with the chain, before he knew it, a flash of lightning enveloped them both, hurling them into a cacophony of clattering shelves and cascading chemicals.

6 Months Later

Jonathan stirred, gradually waking from what felt like an eternal slumber, greeted by the faint beeping of heart monitors. As the daze lifted, memories began to trickle in. He entertained thoughts of his awakening in an unfamiliar police department, right up to the moment he was struck by lightning alongside his "friend" Barry Allen.

Realization dawned on him. He seemed to possess an uncanny familiarity with forensic sciences and an inexplicable connect with Barry.

As he sat up slowly, he glanced across the room to find his brother, Jesse, dozing off beside him. Nightfall draped the city as he peered through the window, contemplating the strength he felt coursing through him. It was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Was this super speed?

"How do I know for sure?" Jonathan pondered, choosing to rouse his brother before anything else.

"Jesse, bub! Wake up," he nudged.

Wide-eyed and groggy, Jesse scanned the room, astonished to see Jonathan standing in his white hospital gown, before enveloping him in a tight embrace. "Jon, is that really you? Oh my God, you're finally awake! You've been out for 6 months, man. We were worried sick!"

Comforted by his brother's assurance, Jonathan inquired about their father, only to learn of his night shifts to cover mounting hospital bills.

"You know what we should do? Let's get me discharged and surprise Dad," Jonathan suggested.

Jesse agreed, and soon after, the pair was in conversation with a doctor, who expressed astonishment at Jonathan's unprecedented recovery.

Determined to see their father, Jonathan, gratified by the normalcy of the moment, quietly hoped to hide his different memories, not knowing what may happen to him.

Jonathan and Jesse left the hospital, eager to surprise their father. Their emotions swirled as they approached their apartment. Opening the door, their father, David, stood in disbelief, welcoming them home with tears in his eyes, embracing them in a heartfelt reunion.

"I can't believe my eyes. Jonathan you're really awake!" their father said, enveloping him in a tight hug.

"Yeah, Dad. We thought we'd surprise you. And Jonathan here, well, he's really surprised a lot of people with his recovery," Jesse chimed in.

David, Jonathans Dad, pulled them inside to talk with them, wanting to fill Jonathan in on everything that had happened during his long coma. After exchanging stories, talk turned to the recent sightings of a mysterious figure in a black cape becoming more well known.

David recounted the most recent of Batman's two-year campaign for justice in Gotham, which lead to his very prominent introduction, the Jokers attack that killed 50 people and put a much larger amount in the hospital before he was stopped. The news of the Green Arrow taking down Malcolm Merlyn, outing him as the man that tried to destroy part of Star City.

They discussed Superman's active role over the past two years, with whispers of a green flying man in Coast City. While mentioning Wonder Woman in her diplomatic role in Washington D.C., and Aquamans sightings having increased massively in the last 6 months, protecting the seas and coastal areas.

After a while of talking, Jonathan finally asked if they could go to Big Belly Burger. He had memories of it but his previous self having only seen it in a show had him wanting to try it.

With his family agreeing they headed out. While driving over David spoke up,

"Jonathan," their David began, his brow furrowed with concern. "How are you managing your apartment and expenses? After being in a coma for six months, we're certainly surprised you still have money set aside."

Jesse, ever straightforward, chimed in, "Yeah, bro, it's not like you've been working. I can barely keep up with my own place, and I actually have a job."

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Jonathan explained. "Well, I've always been mindful about my finances. I make sure to have at least a year's worth of rent saved up at all times. It's like my safety net, especially with everything that's been going on. I guess it's been a blessing in disguise."

"Smart thinking, son," their father nodded in understanding. "I'm impressed by your foresight. It's a good thing you've been so cautious with your money."

Jesse acknowledged, "Yeah, I guess it is. Wish I could be that frugal, but you've always been good at that kind of thing, Jon."

"Yeah, and don't worry dad I've got my medical expenses covered from here on out. And I'll make sure to pay you back." Jonatham replied.

"Oh don't worry about it bub," David frowned, "any dad worth his salt wouldn't let you do that."

"No seriously dad, Don't worry about it," Jonathan said, making it known he wouldn't hear anything more about it as they finally pulled into Big Belly Burger.

Heading in David walked up to the counter to place their order before finally joining Jonathan and Jesse at their table while waiting for their number to be called.

Jonathan spoke up, "Hey, guys, there's something I need to tell you."

His father looked at him with concern. "What's on your mind, son? Everything alright?"

Jesse, always ready to hear a good story, chimed in, "Yeah, spill it, Jon. We're all ears."

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan continued, "I'm going to take a while off of work."

His father shot him a puzzled look. "Really? Why?"

Jesse, skeptical, looked at his brother. "Come on, Jon. You love your job?"

"I have too," Jonathan insisted, "I've been gone for so long how am I to just jump right back into it."

"What are going to do then?" his father questioned, his voice laced with doubt. " You might have saved a lot of money but not working really put a strain on you."

Jesse interjected, " Especially if you plan on helping out with the medical bills that have piled up. You don't really have that much money do you?"

"I know," Jonathan explained, "But It's something I feel I really need to do."

Before they could delve further into the conversation, they were interrupted by a automated voice called their order number.

While David was getting the food, Jonathan, really thought about telling them the truth but at the end of the day he knew he wasn't from the world and that people like the reverse flash existed and he needed to not involve his family, lest he get them killed even if they weren't his real family.

" How long do you plan on not working?" his father's voice filled with surprise.

"Is there something we don't know?" Jesse interjected, his eyes filled with confusion.

"I'm still trying to figure out myself. I came to this decision after I woke up from the coma. Honestly I thought about hiding it from you but I know you all would find out eventually," Jonathan explained.

"I understand your apprehension, son. But if this is what you need we are here for you," his father responded, his tone filled with reassurance.

"So, what now? What are we going to do?" Jesse inquired, his concern evident in his voice.

"I want to find myself, you don't need to worry about anything. And if I really have to I'll head back to work sooner than I expect," Jonathan declared, a newfound determination shining in his eyes.

David reassured him. "Jonathan, if this is what you believe in, we're behind you all the way. Just remember, safety first. We've always got your back, no matter what."

Jesse chimed in with a mix of uncertainty and resolve, "It's a lot to process, but you're one of us. If this is your path, count me in. Just promise me you'll stay safe? We'll support you, no question."

Jonathan turned to his thoughts once again. Thinking about how even if these weren't his family, they truly cared and experiencing that care through the memories he had inherited he found himself caring for them. Which was a whole note reason to keep his powers and his plan to become a hero a secret from them. The last thought on Jonathan's mind was how he was going to struggle to make a suit seeing as he didn't know what he was doing doing.


I'm terribly sorry for my frequent pauses. I truly appreciate your understanding as I write. This project means a great deal to me, and I am committed to delivering my best work for you. Thank you for your patience and support as I strive to create something meaningful.

Also please tell me if any of this reads odd. To be honest I stink at writing.

I know there are probably some of you who have read my other stuff and know, I'm not very good. All I want to say is that I might not upload a lot on this. Or I do, I don't know. I've already got a couple chapters written. I'm just testing the waters with this one.