
Velder Disco Party

As the battle begins, the impostor removes her Magical Girl Espada costume, instead wearing an blanket covering her entire torso and arms with sunglasses. Just as the mysterious fortune teller appeared, the former asked her to give her some , in which she gave them to her.

Elsword saw her eating the tanghulu, and said "No way, is that tanghulu?" before telling her "Can you give me some?", in which she gave him as well as his wife Aisha and their mutual friend Rena some of the leftover tanghulu she had from last night. Eve and Add saw the four of them eating tanghulu, in which the former told the latter "Let's stop the music before they catch us in the act!" and the latter replied "Sure!" before they stopped the music on their own.

A few minutes later, the battle resumed, only for Aisha to find out that there was no music in the house.

Suddenly, the intruder who previously terrorized Saros and Rosana in their home dimension of Astrophel, appeared, with the woman grabbing an shovel, and she says to him "Are you the guy who attacked my friends in Astrophel?!"

He replied "Yeah, but who are you? Aren't you those girls' friend?"

"Yes I am. Why are you here even though Elsword and Aisha roasted you using flint and steel before?!" she responded, before removing her costume, revealing her pink long hair, and her blue and yellow eyes, and introducing herself as Soyul.

Rena tells the stranger "How many times do we have to teach you a lesson, old man?!"

Upon seeing Elsword and Aisha wearing a chef costume and equipped with burning cleavers, the stranger ran away from them, only to set himself on fire upon getting out of the house, with Soyul following him outside, leaving only a cooking pot.

Soon, she came back to the house holding the cooking pot, and this led to the trio, along with her, Eve and Add laughing at the absurdity of the situation. In the end, Soyul decided to befriend the five of them and gave the latter two the cooking pot, before cancelling the dance party for good.

Back at the group's house, Soyul introduced herself to Haya and the others, including Raven, Ain and Crescentia, who were all staying there the whole time, as a friend of Saros and Rosana, who found herself in Elrios.

Soon, Haya and Soyul started to fall in love for each other to the point they remained inseparable from each other. The scene switches to Haya and Soyul sitting in the rooftop. Just as they were about to kiss in front of the full moon, Demetria appeared, only to interrupt them, in which the former of the two asked her to buy malatang and tanghulu for Elsword and Aisha.

Soon enough, she left to buy two tanghulu instead of a single tanghulu and malatang for them.

Haya said to Soyul "Now that she's gone, let's forget about the time we had with her." She replied "Sure thing." before the two went to the other side of the rooftop, where they both saw Laby, Noah and Lithia enjoying a picnic while camping on the rooftop.

However, to no one's surprise, the Nether Battleship, who our heroes had previously destroyed before in a raid party and was the site of an short-lived raid party that only had an survivor named Caen, during the events of Daystar Purgatory Season 2's Battlefield Camp, was now back up and running, this time flying through the skies of Velder.

Soon, Elsword and Aisha came to the other side of the rooftop, and saw Laby flying in air, holding the parasol she put in place along with her allies Noah and Lithia. Soon, the five of them saw Haya trying to grab Soyul's right hand as she was about to fall off from the house.

To their shock, Haya was clearly struggling to get her to the rooftop, until Ain came to his rescue by carrying her and flying her up to the rooftop, where the six of them saw the Nether Battleship, headed for an island located in the Crescent Sea, east of Lanox.

While the ship was heading over their house, one of the crew summoned a rope close to the rooftop, with Rena grabbing the rope and telling the rest of her allies to come join her in infiltrating the Nether Battleship again, in which all of them, including Raven, Ain and Crescentia, who weren't there in the rooftop at the time agreed to join her in the ship.

And such, Rena's group are now back in the Nether Battleship, this time with the sole purpose of destroying it before it reaches the Crescent Sea.

Demetria appears in the ship, only for the ship to be destroyed again before reaching the Crescent Sea, this time with Haya's spear. In the end, Demetria started crying and surrendered herself to Elsword, Aisha and Crescentia, who looked down on her with an condescending expression while apologizing to them for her actions.

On the other hand, the rest of the group were floating in the air, with the Nether Battleship crashing near the hot spring geysers of Lanox, and she summons an magical broomstick, before flying away with it.

Soon, the trio looked at each other, in which Aisha said to Elsword and Crescentia "Well, I guess that we won this time against her and that battleship, okay...?", before the three of them reunited with Rena and they high-fived at the same time. Suddenly, Soyul informs them of an nearby island in the Crescent Sea, and so, the rest of the group sets out for the island.

As soon as they arrive in the island, Crescentia encounters a member of a mysterious cult affiliated with Henir's Order, and asks who this person is, only for them to tell her that they're a member of Aisha's caravan to the latter's shock, and she said "I never seen you before, but who are you?!"

Soon, this person dropped a bombshell, revealing herself as none other than Aisha's mom, who had abandoned her years ago and wanted to take her daughter with her to her own house. She tries to grab her daughter's wrist, only for Noah to push her away, to which she said to him "Wait, who are you?!" He replied "I'm Noah. Why are you here to kidnap Aisha who you had abandoned years ago?!"Just as the two of them started to argue with each other, some members of Aisha's caravan showed up out of nowhere, in which her grandfather tells his daughter to leave his own granddaughter alone.

On the other side, Laby, while in hiding in order to avoid herself being recognized by the trio themselves, saw Elsword, Aisha and Rena walking away from the scene before the trio fled to an abandoned log cabin, where they sat next to a fireplace.

Suddenly, to Aisha and Rena's shock, Elsword started to show signs of the Dark El energy, affecting his own face, to the point he ended up dropping his own sword and tried to cover his face, but it was too late, as he already started to resonate with the Dark El and soon, his hair turned dark red, with his eye color turning black and his pupils became eight-pointed stars, while also wearing the same clothes as his original form.

Soon, Demetria appeared out of nowhere, behind him and he starts to call himself "Dark Elsword".

Soyul walks in the scene and she says "Hey, what's going on here!? Is he okay?!" Haya shows up next to Soyul and tells her "Elsword's okay, but Demetria is trying to manipulate him into hating us and resonating with the Dark El."

Ain walks in and saw Soyul and Haya being attacked by Dark Elsword, in which he came to their defense, and said to him "Elsword, stop this! Look at the person behind you! She's trying to manipulate you into betraying us all!", but the attacker refused to listen to him and instead abided with Demetria's orders.

Not long after, Elesis showed up and grabs Demetria by the collar, telling her "Demetria! Leave my brother alone!" She responded with "Elsword is under my control now. You can't stop him and me!"

Soon, Saros and Rosana showed up, holding their weapons, a magical staff and a sword, before aiming it at Demetria, in which the latter of the two friends said to her "Leave Elsword alone or else we'll destroy you!" Dark Elsword responded back, with "So you want to challenge me as well as to destroy my master?!"

Suddenly, Haya grabs his spear, with Soyul grabbing her large balisong, and the former of the duo tells him "Yeah, so that way we can free you from her curse!"As soon as the rest of the allies gathered to attack Dark Elsword with the sole purpose of saving him from his master's manipulation and getting him on their side, Demetria soon realized what she had done and instead summoned an clone of herself to fight alongside him, before she teleported herself to an mountaintop on the middle of the island just before the long battle began between the two of them and the rest of his group.

As the battle begins, Dark Elsword summoned three geysers, blasting Crescentia away, throwing her into a nearby tree of the cabin. She eventually gets up, in which she said to herself "How dare he do this to me like that?!".

Crescentia returned to the cabin, only to saw Hayat trying to defend himself and Soyul, who was defeated by Dark Elsword, with his own spear, against the latter's attacks. Soon, she tells him "Not so fast this time, Elsword!" before throwing an wind orb at him, breaking his armor.

Afterwards, Soyul managed to revive herself using a resurrection stone, saying "It's not the time for me to disappear yet!"

After being hit with multiple attacks, Dark Elsword was now at low HP and just as he was about to deliver his final blow towards the people surrounding him using his Hyperactive skill, Rena jumped mid-air, managing to deliver a final blow, instead defeating him in the process.

Upon getting defeated, he transformed back to Elsword and he was now back to normal, except that he had no idea that he was being manipulated by Demetria against his own will while being unconscious at the same time.Soon, he regained consciousness, and soon, the rest of his group forgave him for apologizing to them the whole time, before leaving the cabin, before setting out to the mountaintop, where Demetria was waiting for them the whole time, this time for their final battle against her in Elrios.