
Daystar Purgatory Season 2

This is a Webnovel version of Daystar Purgatory, the third and final book of Elsword Fables, whose second season was serialized from June 2023 to February 2024. This adapts the second season of Daystar Purgatory, where throughout the season, our heroes help Saros and her friend Rosana in dealing with a cult, encountering Prince Idris and his former allies, most notably Dark Elsword, who redeemed himself throughout the season, and discover the lands of the Nether Valley and Acheron before returning to Elrios at the end of the season.

Chirun0z · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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White Desert Hunter

As the two cars were chasing each other, Rena asked if the other police officer had a grappling hook so that she and Laby could get out of the car and reach to the white car in question, so they agreed and gave her one, so they both jumped to the top of the car, where the latter of the two told the former "Rena, you can do this! Use this on the car's trunk!" in which she used the hook to attach to the car's trunk, allowing them to glide freely and reach the car's back, armed with their weapons, a rock and a slingshot.

While on the car, Prince Idris saw them on the back and said to his translator, who was driving the car, "Who the heck are these strangers?!" in his language, to which he said "That's the main allies of our hostages! We must stop them from getting into us!", but as he was trying to look at the back seats, Elsword, Aisha and Idol A was gone, along with the shattered rear glass, and the rock in their place.

As Prince Idris and the translator was trying to drive away from the police cars, they crashed it to a nearby tree, which served as an dead end to the road, and he called a private helicopter to take the two away from the Daystar Purgatory, in which he immediately disappeared without a trace. Meanwhile, Idol A thanked Rena and Laby for saving her, Elsword and Aisha from the prince, which Shadow appeared out of nowhere and told his sister that he filed an complaint with Astros and the police, who put out multiple wanted posters of Prince Idris across the Daystar Purgatory, with the description of his physical features and the list of crimes he did, along with his face on it, and if found, 100,000 ED will given as a cash reward.

Taking this as an opportunity, Elsword told Aisha, Idol A, Rena and Laby to come with him to the prince's kingdom in order to confront him, as Rufina walks in out of nowhere, wearing a brown cloak, and tells him that the prince is in a faraway white desert land and that the temperature and climate there reminds them of Sander, as she had visited this area before and had survived under the harsh climates of this land, and escaped from an attack from a merchant, who would gather his army of assassins to kill her at the time, by teleporting to the Rune Realm.

As a result, Rufina gave him, Aisha, Idol A, Rena and Laby a brown cloak that fits their size, and told them to be careful on their trip to the prince's land, in which they parted ways with each other. One day, Idol A, now revealing herself to the ElSugar Idols as Salvia, found a crate large enough for them to hide inside, along with a food and water supply, with a set of armors and weapons. Once the five were inside the crate, whose destination was to the prince's land, where it would be picked at a nearby port, they had no idea what to do, since there's no other way to escape from the crate, and was leaving the Daystar Purgatory.

By the time the boat, where the crate is placed on, arrived to the Suren port, the port staff grew suspicious of the crate's arrival and noticed that there were five people inside of it, so they told the authorities to open it as soon as possible. To their surprise, upon opening the crate, there were actually five people, who were none other than Salvia and the ElSugar Idols, who came here just to confront Prince Idris himself.

The police came to the scene and tried arresting them, but Elsword, Aisha and Rena were nowhere to be found in the port, as they were taken away to the royal palace to perform forced labor on the prince's behalf while Salvia and Laby were taken away to a prison cell, awaiting a sentence from the court. Back at the Daystar Purgatory, while at the campfire site seen in Season 1, Fabian, Elesis, Crescentia and Noah were feeling worried about what was going on with their allies, except that Rufina ran to tell them that the prince kidnapped them to make them one of his slaves so that he could rule a monarchist dictatorship that'll capture any of its dissidents and those who strongly oppose against him.

Meanwhile, while in court, Salvia and Laby were sentenced to be serving as Prince Idris' third and fourth wives, much to everyone's outrage that they tried calling him out for it but the protesters were all arrested for no reason at all just because they weren't supportive of his behavior that they started to protest around the town square. 

On the other hand, Elsword and Aisha were forced to serve as one of the prince's slaves by dancing for him, and one day, a man, who calls himself "Ragna the Bloodedge1", even though he looks nothing like that character, donning a black pants, holding two katanas, decided to help most of the people, and saw the two of them crying in front of Idris' palace, wondering what was going on, in which they told him that Salvia and Laby were forced to marry the prince against their wills even though they were already taken by their respective partners.

On the other hand, Salvia's boyfriend, only known by his stage name Idol B, and Laby's boyfriend Noah were so angry that they decided to go to the white desert to find their partners upon hearing that their partners were stolen by Prince Idris, so they went to the palace, where they met the three characters, in which "Ragna the Bloodedge" offered them help so that they could get revenge on him.

Together, the five of them teamed up to free the protestors, to Prince Idris' anger that he threatened to sentence them to death, but little did he know, he was screwed over by Idol B and Noah for trying to steal their partners, and "Ragna the Bloodedge" even helped them by annulling Salvia and Laby's marriage to the prince, allowing the two women to reunite with their own partners.

As an effort, the crown princess even freed the protestors from prison, and overthrew her own father from his throne, becoming the kingdom's very first queen regnant in 100 years, with her first goal of arresting her own father and turning polygamy to a crime, effectively banning all polygamous marriages. Upon his arrest, the queen was praised as the hero by everyone else in the white desert, and the prince was taken away to the Daystar Purgatory, where he was also sent to jail for his actions.

As a result for saving the kingdom, "Ragna the Bloodedge" decided to create an hunter's association called the "White Desert Hunters", only for Elsword and Aisha to tell him that their friend Rena was missing, which he believed them and told the members of his association that they'll be joining the group with the sole purpose of rescuing her. Now as part of the White Desert Hunters, the two set out for the bazaar, where they saw spices, merchandise, vegetables, tomatoes, fish and many others.

Upon them walking around the bazaar, they saw a stall selling random items at a extremely cheap price, and they bought two cotton candies along with some costumes before going on to the next stall, which sold magic carpets that can fly on its own, and the two consulted the seller if they could buy one of his carpets, in which they bought it for a cheap price, and left the bazaar, without knowing that he would later betray them. 

Outside of the bazaar, Elsword and Aisha were flying on a magic carpet in the night sky, when suddenly, the seller of the carpet had betrayed them, causing a scandal within the bazaar, and as a result, they entered Lolli's secret palace, which they begged her to let them inside, but at first, she didn't recognize them at first, but when he started to tell her that he's the one who reunited her with her sister Pop during the events of Crystalline Codex, she fell into his arms and began crying, which Pop walked out of nowhere and also hugged him as well, to Aisha's confusion.

The two were eventually let into their palace, where Lolli told them that she became a wealthy merchant and supported their plans of rescuing Rena. After a long talk with the sisters about their plan, Elsword and Aisha left the palace, before setting out to visit the white desert, when suddenly, they saw Elona and Raven fighting against an high elven man, presumed to be Rena's husband.

In the midst of their fight against him, Elona told Elsword and Aisha "Hey Elboy and Aisha! We're trying to deal with this guy whom that idiot prince arranged his marriage to your friend Rena for no reason at all! Help us please!", which they both agreed to help him and Raven out in their fight against that man. As the fight resumes, the high elven man told the four of them "Who the heck are you guys? Trying to let my wife escape from me? Not today, you punks!" before launching multiple arrows in the sky, targeting his enemies, but they all dodged his attacks, which enraged him even further, as he aims a fire arrow at Elsword, who in turn counterattacked him, setting himself on fire, and Raven praised him for his efforts, before attacking him as well with his Nasod arm.

Just as the high elven man, who introduced himself as Zephyr, at the end of their battle against him, he asked for the heroes to spare him, but Aisha refused to do so, aiming her staff at him, telling him that she and Elsword are a part of the White Desert Hunters with the sole purpose of saving his wife Rena, and to his shock, the leader of the organization, "Ragna the Bloodedge" had appeared out of nowhere, and said to him "Dude! Show us where's Rena now, immediately!"

Upon realizing the severity of "Ragna"'s threat, Zephyr got horrified and showed the White Desert Hunters his own house, where the latter group had rescued Rena, to his ire that he said to them "Wait! My wife cannot leave the house like that!" She later responded with "Go away now, Zephyr. My heart belongs to my friends and family, not you! Oh, I almost forgot, we're divorced now.", to which he responded with "No no no no! Please don't divorce me!" Elona replied on her behalf "It's too late now, Zep. You caused this upon yourself."

After Elsword, Aisha, Elona and Raven left the scene with Rena, "Ragna the Bloodedge" arrested Zephyr for domestic abuse towards his ex-wife and threw him to jail next to Prince Idris. The scene switches to the six of them in the town square with the new queen of the kingdom, Sahar, with the five of them resigning from the White Desert Hunters, and before they left, the leader revealed his actual name, which was Nabil (나빌), and according to him, he used the moniker of "Ragna the Bloodedge" to avoid getting into trouble with the prince's regime and saving the kingdom from him, which was now known as the Abyad Kingdom.

As an effort for saving the kingdom, Nabil and Sahar gave Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Elona and Raven the titles of "National Hero of the Abyad Kingdom", and waved them goodbye before wishing them good luck in their future adventures, as Laby and Noah, as well as Salvia and Idol B had already left the kingdom for the Daystar Purgatory.

Upon the five heroes returning to the Daystar Purgatory, Elona parted ways with the four of them, as the latter four went back to the Daystar Palace, where they told Astros about their stories in the Abyad Kingdom and how they saved the kingdom from the disposed prince, which she praised them for their heroic acts and restoring peace to the kingdom, although the peace wouldn't last long. 

Back at the prison cells in the kingdom, Zephyr was angry that his ex-wife had left him and so did the prince himself, as his two ex-wives had left him as well, so he wasn't alone, as the two started discussing about taking over the kingdom from its two heroes, who did everything to protect the innocent people in their land, which he plans to allow polygamous marriages and making life hell for his dissidents, and in turn, they formed a cult called Shin with the sole purpose of overthrowing the current queen regnant Sahar and dissolving the White Desert Hunters, and by doing so, they broke their prison bars, allowing them to be freed once again.

Meanwhile at the Daystar Purgatory, while Laby and Lu were gossiping about their secret tea party at the house in front of the bathroom door, Frostine was passing by the bathroom and she took a bath alone, herself. As she got out of the bathroom, she heard a strange noise coming from a room out of nowhere, as Aisha left the house to take a fresh air after she slept with her own fiancé Elsword in the other bedroom, by the time Frostine opened the door, she caught him playing with himself on the right side of the bed, to which she almost got disgusted of the sight of his other sword and tried to walk away in horror, but he noticed her, telling her that he was thinking about becoming her prince not only in his dreams, but for real the whole time.

However, unbeknown to him, Frostine had a 11-year-old nephew named Icicle, who turned out to be the crown prince of her realm and will be succeeding his own father Froid, as the king of her realm when he turns 18, which he had no idea in the first place. As their conversation with each other came to an end, she waved goodbye to him and left the room without ever looking at his other sword, which he begged her to come back and ride on it, but by the time Aisha came back to the room, she argued with him for hours later that night, until they decided to calm themselves down by falling asleep with each other in the same bed by midnight.

Back in the living room, Ain and Frostine were sitting next to the fireplace, where the former asked the latter some questions about her strange encounter with Elsword in the room, to which she said that he noticed her and they both discussed about her realm until she left without even looking at it, then he begged her to come back and ride on it, only for Aisha to screw him over. The two of them started to laugh about the weird situation, with him telling her "Why don't you let him that he's willing to become your prince?" She shrugs it off, saying that she doesn't consider him as husband material since she was aware that he loves Aisha more than her.

Relieved of the rumors about her relationship with Elsword at least in his dream, Frostine had a good time talking with Ain and later slept on his thighs that night. Meanwhile at the balcony, Eve and Add saw fireworks in the sky coming from a faraway land, which he said to her "Wait, where did the fireworks come from, and why is it in the Daystar Purgatory?" She explained to him "These fireworks came from a faraway land known for its white deserts and used to be ruled by an authoritative prince, who wants to take over the kingdom from his own daughter and conquer the Daystar Purgatory with his mighty party. We must stop him from conquering the Purgatory as a whole and pushing his beliefs on us."

Rena came to the balcony as well, and she said to Eve "You're right, Eve. Let's go to the Daystar Palace and inform Astros about this.", and in turn, she nodded, which led to Elsword and Aisha running to the balcony, panicking and yelling at them "Wait, you forgot us!" The five of them got out of the shared house and went to the Daystar Palace to talk with Astros about Prince Idris' threat of not only overthrowing his own daughter Sahar2, the current queen of the Abyad Kingdom, from the throne and dissolving the White Desert Hunters led by Nabil/"Ragna the Bloodedge", but to conquer the Daystar Purgatory with his close high elven ally Zephyr, their cult Shin and his mighty party, and push his beliefs into the people.

Realizing the severity of the prince's threat, Astros couldn't control herself anymore and eventually transformed into Astaroth once again, this time telling the heroes to help the White Desert Hunters, led by Nabil, known as his moniker "Ragna the Bloodedge", deal with Zephyr and the Mighty Party outside of Saros' house while she and Sahar will deal with the prince himself and his own cult named Shin at the Phosphor Temple.