
Daystar Purgatory Season 1

This is a Webnovel version of Daystar Purgatory, the third and final book of Elsword Fables, whose first season was serialized on Wattpad from May 2023 to June 2023. This adapts the first season of Daystar Purgatory, where throughout the season, our heroes deal with a doomsday cult led by Crescentia, which posed a threat to the entire Purgatory until its ruler Astros stopped her from doing so at the end.

Chirun0z · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs

Master of Moon El

After Noah came to the rescue, Solace and the El Lady thanked him for helping them out defeating Crescentia, who had returned to her normal form, albeit unconscious, and he wasn't done with her. Just as he forcibly grabs her crescent hairpin, he cuts its ribbons, leaving the crescent part of it and stomped on the hairpin, weakening her and freeing the other El Masters and Priestesses.

Solace hugged Noah for weakening her, but as she wakes up, she notices that her wings were gone and couldn't use her moon powers on her own. Unfortunately for the two masters, Dark Omega along with his friend Black Lord, were here to stop them from attacking her and used his powers, using it to attack the latter, in turn he got blinded by his moon powers and just as the El Lady threatened to seal the two villains, they all fled like cowards.

To her surprise, Crescentia also wanted to run away like the two cowards but she couldn't use her teleportation powers nor regenerate her hairpin, so just as Solace and the other El Masters and Priestesses tried to seal her, she instantly vanished out of nowhere. Outside of the tower, while wandering in the forest, near their shared house, Fabian and Seneca decided to walk with a picnic basket and the two empty baskets Elsword gave them to gather the strawberries and bring them back to the house.

Instead of doing what he had told them to do, Seneca asked Fabian if they could eat strawberries together, but he initially refused at first and upon seeing her crying over the strawberries, he agreed to eat them with her after they actually gathered them. After gathering the strawberries, they were tired with their baskets filled with the strawberries, so instead of eating them from the baskets, the two decided to gather some of them to eat.

Unfortunately, there was a goblin who wanted to eat their lunch, but turns out, he wasn't the only one affected by Crescentia. A long time ago, a group of pilgrims affiliated with her cult, set his own house on fire and since then, the only things he can think about is getting revenge on her and befriend the humans, who had long since betrayed her for what she had done, which is why he had came here to befriend both Fabian and Seneca.

However, things take a turn for the worse, when the goblin decided to kill an entire group of adventurers nearby, along with the other goblins. Realizing this, Fabian and Seneca decided to pack their picnic and baskets and ran away to the house for safety, but behind them was the other group of goblins, who wanted the latter to him, and they cornered the door entrance until Elsword opened the door and told them to stay away from her or otherwise he might slay several of them, but they didn't listen to him and ended up getting blasted by his geysers.

Seneca thanked him for saving her from the goblins, and as a result, she started calling him Goblin Slayer even though he didn't mind being called one and offered to accompany her and Fabian the next time they went picnicking in the forests. As a result, everybody ate the strawberries gathered for that day and enjoyed a house party later that night.

The next day, Frostine and Froid decided to go out for fishing, when they suddenly encounter a cult member of Crescentia's, and immediately dropped their bait, before they fled from them. Later that day, at the empty tower, while sitting in two separate chairs with Solace, the El Lady had heard strange crumbling noises, and told everybody in the tower to flee before the two fled as well, and outside of the tower, they, along with the priestesses and Noah, were surrounded by Crescentia, now with her recreated hairpin, and the brainwashed El Masters, calling the heroes for help to deal with them.

Elsword, Aisha and Rena came in to the rescue, with Fabian, Frostine, Fawn and Seneca following suit. The latter aims her spear at her, in which she tells her "Crescentia! Where's my very own medallion that you've stole from me?" She replied "I used it to regenerate my hairpin that Noah destroyed." Fawn aims her crossbow at Crescentia's head and asked her "Where's the medallion?!" She told her "I gave it to that blue-haired dragon over there!"

Denif said to her "Crescentia, are you serious? I don't have the medallion! I gave it to Rumo, and promised he would take good care of it." Seneca grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him "Hey! Where's that Rumo guy who has my medallion, huh?!" Rumo appeared out of nowhere with the medallion and secretly whispered to Elsword "I got the medallion. I'm its new owner." but it didn't take long for the latter to initially side with Seneca over the ownership of the medallion, until the two of them grabbed him by his arms, telling him to choose one over the other.

The fight continued on for hours and hours until he got angry towards Rumo and Seneca to the point he told them to leave him alone, in which they apologized to him by kneeling to the ground, before he grabbed the medallion from Rumo's hands and challenged them into a boxing match, with Lunal appearing out of nowhere, giving them the spare boxing gloves he stole from Laby that afternoon and standing next to his own brother.

Frostine said to Rumo "Who is that guy next to you?" He replied "That guy next to me is my big bro Lunal, Frosty!" Elsword got confused as well, and said to him "Who is he?" Lunal responded "Hey, I'm Lunal, remember me?" while touching his shoulder and teasing him, which led to him getting tired of their antics, and seeing that he had nothing to do with the medallion in his hands, he gave the medallion to Seneca, while telling her "Here, take this, Seneca. It's your medallion." She replied "Really? Thank you, Goblin Slayer!"

With the medallion in her hands, she regained most of her powers, and said to Crescentia "You're not gonna get away this time, Lady Crescentia!" before casting her explosive rune magic on her, and told Frostine to join her as well, in which the latter summoned multiple icicles, hitting Rosso, Denif, Ventus and Gaia at the same time, purifying them. Fabian saw Crescentia's sword and two boxes of matches out of nowhere and said to Aisha "This is your chance! Set this sword on fire along with someone!" She nodded and said while holding the two boxes "Which box of matches should I give to?"

Aisha gave the other box of matches to Elsword, and he said to her "Alright then, let's do this together, this time with our powers combined!" Combined with the matches and their fire abilities, they set the sword on fire, while Solace, Noah and the El Lady were able to get along with the other masters on good terms and they all set out to find Crescentia on their own.

Later that night, Laby gave Elsword and Aisha marshmallows to roast in their campfire before they put the fire out with water, and the two gave the sword to Solace, who immediately disposed of it properly. Now back at their shared house, the two of them, along with Rena, Fabian and Seneca had a strawberry picnic in the backyard, with the fear of Crescentia's cult and the goblins. Next to the latter two, were Noah and Laby, who were also enjoying the campfire.

The next day, Fabian and Seneca goes out to gather the strawberries with the two empty baskets, this time accompanied by the Goblin Slayer himself.

To be continued...