
Daystar Purgatory Season 1

This is a Webnovel version of Daystar Purgatory, the third and final book of Elsword Fables, whose first season was serialized on Wattpad from May 2023 to June 2023. This adapts the first season of Daystar Purgatory, where throughout the season, our heroes deal with a doomsday cult led by Crescentia, which posed a threat to the entire Purgatory until its ruler Astros stopped her from doing so at the end.

Chirun0z · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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12 Chs

Laban the Traitor

Before he challenged them to a battle, he eventually introduces himself as Laban, and grabbed Elsword by his collar, telling him "Mister, do you want to suffer from the same thing that I did to Seneca or do you want to get sliced in the neck with my knife?" It didn't take long for Laban to attempt to slice his neck, which caused him to get attacked by Aisha and Rena out of nowhere in which he said to Fawn "Who the heck are these two women who came to attack me out of nowhere?!" Elona slapped him in the face and replied "They are Aisha and Rena, you idiot!"

"Ow! How dare you slap me like that! Do you want me to slap you?" He replied menacingly, and Elsword said to him "Alright, since you would always defend your beloved cult, I want you to do me a favor to help us." He responded with "What kind of favor? To help you with what?" He told him "I would like you to cut all ties with Crescentia and stay away from her." Laban answered with "Sure thing, Elboy. I'm gonna cut ties with her anyways."

Meanwhile at the Daystar Palace, while Laban and Crescentia were having a secret teatime party, he announced to her "I'm afraid to say this, but starting from now on, since Elsword told me about your bad actions, I have no choice but to cut ties with and stay away from you for what you have done to your members." She got enraged and yelled at him "Really Laban!? Why are you doing this to me?!" He replied back to her "It's all because of him that I decided to change my mind for the better. Don't talk to me ever again." before he stormed out of the palace, with her telling her cult members to go after him.

Back to the forest, Elsword thanked Laban for doing his favor to cut ties with Crescentia and eventually forgave him to the point he offered him to become one of his allies to defeat her in no time, when suddenly, Fawn, who also forgave the latter for his good actions, tells them that Crescentia's going to kill them, and upon hearing her say that, the latter of the two men told him "Wait a minute...! Crescentia's gonna kill us! Run for our lives, Elsword!", in which they ran near the Sword of Infinity and faked their deaths to escape from her.

Crescentia walked to the two men and told her cult members "Phew, at least they're dead to me. Let's leave these dead horses alone." before they all left. "Think you're going to run away from your actions of killing them? Not today!" Fabian said. Seneca also said to her "You're not gonna run away from us now, because we both have the Sword of Infinity!"

Laban woke up and apologized to Seneca for what he had done earlier during the events of Seneca's Hidden Powers and The Sword of Infinity, and upon realizing that he also betrayed their mutual enemy and promised not to become a creep towards her, she forgave him as well and the two became friends, and as she even introduced him to Fabian, and they all became friends, who all shared a common interest and goal: dismantling the Hilal Church. Suddenly, Crescentia reappeared again, this time looking for the two men in question, and as a result, Laban ran close to Elsword and told him to wake up and run away from her as fast as they could.

As for the two men, they decided to ask for Seneca and Ain for help, in which they both helped them out by making a replica of the former's own medallion so that they could trick her into saying that the medallion is still there, when actually the real medallion is possessed by the former as her newly regained powers. Upon Crescentia finding out about the replica, she unknowingly grabbed it and left for her room in the Daystar Palace, continuing her threat of completely destroying Elrios as a whole.

Little did she knew that Laban apparently set explosives inside the replica thanks to Elsword and Seneca's help, since the latter was more experienced in runes, and by using an extract of the Primal and Dark El on the replica, she accidentally set her right bracelet on fire, and as she tried removing it from her right hand, her hairpin was also set on fire as well, making her unable to use her regeneration abilities for good, losing her crystal wings in the process and she fell unconscious as a result.

However, that didn't stop her from getting killed, as she activated her true form, regaining her regenerative abilities back, before deactivating it. As a result, she teleported away back to the forest, where she commanded the goblins to kill the three of them, in which they refused to listen to her for what she had done to them earlier, and they all wanted to kill her for what she had done.

Elona told the goblins to stop as this will get the situation with her worse, and in turn Laban challenged her to a game of tug-of-war, in which on his side, he summoned Elsword and Aisha to help him, while on the other hand, she summoned two of her cult members to help her win the game as well. As the two sides were playing tug-of-war, while he and his team were almost winning against hers, he soon noticed that Crescentia was cheating on the game, and told his allies not to give up and help him win the game, in which they listened to his words carefully and they had called Rena to join them in this fight and ultimately, in the end, he and his team won against her team, who lost to them as a result.

After winning the tug-of-war, Laban said to Crescentia "I know you tried your best in the game, but try again next time, lady Crescentia." before giving her a present from Frostine, which actually turned out to be the trophy covered in a trash bag just like how Elsword, Aisha and Rena received back in A Rewarding Tower Island from Nowhere, and left with his allies, leaving her crying and he gained the title of "Laban the Traitor".

Now as the traitor of Crescentia's cult, upon feeling the pain Seneca had to go through, Laban decided it was best to become her boyfriend and love her for who she is, despite him being around the same age as Frostine. Fortunately, they saw Crescentia running away and throwing a fit, and everybody laughed at her as well. From that day on, she would invite him and Fabian to gather strawberries at the forest everyday while dealing with the lady's cult members at the same time.

One day, while showing off their new outfits outside of the shared house, which turned out to be Ice Burners, everyone praised Elsword, Aisha and Rena for their unique outfits, when suddenly, they got into a fight with each other in order to demonstrate their Ice Burners' abilities, and they stopped at the end, in which they encountered Banthus, who was also brainwashed to become a part of Crescentia's cult, out of nowhere with the crystal that was thought to be one of the fragments of the primal El, and took off their outfits, reverting to their normal outfits. Upon them encountering him, Rena said to the two of her allies "Alright everyone, here we go again... Are you guys ready?" The two responded "We're ready!"

Elsword said to his allies "Okay everyone, let's find the El together!", with Laban, Elona, Fabian, Fawn and Seneca preparing themselves with their weapons, and Frostine ran to the latter three, saying "Wait for me!" Banthus said to the El Search trio "You'll never get the El, you punks!" before he left with the El, leaving them dumbfounded.

Laban said to Fabian, Frostine, Fawn and Seneca "Don't let your guards down, my friends! Let's help Elsword and his friends catch the thief before it's too late!" Seneca responded with "Okay, Laban!" Fabian replied "Alright! Let's do this together!" As such, the five of them aimed their weapons in the air, before they all went to help Elsword and his friends catch the crystal thief.

To be continued...