
Chapter 679 Salesman and Porter (Part 3) _1

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Commercial insurance, something you may have never bought, but definitely received sales calls or seen sales events for.

Something you may have never bought, but certainly, someone around you has been tempted by it for various reasons.

Something that from its inception has precisely seized the weak spots of human psychology.

In the end, it all boils down to one thing: no one knows whether tomorrow or an accident will come first.

Humans fear the danger that has not yet arrived and excessively estimate its consequences. It is in this moment, when the insurance salesperson reassuringly tells you insurance can keep you safe from accidents and ensure a comfortable life, that many are moved.

The assessment of commercial insurance within human society has always been mixed. The primary reason lies in the complexity of insurance packages designed for profit. Insurance contracts are full of traps, hard to claim, and filled with fraudulent amounts, etc.

Then there is the incredibly annoying sales calls, sales pitches heard until you get calloused ears, and embarrassing predicaments where some distant relative implores you to buy a policy out of familial obligation, it's quite bothersome.

However, it's undeniable that insurance companies can continue to operate. Those who worry about the future and accidents and have some spare cash at hand, there have always been plenty of them. This also applies on a cosmic level.

However, selling insurance to Cosmic Sorcerers is different from selling insurance within human society.

In the human society, commercial insurance companies don't know whether tomorrow or an accident will come first. They cannot decide whether they will suffer various disasters written in the contract, hence they can only profit through contract fraud or deferred claim payments.

Yet Shiller could decide which will arrive first at a cosmic level. After all, the potential incoming accident is now in his arms, playfully wrestling with Pikachu from afar.

Helen, or Doomsday, a creature that moves any insurance company boss to tears. Its existence is a natural disaster. If you don't buy insurance, it doesn't matter, because every disaster will affect you. So, it isn't fair to blame the disaster, right?

In human society, those who never buy insurance are non-target customers. Whereas in the cosmos, those who never buy insurance are claim funds.

Thus, Shiller used what should have been the gift for the Demon God member as the claim fund, establishing the image of Holy Sanctuary's honest business operations, while heightening the crisis awareness of the demon gods.

As for selling insurance, it was just to provide an employment opportunity for those professionals trapped in the jail, who still practiced their lines diligently and whose morals were put to the test.

Having achieved a small goal, Shiller of course did not forget that at this moment, above the cosmos, two magicians of the Multidimension Universe Level were still battling.

The current situation is that Stark has the upper hand, but he can't immediately annihilate Solus. Solus' ability to absorb energy is quite troublesome. Even if he can't digest it all on the spot, he can always digest a portion, providing him with longer endurance.

But this is exactly what Shiller wanted.

Apart from Stark, only The Ancient One had the ability to travel through the universe. The Moron Family's stronghold in the Multiverse- she'd been there once. Going there this time was even easier with familiar terrain.

When Solus left, he took away all defensive forces. Now, the castle of the entire Moron Family was devoid of people, doors wide open.

The Moron Family's base, they had carefully operated it for so many years, of course, it would have a lot of goodies. However, The Ancient One was not there to loot this time.

As a human, even if her body and soul have been transformed and she had many extra inventory slots to carry lots of large items, in comparison to the Moron Family's inventory, it's still just a drop in the bucket.

The Ancient One is here to move house.

Yes, actually moving the house in the physical sense. She plans to move the entire house away.

This is not impossible. First of all, the base of the Moron Family is located on a celestial fragment, a physical existence, unlike the messy energy structures built by the demon gods, it can be physically touched.

The Ancient One doesn't move the house of the Demon God, not because she doesn't want to, but mainly because the Demon God's existence is different. Some demons exist in tandem with dimensions, for example, Dormammu of the Dark Dimension, where the dimension is him and he is the dimension. It is impossible to move the entire dimension, or even if it's possible, The Ancient One can't do it.

But for The Ancient One who had previously torn up various demon gods, it's not difficult to move an island skyland on a celestial fragment.

The celestial fragment on which the Moron Family's base stood was a fourth of a giant planet, which may seem large to humans, but in the cosmic perspective, it's as minute as a speck of dust.

And in front of magical energy, moving it is not impossible. Moreover, The Ancient One has many magical tools.

The Ancient One first took out something like a rope, then fixed some golden energy light spots around this Sky Island. After the magic light spots lit up one by one, a rope of the same material as in The Ancient One's hand appeared between the light spots, instantly wrapping the entire Sky Island like a rice dumpling.

The so-called Multiverse is actually like a rice dumpling filled with sesame seeds. The Multiverse is like the rice dumpling, while the Individual Universe is like the sesame seeds in the rice dumpling. In places where there are no sesame seeds, it's all void and infinity.

Within the infinity, there are no concepts of time and space, distance is also more than just distance. Existing here requires special techniques, and moving is not so simple.

The Ancient One stood beside Sky Island, motionless, but soon, many starlight points appeared in the completely dark space, and one of the light spots flickered, getting larger in The Ancient One's vision.

From her perspective, time and space are no longer abstract concepts. All things that have happened in the universe from the ancient times are randomly arranged outside of the light spots in the universe. But there is no Stark and Solus who are in the midst of battle, they exist in other infinite possibilities.

When the universe was magnified infinitely in The Ancient One's line of sight, everything around disappeared in an instant. Then the starry sky lit up again, and a bright fireball appeared behind her. That was the sun.

When she returned to Karmatiji, she said to Strange, "I can't bring their base into the Individual Universe, but I've stored it in an infinite possibility that only I know of."

"As for the stocks inside, I can only say that the Morlun family should have special ways to bring them into the Individual Universe, but I can't."

The Ancient One shook her head. Strange knew that his teacher was a very pragmatic person. She would not be overly humble. The fact proved that the gap between the Multidimension Universe Level and the Individual Universe Level was bigger than he thought, and even the items and energy were not common.

This is a field that human beings have not yet touched. As it stands, there is still a long way to go to step into this field. Even for these mages who are at the forefront, they know almost nothing about what lies beyond the universe.

But it's okay, before stepping into that level, they have already had some accumulations, such as a set of houses today.

Although Strange doesn't know how the Morlun family's house are built, looking at The Ancient One's expression, it shouldn't be too bad. As a base leading to the Multiverse, it should be enough.

After Nick got the news, he drafted another "Human Civilization Heritage Inheritance Act (Multiverse Version)" overnight, letting The Ancient One post it on the gates of the Morlun Family Castle. As long as it passed the 30-minute notice period, the house legally belonged to the human race.

Perhaps someone might ask how Nick suddenly gained a conscience and set the notice period to 30 minutes. But in fact, The Ancient One already told them that in the infinity, there is no concept of time, so the time condition is not established due to force majeure. The moment it was posted, the thing already belonged to the human race.

And above the cosmos, in another infinite possibility, Stark held Solus down and hammered him unceasingly.

Solus was in his first day of upgrading, or it couldn't be said to be an upgrade. He was originally from the Multiverse Level, it could only be said that he had changed his form of life for the first day. But anyway, he needs a period of adjustment.

But now, the situation he faces is encountering a boss right after leaving Novice Village. Although Iron Demon God is still different from those big bosses, it's still easy to beat up a bruiser who just left Novice Village.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Solus of course wanted to slip away. However, Stark really got angry, stubbornly holding onto him, forcing him to break off like a house lizard, leaving some energy behind, and then barely getting away.

Stark did not catch up with him, mainly due to his unfamiliarity with infinity. Solus has been active here for so many years after all, and the Morlun Family has special methods to travel through the Multiverse. As long as they want to run, ordinary Multiverse Level beings cannot catch up.

Stark fully aware that there are hidden dangers here, and his energy is limited, so he didn't chase after him too far and returned directly to Earth.

At this time, Helen had already been scolded by Frigga. Thor and Loki, two brothers, were also being scolded. As it turned out, when a long-standing mother started to scold, the younger generations had to listen honestly.

Stark returned home to a cheerful family reunion, but not Solus. When he returned to the Morlun family's castle base using special methods, only darkness remained there.

Solus stood there stunned, thinking that he had gone the wrong way. So, he walked another round. The result was still dark, and there was nothing.

Solus repeatedly attempted in disbelief, but there was nothing here. His entire house had vanished without a trace.

He roared in silence, echoing in the infinity. But more so, it was panic.

He absolutely could not accept that the Morlun Family he built with his own hands had disappeared. So, he began to search aimlessly in the infinity for the house that had already disappeared.

After his departure, another red and blue figure appeared in the infinity. Looking at the empty darkness, he was also stunned.

A voice almost identical to Peter, but more profound and vicissitudinous, said in an incredibly shocked tone:

"Where...where is the Morlun Family????"