
chapter 0 An introduction to me and dreams

Ever had a dream so good you never want to wake up from it, like saving a princess in a whole other world, or obtaining the power to conquer the universe? Well thats me in a nutshell a total daydreamer. Im Andrew by the way, and before you decide to stop reading just keep reading and im sure you'll find this story at least a little interesting. Now, my dreams are what keep me going every day of my life, and im going to get you to think for a second, just think back and try to remember a time when you had a fantastic dream and then woke up just wanting to get somthing done. Me on the other hand, I live to sleep and dream, whether they be good or bad isnt a problem, its how much fun i had in that dream. Unlike most people I can remember ever single one of my dreams, all the way back to when i was four, and i know your impressed because the moment you read that you probably tried to remember a dream you had a while ago, and I wish you the very best of luck with that, not because its sarcasm but because I believe that no one should forget the wonderful lands they could have had a chance to see. So without further ado, please enjoy the short stories from my very own split reality.