
Day shift

{mature content}. " i need your love to survive" Nessa weakly whispered to his ear.

thatgirldivine · Kinh dị ma quái
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5 Chs


The room was quiet, too quiet and it made you anxious in a way that you didn't know how to describe. The silence is not just the sound of your mind, but the sound of the world around you as well. It was almost like the room was closing up on itself and all at once making you feel trapped.

Serena held the doorknob behind her, afraid of what her fate could be.

She walked so slowly in the very dark corridor of the neglected room. She knew she shouldn't have been walking down the stairs, or out into the garden at this hour, yet there was something in her heart telling her to leave. Something was calling out for her to leave, to run as far away as possible.

She kept looking ahead to see nothing but blackness and the occasional light from the moon. Her feet were heavy with each step, and she felt like she was going to fall over any second.

Her eyes were wide open, staring straight ahead. She couldn't bring herself to look back.

She had no idea what she was doing here, but this certain voice in her head made her body move to take even one more step. Every single thought in her head begged her to turn around, run, and hide until everything calmed down.

When they finally did, the lights flickered on around her and Serena's heart began pounding hard inside her chest. She hadn't realized how scared she had become until now.

"Open the door" she screamed to the top of her voice.

"No one's gonna hear you angel" she heard an audible voice this time but no one has ever been there.

She knew that voice anywhere and she hated it. It only seemed fitting when it had haunted her nightmares ever since.

She whipped her head around in search of where it came from, but she was met with darkness again.

Serena took a step forward and felt blood under her feet.

The lights and candle switched on brighter this time and she saw someone sitting right in front of her. She could tell that he was smiling because his fangs were glinting in the light of the candles.

But why was he laughing? Why did he want to scare her? What does he want from her? WHO IS HE?

This man...

She turned to look at her feet if the blood were hers but it wasn't.

Kristof's bloody body was lying dead on the ground and his eyes brought out black tears.

The lights went off again which triggered a lot of questions in her.

She walked bravely to the body of her best friend and a thought came in her to run away.

He was bitten but he still looked pale and strong.

He should be alive. He can't be dead.

She shook him trying to wake him up but nothing happened.

Why did he do this? What was he trying to do?!

It all clicked together in her head and she cried harder, feeling a wave of panic come over her.

Her fears soon became reality though when her knees gave away.

She fell to her knees and covered her mouth to keep silent screams. Tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably as she watched Kristof's body get eaten by the beast before her.

Then he stood up.

He took several steps towards her but every step made the blood seep through his white shirt.

The energy he gave was so powerful that in a swift her feet were no longer on the ground.

"Please, please...I beg you....don't do this to me, I'd do anything you want me to" she pleaded with her eyes closed trying to block out the horrifying images flashing past her mind.

He took steps closer and his protruding fangs grew bigger and larger.

"Don't do this to me...please don't..... just don't... pl...pl...please....." she begged once again.

Desperate for words that could save her this time, but looks like even her abilities betrayed her.

"I'd do anything..... just please..." her eyes teary and begging like her Voice.

His fangs started getting bigger, and they were sharper than before.

Her whole body tensed up and her eyes flew open and locked onto his gaze. She never wanted to see those eyes again after what she saw.

He wore a mask as she's never seen his face.

Adrian raced her cheeks with his fangs and dropped her feet on the ground with a snap.

"Anything you say angel?" he whispered behind her ears which sent chills down her spine.

She slowly turned around to meet his gaze.

"Anything....I'll do anything you want me to"

She tried to speak calmly despite the fear coursing through her veins.

Suddenly her legs felt weak and she collapsed to the floor.

She never knew the gravity of her decisions till this day and the moment Adrian bent slowly on his knees and said with so much authority.

"From this day, YOU ARE MINE"