
Class is in session

The time was 9:50 and at that very time my Home room class had started but the thing is my class starts at 9:30 "SHIT!! IM LATE IM LATE IM LATE IM LATE" I shouted as I ran to get ready for my classes and as soon as I got there it was already too late "Metal Gear your here, a minute before class ends" Your Homeroom teacher said sarcastically "(Hold on my homeroom teacher is Blue Infinite!!!!!)" I shouted in my head (Blue infinite has the ability to generate and shoot lights from his palms and chest, he looks like a military sergeant and he is also wearing his blue and white leathery suit ). "Hope this doesn't become a habit of yours" Blue Infinite says in a annoyed tone "No sir" I said quickly as I look for my seat "Hey I'm Mellow Yellow" a girl said with a big smile (she had dyed pink hair with yellow eyes and she appeared to have mechanical hands) "Hey I'm Mario" I replied back and I can't help but look at her hands "My hands enhances my strength, cool right! I can lift a wrecking ball" she says as the bell goes off "(So I guess she's in the fighter class" I told myself "Well we gotta go to our next class then after that we go to our power class" She told me running off outside "Hey wait where do we go!" I shout but she couldn't hear me cause she ran faster then Usain Bolt "(Guess I gotta follow her)" I told myself as I ran off after her. "(Woah it's like a whole ass gym with training gear and weapons wait those can't kill me, right?)" I said in my head "Looks cool right" Mellow Yellow said excitedly "Mellow Yellow may you be quiet while I explain what we are gonna be learnings day getting today" Blue Infinite says tiredly "(Glad someone said it)" I said in my head with a smile "Now then we'll be continuing our hand to hand training with a couple of jabs, dodging and counter attacks, and starting we'll have Lightning Rod and Mellow Yellow" Blue Infinite says while he waits for them to enter the ring in front of me "(Is Mellow Yellow strong-)" I Said while I was interrupted by a boom caused by Mellow Yellow "(No way she's dodging his attacks fast as hell and getting a couple of hits in, how strong is this woman)" I said. A couple seconds later and she managed to knock him out "Okay teach I'm finished" she said with a creepy smile "Are you okay?" I asked "That's nothin I did tell you abt my enhanced strength, right?" She said "Yeah you did but I didn't think you'd be that strong!" I said franticly "That was nothin I'm much stronger and I think you might be next" she said "Really?!" I shouted "It says it there" she said pointing at a board "Next we got Metal Gear and Toro" Blue Infinite says. Toro was wearing an all black leather suit with a bull head as his emblem and bull horns on his helmet "I'm Metal Gear, but you already knew that" I said "I don't care who you are, but your going down" Toro shouted as he charged towards me but I dodged "(Damn he's fast as hell but I shoot faster)" I said with a grin as he charged at me again I jump away and shoot him "UGHHH" Toro screamed in agony as I shot him again and again but I managed I learn how to weaken my lasers so it would leave a mark rather then a scar.

"Metal Gear wins" Blue Infinite says, then the rest of the battles were finished so we were all off to our special ability classes.