

Taking his handkerchief Rufus thought, "I never had this in my plan, because your sister was going to be a willing participant, but now I am left with no other choice.

And I need an heir before Carlos, and every minute passed by, my plans are being jeopardized."

Resting it over her nose, "Sorry, but you won't feel a thing, and I know there's no chase women today, and from what research I did on Tamara.

I believe as her elder sister you must be no longer a virgin, so this should not be too difficult to accept or will it be painful."

Removing the clip from her hair that was in a bun, then slowly and gently undressing her and takes her to the bathroom for a bath.

Drying her properly unable to take his eyes off her body, "You are so beautiful, if you were willing, this would have been so memorable, our first time together but the state of mind you are in we will only fight.

Time is of the essence of everything right now, you already said you hate me, and may never forgive me, but right now I am left with no other choice or options,

If I am weakened by your plea, then my whole plan is jeopardized.' Resting her on the bed once more.

Rufus, went and took a shower, when the doorbell ring. Covering her, then opens the door, telling the delivery man,

"I am sorry for the extra work, but I miscalculated the sized of clothes, instead of a ten I need an eight, and please make it as quick as possible, my traveling arrangement is already settled."

"I understand Sir, I should return by eight this evening if that will be okay with you?"

"That will be fine and try and don't make any noise." Noticing the way he was looking at her asleep.

Standing aside allowing them to empty the wardrobe of all the items they brought this morning. When a few pieces fell down making noise.

Becoming angry saying, "Didn't I said no noise, my wife is not well and has taken medication to get some rest."

Locking the door after they leave, lying next to her, trying to be gentle but to his surprise 'She was a virgin, and knowing now when she wakes up she will be sore.

But though matter what, this is my only opportunity, and I have to be successful in my plan.'

The night was long and hearing her groan a few times, Rufus diluted the pain tablet, feeding her then enters her a second time.

Wiping the tears away having no choice, he clean her, then went to sleep.

Hearing her cry in the bathroom the Sunday morning, it seems like she had taken hours before she came out, and every word she used was a curse from the word of God.

Shocked by the way she expresses herself, hearing her coating scriptures, as Jesus curses the fig tree. Her words seem to be puncturing his heart, her tears were like a dagger piercing his very soul knowing what he have done to her was a savage act.

Seeing her rage was unbearable and untamable as her many treats for what he have done to her. But all he was thinking at that time is, 'I hope she conceived.

Rufus felt her pain, his heart grieves to look at her, knowing from deep within it was his last chance, it was now or never, because he may never get the opportunity to be with her again until the truth is revealed.'

Sunday the tenth of May a day never to forget, lying down as every joint and bone pain in her body and the tears flow nonstop.

"Now there's no returning home though matter what I do or say, it won't change what has been done."

Feeling there was no longer any strength left in her body, all her beliefs and principles she has been following in the past were just flush down the toilet.

"What do I do now Lord, I feel so helpless, all of my dreams and plans with Kyle is now disrupted.

So that this ignorant fool could have his way, so help me Lord, I will disrupt all his plans just as he did mine, and though matter what, I will make him pay dearly."

When there was no more crying or movement, Rufus thinking she was asleep. turning around only to see her eyes wide open and looking up to the ceiling. She seems so lost in her thoughts, she looks so listless and emotionless.

Having no idea what to say, knowing the time is coming for us to leave for the Island. Saying for her to hear "I will order our meal, then we will leave for our trip home."

Getting no response from her, Rufus went and open the wardrobe removing all the clothes, he got the night before. Laying out one for her on a chair, doing the same with his.

When the meal arrived, Rufus, took a plate to her resting it on the bed, then returns to eat his. But it was difficult to swallow the food, as her words keep pounding over and over in his head, and her crying the entire morning.

Rufus, felt wounded in his spirit, but what do I expect after what I did to her.

Few times he heard her praying, when she was not using venomous words. Pushing the plate aside unable to complete his meal. A million different things flash through his mind.

Knowing exactly what needed to be done, not paying attention to see if she was eating or not, Rufus, took her purse and went to the washroom and search her purse for a recent address.

Finding her driving permit, but that was issued over a year ago, Rufus continue to check through the few pieces of documents she had in her bag. Praying to find something that could help him.