
Dawn: The Forgotten 7th God

Six Gods rule six towers, allowing the mortal races to earn power, prosperity, and prestige. One day a seventh god appears in the world in the form of a 12-year-old boy. " My name is Dawn, I am the beginning and I am the end. I am the god of Death." Dawn declared. ------ " You are always uncertain, I don't know if you are my ally or enemy," Cole shouted. " We are friends so why are you getting in my way." " It's because we are friends, I can not allow you to kill innocent people for revenge," Dawn replied with his hand aimed at Cole for an attack. ------- The undead flames were rising and were burning everything in thier path. No one could deny his strength, The person they thought to be the self-proclaimed god of death was the one behind thier demise. " It's because of the likes of you that I feel my trust wavering in humanity and I feel ashamed to be one of you, Die and become a part of me," Dawn shouted. ------- " Master, I have devoted myself to only you. If you want me to fight against the entire world then I will gladly do it. The world means nothing to me, there is no value in life other than the life that I live for you. I have and I will continue to devote myself to you for eternity." Leona said with her being as serious and fierce as ever. " You are not a servant Leona, you are my first follower." ------- " Master, I used my sword for anyone who could afford it. There was no honor in my life and I made Hans and Brook become the same. You are the one who made me gain my honor back." Felix said with tears in his eyes. " So I don't understand why don't you let me do my duty as your knight." " It's because of people like you that I was always able to know the kindness of humans. I have always hoped for happiness for you, I can't allow you to suffer, I owe every one of you who pulled me out of the darkness of loneliness." ------ " Luna, If I say that all of your miseries in life were because of my existence. Will you hate me?" Dawn asked Luna, not being able to look in her eyes. " I will never hate you, if there is anyone I love in this world, it is you. The miserable experience showed me the true face of the world. I only know that you are the one that I want to devote my everything. It's never your fault, you made me realize that it was not my fault either." Luna embraced Dawn. ------- This is the story of a man bestowed with the power of death and once renowned as the god of death by everyone. He sacrifices himself to save the kind humans of the world but that wasn't the end of him. He reincarnates and starts his journey once again in the same world which has drastically changed. ------- ------- This is the first novel that I am going to write seriously, I have got an amazing story to tell you in this novel so stick around. I will update it regularly, with 7-10 chapters every week. ------ ------- The cover of this novel doesn't belong to me, I will mention the credits later because I still don't know for sure who it belongs to.

Zayir_WN · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Dawn: The Boy Who Speaks To The Dead

" The world inside of the tower is much different from what you can imagine, it has all the riches and resources that can help you achieve the most important thing in your life." An adventurer in his forties explained, surrounding him were several children of the village. The Restaurant was full of kids below the age of twelve.

The Children of the village gather at this time of the day when there are not many customers in this particular restaurant run by a woman, also in her forties. She covered her ears and looked annoyed, she certainly didn't enjoy the noises that the children were making. It wasn't a peaceful environment for her but she couldn't be cruel enough to tell these little kids to go away.

She didn't hide her annoyance and from time to time she glared at the adventurer. Her displeasure made him finally stop telling his stories to the children.

" Alright, That's enough for today!" Lock the old adventurer said, he had black hair but most of it was turned grey and an unshaved face with some battle scars. One noticeable thing was that one of his hands and one of his legs were not natural but prosthetics.

" No, So soon today, " One boy complained, " Lock, is it true that a god lives in the flame tower? How high did you climb? Why did you come back?"

The boy asked many questions that made other children ask some of their own.

" Alright, Alright I will answer some of your questions today and when I come back again tomorrow, we can do this once again."

" I have cleared upto the sixty-fourth floor which is a great feat for someone like me who was once a brat from this small village." Lock answered and then added, " There is a god, it's not a fairy tale, and you know what is more interesting is the fact that there are people even stronger than that god in the tower."

" Stronger than the gods?" Many couldn't believe it, they had heard the fairy tail of there being six gods in the world. Each god was capable to destroy the world whenever they wished for it.

" Yeah, there are people who challenged fate itself to become stronger than the gods. After all, many people like me would always thrive to become stronger. Even though I ended up like this, I don't regret ever climbing the tower, it gave me prosperity, prestige, and more important than that POWER!" Lock said in a loud voice that made the children even more excited to hear these things.

" What are you trying to do?" Someone shouted it was the woman to whom this restaurant belonged. " Telling Children these absurd things, trying to make them believe that they what's impossible for them and will only lead them to their doom."

" Get out of here everyone, no one will tell these stupid stories here anymore." The woman shouted.

The children feared her because this place belonged to her, they quietly left, and those who tried to protest were slapped on the back.

" I should go as well, today, I should visit his grave." Lock said, from his face and the way he said it, made it clear that he didn't want to argue with the woman and was just trying to make a quick escape from this situation.

" Lock, you are a lost cause, Did Kevin's death not teach you any lesson?" The woman asked.

" Kevin's death has nothing to do with this. Even he didn't regret dying, he died as someone strong rather than being someone weak." Lock snapped after the woman said that.

" He died because he was weak, if you think he didn't have any regrets in his last moments then you are wrong and it's time you realize this." The woman answered calmly but a little louder in response to what Lock said.

Lock just started to walk away after hearing what the woman said.

" Wait, you are visiting his grave, right?" Linda said and then went towards the reception area from there she picked up a bouquet of white flowers. " Take this and put it on his grave for me."

Lock, without saying anything took the flowers from her and then finally left the inn.

" I also hope that Kevin didn't regret anything before he died." The woman whispered to herself.


Soon enough lock reached the place where the cemetery was and found a newly build grave there. It was much better and covered a bigger area than the other graves. Lock dropped the bouquet of white flowers on the grave and then sat in front of it.

" Those flowers are from Linda, I am sorry I didn't bring anything. She loved you, I didn't know about it, I felt sorry for her and you." Lock said. " If only I hadn't told you to become a member of my party, you would have stayed here and also would have been living a great life with her." After saying that Lock paused and then sat on his knees.

" Today she said something to me that made me feel that all of this is my fault" Lock continued, " Kevin, did you ever regret following me?"

Lock asked even though he knew that he would never get an answer.

" No, I never regretted it, even in my last moments, I didn't regret anything." Lock heard a voice that alerted him, it was the voice of a child, and when he turned towards the direction from where the voice came.

He saw a child wearing ragged clothing, the boy looked like a twelve-year-old kid. Unlike his clothes he was clean, his skin was fair and bright, his eyes shone like a purple gem and were very attractive and he had black shiny hair. The boy smiled gently, his appearance confused Lock, whether the child was an orphan or some pretty boy pretending to be one.

" Do you want to get slapped brat?" Lock shouted,

" Forgive me but I was just trying to convey what your dead friend wanted to say," Dawn said. " You see, I am someone who can speak to the dead."

" You are too young to be a sham, if you continue this any further then I will not hesitate to punish you for it." Lock said in a threatening tone.

" I am not a sham, I am not someone who lies." The boy replied.

" Oh, then what are you?" Lock asked.

" I am Death!"