
Chapter 1 Souls and Petals

Years have gone by after that intense battle between the greatest ninjas. Hanzo, the former shadow has been finally slained by Hayabusa. Due to their accomplishment, they decided to go back to the village and celebrate their victory. The whole village had rejoiced for they have avenged the fallen. Hayabusa became a living legend, a story to tell for the following generations of the ninjas. Kagura's health came back to normal due to medicines and with the help of her power. Higanbana became the grandmaster of the scarlet shadow. Each of them had already evolved their capabilities and enhanced their abilities. They lived a normal and peaceful life in the village with all the honors they received.

One day, Hayabusa was off on a mission he was tasked to do and since Kagura and Hanabi have nothing to do, they decided to have a little fight. They decided that the loser will not talk to Hayabusa for a day.

Higanbana took the first move and summoned deadly flowers from below. Her years of training had been visible in her abilities. Red spider lillies started releasing a huge cloud of smoke that covered the whole battlefield. This smoke can be potentially dangerous when breathed in for a long time and can weaken her enemy. Kagura, alarmed when the smoke started limiting her vision made a counter-attack.

"Seimei umbrella open!" Kagura threw her umbrella in midair and shouted her spell. "Kasa no kaiten!" her umbrella began spinning swiftly, clearing the smoke. Within these past years, she never took a break in practicing the Onmyodo. She learned how to summon shikigamis from her umbrella though it requires a lot of magic energy.

"Seimei umbrella open:Yuki-onna!". A lady in white suddenly came down from the umbrella. The surrounding air suddenly felt very cold killing the flowers.

"How do you like that, Hanabi? Watching your flowers die in front of you, isn't that fun? Her face was full of excitement and it made a bad impression to Hanabi.

" Tsk, you're getting in my nerves, you dumb umbrella girl. Hana-shoku! " shouting at the top of her lungs. Kagura's vision suddenly became vivid and the only color she saw was crimson red. The grass was crimson, the sky was crimson, everything was in crimson. With Kagura's state, she immediately ran towards her and threw her kunais. Her kunais had a special poison on it that will immediately immobilize the target with a single touch.

Sensing the danger she's in, her umbrella moved in front of her acting as a shield." Jōka suru! " she activated her cleansing spell, making her vision back to normal.

"Yuki-Onna:Kita no kaze!" she commanded. The shikigami took a huge breath then started blowing cold winds, the wind was so cold that it turned everything it touches to ice. Hanabi threw some kunais but it became frozen the moment it touched its breath. The shikigami followed her through the battlefield no matter how many times she leaped. She started to fatigue but her determination hindered her from feeling it. While leaping, she had thought of a plan to defeat that shikigami.

"Furawākurōn" she said. She suddenly exploded into red spider lillies. Yuki-Onna was suddenly confused and looked at the falling flowers. Unknowingly to the shikigami it was a trap set by her. The moment the flowers touched her, it exploded in all directions. A growl from spirit pierced the ears of both of them. Hanabi appeared behind her and put a seal scroll on her back.

"Graahhhhh!!!!"she screamed as she vanished in thin air.

With only the two of them standing in the battlefield, glaring at each other silently. They knew that the real fight only starts now. With her kunais in her hand she made a dash. With her umbrella in her hand she made a swift jump towards and both started unleashing their ultimates.

"Higanbana!" Hanabi shouted

"Shogyo Mujo!" kagura shouted

Their weapons was starting to clash until a fog of gray smoke blinded both of them. They took a leap backwards and coughed. The fog was starting to clear up and they were starting to see a shadow. It was Hayabusa, he just came back from his mission.

"Well that was one spectacular fight" He was amazed by how they were eager to win.

"Hayabusa?!?" Both of them were surprised to see him. He didn't say anything about when he will come back so they assumed it will be pretty long.

"Looks like you two have seen a ghost?" He laughed at their faces full of shock.

"Erm" That was the only word that kagura said. She signalled Hanabi about what to do since there isnt any declared loser from the both of them but she too, don't know what to do. They've decided that both of them will not talk to him as punishment for not saying when his arrival.

"I think I've got to go the elder master is probably looking for me already" Hanabi made an excuse and began walking towards back to the village.

"M-me too! Hey wait!" Kagura followed her back.

"Hey, what about the fight!?!" Hayabusa shouted but they didn't turn their backs.

"Oh well" He smiled and started walking to the village too, with thoughts of how much he missed them.

He brought up about the fight the next day but both of them kept changing the topic. Looks like they will leave it just as a memory of the past.