
Dawn of Mechanization

In a far distant realm from a far distant universe, magic has served a the dominant factor of society. Granting power to many and putting them in authority above the lesser ungifted common folk. However following unexplained circumstances, a new nation, hailing from another realm from another universe with no concept of magic brings forth technology. Some seek them in hopes of learning and integrating their knowledge for their own benefits, while others see them as a threat to their ideologies and positions of power. Treaties will be signed, but not without the outbreak of war.

Freebram · Quân đội
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

January 6th, 1900

Brathorn Coasts, Brathorn Imperium

"Captain, massive settlement spotted on the coast approximately forty kilometers out. Profile matches the description of the capital city we've been search for."

"Brilliant. Set all ships on alert and arm their secondary and AA batteries. Based on what's been going on it's highly likely these people will turn hostile against us, and I rather we be prepared to fight our way back to our waters."

The Sartoman fleet sent to make contact with the Brathorn Imperium had found it's destination and altered course to sail towards the capital. However unlike the fleet sent to the Kingdom of Arkport they came more prepared and in higher numbers.

Given the likely tension currently rising within the Imperium, the fleet consisted of an aircraft carrier, two battleships, two large cruisers, four heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, and four destroyers as a show of force in hopes the Imperium would respect and take heed of their words.

Since they passed out of their territorial waters, the fleet had begun tracking multiple ships via radar. Current estimate was fifty ships being tracked in a one hundred kilometer radius. So far none of the ships approached the fleet, either not noticing or wanting to steer clear of such imposing warships. For now they sailed unopposed and unchallenged, making for the Brathorn capital with ease.

Multiple small vessels they believed to be sailing fishing barges were in their route, and were hit with the biggest shock after realizing there were several massive steel warships converging on them and then sailing by without even visibly acknowledging them. Their pathetic small wood hulled and wind powered boats paling in comparison to the almighty steel hulled diesel powered battleships.

Upon reaching twelve kilometers from the capital shores, they were most definitely spotted as what looked like a small naval fleet was passing by, most likely patrolling in defense of the capital.

The fleet comprised of ten ships-of-the-line, four frigates, and sixteen brigantines. The Brathorn ship-of-the-line comprised of a outer wood hull with a length of seventy meters, a beam of fifteen meters, a draught of seven meters, and a displacement of two thousand tons, powered by two mana engines for a top speed of twenty knots. Armament consisted of four forward facing and fifty port and starboard facing 127mm magiguns. The frigates comprised of a hull with a length of fifty meters, a beam of twelve meters, a draught of six meters, and a displacement of fifteen hundred tons, powered by two mana engines for a top speed of twenty two knots. Armament consisted of two forward facing and twenty port and starboard facing 127mm magiguns. The brigantine consisted of a hull with a length of thirty meters, a beam of ten meters, a draught of five meters, and a displacement of nine hundred tons, powered by a single mana engine for a top speed of twenty four knots. Armament consisted of ten port and starboard facing 127mm magiguns. All ships were equipped with mana tanks for both powering the engines and weapons and internal mana steel plates as armor.

The fleet must've noticed them as from one of the larger ships a bright red flare shot up into the sky, signaling an alert to other vessels and the city of the approaching fleet. After doing so they maneuvered to intercept said approaching fleet and prevent them from reaching the city.

"Looks like we're about to have company. Have all guns at standby and prepare for general quarters." The captain in command of the carrier and entire fleet ordered, taking extra precaution and increasing the alert level as combat was now becoming a more likely possibility. He was hoping his predictions were wrong as the two fleet were now just a kilometers away from each other.

"By the high heavens!" The captain of the ship-of-the-line taking charge of the Brathorn fleet shouted as he immediately recognized the size different from his ships to these ships. "Where did these ships come from?"

The ships he was intercepting passed through their port flank and sailed on, continuing towards the capital of Ontwood.

"Captain! Should we open fire?" The ship's first-mate asked as the iron leviathans passed through their line of fire. Right now they can shoot their magiguns and deal some damage against the intruding vessels.

"No! They didn't open fire on us." The captain answered as he noticed what looked like hundreds of human being standing along the sides of the unknowns ship manning what looked like small guns. "Follow them and do best to keep pace!"

Unfortunately they were struggling to keep pace as these iron leviathans were fast, real fast. By his estimates they were cracking off over twenty eight knots, pushing passed what his ships were capable of pulling off. It was boggling. How could these full iron vessels move faster than his?


January 6th, 1900

Ontwood, Brathorn Imperium

"My lord! Unknown ships are approaching the city's harbors! They're unlike anything we've ever seen of them!" The emperor's retainer burst into the throne room to alert the current ruler of the Imperium about what is happening outside.

"Who approaches our shores? Is it the elves? The dwarves? Perhaps the Arconians by any chance?" Emperor Güner asked from his throne as the retainer kneeled. "What business might they have this far from their area of influence?"

"My lord, we do not believe it to be either, or from any known faction we're familiar with. The flag they're waving are unlike any design we've seen. They're as strange as the ships waving them!"

"Is that so?" The emperor contemplated what he was told and made a response. "Have our wyverns and city guard on high alert. Monitor these ships and destroy them if they pose any threat to the city. If they come to challenge us then we'll make sure they pay with their destruction." The emperor was not pleased, following what was believed to be an intrusion by unknown flying birds, and the murdering of a nobleman by supposed rebels within the frontier. What were the colonial guard doing?

Outside, the harbors were in a flurry of activity by city guardsmen who rushed out from the barracks constructed within the outer city and port, and wyverns that were taking off with their riders from the roosting towers erected around the city. Five hundred guardsmen with fifty field magiguns were mobilized along the port while two hundred wyvern bronzes took flight and began circling around the city.

Meanwhile from afar the approaching iron leviathans continued sailing closer without any sign of stopping or retreating. It would seem they have no acknowledgement to the show of force coming from the city's defenders.

Eventually the unknown fleet pulled off and lined their starboards with the harbors, finally coming to a stop and anchoring. They all let loose a loud bellowing horn as if announcing their arrival to the whole city. Every commoner, guard, and noble was now focusing their attention on the iron leviathans that pulled up before their city. Everyone was tense as the field guns were rolled up and aimed at the ships. Wyverns were circling around ready to rain fire upon them if they attacked. It was then that one of the riders noticed something on the large flat decked ship that brought back horrific memories.

"Hey! Those are the same birds that attacked us five days ago!"

He remembered the day he and his wing sortied against several unknown large bird like objects that approached the city and attacked. He remembered that horrible cracking sound as traces of light cut through his compatriots and their steeds, sending him and the rest who survived flying back to their towers.

From the flat decked ship was raised a boat on a pully system that rotated and lowered the smaller craft into the water where it was settled before it took off towards the city's shore and harbor.

'Keep and eye on.' The wyvern leader signaled to his subordinates who complied and traced the boat from the large ship to the harbor where it approached the waiting guard who were standing by to intercept.

"Hold fire!" The guard captain ordered as his men trained muskets on the noticeably human occupants who pulled up on one of the docks and came to a stop. The device attached to the rear sputtering off as they parked and began to dismount and secure it. "You three with me. Approach with caution."

The captain and three of his men approached the occupants of the unknown wooden boat, consisting of five men, three of which were armed with oddly designed muskets with shorter barrels, strange lock mechanisms, and a box shaped device underneath the stock.

"Halt! Identify yourselves and state your business strange men!"

The leading two figures who looked dressed more formally than the other three stepped forwards with their hands held upward in a non threatening stance.

"We come in peace," The one of the right said. "We request and audience with the governing head of the Brathorn Imperium."

"We bring a message that must be delivered with upmost urgency." The one on the left spoke. "We mean no harm nor ill intents. We come on behalf of starting peaceful negotiations."

The guard captain was skeptical, having little reason to trust these men. Especially since they were immediately asking for an audience with the emperor to negotiate. "And what is it you seek to negotiate for with our emperor?"

"We come to negotiate about crisis developing between our lands. We come hoping to bring recognition to it and prevent events from further escalating out of control."



"Emperor Güner, several envoys from overseas have come requesting an audience with you. Should we accept them my lord or turn them back?" The guard captain asked the emperor as he entered the throne room.

"Envoys? Where did these envoys come from?"

"My lord, they came from the mysterious fleet and hail themselves as this United Provinces of Sartoma. They claim to be coming under urgent matters regarding the Imperium, and they hope to resolve it."

"Resolve what exactly?"

"Uncertain my lord. They haven't provided any further detail."

"Very well. Send them in, immediately. I will get to the bottom of this myself."

The guard nodded and backed out of the throne room, returning with two formally dressed men in unusual attire for envoys. Not only were they void of colorful wear, but lacked ornaments or precious decor that showed status of wealth. Only thing they wore were white undershirts with blood red jackets and ties with grey coats.

"Greetings, your majesty," One of the envoys spoke as they bowed before the emperor. "I am Simon Grünfelf, representing the United Provinces of Sartoma. With me is my associate, Franz Pfitzner. We come to address and settle the current issue at our new shared borders."

"What nonsense do you speak of, strange men?" Emperor Güner responded. "We share no borders with any so called United Provinces of Sartoma. Where did you come from exactly? Was it you who came in the ships I've been told have approached my city?"

"Indeed we are," Pfitzner answered. "As for our borders, perhaps you were more familiar with the the frontier? The territory that used to be the colonies are no longer present and we've occupied the whole of the land. We request you address this and acknowledge it to prevent the continued attempts by your people from crossing into our land, before the situation gets out of hand as it had already."

The emperor was not following what these baboons were speaking about. How could their colonies be no longer existent and fall under the territory of these people? We're these the men responsible for the recent border incidents?

"Was it your people who were responsible for the death of Lord Hadis and his soldiers? Are you part of some sort of rebellion within the colonies? Because if so I will not tolerate your kind and will smite you where you stand!" The emperor slammed his fist against the the arm of his throne, sparking lightning from his closed fist.

"No your majesty, we're of no affiliation with any rebellion. Our civilization is rather, not of this world." Grünfelf responded. "Our civilization was unexpectedly and unexplainably transferred into the territory you call the frontier. We've already made contact with the Kingdom of Arkport and settled everything with them. We hope only to do the same with the Imperium before the risk of war escalates beyond the point of no return."

"A transferred nation?" The emperor asked with skepticism. "You claim to come from a transferred kingdom, that so happens to replace our colonies and the entire frontier, and one of my Lords is supposedly murdered trying to resolve an issue at the border leading to the frontier? If you truly are some legitimate kingdom then send forth a member of royal to address it before me."

"I'm afraid we can't do that sir. Our nation is without nobles or monarchs. We're a representative republic ruled by senators and a chancellor whose power comes from the people. Monarchs and nobles have long since been fazed out of political matters."

"A representative what? Power comes from commoners?" The emperor bellowed put a laugh, believing these men to be speaking nonsense. "You men are either trying to be funny or are completely insane. Perhaps I will spare you this moment. Leave my kingdom and return to whatever burrow you emerged from. Never return or I will destroy you myself."

"Then we will depart and inform our leader of the unfortunate news." Grünfelf said. "However we heed that you investigate the border yourself, and recognize the truth before it is too late."

The emperor dismissed their heeds, seeing them out the throne room as the door closed behind the two strange men, bringing an official end to discussion. However now that he thought of it, perhaps he would take a tour of the border to see if these men were full of nonsense or not.


January 9th, 1900

The Sartoman public was finally alerted and informed of the new found situation following a live broadcast on television and radio by the chancellor himself. In response, certain areas and cities were immediately filled with panic and riots that law enforcement and the Army was deployed to intervene and stomp out. International transportation via airship, airplane, or ship liners were canceled and shut down until further notice.

Trade industries were temporarily out of business and needed to find alternative sources to ship their goods out to before the economy takes a big hit that'll cripple it for awhile. That was something the government wanted to avoid altogether, setting their primary goal in reestablishing international trade. Fortunately they already had a willing compatriot to accept their trade, the Kingdom of Arkport.

When Sartoma was transported into the new world, the Imperium ships supposed to patrol against piracy had went missing along with the frontier and colonies. Fifty eight brigantines now gone. Noticing the lack of Imperium ships, pirates sought out to use this opportunity to attack and raid any unfortunate merchant vessels traveling this region of the sea. Unfortunately for them, instead of the Imperium Navy they were now faced to watch out for a larger and more formidable opponent. The United Provinces' Navy.

Destroyers were the new go to ship in regards to pirate hunting, while fleets of light carriers and cruisers would patrol along the coasts guarding the newly established shipping routes between the Sartoman eastern coast and the Kingdom of Arkport.

The Kingdom of Arkport had taken a drastic interest in Sartoman manufactured steel, especially regarding how cheap it was since the Sartomans manufactured it using superior and more efficient methods. They had also taken an interest in importing aluminum a certain opportunist had plans to incorporate into future ship design. In return, the Kingdom of Arkport exported lumber and seafood items that the Sartomans accepted, while also cutting steel imports from the Brathorn Imperium and beginning to spread word about the presence of the United Provinces to the other countries overseas.

Meanwhile the eastern border was not stabilizing. Army was continuing the intercept attemptees trying to cross while also engaging in minor clashes with Imperium soldiers sent to intervene and secure the border. In response the border would become militarized with bunkers, watchtowers, and artillery being occupied by the 2nd Armor and 5th Infantry Divisions. Negotiations with the Imperium had failed, and the government believed it now be best to prepare for the worst case scenario if war breaks out.

Meanwhile the Kingdom of Arkport began to suddenly prosper from their new ties with the United Provinces, now having access to better infrastructure and new railroads and steam engines to increase transportation across the small country. Plans were made to incorporate these projects to improve the kingdom's roadways.

Until then, the United Provinces of Sartoma sought out to ensure the inhabitants of this world were aware of their newfound presence, and would acknowledge their existence for however long their nation would remain on this new world.


January 10th, 1900

Marnesse, United Provinces of Sartoma

A luxury yacht pulled onto the harbors offshore from the city as it parked amongst the lines of small commercial merchant ships and civilian owned boats used in fishing or venturing out at sea.

The yacht was moored and pulled towards the platform by staff along the docks as they tied the cables down and extended a ramp for the vessel's occupants to dismount and step foot on the wooden bridges. First to step out was one of the Arkport monarchs, King Patrick.

"So this is the so called United Provinces of Sartoma?" He said as he looked around at his surroundings. "I will say it looks more developed than I first envisioned." Stepping out second was Queen Nora followed by Princes Rose and Sir Keaton behind her. With them were four other nobles who were invited to tour and familiarize themselves with their new ally.

"All these ships in harbor, and not even a single one uses a single drop of mana to operate. How magnificent!" One of the nobles was Lord Lloyd who was intrigued by the Sartoman yacht, destroyers, and PT boats that escorted them during the voyage. "I wonder if they have any large ships I can tour and investigate for myself. Cécile, do you have everything we need?"

"Yes sir," Stella Cécile, Lloyd's assistant designer answered while carrying a case of materials and a large suitcase of cloths and attire needed while visiting the foreign country. "Everything is accounted for and ready."

"Brilliant! Now all we need is a ship."

"I assure you we do have a fine number of mothballed and museum converted ships." A voice called out as they all turned to see two men the princess was already well familiar with.

"Mr. Black, Mr. White, a surprise seeing you again."

"Princess Rose, a pleasure seeing you again, especially under better circumstances. And I see you brought guests this time." Mr. Black greeted the princess while Mr. White acknowledged the monarchs and nobles with a tip of his flat cap. "The monarchs and nobles of the Kingdom of Arkport I presume?"

"Indeed, I am King Patrick of the Kingdom of Arkport. I believe I heard my daughter refer to you men as Mr. Black and Mr. White?"

"Indeed sir." Mr. Black acknowledged. "I was sent here to accommodate you and your party during your stay in our country. We already have several things pre-planned on schedule and have one of the best hotels in the city booked for you. We can proceed on our way once everyone is ready."

Everyone was ready, and so were the two sedans waiting outside the harbor for them. One would accommodate the monarchs and Sir Keaton while the other would accommodate the nobles. "Horseless carriages? Were these the ones you mentioned during your brief stay here?" Queen Nora asked as she climbed into one of the sedans followed by her husband. Before Rose and Keaton returned to their homeland, they had received a brief tour of Jemcaster, but not of Marnesse. However they were already acquainted with most of Sartoman culture, so they knew what to expect and knew especially where the good food was.

Their first stop was a nearby, similar restaurant Rose and Keaton ate at while in Jemcaster, finding it here and recommending it to the king, queen, and nobles. For lunch, they were served deep fried chicken, fries, and soft drinks such as soda and lemonade. The nobles were hesitant about the idea of hand food, believing it to be unnoble like and fit only for commoners. However Keaton, being a noble himself, was able to convince them to set aside their egos for a brief moment and eat the food.

Next visit was for the satisfaction of Lloyd, by visiting an old decommissioned battleship now museum exhibit.

The SNS Dreadnoughtus (BB-71), which was the original super battleship. Most of the ships of her class were scrapped while only a few were preserved in the reserve mothball fleet should the navy find a sudden need for more battleships, while the Dreadnoughtus herself was converted into a historical naval museum reviewing her service history and much information on the class of battleship.

As expected, Lloyd and his assistant were already pulling out pieces of paper and drawing notes while inspecting almost every feature of the old battleship.

"356mm guns? That's indeed an impressive caliber, especially when having three installed in a single battery mount."

"400mm of hull armor? How much steel was needed to construct one of these things?"

"A turbine, but instead of mana it runs off steam generated by a boiler. How come the dwarves haven't engineered such a propulsion mechanism yet?"

"Rapid firing small caliber guns, and used as anti-air? Does that mean these things are designed to kill wyverns?"


January 12th, 1900

Great Salt River Border

"My lord, we've arrived at the river." The carriage driver of Emperor Güner's carriage alerted. "Should we send the troops ahead before you approach the border yourself?"

"No, I will go with the troops myself. I wanna know the state of the border immediately, no waiting for my men to report back first."

Having considered the words of the foreign envoys who came before him days ago, he deceived to take up on their offer to investigate the border himself. He didn't really believe them though. There was no possible way foreign soldiers could've held the continent and controlled the border without alerting them. However he had apparently learned that the envoys also came from a ship holding the giant birds that attacked his city eleven days ago. If so he would be sure to hunt them down and demand reparations for their transgressions against the Imperium.

Disembarking from his carriage, his leather boots touched down against the dirt beneath him as he stepped forward to the captain of the platoon of soldiers he had brought along to inspect the border.

"My lord, we're ready to proceed by your word. Should I send scouts ahead to ensure the area is secured for your safe arrival?"

"No, I will proceed as one of the first to see the beaches myself. Let us move out now." the emperor denied the captain's suggestion and moved ahead with his soldiers beside him.

Moving along the naturally paved path, the king and his soldiers ventured towards the sound of running water, arriving to the hint of salt passing through the air from the salt water river flowing between the border. Crossing out from the foliage, they arrived into the open where they had a direct line of sight of the cliff.

The soldiers and their king all tensed.

Sartoman soldiers from the 5th Infantry Divisin and tanks from the 2nd Armored Division guarded their side of the river from above with machine gunners, watchtowers, and medium tanks. Meanwhile squads of infantry and light tanks patrolled the beaches to intercept and prevent anyone from crossing without authorization. Engineers from the 22nd Engineering Division were along the edge using concrete, cement, and rebar to construct and establish defensive facilities such as bunkers and walls to deny access to selective areas, while also setting up stationary AA guns and howitzers half a kilometers from the cliff.

"Where did all these men come from?" The king was shocked by the revelation as the foreign soldiers all trained their guns on him and his group of armed men, expecting yet another blood bath to breakout like the one that occurred before.

However there would be no blood drawn, not today at least.