
A Deal is struck

With that, I stepped out from the shadows before saying, "Are you sure that it has to be done? Doctor Halsey?" They both whip their heads around after I said that. Doctor Halsey look at me with surprise as she looked me up and down. Keyes had a confused look in his eyes as his right hand reached for the Magnum that was hidden on his waist.

I pull out both pistols and point them at the two before saying, "Don't touch that weapon, Lieutenant Junior Grade Jacob Keyes." He stops with shock in his eyes at the sudden appearance of my pistols.

Halsey nudges Keyes in his side with her elbow, "Don't freeze you, idiot." she says before whispering to him "Comply with her for now, she's an interesting one." He slowly pulls his hand out from behind his back before raising both of them.

"Put your hands down," I say. "It's too conspicuous"

"And your two Magnums isn't?" says Halsey, sarcasm leaking out of her words.

(AN/: Her pistols transformed into Magnums because of their abilities)

"I suppose it is" I reply, putting my pistols back into my inventory. "But I merely took them out because, your Lieutenant over there, was getting a little trigger happy."

"How do you make them appear and disappear like that" I hear the Doctor mutter.

"That's a secret," I say with a little wink. "Ah, why I am doing a wink all of a sudden."

[Just your curse acting up. Since your not necessarily old enough to be, well sexy. It's just making you cute instead]

"Ah," I say, while mentally slapping my head against a wall. "Well, thanks for the info Eve."

[Your Welcome Alia]

"Whose Eve?" asks Keyes.

'Oh, they were here. I forgot about them for a second. Shit. Welp, I guess I might as well tell them to build up trust.'

"You know, just my own super-intelligent AI, who may or may not be smarter than Doctor Halsey," I say with a bit of arrogance.

"I see," says Halsey. "Well what are you doing here, and how do you know who we are?"

"Me?" I say. "I'm here to strike a deal with you, Doctor."

"A deal, you say?" she replies, a small smile forming on her face. "Well, I knew you were an interesting one. What's this deal?"

"Well, I want in the Spartan Two program." As I say that, the small smile on her face disappears.

"How do you know about that!" she says in a hushed yell.

"Calm down, Halsey." I look around. "We should talk about this in a more secure area."

"You're right. Come, Lieutenant, let us go back to the Han."

{In the mess hall of the Han}

"So, how do you know about the Spartan Two program" Halsey starts off, "In fact, what do you know about it?"

"Slow down doctor," I say. "There is no need to rush. In fact, I believe you should know how I know about the program, considering who my father is."

"Your father?" she sits down, thinking. "Someone who knows the program. ONI? Maybe. Hmm." She leans forward and looks closer at my face. "Who are you?"

"Let me give you a hint." I lean on the table. "Mjolnir." Halsey jerks up at my words.

"How do you know about that." She demands, grabbing at my collar.

"Mjolnir?" Keyes asks, visibly confused. "What's that? In fact, what's going on? What's the Spartan Two program?"

"Mjolnir is the fourth generation of exoskeletons," I say. "Mark 1 was a failure because it was too bulky and needed to be linked up to a power source. It was repurposed to be a power loader. Mark 2 was slimmer, but it still needed to be attached to a power source. So it was scrapped. The Mark 3s were the prototype of the cyclops battle platform. It had wireless power, but it had a limited range. But, Mark 4. Well, It is an entirely different story. It's not completely finished yet, as its creation was started in 2511, but it's in a whole new ballpark. Unlike the previous versions, it's not as much as a mobile battle platform. No, it's more like a suit. It's slim enough to look like a slightly bigger version of ODST armor, but it gives the wearer's strength by 5, and reaction time by 10."

My revealing of information caused Lieutenant Keyes's mouth to drop to the floor. It also surprised Halsey as it showed that I knew a lot of different things. I decided to continue, seeing as no one was stopping me. "The Spartan 2 program is the reason why you met subject 117, or John. The aim of the program is to create super soldiers with the ability to properly control the Mjolnir armor. You see, normal soldiers are unable to handle the increased strength and response of the armor. Their bodies are unable to handle it. The original spartan program used volunteers from elite soldiers to create people who could handle the armor. But it ended in failure. That's why the people at ONI and Doctor Halsey herself decided to create soldiers using, well, less humane means."

(AN/: I'm not quite sure if what I said about the spartan 1 program is correct. If I am incorrect please inform me so I can fix it)

When I had finished explaining everything, the room was completely silent. Both Halsey and Keyes were completely in shock. I decided to help Keyes out of his shock.

"You know Keyes," I say. "You're quite lucky. If ONI didn't know that you could keep a secret, they would probably silence you. Aren't I right, Doctor, Toran." That did the trick. A little too well in fact. Now I had 3 people hounding me for information.

"How do you know about these things?" demanded Halsey.

"How much is that information worth?" I counter. She sits back down in her chair. 'hah, that shut her up.'

"Going back to your previous question, I am the illegitimate daughter of Johanson Sloan, the Vice-president of Chalybs Defence Solutions," I say as I smooth out my collar.

"I see. That's how you know about Mjolnir," she says as she nods her head. "But how do you know about Toran? Or the Spartans?"

"I'll tell you. If you let me into the spartan program." The room becomes quiet again as Halsey muses over the information's worth.

She lets out a big sigh, before ultimately saying, "Fine, but you owe me a favor."

"Sure" I reply.

[*Ding* Quest <Strike a Deal> has been completed]