
First Date

You sit down and Nami sits across from you you both look at each other waiting for your menu. Nami I wearing a silky red dress with red high heels. The waiter comes over to your table and hand you both a menu. "This is a nice place you picked (Y/N) I like the view." says Nami while looking at her menu. You say "Thanks, I saw some good reviews online about this place." as you try to pick something on the menu. A waitress comes to your table and says "Good evening, I will be your server tonight are you folks ready to order?" Nami says "Yes, I will have a medium rare steak and red wine please." The waitress writes Nami's Order down and turns to you and says " And for you?" You say "I'll have the same thing she's having." The waitress says "Thank you, your meal should be ready soon." As the waitress walks away you hear something slide and drop on the floor you ask Nami if she heard anything she tells you no while blushing. You are about to make some small talk with Nami when you feel something on your crotch you lift the table cloth and see Nami's foot rubbing your dick you get hard Instently and a bulge pops up you look back up at Nami and she's biting her lip and points down at her thighs as you look under the table you see her rubbing her panties and getting wet as you come from under the table the waitress brings you and Nami your food and Nami starts rubbing you dick again "H-Hey Nami?" you say in a broken tone she responds "Yes?" "You know your rubbing my dick right?" you say to her she says "Yes I know." To stunned to respond you eat start eating your steak as Nami eats hers. You both finish eating with no word exchanged and call over your waitress she hands you the bill and the waitress walks away. As the waitress is walking away Nami grabs the bill from you and says "I'll pay for it sweetheart~"