
EP00# Prolouge

Lee Bo hee's POV.

You know the feeling when you are like everyone's dream girl .

Or the when you pass by, people stare at you like you are some k-pop artist or a beautiful k- actress.

Or In school, your like the type girl every girl would want to be besties with.

Or You're like the type of girl every guy would want to date...

You feel the need to be....PERFECT.....

You keep asking yourself questions like;

"What color of lip stick should I use?"


"Is my hair better this way or that way?"


"Which dress is better? This or That?"

When you pass by you hear whispers, especially when you are also popular online.

Some people adore you;

Random person 1;"OMG it's Lee Bo hee !!! She so pretty."

Others dislike you;

Random person 2"Ugh... it's that girl again, the one who thinks everyone likes her .... she's not even cute and even if she is .... it's makeup."

The crazed fans;

Random person 3"I will literally faint when I see Lee Bo hee, seriously. She's just so pretty. I just love her."

Random person 4"oh look it's Lee Bo hee!"

Random person 3 "Where,where, where???!!!"

Random person 4 "just kidding."

Random person 3"you made my heart race you fool."

And ones who want to be just like you;

Random person 5"Lee Bo hee's eyes are so big and innocent.. and the double eyelids make her more cute."

Random person 6"Yes, and her small nose and round lips is the best.Not to talk about her bangs ."

Random person 5"I wish I was her."

Random person 6"Me too"

.... But in you,you know why you chose to be this somebody everyone talks about .




Writer's POV

"Please let me go !!" The girl cried.The other girls hold her tightly not ready to let her go .

"Oh who do we have here?"

The girl who seemed to be the main bully asked with the wicked smirk that the girl who was bullied feared .

"Oh it's the loser.My little duck."The bullies chuckled and the girl being bullied cried.

"Guess what my duck?We will be baking cake.Ready??"

"Please don't do this, please"


The other two girls throw eggs unto the girl being bullied and she yelled "stop!"in tears.


And they poured the flour on her . Everything that was mentioned was poured on her .

And she sobbed sorrowfully.




Lee Bo hee's

And sometimes because of their humiliating and sad past and secret,they choose to become the people who have those who adore them, those who dislike them , those go crazy for them and those who want to be like them.