
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Tranh châm biếm
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86 Chs

Chapter 19: Moonlit Promise [1]


Tohka called his name, but there was no reply.

That was to be expected. There was nobody else in the place besides her after all.

Her head was confused, she didn't understand.

This was a farce. She hoped it would be.

"R... Rei...?"

Tohka immediately throttled right from the rubble where Rei was standing before.

There was no response.

Rei wasn't here. She can clearly see it in her eyes. She hoped it was just a joke. If it was, then everything would've been fine.

Even so, there was still no response.

She couldn't believe it. Rei wouldn't possibly be taken out that easily based on his capabilities and such. But considering the fact that he still wasn't here already gave Tohka an indescribable feeling thawing within her heart.

"Ah... U..wa...ahh"

A few seconds later, her brain started to understand the situation.

Rei was gone.

She can't feel his presence here anymore.

Certainly, she knew that Rei has the ability of manipulating space at will and could easily get out of this situation easily.

However, that fact somehow slipped out from her mind as other things began to occupy within it. The fact that Rei wasn't appearing anytime soon was the thing that brought Tohka to her wits end.


There was a foreign sensation spreading from within. Tohka considered it to be burdensome in the chest. It was suffocating.


Tohka then felt a tremendous dizziness, as she placed her hand over her head, which were still gazing down on the decimated spot where Rei stood before.

She then knelt down as she picked something up on the ground.

It was a bracelet.

She also had one placed on her arm.

These was a pair bracelet given to them for free when they watch the movie from before. The guard on the door only said that this was exclusive for 'couples' or 'partners' which Tohka tilted her head before Rei explained it before.

When Tohka finally knew, she only smiled in delight which Rei returned back with his own.

'But now...'

Unsteadily, Tohka stood up, and turned her face towards the sky.

—Ahh, Ahhh.

It was impossible. It was impossible after all.

For a moment—Tohka had thought that it might've been okay to live in this world.

If Rei was there, then maybe things would've worked out, so she thought.

It would probably be hard and cumbersome, but they might've been able to do it, so she thought.


Yes, however,

It was, impossible, after all.

This world—it chose to reject Tohka after all.

And it was through the lowest, the worst means thinkable—!

"<Heavenly Raiment●Tenth: Adonai Melek>..."

From the depth of her throat, that name was squeezed out. Raiment. The absolutely strongest, Tohka's territory.

Instantly, the world, sang.

The surrounding scenery squashed and distorted, wrapped around Tohka's body, and took the form of a solemn raiment.

And then a brilliantly shining membrane became the skirt and insides of the raiment—the calamity has descended.

*Creak, creak*

The sky creaked.

As if expressing displeasure at Tohka, who suddenly caused her raiment to manifest.

Tohka moved her gaze slightly sidewards.

"Spirit Codename; <Seraph> has been deemed as eliminated or lost. How should we proceed with this, over"

"Shouldn't we proceed as planned?"

"You know that our commander is a piece of crap compared from the one before so we should just grit our teeth while waiting for direct orders"

"Tsk, I hope our team gets replaced anytime sooner by another"

"I'm glad I'm not the only person who was thinking about that"

A person wearing those battle suits which Tohka was very familiar about appeared hovering in the sky. There were several groups of people that came with her in tow.

Judging from their positions, they began to surround the perimeter—no, surround her to be exact.

AST, or so Rei called the group who were always after her life had appeared—no, they were slightly different to be exact. These people have a noticable distinction between them.

She could described them as more packed on weapons compared to those AST. In contrast also to their theme, these people has a armor 'darker' and more advanced compared to the AST.

Alongside them were a group of humanoid dolls or robots equipped with a [Realizer] that must be linked to a larger [Realizer] unit for it to function.

It was also different from those robots or so that came after her a few hours ago.


The people similar to the AST whom decided that it would not be enough to just kill them, were now up there. That was all she needed to make her next move.

Tohka then thrusted her heel into the ground.

Instantly, a golden throne that stored a giant sword appeared from there.

With a boom, Tohka kicked off the ground, landing on the armrest of the throne, and drew the sword from its back.


Her throat trembled.


As if the sky shook.


As if the ground roared.

It felt like she was numbing her brain, as if trying to wear herself down.

"How dare you all!"

Her eyes, dampened.

"How dare you how dare you how dare you how dare you how dare you how dare you"

Tohka put power into the hand holding the sword, and killed the distance in front of her eyes.

"Commander we are—?!"



Without giving time to even blink, Tohka had moved to the sky that she had been watching just then.

In front of her was a group of people and scrap metals with their eyes widened in shock. As if responding immediately, the scrap flying metals that carried armaments then pointed its weapons right back at her.

At the same time as seeing their reaction which was anything but natural, Tohka howled.

"<Sandalphon>—[The Last Sword Halvanhelev]!!"

Immediately, cracks ran through the throne that Tohka was stepping on, as it crumbled into pieces.

Then, the various pieces of the throne attached onto the sword that Tohka was holding, further increasing the size of its silhouette in just a split second.

With a length exceeding several meters, an excessively oversized sword.

However, Tohka lightly gave it a shake, then swung down towards the [Bandersnatch] cleaving them into pieces in just a moments notice.

The light gleaming off the blade grew even more intense, and in an instant creeped onto the ground below along the line extending from the sword.

In the next moment, a tremendous explosion assaulted the surrounding area.


"Commander the Spirit—"


Jumping to the left and right just in time, the group let out voices filled with fear.

But that's to be expected. After all, with just that one strike, Tohka split the large flat area into two halves along its length with her sword that was swung down to the ground.

"Damned Monster....!!!"

The tall girl screamed, who was supposedly to be the leader of the group, swinging something like an unrefined sword at Tohka.

But there was no way that such a thing could reach Tohka, with her raiment on. Just by directing her gaze towards it, she dispersed the attack.


The girl's face was painted with despair.

But showing no interest in her, Tohka then gazed up further from the sky.

Quietly, her lips opened.

"—So those people who had Rei.... was still far out there...?"

Tohka said this with a face devoid of emotions, but her voice simply carried out all the things that she could feel within.






"Call for backup!"

"On it!"

The people who hovered in the air in escape noticed that their retreat was meaningless for this being before them could easily appeared on there ways within a blink of an eye.

Mentioning that she also possessed that enormous sword of hers that could could cut several hundreds of meters in range.

And so, they readied themselves for the worst, utilizing everything at their disposal to 'stop' this calamity right before them.

However, such a thing doesn't matter at all.

An existence that could stop Tohka with [Halvanhelev] materialized, does barely exist in this world.

Looking at the group with eyes that were stained with pure darkness, she 'calmly' went crazy.

First and foremost, she needed to 'erase' these people first for they would get in the way reaching the people who did it to Rei.

Tohka needed to deal with them with haste for who knows if those people would escape right upon witnessing what she would do next.

Clenching her fists more tightly on her blade, she then took a stance.

"—Kill destroy, kill erase, kill everything. I will annihilate every single one of you, so begone... all of you should just perish and die"

Just like a mantra, she recited.

A second after, a complete 'annihilation' then commenced.


[Heptameron PoV]

Above thousands of meters from the ground lies a gigantic airship hovering in the sky.

From within, several people could be deemed as busy at the moment.

"Now report," A man wearing a dark army uniform with an insignia representing DEM on his chest pocket roughly said.

The man who came to report on him calmly relayed his report, "Yes. Spirit; Codenamed <Seraph> has been deemed as either 'eliminated' or 'lost'. No Spirit Waves have been detected so far. Commander Dickson, what's our next move?"

Sitting on top of the commanding room on the bridge of the ship, the said person scoffed as he lit out a cigarette on his mouth.

"Tsk. So easy. Is this what our Wizard Team always cower from frequently? This Spirit you say was just easily killed just like that!"

"....Your orders?"

The person who reported though seemingly frowned as he said those words. The Commander who was displeased by the person's behavior glared as he said.

"Hmph! We'll proceed as planned. Capture <Princess>, if you can't, then eliminate her"


As the person was about to turn his back to relay the orders, Dickson abruptly added.

"Also, pull back the [Bandersnatch] group. We can't waste such precious resources for such things"


Not seeming to understand his commander's reason, he tried to inquire more about it, which was immediately shot down with a threat.

"My orders are law. Disobey it, you pack your things and get off my ship"

"...Yes commander"

The person then stepped back with a displeased expression and relayed the orders to his colleagues.

Dickson who was then left observing the monitor all this time huffed in displeasure. It was too easy. He can't help but grumble at the fact that his job was already done in this place.

"How much time is needed to prepare the next concentrated blast?"

"It will take about a minute or two, commander"

"Hmph. Good, tell the [Wizard] Team to buy enough time until the cannon is charged. Or either they should just capture <Princess>. Well, if they do want to get caught up in the blast, they are free to do so if they can't finish their jobs quickly though"


[Spirit], the so-called lifeform that brings calamity and destruction in form of spacequakes which were a common occurrence in the modern world, was just easily decimated with a concentrated cannon blast from afar.

Well, that's what Dickson expected for this airship that was made to eliminate or capture such beings. Equiped with the mastered advanced technology that DEM possesses, this much should have that much capability.

'This should be a good thing to be exact. Maybe I will get a promotion alongside other suitable rewards after this,' Dickson smirked while pondering on this thought.

It was then.


An explosion occured... right on his airship.


Dickson panicked as he fell down on his nose due to the sudden happening of events. With face filled with rage, he then slammed his fists as he pushed himself back up.

'What the hell is happening?!'

"The left wing and the front of <Heptameron> has been bombarded from an unknown source!"

Dickson then fumed his anger as he began to manage himself up.

"It's what!? Are you trashes doing your job properly?! The territory should have been intact all this time, right?!"

"C-commander! It has been breached!"


"Activating emergency mode! Our [Territory] is being slowly rebuilt! I advice we tactically retreat right now commander!"

"Restoring visuals and radar... what?!"

"....Commander! S-Spirit Waves have been detected! I-It's—"

It was then, several panicked responses resounded over the speakers of the bridge. It belonged to those who were 'supposed' to capture <Princess>. At least, that's what they should've done but what came to them was a rather—negative news that brought them despair.

"Respond, Commander! <Princess> started retaliating! Our forces are currently suffering heavy losses and the <Bandersnatch> are completely useless here! We need some cover here— Commander?! Are there any——!!!"

"This is Captain of team A-01 of the Assault Team! <Princess>'s current objective is to head over there! We will issue a temporary retreat before..? AHH——!"

"—Shit! Dickson you asshat! We're being slaughtered here like pigs! Where is the———"

Several messages echoed on the bridge. It was sent only within a few seconds in interval, and all of it ended not being able to relay everything that they want to say.

Even so, one thing is for sure.

The Assault or Wizard Team which were tasked to capture or eliminate <Princess>, was currently being decimated as the seconds pass by.

"This....!!! Move back! We're retreating!" Dickson immediately ordered with panic shrouded on his face.

"Commander, we have regained visuals!"

"I don't give a crap about that! That's unnecessary for we should first.... get... out...."

Dickson's voice slowly died out as he stared at the monitor began to flicker and displayed a crack visual before him.

A person with flowing silver hair with amethyst-coloured eyes. He wore a astral-like armor covering his body. Donning 3 pairs of wings on its back which glowed in an iridescent hue. This being couldn't be described anything less than a 'Angel' of some sorts.

Holding a sword which spewed purple flames while being surrounded by shard-like pillars which looked like blasters, an 'Angel' .

No, it wasn't an Angel,

But it was him, <Seraph>!

The [Spirit] that they should've eliminated a while ago was currently alive!

"You know... you lot should have learned enough manners to know that interrupting on someone's business could be considered rude especially if you meant harm about i,"

<Seraph> spoke which were heard by everyone on the ship clearly.

This was something that wasn't supposed to happen. The visual as per say, only 'shows' but not let them 'hear'. As for how <Seraph> did that, nobody knows.

Reality then struck Dickson's mind realizing that their situation is in dire states.

"Guh. You trashes how's our retreat going on?! Can't you see that [Spirit] is right before you?! Also, ready the cannon and blast off that thing already!"

"C-Commander, the main engine and generator placed on <Heptameron> has been bombarded as well... the place is currently in shambles and flames. Retreat would be... impossible"

"Then the cannon! At least we could give him a shot that could delay him somehow—!"

"...It has been destroyed as well"


It was impossible. In just a matter of seconds, these feats should have been impossible no matter how strong <Seraph> is. It was unreasonable. How, when, and where did the attack cane from?

But at the next second, Dickson suddenly remembered a very crucial detail in a briefing about <Seraph> a few days ago before he set sail here to do his job. Something that he overlooked for some reason.

"Space Manipulation...." Dickson weakly muttered.

And as if hearing his words, <Seraph> let out a mocking smile and then slowly raised his hand.

And as if orchestrating something, pitch black portals with a dark purple light forming on the center began to manifest. Beside him lies pillar like shards that kept rotating as it spouted purple sparks and flames all over.

<Seraph>, or Rei, then spoke as if bestowing judgement from the above.

"Obliterate them to nothingness; <Raguel>"

Blinding purple dark light.

It was the last scene that Dickson alongside the crew of <Heptameron> witnessed before their existences ceased within the face of the earth.








[A/N: Well, I'm back and alive guyz. Anyways, check out some errors here and there and comment it so that I could correct it.

Also, there's someone who was concerned about the last chap where I literally just copy-paste the scene from the LN and just swapped roles. The thing I could only say is sorry for that.

But I didn't really copy it all okay? I have tinkered with some things here and there but still... it was quite disturbing in a sense as well.

I could just adjust the flow and rewrite it but it would certainly derail the chaps that I've drafted ahead so please understand.




With that said, bye bye guyz]