
Darkstone Legacy

Daemon, a formidable warrior and adventurer, is forced to start a party to take a Job he has wanted to work for months. For ten years since his start of adventuring, he has always worked solo. But considering the reward of the job was great and he needed to finish it for a personal reason, he set aside his pride and decides to recruit a motley crew. During their adventure, they accidentally stumble into a massive conflict that involve the dark side of their land. (This story will be on RoyalRoad.com as well. 5-7-24 submited)

Yuri_Lover23 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs


"We didn't come here to get in a conflict with a high noble, Daemon." Invidia said as the group were discussing their next move, "We came here to resupply and be on our way to the Hightowers." 

Zaphira nodded, "That's true, but we just had assassins sent after us." She said, "Look at the girl, for crying out loud, she's shaken up!" 

She gestured at Lydia who was still looking down as Azael sat next to her. 

Daemon sighed and walked over to Lydia, "Hey." He said, "I need you to focus, Lydia. Chin up, we're having a group discussion." 

The young fighter looked up at him, her eyes filled with a bit of fear and anxiety. 

"I...." She started

Daemon straightened up, "I'm sorry, but stuff like this happens all the time." He said, "It's the cruel reality. I really don't know what kind of adventures you guys have had up until now, but the Hightowers job is much more dangerous than what we're currently dealing with. My only issue is that being sidetracked like this will cost us a lot more than time." 

"Agreed." Invidia said, "I say we leave the city before we are caught. A Noble of that caliber must've had the city guards looking for us." 

"They definitely do." Zaphira said, "But I can't just let them get away with an attempt at our lives, I say we fight back!" 

"Mine apologies." Azael said standing up, "This is my fault, if I didn't go and try to help the man, this wouldn't have happened." 

Daemon waved him off, silently telling him it wasn't the case. 

"This is only the beginning, Daemon." Invidia continued, "Assassins is one thing but if that doesn't work, we'll have the whole city on us. This isn't what I signed up for." 

"I don't care if we didn't sign up for this, I ain't letting that slide!" Zaphira scowled, "How can we let them do this to Adventurers of The Dragon's Fate?!" 

Daemon was not paying much attention to them, he was focused on Lydia, who was till shaken up. For some reason, Daemon was reminded of someone he knew. The poor girl, covered in her innocence, was just now beginning to see the true world. 

"Lydia." Daemon said, "What do you have to say?" 

Lydia looked up at him, "I....I don't want to be here anymore...." she said softly

"I don't mind if we leave." Azael said, "The Hightowers job is all we should care about." 

"Daemon, seriously?" Zaphira said, "We're not doing anything?"

Daemon looked at her, "For now, avoiding conflict with the Baron is the best choice." He said, "Invidia and Azael is right, the Hightowers job is our priority. And to be fair, we need to be at our fullest when we get there. Also...." 

He grabbed Zaphira's arm and pulled her to the side, the Tiefling taken aback by this action. 

Daemon leaned in to her, "The girl won't be up for that..." He whispered, "She needs more....experience...." 

Zaphira looked over at Lydia, who had her head hung as Azael gently patted her shoulders. 

"So, we're leaving?" Zaphira asked with a frown

"After the Hightowers is done, we'll come back and resolve this." Daemon said as he pulled out the market jade, "All that trouble for this, huh? I'll have a chat with the Baron and his brother-in-law." 

Zaphira sighed and crossed her arms, "Dammit..." She said, "Fine..." 

Daemon looked at the others, "Get everything ready, we're leaving." He said, "Now." 


"I don't like this." Zaphira said as the group made their way off the road outside the city, "This leaves a bitter taste on my mouth." 

"Doesn't matter." Invidia said as she walked next to her, "Our priority is the job, it's the only reason this Party was formed. We cannot be distracted by pointless things like this." 

"Pointless?" Zaphira said, "Someone wants us dead!" 

"It's the flow of the natural order." Invidia said, "Everything and everyone will want us dead at some point." 

"Quiet down." Daemon said as he walked in the front, "We have to gain enough distance from the city to take the roads again. Lydia, keep up." 

Lydia was in the back, walking behind Azael who was purposely walking slowly to not let her be too far back. 

"I'm sorry...." she muttered softly

"Do not be." Azael said, "It is your first time with a knife at your throat? A very terrifying experience, indeed."

Lydia looked at him, "Y-You've had that happen to you?" 

Azael nodded, "Many times in my childhood." He said, "Drow bandits raided the Temple on numerous occasions. If it weren't for Daemon who grew tired of the issue and took the fight to them, it would've happened many more times." 

"I see." Lydia said 

"Everyone stop." Invidia said as she stopped and crouched down, "Something is wrong." 

She was running her hand against the ground, seeing several fresh prints of an animal she was familiar with. Even in the darkness of midnight, she was able to see the tracks of several animals and what appeared to be humans. 

"What is it?" Zaphira said

"It appears they've sent the scouts ahead of time..." She said, "These are Hound tracks...They're in front of us.....several dozen men at least." 

Daemon gritted his teeth, "Just what we need." 

They were in the middle of a field, and only tall grass and bushes were around them. The road was but several hundred feet behind them, so they thought they could avoid any patrols. 

"Wait..." Invidia said, "What is this...?" 

She had noticed a much larger paw-print, something that didn't look like a canine or any sort of domesticated animal that the city guard would have. 

She widened her eyes, "Oh no...." 

Daemon turned around to see her, "What?" 

Zaphira walked over and snapped her fingers, summoning a small orb of light and illuminating the paw-print, revealing a bit of blood on it. 

"Shit..." Zaphira said as she moved the orb around, "Blood..." 

There was dried blood all over the ground, on the tracks that Invidia had noted. The only thing was that she was unable to tell there was dried human blood on the dirt since it was so dark. Her nose wasn't tuned to the smell of human blood. 

Daemon walked over and crouched down, "Now this is much worse." 

"S-Shadowcat?" Lydia asked as she shuddered a bit

"No." Invidia said, "Great Bear." 

"Fuck." Zaphira said, "You think it ate the patrol? Maybe it's gone." 

They then heard a deep and loud growl in the distance, one that gave the majority of them goosebumps, the hairs on their neck standing up instantly. 

Daemon straightened up and looked back, seeing a massive shadow emerge from the bushes, feeling an immense pressure coming from the beast. It's footsteps were so heavy that the thuds could be felt by the group, despite being dozens of meters away. 

"Great Bear...." He muttered, "Everyone, slowly.....get in position.....Invidia, to the back.....Zaphira and Azael, get in the center...When I say so, we scatter....okay? Zaphira, keep Azael safe at all time. Lydia, you ready?" 

He glanced at the young fighter who was panting heavily, sweating profusely as her glasses fogged up. 

"Lydia..." He whispered, "Now's not the time to freak out." 

Invidia slowly stepped back, "That's right." She said quietly, "Great Bears are arguably much more dangerous than Shadowcats.....they can use magic...." 

"What's the call?" Azael said as he readied a stance, "I shall use Bless on your command, Daemon." 

"After we scatter..." Daemon said as he slowly drew his sword, "Lydia, come here, get behind me. Steady your breathing, the thing will target weak prey...." 

The beast then came into view, a massive bear, four times the size of a regular brown bear that the country houses, with glowing blue eyes that looked at the group. It bared it's massive and white fangs at the group, letting out a roar as a wave of pressure emitted from its body. 

This was a magical beast, a powerful apex predator known to fight Shadowcats for territory. The outskirts of Midpoint has been said to have Great Bear sightings but never too close to the city itself. 

It reared its head back and let out a deafening roar as the ground shook, causing the group to brace themselves. 

Lydia was on her way to get behind Daemon but was stumbled by the roar, something Daemon noticed. 

He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her behind her as the Great Bear readied its charge. 

"Fuck." Daemon said as Lydia let out a whimper

"Sorry!" She cried

"Azael!" Daemon said, "Now!" 

The Monk waved his hand and cast his spell. 


A massive wave of golden light hit the group, including Invidia who was in the rear, and surrounded them. This was Bless, a buff spell that granted higher defense and offense at whoever was targeted. In this case, it was all five of them. 

Upon the casting of this spell, the Great Bear lunged straight at Daemon, aiming for Lydia who was behind them. 

Daemon glared at the beast, "You want some?" He growled as he prepared himself, 

"Come and get some!!!"