

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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36 Chs

The Project C.O.B.R.A

In the serene surroundings of the Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, the tranquil morning was momentarily disrupted by a gentle knock on the sliding door of Lady Yasaka's chambers. She had been engrossed in her daily rituals when the knock piqued her curiosity.

"Come in," she called out, her voice exuding both grace and authority.

The sliding door slid open, revealing a shrine maiden who approached with a tray bearing two exquisitely wrapped boxes. The elegant craftsmanship and intricate designs of the boxes spoke volumes about their significance.

With a deep bow, the shrine maiden presented the gifts, her demeanor oozing respect. "Lady Yasaka, these gifts are from The Monkey King's disciple. They wished to extend their congratulations and best wishes to you and your daughter, Kunou."

Yasaka accepted the gifts with a gracious nod, her eyes shimmering with intrigue and gratitude. "Thank you for delivering them," she replied warmly.

Yasaka's elegant brows furrowed slightly in curiosity as she accepted the boxes. A disciple sending gifts directly to her was an unusual occurrence, but what truly caught her off guard was the fact that one of the gifts was addressed to her daughter.

Her daughter's existence had been a carefully guarded secret, known only to a select few within the shrine. How this disciple had learned of Kunou was a puzzle.

She carefully unwrapped the first gift to reveal a weak-looking purple flame. The sight of it made the shrine maiden tremble, a testament to the oppressive aura it emitted. For Yasaka, it was a familiar and welcome sight causing a shiver to run down her spine.

It was the Spirit Flame of Despair, Kitsunabi, a flame that once sustained them by feeding on human despair and hatred before they had to restrict themselves due to the presence of devils and angels.

The sight of this flame triggered a primal response in her, a longing to devour it. The sight of this flame triggered a primal response in her, a longing to devour it. Her features transformed into those of a nine-tailed fox, her tails unfurling behind her.

With a gasp, she devoured the flame, which quickly began to have its rejuvenating effect. The spirit essence it provided flowed through her, nourishing her deeply.

"In unity, we thrive,

Balance keeps our flames alive,

Prosperity's drive."

Yasaka read the simple haiku aloud, her tone thoughtful. "A heartfelt sentiment," she mused.

The shrine maiden, however, appeared unimpressed. "It's a rather simplistic poem, Lady Yasaka. A feeble attempt to woo you, no doubt."

Yasaka offered a serene smile. "Sometimes, simplicity holds hidden depth."

The maiden raised an eyebrow but refrained from further comments as Yasaka inquired about the Eastern faction's response.

"Did the East receive any gifts or a response?" Yasaka asked, her curiosity piqued.

The maiden shook her head and seemed to scoff at the idea, replying, "The east faction was completely ignored. They didn't receive a response, and a gift was a distant hope at best."

As they continued their conversation, Yasaka's expression shifted from one of curiosity to deep contemplation. Her gaze seemed to drift into the distance as she silently connected the dots between the recent events. The chase involved Kuroka, the mysterious figure who had aided her daughter's escape, and now this disciple's arrival. It all became clear to her that the haiku was not a simple poem but a well-hidden warning.

"Curious," Yasaka murmured to herself, her eyes narrowing in thought.

The shrine maiden continued to voice her doubts about Grey's intentions, but Yasaka had a nagging intuition that the haiku held a deeper meaning, one that eluded the shrine maiden.

"In unity, we thrive,

Balance keeps our flames alive,

Prosperity's drive," Yasaka repeated the haiku, her eyes glinting with realization.

The maiden glanced at her, curiosity evident in her gaze. "Do you find meaning in these simple words, Lady Yasaka?"

Yasaka nodded slowly. "Indeed, I do. I believe they carry a message beyond a mere congratulatory gesture. A subtle warning, perhaps."

The shrine maiden blinked in surprise. "A warning? For what?"

Yasaka's gaze held a sense of gravity. "A subtle warning for the factions to back off, and his stance regarding which youkai branch he intends to support, especially in our time of need."

"Grey," she said his name with a curious glint in her eyes.

Amid their discussion, Yasaka suddenly noticed that the second gift was missing. Panic surged within her as she realized her daughter, Kunou, had taken it. Kunou had a habit of sneaking around and playing pranks, and now she had unwittingly become a part of this intricate web of events.

With a mixture of concern and fear in her voice, Yasaka said, "It seems Kunou has taken an interest in our guest's gift. We must find her quickly before she causes too much mischief."

With a sense of urgency, Yasaka made up her mind. She had to find Kunou before this web of intrigue ensnared her innocent daughter. She knew that she needed to find out more about this Disciple, the presence of such a potent flame in his possession, and the reasons behind His actions. 

There was much to unravel, and the Future of Her faction and her daughter's safety were at stake.

In the dimly lit throne room, Akira, the master of shadow and secrecy, stood with his disciple Max, who was known as the perfect candidate for the role of COBRA. Max had been meticulously trained by Akira, honing his skills in stealth and subterfuge to perfection. His dark attire blended seamlessly with the shadows, making him almost invisible in this realm.

Beside them stood Emily, now dressed in gothic priestess attire.

As Grey materialized in the throne room, his presence was accompanied by an aura of authority and power. He is in his eclipse form, His eyes, a striking deep violet, scanned the room, taking in the assembled trio.

"Greetings, Akira. I welcome you both, Max and Emily," Grey acknowledged them with a nod, his voice carrying a weight that befitted his role as their leader.

"My Lord, we have been awaiting your arrival," Akira said with a respectful bow.

Max, the aspiring COBRA, simply inclined his head in acknowledgment, a silent but potent sign of respect.

Emily, the gothic priestess, curtsied gracefully, her eyes gleaming with reverence.

"Akira, it has been two years since we last met. I trust your mission has been successful," Grey inquired, extending his hand to accept the reports of all activities and missions conducted by Max in the past two years.

Akira handed Grey the reports, bowing his head. "Yes, my Lord. We have found a perfect candidate and have been diligently training him in the arts as per your instructions."

Grey received the reports and turned his attention to Max. "How have you been, Max? Is everything to your satisfaction after these two years of initial training?"

Max gazed at Grey with profound reverence, his voice carrying the weight of his gratitude. "My Lord, you saved my sister and me from a grim fate, and for that, I owe you my undying loyalty. I will do anything and everything for your cause, as long as my sister's happiness is ensured." His gaze never wavered from Grey, his determination palpable.

Grey nodded in acknowledgment, his violet eyes reflecting approval. "Your devotion and resolve are commendable, Max. Remember, in life, it's crucial to have a purpose. Without one, a person can become a dangerous liability."

Max absorbed Grey's words, his commitment to the cause deepening with each passing moment.

Turning his attention to Max's recent mission, Grey inquired, "Tell me about your mission at King Tepes' son's birthday party. I'm curious about the unexpected names you mentioned—Cecilion, Luciana, Valerie, and Gasper."

Max recounted the events of the mission, describing the presence of these unexpected individuals and the information he had gathered. Grey listened intently, absorbing every detail.

With the mission report concluded, Grey's focus shifted to Emily, who stood before him in gothic priestess attire. Intrigued by her transformation from atheism to devout belief, he gently inquired, "Emily, please introduce yourself and share why you've embraced this change in beliefs and attire."

Emily, her eyes shining with awe and devotion, began, "I was once a non-believer, my Lord. But when I read the book on you and learned of your ideals and greatness, it was like a brilliant light in the darkness of my life. Your presence has given me purpose, and I am now a fervent follower of your cause." Her voice resonated with unwavering faith.

Grey was momentarily taken aback by Emily's fervor, Her behavior, and tone along with her eyes shining with awe and reverence of him. she...SHE WAS A FULL-BLOWN FANATIC! A fanatic of his cause now, he looked at Akira for a second sending him a soul message that if she was brainwashed or mind-controlled or something.

Akira confirmed, 'My Lord, she hasn't been brainwashed or mind-controlled. She read the book about you that I was writing which triggered something dormant in her that woke up all of a sudden. This transformation is a result of her genuine and unwavering devotion to you and your cause.'

Grey nodded in understanding, deeply appreciating Emily's unshakable resolve. "Emily, from this day forward, you will train under Arya to learn magic and mystic arts. We will nurture you to become a true priestess, as you desire."

Emily's face lit up with enthusiasm as she exclaimed, "Thank you, my Lord! I am honored to have this opportunity."

Turning to Max, Grey asked the pivotal question, "Max, are you willing to proceed with Project COBRA? You may decline without consequence, as we will continue to care for you and your sister."

Max closed his eyes for a moment, reflecting on his past and the life-changing opportunity before him. As he thought back on his life, he couldn't help but consider how pathetic it had been, until he—no, they—were saved by Akira. All he had ever wanted was to provide his sister with a good life, which he had achieved. Now, it was time for him to think about his happiness.

He had always dreamt of being recognized for his talents and leading a joyful life with a family by his side. He yearned for a big brother to look up to when he was in trouble and a teacher who could help him become the best version of himself. The opportunity had finally arrived, a chance to change his life and achieve everything he had ever desired. 

It was time for him to seize it with all his strength, for the sake of his dream.

he opened his eyes and answered resolutely, "Yes, my Lord." with determination burning in them. 

Grey was pleased with Max's unwavering determination. He instructed Akira to make preparations for the final phase of Project COBRA.

With official matters concluded Grey allowed his true form to emerge, revealing himself as a 13-year-old boy. Max's respect for him deepened, and Emily's awe intensified as they witnessed Grey's transformation.

With a nod of dismissal, Grey left the throne room, leaving behind two devoted disciples who were prepared to embark on the next phase of their journey.

In the dimly lit room within the Shadow Realm, Grey, Akira, Max, Emily, and Arya stood before a massive and advanced tech machine. Its structure bore a peculiar resemblance to a gateway, with a central metal cross-shaped apparatus designed to restrain a person. Despite Grey's previous offer for them to speak freely, silence prevailed, driven by a mixture of fear and respect for Arya, who appeared before them in his archmage attire, exuding an overwhelming aura of power.

Grey offered a subtle nod of acknowledgment to Arya's presence, emphasizing the significance of appearances, especially when new members were involved. Then, Grey introduced Emily to Arya, indicating that she would study magic and mystic arts under his guidance. Emily agreed and positioned herself beside the imposing figure of the Arch Bishop.

"This is Arya, the Arch Bishop. Emily, you'll be studying magic and mystic arts under his guidance." Grey said.

Emily curtsied gracefully, her eyes gleaming with reverence.

"It's an honor, Arch-Bishop Arya." to which he gave an accepting nod.

Having already briefed Arya on Emily's situation and the impending procedure, Grey instructed Arya to activate the machine, which operated on cursed energy, specially modified by Arya to meet Grey's requirements and deliver a higher energy input compared to conventional electricity. Arya initiated the machine's operation using intricate magic circles, setting the critical process in motion.

Grey turned his attention to Max, delivering a straightforward and somber message. "Max, what you're about to undergo is exceptionally painful and highly perilous. If you survive, you'll emerge as something more than human, with altered genetic makeup and newfound abilities. This process will take days, during which you'll be placed in stasis sleep to facilitate the recovery of your mind and soul. 

In the subsequent stage, your body will undergo further modification and be subjected to magical tests overseen by Arya. Your heart will be temporarily halted, and only if you possess the will to return to life will we restart it. 

If all goes well, you'll become a formidable force within the supernatural world, capable of undertaking the most perilous missions to prove yourself as one of the best."

Grey asked Max once more if he was willing to take this extraordinary risk. To assure him, Grey promised that he and Akira would remain by his side throughout the procedure, ready to intervene if any complications arose. Arya, on the other hand, would be busy training Emily in an adjacent room but would periodically monitor Max's progress.

Max drew a deep breath, sensing the gravity of the moment. He approached his worried sister and embraced her silently, offering her reassurance. Finally, he declared his readiness.

"I am Ready"

Grey produced a dark ninja-like mask adorned with red patterns and instructed Max to put it on.

"This mask is enchanted and sealed for the moment," he said to Max

Once Max was masked, Grey and Akira guided him into the machine. Within its confines, Max was securely fastened to the cross-shaped metal board, his limbs bound tightly.

Grey placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Max, I know this won't be easy, but you've got this. Come out of this alive, alright?" his voice was filled with genuine concern.

Max nodded firmly, determination burning in his eyes as he braced himself for the ordeal ahead.

With that, Grey and Akira stepped out and positioned themselves in front of it. Grey turned to Arya.

"Arya, let's begin the procedure," Grey said, his tone firm but tinged with underlying worry.

Arya, with his formidable magical abilities, activated the machine with a series of intricate magic circles, causing the room to come alive with charging sounds. A flash of dark red energy enveloped Max as bolts of crimson lightning struck him repeatedly. Max's body tensed, and he arched in agony as the energy coursed through him.

Inside the machine, Max grunted in pain but remained resolute. He could feel the changes already taking place within him, even as he endured the excruciating process.

The mask on his face glowed, and intricate magic circles formed around him. Both the red lightning and the magical circles surrounded him, and he shook uncontrollably in sheer pain as the relentless bombardment of cursed and dark energy began.

Arya, anticipating the intensity of the procedure, encased the machine in a protective force field to shield the onlookers from any stray bolts of energy. The room resonated with the overwhelming power of the process as Max's transformation began.

As the days passed, and time became an elusive concept within the shadow realm, I lost count of the weeks that had gone by. Arya and I had remained here all this while, our unwavering gazes fixed upon Max's ongoing procedure. 

I knew from the start that this process would be time-consuming, and far more intricate than I had let on. After all, I was the sole keeper of the true nature of that mysterious machine and the mask I had given Max.

During the last two years, while I trained and accumulated points by eliminating malevolent beings, I had secretly prepared for this moment. The items I had obtained were not ordinary; they held incredible potential for Max's transformation. The mask, in particular, was no ordinary ninja mask—it hailed from the Randy Cunningham universe. Once worn, it had the power to turn its wearer into a genuine, formidable ninja.

The machine, on the other hand, bore a remarkable resemblance to the one responsible for granting Danny Fenton his spectral abilities, transforming him into Danny Phantom. I hoped that, during this complex procedure, as it rewrote Max's genetic structure, the powers of the mask would seamlessly merge with him, creating something far more extraordinary than a ghost or ninja alone.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the intricate procedure came to its long-awaited completion. The machine powered down, and I rushed toward Max, a mix of worry and anticipation swirling within me. He lay there, unconscious, the enigmatic mask that had concealed his face now absent. I desperately wanted to halt the process, to ensure he was safe, but the next phase of testing began—the evaluation of his body's stability and various other factors.

Arya summoned an array of magic circles, suspending Max in mid-air after carefully removing the restraints. Days continued to pass in this mysterious realm, the air heavy with uncertainty. In the midst of it all, a decision took shape within me. I felt compelled to bestow one more gift upon Max, one that held significance beyond the immediate moment.

I retrieved two large, red beads, each bearing a distinct black dot at its center. Placing them near Max's closed eyes, I channeled the essence of void energy into the beads. A soft glow enveloped them as they fused with his eyes, transforming them in a way that carried profound implications.

Yes, they were Sharingan—the renowned eyes of power and insight. Yet, which specific Sharingan Max now possessed remained a mystery, a question left for time to answer. Acquiring other, more particular ocular abilities had proven too costly for me at the moment.

Together with Akira and Arya, I stood vigilant, patiently awaiting the results of the comprehensive tests that would determine Max's fate and the extent of his newfound abilities.

As the tests approached their conclusion, we watched with bated breath, our anticipation and anxiety building with each passing moment. The days had felt like an eternity, but finally, the results were in, and they were nothing short of remarkable.

Max began to stir, his eyes fluttering open. He appeared disoriented at first, taking in his surroundings as he adjusted to his altered state. His breathing quickened as the realization of the transformation began to dawn on him.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief and pride as Max regained consciousness. Akira, Arya, and I approached him, our expressions a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Max," I began, my voice filled with a sense of urgency and reassurance, "you've done it. You've come through the process successfully."

Akira nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a profound respect for Max's resilience and determination. Arya, the Arch Bishop, offered a knowing smile, acknowledging the significance of this moment.

"We need to talk," I continued, my gaze locked with Max's. "Your abilities, your potential, they've expanded beyond what you could have imagined. You're no longer just a human, Max. You've become something more—a force to be reckoned with in the supernatural world."

Max's eyes widened with a mixture of wonder and trepidation. He was undoubtedly grappling with the enormity of the changes he had undergone. The Sharingan I had bestowed upon him was a potent gift, and its true potential would gradually unveil itself to him.

"But you're not alone in this," Akira chimed in, offering his support. "Arya, and I will be here to guide you, to help you master your newfound abilities."

Arya added, "You're the start of a lineage now, Max—a legacy of power and purpose. Together, we will shape your destiny and ensure you make the most of your gifts."

I could see the determination flicker in Max's eyes, a testament to his unyielding resolve.

I placed a reassuring hand on Max's shoulder and continued, "Max, it's been a long and arduous journey. You've earned a moment of respite. Take this time to reunite with your sister, and when you're ready, we'll begin training to harness your newfound powers. Remember, patience is key, and rushing into things could be perilous in your current state."

Max nodded in agreement, his exhaustion evident. The weight of his transformation and the immense potential he now possessed were undoubtedly taking their toll. With Emily waiting for him and a promising future ahead, Max had much to contemplate.

With a final nod, Max left the chamber, guided by the anticipation of reuniting with his sister. Akira, Arya and I exchanged glances, knowing that Max's journey had only just begun. 

There are challenges ahead, but with our guidance and his unwavering determination, Max is poised to become a formidable force in the supernatural world, a true COBRA -an entity that would strike fear into the hearts of those who threatened my People.

Hello Readers,

Sorry for the late release of chapter (,,>﹏<,,).

I had to re write this as I thought of including Randy cunnigham and Danny Phantom too.

Randy cunnigham, Danny Phantom and American Dragon: Jake Long along with Gravity Falls were the 4 shows that ruled my childhood, So I thought, why not include some of them.

( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )

Anyways, Happy Reading!!

Word count - 3565


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