

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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36 Chs

The First Meeting

In the hellish outskirts of the Neberius Clan's territory, I moved like a shadow, swift and silent. The chaos of the Underworld surrounded me, a nightmarish landscape that seemed to mirror the turmoil in my own heart.

In the distance, a lithe figure darted through the grotesque terrain, her petite form bearing the unmistakable traits of a cat: a swaying tail and those distinctive ears atop her head. Kuroka, the nekomata, and elder sister to my dear friend Koneko, was in a desperate race for survival.

A group of devils pursued her, their sinister laughter echoing through the oppressive air. They were armed with magical crossbows, and their aim was cruelly precise. They fired not to kill but to wound as if savoring the sadistic pleasure of this relentless chase.

There were roughly thirty devils in total, spanning from mid-class to peak. Their shots were expertly aimed, delivering injuries that kept Kuroka running, teetering on the edge of consciousness, but never quite pushing her over the precipice.

Seeing her fall as they pierced her tendons, I acted swiftly. Closing the distance with lightning speed, I arrived just in time to shield her from their malevolence. I cradled her within the protective embrace of my cloak, my eyes filled with deep affection as I whispered reassuringly, "Don't worry, I am here."

The devils, their sinister laughter silenced, now regarded me with a mixture of surprise and caution. One of the mid-class devils dared to question my identity.

"Who are you?" he demanded a glint of unease in his eyes.

I met his inquiry with an unwavering silence, my gaze cold and calculating as it shifted between the malevolent beings. They seemed to grow increasingly uncomfortable under my scrutiny.

However, my attention was momentarily diverted by the unusual magic-infused crossbows they wielded. These weapons were unlike any I had encountered before, sparking my concern and intrigue.

"What is the nature of those crossbows?" I finally spoke, my voice low and tinged with an air of authority.

The devil who had questioned me hesitated for a moment, his unease palpable. The others exchanged uncertain glances before one of them, a higher-ranking devil, stepped forward.

"These crossbows," he began, his tone cautious, "are imbued with unique crystals. They fire bolts with high accur-"

Before he could reveal more about the weapon mechanics, he was abruptly silenced by another mid-class devil

"Idiot! why would reveal the weapon mechanics" who berated him as an idiot for disclosing such details.

The devil who seemed to be the spokesperson continued, "Look, we don't know who you are, but we hail from powerful clans. Our mission is to capture Kuroka alive and bring her to justice for her crimes against the clan."

He then attempted to entice me, saying, "So, here's the deal. Hand her over, and you can walk away. We'll all pretend this never happened. You, on the other hand, might gain allies in the underworld, especially if you're new around here. Think of the benefits, perhaps we could have fun with women in the mortal realm, hehehe you get what I mean, right" another added with a lustful grin.

As the tempting offer hung in the air, Kuroka clutched my robes tighter, clearly conflicted. Gaining allies in this treacherous realm held great value, and making enemies of powerful clans was a dangerous path.

However, I scoffed at their proposal. While some might have readily accepted, I would rather let the world burn than sacrifice my people or my loved ones. I gently held Kuroka closer, reassuring her that I wouldn't yield to this offer. Under my breath, I muttered, "Akira," calling upon the shadows. "Kill them, kill them all," I commanded.

From the depths of the darkness, I heard Akira's response, "Hai, Goshujin-sama."

In an instant, the shadows came alive. Countless shadow ninjas materialized out of the inky blackness, drawing their gleaming blades with deadly precision. The devils barely had time to react as the shadows struck, their movements like a macabre dance of death.

The scene transformed from a tense negotiation to a brutal bloodbath in the blink of an eye.

The air filled with the sickening sound of flesh parting, and the devils found themselves impaled through their vitals.

This was no ordinary assault; it was a symphony of death. Blood erupted from their wounds in arcs as the shadow ninjas withdrew their blades, only to strike again in a merciless way.

Piercing screams of agony echoed through the nightmarish landscape, a cacophony of despair as the devils realized the horrifying reality of their impending demise. Those who attempted to resist were swiftly and effortlessly restrained, their struggles in vain as they were stabbed many times, again and again, until their body became cold.

The shadow ninjas, their skills rivaling that of high-class devils, showed no mercy. They toyed with their prey, prolonging the suffering with sadistic delight. It was not a battle; it was a massacre, a one-sided butchery that mirrored the cruel game the devils had inflicted upon Kuroka earlier.

As I observed the brutal spectacle unfolding before me, my thoughts drifted back to the peculiar events that had transpired when I first entered the Shadow Realm. It was a place shrouded in mystery, and on my arrival, I encountered a massive door adorned with intricate runes. Intrigued, I reached out to touch it, and in an instant, those enigmatic symbols blazed with blinding white light. The next thing I knew, I found myself in a vast, circular chamber resembling an altar.

Within this enigmatic chamber, nine imposing pillars lined the walls, each marked with the symbol of an Oni mask. But it was the central pillar that truly caught my attention. There, suspended amidst a flurry of drifting talismans, hung the ominous Tarakudo's Mask, the sovereign of the Shadowkhan. As I cautiously approached it, a sudden realization dawned upon me — this mask held immense power. It was the very essence of Tarakudo, the Oni King himself.

As my thoughts swirled in this revelation, I turned my gaze to the nine pillars, each adorned with the symbol of an Oni mask. To my astonishment, one of them bore a significant crack. It was the mask of Rairakku, the one from which I had absorbed power. The discovery left me both perplexed and intrigued.

Just then, I was taken aback when a Shadowkhan, unlike any I had encountered before, appeared before me. His eyes gleamed with an unusual white hue, a stark contrast to the usual crimson of his kin. This Shadowkhan was distinct, garbed in full ninja attire with dual blades resting on his back.

To my further surprise, he spoke, addressing me with a deep bow. "This humble servant greets the Lord."

I couldn't hide my astonishment. Shadowkhan were typically not known for their eloquence or individuality. Still, I swiftly regained my composure, understanding that as a lord, I should appear dignified before my subjects. "Rise," I commanded.

The Shadowkhan obeyed with a quick "Hai" and stood upright. Intrigued by this unexpected turn of events, I inquired, "How did you regain your consciousness?"

I asked with an I-understand-it-all look.

It was time for me to pull the 'Sasuga Ains-sama!!' move.

As expected of this Broken move, Seemingly he took my words at face value, he responded, "Yes, Master. As you are aware, I was trapped within this mask for centuries. Anyone who donned it could only harness a fraction of the true power of the Ninjakhan, as the mask was a construct of the Chi Wizards."

As he continued, I listened attentively. "As your Excellency is aware, those Chi Wizards implemented a fail-safe mechanism to prevent anyone from using the masks. However, your Master Plan, which involved absorbing the mask's power and breaking the Oni General's will, worked flawlessly. The seal was entirely shattered, and I, along with my kin, regained our full strength. I am deeply grateful to the Master for his benevolence."

Though I absorbed this information with an outward expression of all-knowing sagacity, inwardly, I couldn't help but think, 'NANI?!?!'

I proceeded with a solemn tone, "What will you do now?"

Regrettably, he replied, his voice heavy with sorrow, "While the Oni General enslaved us, his essence was the only thing preventing our dissolution into nothingness. With his demise, we are now free from mindless servitude but doomed to be consumed by the void."

After a moment of contemplation, I made an offer, extending my hand into my chest and retrieving a radiant orb. His reaction was immediate. "IS THIS...?!" He was astonished, his eyes wide with disbelief.

I confirmed, "Yes. I offer you a fragment of my soul to forge a soul bond. This bond shall shield you from the abyss, and you shall no longer be mere servants or slaves. I wish for you to be my retainers, to serve me in my Supreme Conquest. You will be the FIRST STRONG ARMY under my banner. Shadowkhan, do you accept this pact?"

My voice echoed in the chamber like an emperor's decree. Suddenly, the other eight pillars resonated, as if answering on behalf of their kin. The Shadowkhan before me fell to his knees and performed Dogeza, his response clear, "YES, MY LORD! WE, THE SHADOWKHAN, ACCEPT YOUR OFFER. WE SHALL SERVE AS YOUR LOYAL RETAINERS AND BECOME YOUR FIRST STRONG ARMY. WE SHALL FOLLOW YOU EVEN BEYOND THE VEIL OF DEATH!"

My heart swelled with delight, and I declared, "HAO! HAO! From this day forth, you shall be known as AKIRA, the COMMANDER of the SHADOW KHAN."

But there was one final gesture, one that solidified our connection. "And to protect me as MY SHADOW," I proclaimed, relinquishing my own shadow for him to assimilate as a reward for his unwavering loyalty.

"YES, MY LORD!" he fervently responded. Our destinies were now intertwined, bound by an unbreakable bond that would endure even beyond death itself.

Blood painted the hellish terrain in vivid, nightmarish strokes, pooling around the fallen devils as their life force drained away. Their once-arrogant expressions contorted into masks of agony and terror, serving as grim testaments to the ruthlessness of the shadows.

As lifeless bodies fell to the ground around us, Kuroka watched the unfolding chaos with wide eyes, her expression a mixture of shock and awe from her concealed position within the cloak. A chuckle escaped me as I observed her bewildered reaction. Yet, Akira's voice, emanating from my shadow, drew my attention back to the impending danger.

"Goshujin-sama, I sense a significant number of devils approaching," he warned.

"I see. Let's depart," I replied, making a swift decision. The Shadow Ninjas, like wisps of darkness, retreated into the shadows, leaving behind no trace. I sprinted toward the portal through which I had entered this realm, but Akira's voice halted me once more.

"Many devils are approaching from the direction of the portal, My Lord," he added.

Thinking on my feet, I decided to take a detour into the nearby town. It was a risky move, as powerful devils resided there, but I wagered that they wouldn't intervene, assuming this was merely a local criminal on the run. Their arrogance and the power of information were on my side.

With the grace of a phantom, I dashed into the city, seamlessly traversing from building to building. However, as I moved, I could hear Kuroka's faint whimpering from the concealed cloak. Her energy had depleted, and her wounds had reopened. I needed to heal her, and quickly. But the situation grew more dire as I sensed a group of soldiers closing in, mostly to investigate the commotion outside the city.

'Fuck!' I cursed inwardly.

"Ddraig, help me, partner. Show me the magic signatures of the people around me," I requested, relying on Ddraig's assistance to navigate a safe route while avoiding detection.

"Thought you'd never ask me, partner," Ddraig responded. My eyes transformed, pupils elongating into vertical slits, resembling those of a dragon. The whites of my eyes took on an ethereal glow, and my irises ignited with swirling amethyst and gold. This partial transformation granted me the keen sight of a dragon, a boon for navigating the treacherous situation.

With newfound clarity, I easily discerned the energy signatures around me. Five approached from the front, while three moved from the sides. Yet, what truly captured my attention was a Royal carriage, radiating a dominant energy signature accompanied by relatively two weaker ones. I recognized the nature of that energy.

Without hesitation, I concealed Kuroka within the cloak, morphed into my eclipse form, and leaped into the carriage, bypassing its protective runes with the aid of Ddraig and my shadow abilities. I landed gracefully between three occupants who appeared startled, to say the least.

The quickest to react was a young man who summoned a sword from thin air, positioning himself protectively in front of the two girls. "Akeno-san, protect Rias-sama," he instructed one of the girls, prompting her to summon a magic circle.

To their astonishment, they now had an uninvited guest in their midst—me. I had landed in the Gremory House's carriage, right before Rias, Akeno, and Kiba.

Rias, the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess, regarded me with calm curiosity, her demeanor belying the potent destruction energy building up within her. Kiba, who stood beside her, shared her astonishment. I took a moment to gently place Kuroka, still concealed, on a cushioned seat, with my hands extended, palms open and fingers relaxed, signaling I posed no threat.

It was then that the carriage's driver called out, voicing his concern. "Is everything alright there, miss?"

Rias answered, "Everything is fine, Mr. Kingsley. We were just having a heated argument. Let's not worry others, shall we now people?" she said but looked towards me at the last part

The driver accepted her explanation, focusing on the road ahead. I sighed in relief.

I quickly purchased a FULL RESTORE from the shop, deducting some points from my balance.

[5300 -----> 5200 POINTS]

Without hesitation, I gave the potion to Kuroka. She drank it eagerly, and the effects were almost immediate. Her wounds began to heal rapidly, a sigh of relief escaping me. Rias, ever perceptive, inquired about the nature of the potion.

"What's that potion? I'm not familiar with it. The rapid recovery looks similar to Phenex's tears, but it's not that, is it?" She stood beside me, with Kiba beside her.

Before I could respond, Akeno chimed in, "Yes, Rias, It's not Phenex's tears nor it is a high-level spell to my knowledge" Akeno chimed in, taking her place on the other side of me. I was now surrounded by both Rias and Akeno on each of the sides. They looked at the instant healing of kuroka with great interest even though they could not see who was behind the cloak, it didn't bother them.

In response to their question, I chose my words carefully, revealing little. "Yes, it's neither from the House of Phenex nor a high-level spell. It's something entirely different," I replied cryptically, leaving them intrigued. "OOHH!" the 3 of them replied.

As the devil soldiers retreated, Ddraig informed me, ~Partner, the devil soldiers have left. It's our best chance to escape without attracting further attention.~

Just as Rias was about to ask another question, I expressed my gratitude. "Thank you, Rias Gremory, for sheltering us to tend to her wounds, even if it was for a brief moment. Your kindness won't be forgotten," I said sincerely. It was a small gesture, but I addressed her by her full name instead of her titles or lineage, acknowledging her desire to be seen for who she was rather than her background.

With a serene smile, she asked, "Are you leaving already? I won't inquire about your name, but may I know if we will meet again?"

I approached them gracefully, taking Rias' hand and briefly kissing it. "Lady Rias." Then, I repeated the gesture with Akeno, "Lady Akeno." who giggled with delight and said "Such a Gentleman".

Finally, I turned to Kiba, who flinched for a moment, thinking he might be next. Instead, I nodded in respect and addressed him, "Sir Kiba."

"It's Eclipse. You may call me Eclipse," I declared, my response cryptic yet inviting. After a moment's pause, I continued, "We shall meet again soon, Lady Rias." With a cultivator's greeting, a palm salute like a real cultivator, making my sect leader and elders proud.

Anyways jokes aside, I turned to kuroka safely picking her up. I took my leave, shrouding myself and Kuroka in shadows before darting away through the same way I entered, leaving them in awe and surprise.

Hello Readers,

Hope you enjoyed the brief interaction with Rias and her current peerage. We will know more about her and her thoughts later. For now I hope your enjoying the story. Anyways Onto the next Chapter. See ya there.

word count - 2769


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