

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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36 Chs

The Dragon and The Monkey

As I listened to Sun Wukong's explanations, we reached a magnificent mansion. He opened the door, and we entered one of the opulent living rooms. Just as I stepped inside, a lithe figure pounced on me, wrapping her arms around me and purring softly on my shoulder. It was Kuroka, and her concern for my sudden disappearance was evident.

"Welcome back, nya~," she greeted, her voice filled with both relief and affection.

"I'm sorry to have made you worry, Kuroka," I said softly, my fingers gently running through her long, raven hair. She responded with a contented "umu," seemingly satisfied with my return.

Kuroka moved to stand beside me, her arm wrapped around mine, displaying her possessiveness. On the other hand, Arya rushed toward me, his concern palpable.

"Grey, are you alright?" he asked, his eyes filled with genuine worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured him, offering a reassuring smile. "The trials were challenging, but I managed to overcome them."

With the team back together and my newfound mentor by my side, it was time to begin the next phase of my journey. Sun Wukong had agreed to be my guide in mastering the ancient arts of cultivation, and I was eager to get started.

And so, the night arrived. I had spoken with Sifu about Arya and Kuroka. He granted Arya access to the Jade Pillar Alchemy Pavilion to gain new insights into alchemy and magic. As for Kuroka, he allowed her to enter the Celestial Ascension Pagoda, a nine-floor pagoda housing a wealth of knowledge on martial arts, techniques, sage arts, and youjutsu. However, he imposed a condition on Kuroka: once she entered a floor, she couldn't leave until she had read all the books on that floor and correctly answered the questions posed by the door leading to the next level. The first condition was to increase the challenge, while the second was to ensure a solid understanding of the basics before progressing to higher levels of knowledge.

"Come to bed, nya~," a sweet voice beckoned me. I turned to see Kuroka lying on the bed, patting the space beside her, looking sleepy. "Grey~, I wanna cuddle. Let's sleep together~," she said in a way that made it impossible for me to refuse, not that I wanted to.

With a quick movement, I joined her on the bed. "Sounds good, little cat," I said, unconsciously tapping her small nose, which earned her a giggle. We both lay down, wrapping her arms around me. It felt good to have someone to care for me, I thought as I drifted off to sleep, holding my sweet little cat.

As morning arrived, we both woke up and freshened up. I made my way to Sifu's living room, pondering the decision that Ddraig and I had made yesterday.

~Are you sure about this, partner? I may have great knowledge of combat and magic but matters like these, I don't have much experience with,~ Ddraig asked me one final time, as we both understood that there would be no turning back after this.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," I replied. "I trust my Sifu completely. The master-disciple relationship is sacred and respected, especially among the older generation. I believe that my master can help me develop my abilities much faster than I could on my own."

~Alright, I'll rely on you for these matters from now on, he said to me with great confidence.~

With that, I opened the door to a spacious hall with many seats waiting for meetings. Not far away, I spotted my master, sitting in a chair with his head resting on his fist, leaning to one side, eyes closed.

I approached him and began preparing tea with the items neatly arranged on a small table nearby. How did I know to do this?

Back on Earth, I was a fanatic for Wuxia and Xianxia dramas. They were one of the few things that helped me escape from the shitty life I led. So, I spent some time learning the Chinese tea ceremony.

Though I wasn't nearly as skilled as other cultivators, I could manage, I believe. It was time to warm up the tea, and I ignited my soul flames to generate heat. That's when I heard my master's calm voice, "Disciple, use your soul force to gather the elemental fire in the air instead of igniting the soul energy.

I immediately grasped his meaning and employed my soul force to sense and collect the elemental fire around me, concentrating a small amount in my palm. Thanks to my passive ability, 5-ELEMENTAL AMPLIFICATION, even a small amount of my elemental fire was potent and robust.

"Not bad, kid, not bad," he suddenly remarked, surprising me.

I smiled as I finished preparing the tea. "Sifu, please," I offered him the tea. He finally opened his eyes, took the tea, and savored its aroma before taking a sip.

"It's good," he remarked with approval. "Don't worry. By the time we finish your training, you'll excel in all six arts, Liu Yi," he said with a grin.

"Xièxiè, Sifu," I replied with joy. "Let's begin your training, shall we?" he asked, standing up.

"Sifu," I began, my voice measured, "there's something important I need to discuss with you."

He regarded me with curiosity. "Oh, what is it?"

I hesitated, struggling to find the right words. Sensing my unease, he offered a solution. "Wait, let's find a safer place to talk," he suggested, placing his hand on my shoulder. In an instant, the scenery shifted, and we found ourselves beneath a colossal ancient peach tree. It was grander and more majestic than any I had ever seen.

"You might be wondering if this is the same tree you saw before," he noted with a knowing smile, "but no, that one was merely an illusion. This is the genuine one. It can shield us from prying eyes unless someone actively attempts to breach the barrier, and if they do, I'll know. We're safe here."

I nodded and decided to show rather than tell. Raising my left hand, it emitted a brilliant crimson light. As the radiance subsided, my hand had transformed into a red, claw-shaped gauntlet adorned with yellow accents and green inscriptions. And then came the iconic announcement that always thrilled me.


Sun Wukong's eyes widened in astonishment. The sheer shock on his face was priceless. After a moment, he erupted into maniacal laughter, a hearty sound that echoed through the serene surroundings.

"HA HAHAHAHA HA HAHAHAHAHA!" He couldn't contain himself for a while. Finally, his laughter subsided. "Haha... Damn, kid. I never expected this. I can't believe my disciple is the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation. No wonder you exuded that dragon aura when you first entered the mountain."

He turned to me with a grin, addressing my partner. "Hey, Ddraig, do you remember me?"

~Of course, I do, Monkey King. I'm delighted to see you again, and I'm grateful that you've taken my partner as your disciple. The last time I saw you, you were rampaging through the heaven.~

"Hehehe. Those were the good old days of my youth," Sun Wukong replied with a touch of nostalgia. "So, let me guess. You want me to help my disciple with something particular?"

~Yes, he can access my powers, but it should be within his physical limits. We need your assistance in expanding those limits.~

"Hmm, that makes sense. How would you like to proceed with this training?" Sun Wukong inquired, looking at me for input.

"Well, Sifu," I explained, "I'm currently in the process of refining my body to that of a dragon so that I can maximize my power when using the Boosted Gear."

"Alright, let me check your progress," he said, taking my hand and using his qi to assess my condition. After a brief examination, he nodded approvingly.

"Good, good. You've completed body tempering and flesh refining and reached the Core Formation Realm. Very well, first, we'll refine your entire body into that of a dragon. This will not only assist Ddraig's training methods but also enable me to teach you higher-level martial arts, which would be impossible for ordinary cultivators at your current realm."

~That sounds excellent.~ "Yes, Sifu." We both agreed.

"Let's begin, then," he declared.

During those six months of intensive training, I felt my body transform day by day. Under Sun Wukong's guidance, I practiced the ancient arts of body refinement and transformation, learning to harness and emulate the strength of dragons. It was no easy task, but I was determined to persevere.

One day, as we sat in the shade of the ancient peach tree, I couldn't help but voice a question that had been nagging at me. "Sifu, I've noticed that despite the progress I've made, there seems to be a limit to how far I can refine my body using these techniques. Is there a way to surpass this limit?"

Sun Wukong, his eyes scanning the distant horizon, nodded slowly. "You're perceptive, young one. Yes, there is indeed a limit to what these techniques can achieve. To go beyond that, you'll need to tread a more treacherous path."

Intrigued and determined, I pressed for more information. "What path is that, Sifu?"

He turned his gaze back to me, his expression serious. "The Immortal Refining Cauldron," he stated. "It's a mystical artifact that can further refine your body to the level of a dragon. But be warned, it's not without its risks."

I nodded, my curiosity burning brighter. "What kind of risks, Sifu?"

Sun Wukong leaned closer, his eyes locking onto mine. "The Immortal Refining Cauldron is a crucible of intense heat and power. It will subject you to trials that will test your very limits. Your body, your spirit, and your willpower will be pushed to their boundaries. If you falter, the consequences could be dire."

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenges ahead. "I understand, Sifu. I'm willing to take that risk to become stronger."

Sun Wukong grinned, a glint of approval in his eyes. "That's the spirit, my disciple. But remember, the cauldron is not the end of your journey. Even after you've emerged from it, your body can continue to evolve."

"How so?" I asked, eager to absorb every piece of wisdom he had to offer.

"By tempering it with different and more powerful types of fires," he replied. "Each fire will bring forth new qualities and strengths within you. But beware, this path is fraught with danger. Only those with unwavering determination can walk it."

The night before the cauldron refinement,

I stood in the courtyard, gazing at the radiant full moon in the tranquil sky. A deep sigh escaped my lips. "Haa..." I sighed deeply, lamenting the fact that I wouldn't be able to see Kuroka before the big day. Our schedules were so packed and divergent that our meetings had become rare. But when we did manage to steal a moment together, we held each other tightly throughout the night. We didn't need words; our feelings for each other spoke a thousand.

"Don't worry, Grey. Don't worry," I whispered to myself. "You still have plenty of time to be with her later. Right now, you should focus on improving. We have many beautiful nights ahead to spend together."

The time had come to begin recruiting for my meticulously crafted projects, shrouded in the highest secrecy, known only to me, Akira, and Ddraig. That night, I reached out to Akira, and together, we entered the shadow realm for utmost privacy.

"Akira, I need your assistance," I began.

He looked at me with curiosity. "What is it, master?"

I handed him a set of documents, intricately inscribed on soul sheets. "This is my first completed project," I explained. "It's classified, and only those connected to me by soul can access it."

Akira took the documents and started to read, his expression shifting from curiosity to sheer amazement. "This... This is remarkable!"

After he finished reading, I continued, "I want you to take charge of this project. Your mission is to find the perfect candidate and train them extensively in the arts of infiltration, reconnaissance, and assassination."

"This individual would essentially become a ghost, officially non-existent, with all of their records erased. They would report solely to me. They will be a Covert Operative for Breach Reconnaissance and Assassination."

"Code-named as -Project C.O.B.R.A- " I said.

"I'll give you two years for this mission. Take twelve of our best shadow ninjas with you." I gave him the orders.

"Hai, Goshujin-sama," he replied with determination. "But master, I am worried about your safety." He showed his concern.

"Nobody would dare to touch me here in the Sifu's realm, but you're right; one cannot let his guard down," I said and turned toward the remaining Oni Masks, still sealed and waiting to be released.

I opened the <shop> and searched for the remaining Oni Masks.






I bought them immediately.



In my hand appeared a yellow-colored mask and a green-colored mask. Akira became excited as he guessed my intentions. I immediately fused them both with my soul. With their wills erased and powers absorbed, the seals on both of the pillars broke with a LOUD BANG.

In a moment's time, towering shadow ninjas appeared before me. They looked intimidating, standing nearly 9 feet tall with a massive, sumo-like build. They could easily crush someone with one hand.

Even before I could utter a word, darkness enveloped the dome, and from it emerged beings with huge bat-like wings. They had three sharp fingers on each hand and one glowing red eye.

They were the Bat Khans, and they landed beside the Sumo Khans. All of them knelt on one knee and greeted me in unison. "We thank the Master for setting us free. We are grateful to serve you."

"Good. Rise," I said. "Akira, now with these, form a team of 12 and depart for your mission," I instructed him. "The rest shall stay with me as my guards."

"I expect great results from you, Akira,"

"Yes, My Lord I will not disappoint you. I shall leave right away," he said immediately and formed a group of 12. With that, they bowed and left, in search of a worthy candidate.

With my plans for the future set in motion, I returned to the garden and resumed my moon gazing, appreciating the serene night.

And the Plot thickens. We are reaching the First Dimensional travel. So stay tuned, and hope to see you in the next one.

word count - 2437


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