

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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42 Chs

Heart of a Girl


WARNING: Very slight Nudity. Read at your own comfortably.


POV Start:

I heard faint noises, which grew louder and louder until my vision cleared, and I found myself among the crowd. I recognized this setting immediately, and a deep sense of foreboding settled in my heart.

My gaze fell upon a woman in ragged robes, restrained on a high platform. Her head was covered by a black cloth, and she knelt in front of a crowd that was cheering and throwing rocks at her. They called her many names and berated her, shouting with joy, claiming she deserved this fate. 

But as soon as the restraints clanked, the crowd fell silent. Fear was evident in their hearts as they took shallow, trembling breaths. Those who had previously been overjoyed were now rooted to the ground, without a single word escaping their lips. 

All it took was the clank of the chains binding the woman to send shivers down their spines. This was the sheer terror she instilled in the people gathered there. If it had been before, they wouldn't have had the courage to raise their heads in front of her. 

But now, they believed they could, only to be struck by the fear they had momentarily forgotten in their happiness.

I stopped paying attention to the crowd and focused solely on her. My heart trembled with sadness as I listened to the minister, holding a golden scroll in his hand, as he read out the contents.

"The Emperor of Gritonia and the Queen of Gritonia, after a thorough investigation," he announced, 

"have reached a verdict. As of this moment, Isabella Front Gritonia, the former Heavenly Valkyrie and the first daughter of the late Empress Lilian Front Gritonia, has been charged with conspiring against the Emperor and the throne. 

She is accused of using her military influence to incite rebellion among the loyal citizens of Gritonia at the borders. For these crimes, she will be executed at noon today. 

Furthermore, all her accomplishments and property under her name will be nullified by the court of justice, effective immediately."

"Men! Raise your spears!" He commanded, signaling the executioners to prepare for the strike. Two of them, one on each side, aimed their spears at her.

"Strike!" He ordered with a gesture of his hand.


I gasped for breath, my eyes snapping open. I found myself in my room, drenched in cold sweat, and my heart racing as I sat up on the bed.

"Lily, are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice, concern lacing the words.

"Yes, Guine, I am alright. It's just the..." I began, knowing she would understand.

"That nightmare again, wasn't it?" Guine finished my sentence, her empathy evident.

"Yeah... Anyway, is everything ready?" I shifted my focus away from the haunting memories.

"Yes, Princess, everything is proceeding according to plan. According to the calculations, we can finally bring this all to a close tomorrow," she replied with a serious, professional tone.

"Very well, and thank you for your unwavering support all this time, Guinevere. I don't know how I could have made it this far without you," I expressed my gratitude.

Guinevere Shlesha, the Royal Guard of the Empire, but more importantly, my childhood friend and confidant. If it was her, I could place my trust without hesitation. We had crossed paths when she came to study under my elder sister, who was the only one to pass the exam my sister had set.

Since then, we have become incredibly close. If my sister was like a doting mother, Guinevere was the big sister who scolded and corrected me when I was in the wrong or up to no good.

Even after my sister's untimely death, Guinevere remained by my side as my unwavering support and protector, shielding me from my enemies. When I had asked her to leave and stop putting herself in danger by associating with me, she responded with unwavering determination, vowing to follow and protect me until her last breath and do whatever it took to stay by my side.

"Hey, I think we promised 'no thank yous' between friends, right? Now, stop being emotional and get ready. We have a long day of work ahead," she gave me a reassuring smile before heading out.

"Okay~ Guine, wait! Did you manage to dig up any information about the stable boy I asked you to investigate?" I halted Guine as I recollected my request to look into a stable boy who had been working here for the past three months.

"The guy with two different colored eyes? Yeah, I delved into his background, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. He's a regular young man who was born in a village at the border. He lost his family when demons raided the village and subsequently moved to the capital in search of work.

He underwent assessments for magical affinity and physical strength, but both results turned out negative. Frankly, there's no dirt or any unusual sign on him. Why are you so fixated on him?" She inquired.

"I... I don't know. It's just that something doesn't feel right with him. Everything about him seems... normal. No, it's way too normal. I have this gut feeling that things aren't as they appear," I admitted.

"Huu~, Lily, I think you're just getting anxious about tomorrow, and it's making you paranoid. Just try to relax, okay? Besides, I've assigned assassins and spies to continuously surveil him for you," Guine assured me, which did ease my mind.

"Also, don't forget to visit Yuki, and Mora, who's insisting on taming a dragon. Good luck with that," Guine waved with a sly smile and exited the room.

"Well, I suppose it's the price of having followers," I reflected on the situation and then got up to freshen up for the day.

End of POV: Lily Gritonia.

Hidden base, Luinas City, Capital of Gritonia Empire,

Things were progressing smoothly. The attack on Stella Fort had begun last night, and by noon, we should receive news about it from Sofia.

Deep in thought, I was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a crystal ringing.




I immediately retrieved the crystal and activated it, only to be greeted by a chaotic scene.

"Hey, you there! Stop slacking off and put some energy into it!... And you, yes, YOU! What are you staring at? Go and call the cleanup crew. I want this place cleaned up before we leave, and don't forget to bury them with honor."

"Commander, the crystal is on and connected..."

"Huh?" She hastily adjusted her disheveled hair, though it was already stained with blood.

"Hi, Darling~ I just called to inform you that Stella Fort is under our control. Everything went according to the plan," she said cheerfully.

"Good work, Sofia. Let's proceed with the next part. Leave some of your men stationed at the fort and march south. If everything goes well, you'll meet the combined forces of the northern Gritonia forts in two days.

But according to my estimates, they should already be surrounded by Io and Reft by that time," I explained briefly, reiterating the plan.

"And, Sofia, be safe. Let's meet again in the capital in three days," I said with a concerned smile.

"Yes, darling~ I'll be. See you in three days. Mwah!" With a loving kiss, she ended the call.

With that, I stepped outside the room to meet Io and Reft.

"Io, Reft, Stella Fort has fallen. It's time for you two to make your move. As we discussed, march north and seize all the forts until you meet up with Sofia's division. Coordinate with her using the crystal and aim to complete this with minimal casualties," I instructed.

"Yes, my king, understood," they replied with a bow before rushing out to begin their march.

The second phase of the plan had been set in motion, and it was only a matter of time before the North would fall. My first conquest was within reach.

'Damn! I am excited but nervous at the same time!!' I thought to myself.

It was a serene night in the capital, with the almost full moon casting a bright glow over the city's residents. The peaceful streets were empty as I walked, searching for a specific place.

'Rona said it should be around here... Ah, there it is,' I thought as I spotted the modest sign hanging above a relatively large building compared to its neighbors.

"The Royal Oak Tavern," the sign read.

Ddraig, couldn't resist commenting, 

~Don't bother, partner. You can never get drunk with these types of drinks. They're nothing compared to what can make a dragon actually feel something.

I responded, "Hey, at least I can enjoy the taste, right?"

Ddraig chuckled in response, clearly amused by my determination.

Entering the tavern, I found it lively, with patrons having a good time and enjoying themselves. I made my way to the bar and ordered some shots to start with.

"Let's see if these live up to the taste," I mused to myself.

It was just past midnight, and the tavern had cleared out, leaving only a mysterious figure beside the bartender and me. The hooded person sat at the far end of the table, with five empty shot glasses in front of them.

The telltale signs were clear – this individual wasn't drowning in alcohol but in their grief.

Driven by curiosity, I stood up and cautiously walked over. "May I?" I asked in a hushed tone, gesturing to the empty seat beside her. She responded with a subtle nod.

I broke the silence, "I've heard it's unusual for someone to be here at this time of night." Most people in this city were asleep before midnight, and it wasn't customary to be awake at this late hour.

A soft, feminine voice replied, "I could say the same about you."

I was taken aback by the response; the mysterious figure was indeed a woman. I acknowledged, "Well, I can't deny that, now, can I?" We fell into a cold silence, sitting there without exchanging another word.

After a while, she proposed a challenge, breaking the heavy silence that had enveloped us. "Let's make this interesting," she suggested, her voice carrying a hint of desperation. 

"Each of us will take a shot, and then we ask a question to the other. If someone fails to answer or ask a question after drinking, they lose and have to pay the tab for both. 

To make it even more interesting, if I lose, I'll date you."

Hearing this rather absurd challenge with its peculiar terms, I hesitated, my better judgment warning me to decline. It was clear that the alcohol had already taken its toll on her decision-making process. 

"Miss, I think you are not thinking straig-"

I started to voice my refusal, but she swiftly cut me off, keeping her finger on my lips and her voice tinged with defiance.

"shh...shhhh...shhh! If you're man enough, you'll accept," she dared me, her eyes gleaming with a strange mix of resolve and vulnerability.

Reluctantly, I accepted the challenge. The shots were served, and we began to play. The initial questions were light-hearted, playful, and intriguing.

She went first, her question accompanied by a playful grin. "Tell me, what's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?"

I chuckled, recalling a rather amusing incident from my past. "Well, I once tripped and fell in front of a crowd during an important ceremony. It was quite the spectacle."

Her laughter was infectious, and for a moment, it felt as if we were just two strangers sharing stories in a tavern. "Your turn," she said, raising her shot glass.

I considered my question carefully. "If you could have one thing in this World; wealth, fame, power, or anything you wish. What would that be?"

Her eyes sparkled with a sense of dream. "I'd love to see my sister, again. How about you?" her voice wavered for a moment.

I leaned in, my curiosity piqued by the vulnerability in her voice. "If I could have one thing, it would be to find the answers to the questions that have haunted me for so long."

As I spoke, I could see a mixture of longing and melancholy in her eyes, mirroring the emotions that lay hidden in my own heart.

The questions continued, revealing our interests, dreams, and even our quirks. It was a refreshing diversion from the sorrows that had initially weighed us down.

But as the alcohol continued to course through her veins, its effects became evident. She began to lose her composure, and her demeanor shifted from playful to somber.

Her words were slurred, but the intensity of her emotions was palpable.

It was clear that she had reached a point where she couldn't hold back her grief any longer. She began to open up, her words carrying the weight of her past. Her gestures and body language painted a vivid picture of her pain, making it evident that her tale was deeply personal.

"Tell me," she slurred, her eyes filled with a haunted expression, "Did you ever have to fight for something you loved with all your heart, only to have it ripped away from you?"

Her words hung in the air, heavy with emotion. I felt a pang of empathy, sensing that she was about to reveal something profound. 

I nodded slowly, my past flooding back into my thoughts. "I Did," I replied, my voice tinged with sadness. "It's like holding onto sand; the harder you grip, the faster it slips away."

She chuckled, a bittersweet sound, and continued, "Sometimes, you fight so hard that you lose yourself in the process. You make sacrifices, even give up your own identity, all for the sake of vengeance."

Her voice quivered, and I could sense the pain behind her words. The picture she painted was of someone who had been through the depths of despair.

Her gaze met mine, and for a moment, our eyes locked in shared understanding.

I asked softly, "What happened to make you fight so relentlessly?"

She hesitated for a moment, breaking the eye contact, and then began to speak, her voice tinged with sorrow.

I watched as she struggled to hold back tears, the emotions welling up in her eyes. It was as if she were reliving the pain of her past. 

Her voice quivered, and she went on, "My older sister... she was the one I looked up to."

"I was born to a loving mother who passed away when I was just a child. I had an older sister. She was a fighter, strong, and fiercely protective of me. But her strength became her downfall."

Lily's eyes were distant, lost in the painful memories. I could feel her grief, but she continued, "My sister was framed, and accused of crimes she didn't commit. They executed her, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. My world crumbled that day, and I realized that the kingdom I was supposed to love was a cruel and unjust place."

She continued, her voice laced with a newfound resolve, "So, I decided to play their game, to become someone they wouldn't suspect. I worked in the shadows, manipulating the nobles and the powerhouses, gaining control bit by bit."

As her words spilled out, her once vulnerable eyes grew colder, and she gripped her glass tighter and tighter. Her knuckles whitened as she confessed, "I'll make them pay... Every single one of them will pay for what they did to my sister. Even if it means I have to become a different person, I'll make sure of it." she said as The tension in the air grew thicker.


Suddenly, there was a sharp, resonating sound as the glass in her hand shattered, fragments scattering across the table. She looked at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and doubt.

In that intense moment, she asked silently, "Was I wrong?"

I gazed into her eyes with a solemn expression and replied, "No, you're not wrong. You did what you had to do."

Gently, I took her bleeding hand and carefully removed the glass pieces piercing her delicate skin. As I worked, I continued, "Not many would have the courage to face their fears, but you did. You adapted and did everything in your power to conquer it."

After removing the pieces, I began to heal her hand, "If I'm honest, I envy your strength. If only I had it before I—" I trailed off, feeling the weight of my unspoken regrets.

Before I could finish my sentence, her head rested on my shoulder. I glanced at her, seeing her fall into peaceful slumber without a care in the world. As I admired her serene and calm face, she slowly opened her eyes.

They now reflected gentleness and self-acceptance, devoid of the doubt and fear that had plagued her before.

She softly whispered, "Thank you," a quiet acknowledgment of the inner peace she had found with my help.

I held her closer for support, then glanced at the space behind us near the table. "You might want to take her home," I suggested. The light in that area contracted slightly, revealing a figure.

The woman was clad in advanced knight's armor. She approached me. "Sorry for the inconvenience. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, good sir," she apologized.

"No need to apologize. You were just doing your duty," I replied, noticing the Royal Guard insignia on her armor. She nodded with a smile and carefully took hold of the sleeping woman.

"Mr...?" She called out, searching for my name.

"Grey. Just Grey," I supplied.

"Yes, Mr. Grey. Since you're friends with Miss, I request you to leave the city by the break of dawn. Things in the capital are going to get messy," she warned, before walking away after paying the tab.

With that, I left the bar and walked in the opposite direction of where they went.

~So, partner, how were the drinks? Did you enjoy them?

Ddraig asked, trying very hard to control his laughter.

"Drinks? What drinks? I felt nothing. It was as if I was gulping down flavored water, for God's sake!" I replied in frustration.

~HAHAHAHA... Haven't I told you? You should believe me in this kind of stuff, partner. I've been around for eons, and I've seen many things, you know,

he said, continuing to laugh and tease, a sweet and innocent little dragon like me.

~Anyways, this is far enough. You can safely morph. You want to follow them, don't you?~

"Ddraig, oh Ddraig, in this short time, you've gotten to know me very well. Yes, I am interested in the person the Royal Guard was following. I think I can make a fair guess who that is," I replied. I morphed into my Eclipse form and disappeared into the shadows.

I followed them slowly into a large castle. 'As I thought, she is Lily, the second princess of Gritonia, the so-called evil sociopath that the OG story has shown us about.'

'She lives up to her reputation as a ruthless, cold, and calculating princess who, according to what I remember, is hell-bent on destroying the world or something along those lines.'

'If it wasn't for our chance encounter this night, I would have never known the detailed backstory, and I'm afraid I would have killed her when I visited the castle.'

'This world, again and again, keeps reminding me that it's reality, where everyone and everything has two sides to the story. It's not like the anime, manga, or light novels, where they show it from only one perspective.'

'From Ava, the goddess who is supposed to be the main antagonist – cruel, egotistical, and arrogant – to demons, Sofia, and now Lily, they're all cunning and manipulative individuals who are often portrayed as pure evil.

But all of them have layers, complex characters, motives, and backstories that I never knew until I came here,' I pondered. 

I made a promise to myself not to pre-judge anyone, well for most I still want to erase some people from existence.

I slowly extended my divine sense throughout the castle, searching for her room to confirm her presence.

But what I discovered bewildered me and left me in a state of shock.

Splat~ Splat~ Splat~

"Ahh...Uhm...y-Yess...don't s-stop MASTER!!~~

Uh~ Ahh~~


I just witnessed something I expected the least to encounter here. I Saw a Young Man Mounting a mature and voluptuous woman, vigorously thrusting his meat rod in her like a beast in heat.

She called him master and was very submissive with her eyes rolling above and a protruding tongue.

The young man lay beside her and spoke, "Don't worry. You'll be my Royal Cum Dump after tomorrow, and after that, every woman in this castle, the city, and the world will spread their legs for me," he said with a deranged expression as his face contorted with disgusting depravity.

"Especially, that Bitch Lily and her lap dog Guinevere, they are always on my tail, and for some reason, My Charm can't affect either of them"

"But on the Bright Side, I used all of my time and energy to have your 'Love' which is worth the effort. And After tomorrow it's only a matter of time before she 'Breaks' under my continuous physical and mental violation in the dungeon, hehehe" He said as he indulged in his twisted fantasy.

'It's Him..!!' I recognized him immediately, he was Tomoki Iwahashi, one of the Heroes summoned to this World. The User of Charm Magic possesses a special type of magic eyes that lets him mind control people by charming them, although it has to be done many times on a single person to completely break their will and mold it according to the caster due to the current level of it.

It was With this Power he mind-controlled all the women in the Empire, adding them to his 'harem' and impregnating them with his children.


The effects of his eyes cause women to even willing to die for him almost like a cult, no matter the position, profession, or even age.

According to me, He is the True definition of Evil, who needs to be purged with fire.

When I heard his plan, I lost my composure, as if a primitive instinct had triggered inside me. I was about to launch myself towards the room, but Ddraig's voice interrupted me, pulling me back to my senses.

~Relax, partner. I understand how you feel, but this is not the place nor the time to act on it.

"I...I just felt this intense rage burst inside me, and the next thing I knew, I heard your voice. I'm sorry, Ddraig, for losing control," I apologized, genuinely puzzled by my reaction.

~Don't worry about it for now. We will discuss this afterward.

~But, on the contrary, if you notice, he said he used all his power and time on the Queen. That means he could not fully control the rest yet. So, we still have time to save them.

"Yes, of course. We still have time to save them all," I felt relieved, and grateful for Ddraig's level-headedness.

"Partner, if you want to take your mind off it, you might be interested in what I've found," Ddraig said with a mischievous grin.

~There is a faint amount of Qi leaking from the ground just below the tree beside us. Can you feel it?

Listening to his claims, I focused on that area and felt it.

"Even though it's weak, the quality of it is very high... that could mean only one thing..."

~Yes, it's the breath of a strong being, but judging by how weak the Qi is, it must be dying. It doesn't have much time, and I'm afraid it won't make it by dawn.

"Damn, then I must hurry. If I can recruit it, my army will have a new powerhouse," I said with excitement. I extended my divine sense into the ground to search the whole area, probing deep beneath the earth.

"It looks like a maze, no more like a dungeon of sorts... Oh, I found the entrance!" After scanning for the entrance, I quickly approached a hidden entrance situated two miles behind the castle.

It was guarded by two soldiers who looked like seasoned veterans of war, unlike the regular city guards.

I sneaked past them, blending into the shadows, and finally entered the dungeon.

As I stepped into the dungeon, I felt a strong surge of Qi passing through me.

"THIS...!! This is the strongest Qi I've felt since coming to this world, even stronger than Zeff by a large margin."

It made me realize that whatever was chained up down there was the most powerful entity I had encountered in this world.

Rivaling the Gods themselves.

And the Plot thickens....

As always, see you on the next one.

word count- 4157


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