

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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Arya: The Sorcery's Outcast

Arya's POV :

The room was my sanctuary, a place of both refuge and relentless pursuit. Every corner bore the marks of my unyielding quest for understanding, a journey I had embarked on after being denied my inheritance, my legacy. My parents, Eleanor "Ellie" Thompson, and Arjun Sharma, were formidable mages in their own right, revered in the Wizard of Oz community for their magical prowess. My mother's power had been on the rise, and my father was a mystic arts user of exceptional skill.

But their tragic deaths shattered my dreams and left me yearning to continue their legacy. Fate, however, had other plans. I was denied entry into both magical traditions, branded as having a low affinity towards magic or mystic arts. They saw me as a waste of resources, incapable of mastering their arts. To add insult to injury, they demanded that I surrender all the research work my parents had accumulated over the years. It was a harsh blow, one that ignited a smoldering anger within me, but I was powerless to resist. Even a low-class mage could easily overpower me with a spell.

That night, at the tender age of twelve, I packed only the essentials, items that held sentimental value from my parent's life, and fled the place I had once called home. For the next three years, I became a nomad, seeking shelter in churches, temples, and NGOs, anywhere that could provide me with a place to sleep and a meal to eat.

After a lengthy and arduous journey, I stumbled upon a small abandoned cottage nestled in the hills of Uttarakhand. It became my haven, a place where I could continue my research. By the age of fifteen, I was deeply engrossed in my work, dedicating two years of my life to studying the mysteries of magic and mystic arts. I penned countless theories, challenging conventional wisdom, and proposing a unified theory of magic that transcended the boundaries of Western and Eastern magic. To the uninitiated, my work might appear as the ramblings of a desperate individual seeking recognition. But I persevered, driven by the belief that someday, someone would see the value in my research and recognize that I was not a failure, nor a disgrace to my parents.

My research continued unabated until one fateful day when a cloaked figure, shrouded in darkness, breached the sanctity of my cottage. I couldn't help but fear that my pursuit of unconventional magic had inadvertently drawn the attention of a powerful and malevolent entity.

As the cloaked figure approached me, my heart raced, and I couldn't help but be both curious and cautious. I tried to steady my voice as they asked, "Who are you? And why were you observing the tree?"

Startled by their presence, a mix of surprise and fear crossed my face. "Oh, I didn't expect anyone to be here," I replied cautiously. "I'm Arya Mystvale. And you are?"

Intrigued, I observed the cloaked figure before me. "Names are transient, easily carried away by the winds of change," they responded cryptically. "You may call me Eclipse."

I regarded Eclipse with a curious yet cautious expression. "Eclipse," I repeated as if testing the name.

As the mysterious cloaked figure, Eclipse revealed a hint of their form, their words and presence intrigued me. They asked about my unconventional magical pursuits and the tree's unique mana flow. We discussed the risks and potential of such unconventional magic, with Eclipse sharing their experiences from other realms.

Their mention of "Cursed Energy" from other dimensions piqued my curiosity, and I eagerly inquired about their journeys. Eclipse's response hinted at their vast knowledge and experiences.

In a surprising turn, Eclipse presented me with the 'Dark Scripture,' a forbidden grimoire containing spells to counteract.

My eyes widened with awe as I gazed at the tome, barely believing what was before me. "The Dark Scripture?" I whispered in disbelief.

Eclipse gave a small nod. "Indeed, a fragment of that expansive multiverse. May it aid you in your quest for unconventional magic."

I reached out, hesitantly taking the grimoire with reverence. "Thank you, Eclipse," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "I won't forget this generosity."

With a final enigmatic smile, Eclipse gradually withdrew into the shadows, their form dissolving like mist.

In the days that followed, Eclipse and I became frequent companions, sharing thoughts on magic over cups of tea. Eclipse saw the undeniable genius in my unconventional wizardry, and our bond grew stronger. I couldn't help but wonder if Eclipse had plans for me, a role to play in their mysterious cause.

'Well it doesn't matter what he wants me to do now, he was with me when my colleagues discarded me.' I thought as I toiled away on the new spell we had meticulously designed, He had stood by me when my own colleagues had cast me aside, and for that, I will stand by his side.

But the tranquility of my thoughts was shattered when the deafening sound of fists pounding on my door echoed through the cottage.

"Hey, magic dud, open the damned door! We know you're in there!" a rough, menacing voice from outside growled. There was no mistaking it; they were members of the Magic Society, the very organization I had turned my back on.

Panicking, I swiftly stashed the Dark Scripture and some of my most precious books into a concealed vault I had cunningly crafted into the floor of the cottage. It was designed to evade detection by even the most perceptive low to mid-level magic users.

The voice from outside continued, now laced with a threatening tone, "Don't even think of escaping. We've surrounded the house. Open the door immediately, and we promise a painless end for you."

With a heavy heart and a solemn expression, I had no choice but to comply with their demands. The seconds ticked away ominously as I stood before the door, knowing that whatever lay on the other side would irrevocably change the course of my destiny.

"I'll give you to the count of three, 1... 2..." The voice outside counted down, and with a deep breath, I slowly opened the door, my apprehension concealed beneath a mask of composure.

As the door creaked open, I was met with a group of stern-looking individuals in dark robes, the emblem of the Magic Society prominently displayed on their attire. Their eyes bore into me with a mix of superiority and disdain.

"Well, well, if it isn't Arya Mystvale," the one who had been knocking, presumably their leader, sneered. "The prodigious failure of a wizard."

I clenched my fists, anger, and frustration welling up within me. These were the very people who had rejected me, who had deemed me unworthy of their teachings. And now they stood before me, ready to pass judgment.

"What do you want?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions.

The leader of the group stepped forward, his expression cold and calculating. "You've been dabbling in forbidden magics, Arya," he accused. "Dark rituals, unnatural experiments. You've violated the sacred laws of our society."

I knew that my experiments had pushed the boundaries of conventional magic, but I had never sought to harm anyone. I only wanted to prove that I could contribute and that my ideas had value.

"I seek knowledge," I replied defiantly. "I'm exploring the uncharted territories of magic, trying to understand its true essence."

The leader scoffed, his eyes filled with scorn. "You always were an idealist, Arya. But your actions have consequences. The council has decided that you are a threat to our society, and you must be brought to justice."

I felt a sinking sensation in my chest. Justice? They meant to imprison me, or worse. Panic welled up within me as I realized the gravity of the situation. As the menacing members of the Magic Society disgraced me, a voice resonated within my mind. It was Eclipse, my enigmatic friend who had opened up new horizons in the world of magic for me.

"Arya, don't panic," his voice echoed in my thoughts, a reassuring presence in the midst of this dire situation. "Use the spell we've been working on."

Relief surged through me upon hearing Eclipse's voice, but it was quickly replaced by a sense of urgency. Eclipse was alone, and the spell we had been crafting was far from complete. It would only hold for thirty seconds at most. The odds were stacked against us, but I had to put my faith in him.

There was no time to think. I gathered all the cursed energy I could muster. With my hand raised to the blue skies, I shouted with every ounce of my being,

"By night's embrace, magic's trace will be erased - ANTI MAGIC AREA!"

As the incantation left my lips, the cursed energy within me surged violently. In an instant, the surroundings transformed. A dark, oppressive structure akin to a dome, reminiscent of doom itself, encapsulated me and the members of the Magic Society. The area around us had been engulfed in the eerie, dark doom-like structure created by the unfinished spell, effectively cutting off everything that transpired inside from the outside world.

Simultaneously, a complex magic circle materialized beneath our feet within the confines of the ominous dome.

Inside this newly formed anti-magic area, all magical effects were nullified, rendering the members of the Magic Society powerless. Their arrogant expressions contorted into shock and frustration as their spells fizzled into nothingness.

"It worked!" I exclaimed, a mix of triumph and disbelief coursing through me. Their startled leader, unaware of what had just happened, lunged forward, attempting to grab hold of me. Just as his hand was inches away from me, I heard a swift swoosh sound, like the rush of a powerful breeze, and the unimaginable occurred.

From the very shadow of the leader, Eclipse emerged. In a fluid, graceful motion, he cleaved the man in half vertically, as effortlessly as slicing through the air.

Before me stood Eclipse, a figure shrouded in darkness, wielding a sinister, dark-colored blade made of QI.

"He did not forsake me, he arrived!" was my only thought as I was overwhelmed with a torrent of emotions.

End of Arya's POV.

Hello Readers,

Thought of giving you the backstory of Arya before we jump to next. Hope to see you in the next one.

: D

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