

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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36 Chs


"Ryoiki Tenkai"

"First Circle: LIMBO."






-Locks on to any being that has a soul. The user can choose to drag that being into the domain in their physical form. everyone with a soul is visible within the range of the domain. the downside is the beings that do not possess a soul cannot be locked on or taken inside the domain.

-Inside the domain reflecting the real limbo, the concept of space does not exist, making people to be suspended with no real directions. 

-Anyone staying inside the Domain with their physical body for more than 2.5sec will have their soul burst out from their own body destroying it in the process.


As I focused my energy, I unleashed my domain, "Limbo," which expanded at an astonishing speed, outpacing the oncoming explosion and engulfing everyone in its path.

When the dust settled, the once-thriving city lay in ruins, with only the shattered remnants of the castle standing as a testament to its former glory.

As I closed the Domain, a sharp, agonizing pain pierced my soul, causing me to collapse.


It felt like my soul was being ripped apart. The intense agony left me breathless and in unbearable pain as I stood there trying to endure it.





The Domain has a limited range of area it covers but in order to save everyone I have combined my domain with divine sense to forcefully extend it to cover whole city...

Ranging up to 8km in Radius, engulfing whole of the Luinas city and completely using my soul force in process...

On top of that, it engulfed the entire population of the capital city, hundreds if not thousands, exceeding the domain's maximum capacity to hold people at once...

resulting in system to devour a part of my soul as the price...

The once proud capital city now lay devastated, stretching out for miles in all directions.

All that remained standing amidst the desolation was the shattered castle at the center, a grim reminder of what once was.

The explosion had obliterated the entire capital city of Gritonia and everything within a 25km radius, erasing it from the map of the world. 

Wisps of smoke rose from the scorched earth, the remaining fragments of the castle's floor and a few walls standing as silent witnesses to the cataclysmic destruction.

As the people in the ruined throne room started to recover from the shock, Lily and Ava noticed my distress and rushed towards me. But before they could reach me, a sword swung at me from the smoke. I quickly raised my hand to block it.

But to my horror, a silver spear suddenly emerged from the side, piercing through the smoke with deadly precision. 

It was aimed directly at my heart and was too swift to evade in my weakened state. Having just expanded my domain, I was unable to gather Qi or mana, as I need at least few seconds to adjust.

All the mana in the air is exploded by the nuke, preventing me to conjure any spells...

"watch out...!!!"

Both Ava and Lily shouted in fright.

But I knew I had no cards left to play; there was no way to dodge or defend against it.

The spear, infused with holy power, not only struck my body but also targeted my soul. This time, even my soul wouldn't be spared. With a resigned smile, I accepted the consequences of my actions. 

In the heat of the moment, the voices of Ddraig and Shadow Khan echoed faintly as shadows darted forth, attempting to intercept the spear. But their efforts were in vain; it was too late.

"At least they are safe," I thought as the spear pierced through my heart.


The impact of the spear sent me staggering backward, the force of the blow evident in its jolt.

Both Tomoki and I were stunned, sharing the same bewildering thought,

'Did I miss his soul?' 'Did he miss my soul?'

Miraculously, the spear strike had somehow failed to hit my soul.


Before Tomoki could comprehend what had happened, Zemo loomed before him, towering in rage.

"YOU. HURT. MASTER!!!!" Zemo roared angrily, seizing Tomoki.

"UNHAND ME, YOU BRUTE!!!" Tomoki protested, struggling futilely against Zemo's grip. But with ease, Zemo lifted him up.

In a fit of rage, Zemo tore Tomoki apart, brutally splitting him into two pieces and flinging them in opposite directions.

"NOBODY. HURT. MASTER!!" Zemo bellowed, stomping the ground so forcefully that it shook the remnants of the ruined castle

"Zemo...no need to worry, I am alright now" I reassured him, supported by Ava and Lily on either side.

"Is everything over?" Lily asked, her eyes wide with innocence.

I smiled gently and replied, "Yes, it's over for good."

"You're the Queen now, Lily," I said, patting her head affectionately.

Turning to the nobles who stood frozen in fear, I asked, "Does anyone have a problem with this?"

The nobles exchanged nervous glances before one of them stammered, "Uh... No, no, we don't have any problems..."

Another quickly added, "Yes, yes, we've been rooting for Princess Lily all along... right, guys?"

Murmurs of agreement filled the air. "Yes... Yes... He's right..."

With unanimous agreement from the nobles, we made our way to the edge of the castle ruins. Below us, the people of the capital looked up, their faces a mix of confusion and fear, waiting for Lily to address them.

Seeing their anticipation, Lily looked nervously at me. I gave her a thumbs-up, encouraging her to take the lead.

Taking a deep breath, Lily stepped forward, her voice echoing across the devastated landscape.

"People of Gritonia, I know this is a time of great uncertainty and fear. Our beloved city has been destroyed, and the land around us scarred by devastation. But we must remain strong and united."

She paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "We will rebuild our capital, brick by brick, stronger than before. Until then, we may need to seek refuge in the demon territories, where some cities lie empty and waiting for us. It won't be easy, but together, we can create a new beginning."

"We will honor those we've lost by rebuilding and creating a future where peace and prosperity reign once more," she declared, her voice filled with conviction.

Lily's words seemed to resonate with the crowd, their anxious expressions softening slightly. 

As she finished her speech, a sense of hope began to replace the despair that had gripped the people. Lily looked back at me, her eyes filled with gratitude for the encouragement. 

The crowd was silent for a moment, processing Lily's words. Then, a murmur of agreement began to ripple through the gathered citizens.

A brave voice called out from the crowd, "We trust you, Queen Lily! We will stand by you and rebuild our home, no matter where we have to go."

Another person chimed in, "Yes, let's turn this tragedy into an opportunity. We can come back stronger if we work together!"

As more voices joined in, the atmosphere shifted from despair to determination. People started sharing ideas and offering help, discussing plans for relocation and rebuilding.

"Long live Queen Lily!" 

"Long live Queen Lily!" 

"Long live Queen Lily!" 

The crowd erupted in unison, their voices echoing through the remnants of the destroyed city and carrying a message of hope and determination.

Lily stood tall, her heart swelling with gratitude and resolve as she acknowledged their cheers. 

As dawn broke, casting a soft, golden light over the ruins of the once-great capital, We stood together, gazing at the rising sun. The horizon painted with hues of orange and pink seemed to symbolize the promise of a new beginning.

The devastation around us was a reminder of our past, but the rising sun filled us with hope. It was a reminder that even in the darkest times, there was always a chance for renewal and growth.

"Look at that," Lily whispered, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "The sun rises again, just as it always does, bringing with it the promise of a new day."

Ava nodded, her eyes shining with tears of both sorrow and hope. "It's a symbol, isn't it? Even after the darkest nights, there's always a dawn waiting to break."

"Even in the deepest despair, there is always a beacon of hope," she said as I held her close.

"So what's next?" Rona asked, looking around at the conquered territory of the Gritonia Empire.

"I..I need a REALLY good bath" Isabella said, looking at herself after the chaos.

"Now, we go home and rest, Rona," I chuckled in response. She nodded, immediately instructing the forces to pack up.

"Grey-dono," Zef called out, looking puzzled.

"What's on your mind, Zef-san? You seem troubled," I inquired.

"I was wondering why the people of this city immediately accepted her as their Queen, without any hesitation or doubts about what happened to their king," Zef questioned, his confusion evident.

"Well, to answer your question, Demon Lord Zef," Lucia interjected before I could respond,

"My King had anticipated such a turn of events. He instructed Rona to broadcast the live happenings in the throne room on multiple screens across the skies of the capital city and other cities of the Gritonia Empire."

"So, this way, everyone knew what had happened, including the entire 'wannabe hero' episode," she added with a smirk.

"So they saw everything that happened?" Zef asked, surprised.

I responded with a cunning smile, "No, Zef-san. They only saw what I wanted them to see. I edited out some parts."

"To them, what happened is this: Tomoki threatened to take the throne and killed the king and queen. Meanwhile, Princess Lily bravely stood up to him, saving them all by opposing Tomoki," I explained.

"Hahaha, as expected of you, Grey-dono. You never cease to surprise me," Zef chuckled, impressed by my ingenuity.

After everyone finished packing I used leftover Teleportation stone to transport everyone to one of the empty cities in the demon territory by contacting with Commander Rushia.

Afternoon at the Demon Castle,

I walked to Isabella's room and knocked softly.

*knock* *knock*

"Who is it?" a soothing voice from inside the room asked.

"It's me, Grey," I replied after a moment.

"Come in, Grey. The door's not locked," she responded, allowing me entry.

As I stepped into the room, I noticed its orderly arrangement, emanating a general's vibe. Various swords and weapons adorned the walls, alongside a map of the current Gritonia Empire, altered after conquering half of it.

However, what truly captured my attention was the large portrait of Isabella and Lily hanging above her bed.

"These two sisters really love each other," I thought to myself, moved by the display of their bond. 

But among all this, I couldn't see Isabella anywhere. Before I could call out to her, I heard her voice.

"Can you pass me the towel that's on the bed, Grey?" she asked.

Taken aback by the sudden request, I responded, "Huh?... Yeah, sure," and complied.

I picked up the towel and handed it to her, realizing she was in the bathroom. After handing it over, my eyes wandered to the swords kept on the stand.

*distant whispering*

As I looked at the swords, a strange whispering or chanting reached my ears, faint but distinct. Intrigued, I stepped closer, trying to understand the source of the sound and what was happening.

The closer I got, the clearer the whispers became, weaving an eerie melody that seemed to resonate with the very air around them. Just as I was about to reach out and touch one of the swords, I heard her voice.

"So... What does the Devil King want with me?" she asked, pulling me back from the entrancing pull of the whispers.

"I-uh...!" I stammered, my words trailing off as I turned towards her, only to be caught off guard.

There she stood before me, wrapped in a towel, her wet hair cascading down her shoulders. The steam from the bath lingered around her, casting a soft, ethereal glow that seemed to enhance her beauty.

The gentle curve of her lips, and the sparkle in her eyes all seemed to captivate me in that moment. The subtle scent of her soap filled the air, a mix of floral and citrus notes that seemed to heighten the intimacy of the moment.

The Wet Droplets running down her soft skin, creating a shimmering effect that was both alluring and mesmerizing.

The steam from the bath enveloped her, adding to the ethereal aura surrounding her. Every movement she made seemed deliberate and graceful. 

"Grey, are you alright?" she asked, her voice soft and inviting, breaking through the haze of my thoughts.

~You're embarrassing me, partner... For the Dragon's sake, snap out of it!! 

I was jolted back to reality by Ddraig's stern voice echoing in my mind.

I blinked, trying to refocus, "Ah, yes, I'm... I'm fine, Isabella. Just... wasn't expecting this."

She gave a light chuckle, the sound rich and melodious, "Well, you did bring me the towel, didn't you?"

"I got distracted for a moment there. Anyways, as for why I'm here... Let's just say there are matters we need to discuss." I said, regaining my composure.

She raised an eyebrow, clearly curious, "Oh? Do enlighten me, Devil King."

"I came here to discuss something that has been bothering me for quite some time, Isabella," I began, choosing my words carefully. 

"Your sudden 'execution,' the framing of such a valuable asset to the kingdom, it doesn't sit right with me. It raises questions, questions I believe you might have answers to."

She looked at me, her eyes narrowing slightly, "And what would those questions be?"

"Why would the king, or anyone in power, execute the very general who led us to victory? Especially when your return should have been a cause for celebration and a boost in morale for the kingdom. 

Your death could easily destabilize the region, invite attacks from neighboring kingdoms, or even spark internal unrest. It doesn't make strategic sense."

"Unless...Unless you knew Something, which you were not supposed to know" 

Her eyes studied mine, searching for any hint of deception. "Oh?...that's an interesting thought"

"and to go such lengths even ignoring the safety of the kingdom...The stakes must be too high"

I asserted confidently.

"You are very perceptive Grey..."

She nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, you are correct, Grey, for the most part."

"You mentioned the empire would face aggression from neighboring kingdoms, right?"


"But look around you. Has anyone attacked?" she questioned.

I paused, taken aback. "No...huh?! Why hasn't anyone seized this opportunity?" The absence of external threats during this vulnerable period was weird.

"Wait..! Don't tell me, The WAR...?!?! "

"Yes...It was all a massive cover, a Distraction from activities of the two empires," Isabella began, her voice filled with gravity.

"But people are dying in the war, right? How can that be fake?!" I asked confusion evident in my voice.

"Grey..." She sighed, a look of sadness crossing her face, "Wars are fought by soldiers not by Nobels, Royals or the Elite"

"Soldiers, The People who die thinking they are Protecting their Country, are in reality getting robbed of their Life for the schemes and greed of the People in Power"

"The War was waged to keep the prying eyes away from their secret," 

she continued, "It was pointless, the Deaths of the ones that Died due this War...was pointless"

"For the World both Empires are the Worst Enemies, but behind the scenes they are working together..." Isabella revealed.

"During My Stay at the Border I got an Anonymous Tip with a stone attached to it, asking me to crush it if i wanted to know how to end the war"

During my stay at the border, I received an anonymous tip with a stone attached, instructing me to crush it if I wanted to end the war," she recounted,

 "Although it seemed suspicious, even potentially dangerous, desperation drove me to act. We had lost too many soldiers, day after day."

"As soon as I crushed the stone, I found myself teleported to the mountains, what I know is the wastelands," she continued, her voice lowering to a whisper.

"There, in the mountain caves, I saw...mages, royal soldiers, High prists and other high Echelon members gathered in front of a Massive Double Door"

"It had a bony appearance, with an expressionless face mounted at the top of the gate, towering as tall as a two-story building," she paused for emphasis.

"They Called It..."

"SAMAL : The Hell's Gate"

Hello Readers,

Hope you guys Liked this one. Next chapter will be the last one in this present arc.

As we will be returning to DxD, you can drop your character or pantheon recommendation that you would love to see there.

Anyways, Happy Reading!! and Hope to see you guys in the next one.


word count - 2848 (holy Fkk)

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