

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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36 Chs

A Visit To Underworld

After a long and eventful day, Arya retired to his bed early, clearly exhausted from the day's events.

Now that everything was settled and Arya was resting, I finally had the chance to check the notifications that the system had sent during the intense fight.






As I contemplated these messages, I reflected on my stance regarding death and killing. I didn't despise them outright; my aversion was to senseless violence without reason. With this in mind, I made my decision and selected <ACCEPT>.





I chuckled to myself, the prospect of earning more points just by killing was a tempting incentive. "Well, I better complete this quest for some sweet points," I murmured with a sly smile.

With my decision made, I finally settled into bed.

The next morning, long before the break of dawn, I woke up and went through my morning routine. I knew that my one-year closed-door training with Father was about to begin, and I wanted to be prepared.

As I made my way to Father's usual meditation spot, I was surprised to find him waiting for me on the path. His presence was commanding, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence.

"Good, you've arrived as per the instructions," he said, his tone filled with approval. "Discipline is the first trait of a successful person."

For the next year, I underwent rigorous training under Father's guidance. He taught me the ancient and powerful techniques of harnessing the power of darkness. I learned to manipulate shadows, control the unseen, and tap into the depths of my inner strength.

With each passing day, I grew stronger and more attuned to the mystical forces that surrounded us. The mountain of Kailash became my sanctuary, and the whispers of the cosmos became my companions.

The training was grueling, but I persevered. Father's wisdom and patience were my guiding lights, and I absorbed every lesson with unwavering determination.

As the year came to a close, I had transformed into a formidable force for anyone of my level, a master of the darkness that dwelled within and around me.

Emerging from the cave, I blinked against the sudden influx of light after a year of dwelling in the profound darkness of my training. Before me, the breaking dawn painted the horizon with hues of orange and purple. Father, Lord Shiva, stood nearby, his presence an embodiment of calm and wisdom.

"Well done, my son," Father's deep voice resonated. "You have successfully delved into the fundamental mysteries of darkness. Remember, from this point forward, the depth of your mastery will be determined by your dedication and effort."

As Father spoke, I felt a surge of accomplishment, knowing that I had taken significant steps on my path toward becoming the Supreme Emperor.




Just as I contemplated my next steps, a familiar voice broke the silence. It was the system, which had remained dormant during my year-long training.

'System, why did you remain silent all this time? What happened?' I inquired.


I couldn't help but appreciate the considerate nature of the system. It had allowed me to focus entirely on my training without distractions.

'Well, in that case, show me my progress over the past year,' I requested as I began my journey towards Arya's cottage.








"Nice, with these points, I think I have enough to buy some upgrades for myself," I thought as I approached the cottage.

However, upon opening the cottage door, I was immediately engulfed in a thick cloud of smoke. I squinted my eyes and began coughing uncontrollably, surprised and puzzled by the unexpected situation.

"Arya!" I shouted, but there was no response. Panic gripped me as I rushed inside, determined to find out what had happened.

Inside, I discovered Arya lying unconscious on the floor, the room filled with smoke. Without wasting a moment, I opened all the windows to clear the smoke and rushed to his side.

I hurriedly fetched some water and sprinkled it on Arya, who slowly began to wake up.

"My Lord, you've returned from your training. Congratulations," he greeted me with a weak smile.

"Enough with the congratulations. Tell me, what happened here? And what the hell happened to you?" I asked, my concern evident.

Arya chuckled softly. "Oh, it's nothing really. I was just working on a new spell and lost track of time. Ended up exhausting myself due to lack of sleep, I guess," he explained with a wry smile.

"Don't be so reckless," I scolded him, half-jokingly. "I won't accept your death, Arya. Remember that."

"Anyways, pack your things, we are leaving now," I instructed Arya.

"Leaving? Now? Where?" he asked, clearly surprised.

"To China - The Land of Dragons," I replied with a grin.

A few hours later, we were on a flight to China. Sitting side by side on the plane, I took a moment to explain to Arya the pivotal conversation I had with Father during my year of training.

I recounted how Father had inquired about my future plans, prompting me to express my desire to undergo extensive training under a highly skilled being in China, seeking to master the intricate arts of War, mysticism, and magic.

Arya, with his ever-curious mind, absorbed my words. He listened intently as I continued, "When Father heard the name of the individual in China, there was a brief moment of surprise on his divine countenance. However, he swiftly comprehended the depth of my ambitions and decided to support my quest. In fact, he went so far as to write a recommendation letter to aid me in securing an audience with this mysterious mentor."

Arya nodded thoughtfully, processing the information. He then voiced his curiosity, "So, are we planning to stay in China for an extended period?"

I met his question with a sly grin, realizing I hadn't revealed the full extent of my plan. "Yes," I replied simply, before allowing a mischievous glint to appear in my eyes. I added, "But first, my dear friend, we have a little detour to make."

Perplexed, Arya furrowed his brow and questioned, "A detour? Where?"

My grin widened as I revealed the location, "Kolkata, my friend, the capital of West Bengal."

Arya's eyes widened with surprise, and he leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "Kolkata? But why? What's waiting for us there?"

With a chuckle, I leaned back in my seat, leaving Arya in suspense. "You'll find out soon enough, my friend. For now, just enjoy the ride."

As I closed my eyes to sleep, I found myself in the Dark realm, I immediately understood it was my shadow realm.

After eight long hours of travel, Arya and I finally arrived in Kolkata. I quickly booked a cab and provided the driver with the address of the house we were headed to. Soon, we found ourselves in a quiet residential colony.

The colony was a mix of old and new, with houses of various sizes and styles lining the neatly paved streets. Lush green trees provided a canopy overhead, casting dappled shadows on the serene neighborhood. It was clear that this was a peaceful and close-knit community.

Following Father's instructions, I navigated through the narrow lanes until we reached the specific house. It was a modest, two-story building, nestled among its equally charming neighbors.

Taking a deep breath, I led Arya to the front door and knocked. It didn't take long for the door to open, revealing a young man of around 19 or 20 years. His eyes held a mix of curiosity and caution as he inquired about my identity.

"I'm Grey," I introduced myself, "and I've come to discuss a task I need your help with."

Upon hearing that I was the adopted son of Shiva, his cautious demeanor softened, and he invited us inside. We settled in the living room, and Without probing further, the young man introduced himself as Arjun.

Arjun looked at me with curiosity and a hint of caution. "A task?" he inquired, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Yes," I replied, "it's a matter that requires some specialized skills, and I've heard you might be the right person for the job."

Arjun's cautious demeanor softened as he leaned forward, clearly intrigued. "I'm listening. What do you need my help with?"

I leaned in closer, lowering my voice. "It's a task that involves me going down and returning with someone. I need someone with your expertise to assist me in dealing with it. There might be risks, but I'm willing to compensate you fairly for your assistance."

Arjun's curiosity got the better of him as he nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'm interested. Tell me more about this mission of yours and what you need me to do."

With that, I began explaining the intricacies of the task at hand, and together, we delved into a detailed conversation about the mission that lay ahead.

Just as I was about to express my gratitude, a series of sickly coughs echoed from a room further inside the house. Arjun's face turned anxious, and he hurriedly rushed to the source of the sound. Arya and I followed him with growing curiosity.

Entering the room, we witnessed Arjun assisting his sick mother in taking a sip of water. His mother appeared frail and weak, her condition worrisome.

Arjun explained that she had fallen ill suddenly after celebrating her 45th birthday, and her health had deteriorated over the past year. He desperately needed money to cover her medical bills, which had driven him to engage in risky activities.

With a sense of concern, I activated my shadow sight, allowing me to see the unseen. To my surprise, I noticed a substantial amount of dark energy converging at the pendant his mother wore around her neck.

I suggested to Arjun that his mother should remove the pendant. After careful consideration, torn between hope and skepticism, he agreed, willing to try anything in his dire situation.

He carefully removed the pendant and handed it to me, entrusting me with the task of disposing of it. Without hesitation, I accepted the pendant and decided to wear it, intending to break the connection it had with Arjun's ailing mother.

Arya and Arjun exchanged worried glances, concerned about my well-being. I reassured them that I would be fine and proceeded to wear the pendant, initiating the process of severing its connection with Arjun's mother.

With this done, the three of us, Arya, Arjun, and I made our way to an abandoned building situated a little farther from the colony. Arjun led the way, his steps filled with newfound hope and determination.

In the dimly lit room of the abandoned building, Arjun carefully blew some shimmering silver dust onto the wall. As the dust settled, the space around the wall seemed to warp and twist until a dark red portal materialized before us.

Arjun turned to me, his eyes reflecting the swirling depths of the portal. "This is the portal that will take you to the Underworld, the home of Devils," he explained.

"You can use it to return here, but remember, it will only be active for a maximum of six hours. Be sure to make it back in time, or you'll be stuck there, and the only way to return will be through conventional means."

His warning didn't deter me; instead, it ignited a sinister grin on my face. Six hours was more than enough for what I had in mind. Without wasting any time, I quickly purchased an Assassin's Cloak, a relic from the Assassin's Creed series, for 700 points.

[6000 POINTS -----> 5300 POINTS]

With the cloak in my possession, I wrapped it around myself, and it melded with the shadows, turning black with a subtle shade of purple. I instructed Arya to prepare an explosive spell, just in case things went south, and assured him I'd be back soon. With that, I stepped confidently into the dark red portal.

The sensation was like falling into the abyss, and after a few seconds of disorienting descent, I emerged on the other side.

The Underworld was a chaotic and hellish realm, yet there was an oddly regal air to its atmosphere. I remembered the news I had read recently: a reincarnated devil of the Neberius clan, Kuroka, had gone rogue, killing her own master. She is a Nekoshou, a rare and powerful nekomata species. The news had declared her an SS-class stray devil, wanted dead with the promise of a potential-enhancing artifact as a reward.

This had all unfolded the previous evening, so there was a good chance she was still within the Underworld. I decided to start my search in the outskirts of the Neberius clan territory, leading toward the edge of the Underworld. This region was known for having portals to the mortal world, managed by a shady group that facilitated the import and export of various items to and from the Underworld.

With my presence concealed by the Assassin's Cloak, I set off with determination, moving swiftly through the hellish landscape of the Underworld, my eyes scanning for any signs of Kuroka or the portals that might lead me to her.

In the outskirts of the Neberius Clan territory, a slender, petite figure darted through the tangled, nightmarish landscape of the Underworld. She moved with incredible speed, her body adorned with the distinct features of a cat: a tail swaying behind her and ears atop her head. A group of devils pursued her, armed with magical crossbows. They fired at her relentlessly, aiming to wound rather than kill, as if they were enjoying this chase as a cruel sport.

There were about 30 devils in total, ranging from mid-class, low to peak. Laughter echoed through the hellish air as they expertly aimed their shots, injuring her enough to keep her running, but never delivering a fatal blow. Kuroka, the nekomata and elder sister of Koneko, bled profusely from numerous wounds. Her clothes were tattered and battered, and her body bore the marks of a relentless pursuit.

Despite her injuries, Kuroka displayed incredible resilience. She used Senjutsu to heal herself and Youjutsu to enhance her physical abilities. However, exhaustion was taking its toll, and she teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. Eventually, the devils aimed for her tendons, causing her to fall.

As she descended, a flicker of shadows enveloped her, and she was caught in a gentle princess carry style by a mysterious figure wearing a dark cloak.

The devils had shot at me, targeting the tendons in my legs, but the searing pain didn't occupy my mind. Neither did the fear of what awaited me at the hands of those fiends. My sole preoccupation was with my little Koneko. Had she managed to escape? The only regret gnawing at me was the possibility of never seeing her again.

Time seemed to stretch as I descended, my senses heightened by desperation. Then, as if summoned by a silent plea, the shadows danced and swirled around me. A figure, cloaked in darkness, suddenly enveloped me, breaking my fall with a gentle grace.

In that fleeting moment when the cloak shielded me from view, I glanced up at the mysterious figure. His eyes, dark violet and mesmerizing, gleamed with a disconcerting mixture of concern and anger. 'Why would he care?' I wondered. 'After all, I was an SS-class stray, an outcast. Why would anyone go to such lengths for someone like me?'

Our gazes locked, and in that wordless connection, he uttered the words that changed everything. "Don't worry, I am here." It was as if a curtain had lifted, and I saw it in his eyes — love. It was pure, untainted love, free from the shackles of greed or envy. It was love, given without conditions or expectations. I hadn't dared to hope for such a thing, not in a world where betrayal and cruelty were the norm.

My heart skipped a beat at his words, and I felt an inexplicable sense of security in his embrace. I clutched his neck gently with my hands, burying my head on his chest. There, in his protective hold, I couldn't help but purr softly, a contented "hmm~" escaping my lips.























One of my favorite waifus Kuroka (saved - check).

next chapter would be an intresting one as I would be taking another new take in the DxD world. So stay tuned and commment if you would like to say something or like to see a specific someone from another series.

As Always Happy Reading.

word count - 2872


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