
Chapter 16

Kylo's POV (now at star killer base)

I throw Rey's First Order clothing across the room, screaming. I had touched them and it triggered a force vision. I fall to my knees, crying. Rey is pregnant. She's carrying our child and he is going to follow in my footsteps. I have to stop this. I can't let that happen. I won't let it.__Rey's POVIt's been a month since I've last seen Ben. One month since I've heard his beautiful laugh. One month since I've seen his uniquely stunning face. One month since my lips were on his.

Every night before I fall asleep I can't stop thinking about the way he made me feel. It was pure bliss and I miss it every waking second.

But I've gotten better. I've started to move on. Finn and I are best friends again, and I'm pretty good friends with Poe now as well. I'm fairly convinced Finn and Poe are dating. It makes me so happy to know Finn found someone. Now I'm just being me, like when I was on Jakku.

My health has been declining recently, though. I have been vomiting a lot recently but the boys say it's because of the stress I've been dealing with lately. It's scares me sometimes. It's seems to become more frequent every morning.

But other than that, I'm becoming happy again. My future looks bright. ____Finn and I walk along the paved area of the base as we speak.

"Finn, this sickness is starting to scare me." I mumble. He stops and fiddles with his jacket.

"You really should go to the medics. Poe and I have been scared too."

"I think I will. It can't hurt, right?" I ask nervously.

"No. I'll take you right now." I nod and begin walking slowly with him back to the base entrance. -I twiddle my thumbs anxiously as I sit in the pure white room. The cold metal table causes me to shiver. Finn stands next to me, holding my hand. I asked Finn to stay because I'm honestly terrified. There are so many things that could be wrong.

"So what seems to be the issue?" The odd creature in a white lab coat says holding a metal clipboard.

"I've been vomiting a lot lately. I believe it's stress related but I'd just like to be sure." I mumble. The doctor nods and appears to be thinking.

"We can run a few tests but we'd like you to try a pregnancy test first, it's the easiest. Unless you haven't engaged in any sexual advances." My heart stops. I feel like I can't breathe. Finn's hand grips mine a little tighter. He stares down at me in a mixture of emotions. He looks horrified. I stare down at the floor, wishing I could run away.

I never thought I could be pregnant but it makes sense. It's possible but I don't want it to be. I can't do this without Ben. I close my eyes tightly and take a deep breathe.

"I'd like to take the test, please." I whisper, my voice cracking. Finn takes his hand out of mine. I refuse to look up at him. I don't want to see his disappointment.

"Very well. Please come with me." The doctor says nonchalantly. I stand up but it feels like my knees might give out.

I don't have the strength to do this.

It can't be true.

It ______________________________
