
Darkness inside the Light

John was always considered a lazy guy. He would often lie down in the green meadow, watching the clouds without having any interest in the world around him. One day, his brother said that he wanted to become a hero and slay the Demon Lord, asking him to come along with him on his journey. Unexpectedly, John decided to accompany his brother for his own reasons... Author: This is the first time I write a novel and until now I find it very fun. English is not my natural language, so any reminder for grammatical errors is welcomed. I am not sure about the consistency of my updates, but I'll try to organize my time in a way that I can upload steadily at least 3-4 chapters every week

IIIEmperorIII · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs


The sky had almost become completely dark when threatening clouds started to appear. Small drops of rain fell on the ground, while John and Vladimir could feel that the rain was becoming more and more heavy. Before long, they could even hear thunder sounds coming from the sky.

After walking for some time, they found Sophie together with Father Jonas waiting for them.

Vladimir had an apologetic expression on his face when he looked at the old priest.

"Do you remember what I told you the first time I met you?" Father Jonas asked with a smile.

Vladimir didn't answer. Only four days had passed from the day they had departed from the Moon Village. He clearly remembered every word that the old priest had told them.

"This is the path you chose for yourself. Follow it through with the same determination and courage".

Vladimir was moved by these words. He knew that he had created many problems for the priest with his actions, but instead of scolding him, Father Jonas even supported him.

"It's time. Follow me" the female knight interrupted them. Everything had to be ready before the arrival of the princess, so they had to hurry. Letting the old priest say some words before the duel was the most she could do.

The four of them walked around the crowd, toward the space of the circle. It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. Edward was already waiting for them together with Jason and Maria, as well as a few knight officers that the two youths didn't know.

As they approached them, they naturally made themselves visible to the surrounded knights.

"Who are they?"

"Is the bastard that challenged Captain Thundergod one from them?"

"It can't be. The one is a priest and the other two are kids".

Whispers could be heard from the crowd, but the boys didn't give any importance to them. They were walking steadily under the pressure of the hostile environment that surrounded them with unreadable expressions on their faces. Upon seeing the four of them, Maria proceeded to greet them.

"Father Jonas, my name is Maria de Woodman, second daughter of the Woodman House. It's my honor to meet you" the black-haired girl said humbly and proceeded to kiss the ring that the priest was wearing.

Father Jonas's face became serious. His eyes acquired an unusual sharpness as he looked at the girl. After some time, he nodded his head and opened his mouth

"I have heard rumors before that the second daughter of the Woodman House is one of the most talented individuals in the whole Empire. I have finally confirmed that these rumors are true" Father Jonas said seriously. He tried to sense the mana inside Maria, but he couldn't determine exactly the quantity of her mana. The girl somehow managed to stop the old priest's attempt to completely sense her magic power.

"It's my honor to hear these words," the girl said with her head bowed. Sophie noticed that she was trying to hide her expression from the opposite party.

'It seems that this priest isn't so simple. Maria is clearly frightened' the female knight thought. Not many things were known about the Church of Life and it's people, apart from the Templar Knights, the guardians of the Church.

"But I thought that you were studying at the Imperial Academy. I didn't expect that I would meet you in the Order of the Red Rose" Father Jonas said slowly while the expression on his face returned to its usual kindness.

"No Father Jonas, you are right. Our mission this time was a little difficult, so I nominated her to Her Highness as a temporary Commander until our return to the Capital" Sophie explained quickly instead of her sister.

Before the conversation between them continue to progress, a distant noise interrupted them. Not only Father Jonas and Sophie, but every individual in the area turned to the direction of the sound. An attractive woman around 19-20 years old, was walking slowly toward the crowd, surrounded by servants. She had scarlet hair that looked as it was burning and light blue colored eyes. The light armor that she was wearing, couldn't conceal her beauty and her elegance.

'So this is Adriana de Grenmar. I can finally understand why the Order is called Red Rose' John thought as he watched her moving towards their direction. Without a second thought, he got onto one knee while keeping his head bowed so that he could avoid meeting the gaze of the princess. Vladimir seemed perplexed by his brother's elegant actions. He tried to copy John's posture, but he almost fell on the ground. After some attempts, he managed to correct somewhat his stance, but the doubt on his face was still clear.

The Imperial Princess stopped her steps in front of them. She was genuinely surprised when she looked at John.

"What is your name?" A melodious voice sounded in the air.

"John, Your Highness... John Smith"

"A strange name... Are you foreign?"

"I was born in the Empire Your Highness"

When Adriana heard this, she turned her face to one of the servants that surrounded her. The servant nodded his head toward the princess, seeming to confirm John's words.

"You seem to be familiar with the customs of the good society," she said suspiciously. She didn't know much about these youths, apart from the fact that they were talented, they were orphans and that they were raised by the S rank adventurer, Antony the Berseker.

" I was George de Derman's servant for two years".

No matter if it was the princess, the knights, or even the servants, everyone was shocked upon hearing this statement. Whispers started tο be heard again.

"George de Derman! Wasn't he the young master of the Derman House?"

"Yes, he was the son of the Marquess Derman"

"Is this what you are finding surprising? The whole Derman family was eliminated by assassins. Not even their servants were spared and now a boy appeared claiming that he was the personal servant of the young master of that House".

"Maybe he has some connection with the Demons. Didn't they say that the incident was orchestrated by the Demon Lord?"

Many voices could be heard among the crowd and even among the knight officers. Adriana knew that this wasn't the right time to ask for more information, so she decided to put a stop to this conversation for now.

"Enough" she shouted. Upon hearing the voice of the princess, everyone immediately became silent. Feeling satisfied, Adriana moved her lips again.

"Let's continue our conversation later John Smith"

"Yes, Your Highness"

"You can stand up. You are a soldier assigned to our Order. Until our return to the capital, I am your commanding officer".

John immediately stood up and saluted.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"Good!" Adriana said and turned her face to the other youth.

"Your name?"

"Vladimir Erickson, son of Leonheart, Your Highness"

"Vladimir Erickson, you challenged Baron Edward de Thundergod to a duel. According to the laws of the Empire, your crime is equivalent to death, but Baron Thundergod accepted your challenge under the name of his military rank. Since you were assigned to our Order, I authorize this duel as valid" the princess announced with a loud voice. The knights were stunned when they finally learned who was the bastard who insulted their Captain, but before they had the chance to recover from their shock, Adriana spoke again

"Soldier Vladimir Erickson, you can stand up"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Like John, Vladimir also stood up immediately and gave a salute. Adriana didn't give any more importance to the youth in front of her, instead, she turned to Jason who was standing beside Edward and opened her mouth

"Jason, you can begin"

"Yes, Your Highness" Jason replied and spoke toward Edward and Vladimir at the same time.

"Please move toward the center of the encirclement".

The middle-aged man and the silver-haired youth walked decisively to the direction that the lieutenant told them and stood opposite each other.

"You have five minutes to prepare yourselves"

Vladimir didn't hear Jason's words. The only sound that reached his ears, was that of the heavy rain pouring on the ground.

'It was raining that day too, but the color was different. It was a red rain'.

"Boy!" a thunderous voice sounded in the air

Vladimir who was mesmerized by his thoughts looked instinctively at Edward who had shouted a few seconds ago.

"For what reason do you fight?"

When he heard these words, a wide grin formed on his face, while his green eyes revealed madness. He took a deep breath and shouted. His voice was accompanied by the rumbling thunder from the sky.

"To search for a reason not to fight".

Jason didn't give a chance to Edward to reply. He stepped forward and announced

"I officially declare the beginning of the duel. You can fight!"